
Chapter 2: Is this the first world?

At the end of the portal perhaps my expectations were high, after all the mysticism that being of light told me, I thought I would appear in a place that makes reference to him, you know, a place perhaps with the title of divine or even celestial, even if it is something out of everything known before. But no, when I least expected it and like a reality check, I found myself enveloped in what seems to be the center of a forest, yes, everything was quiet, I didn't feel like I was in a different place, it even made me remember the times I went with my friends to the nearby mountains to hang out.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------『So this is the place( ̄^ ̄) I imagined something else, I don't know, because that god looked important,even glowed and everything. A place like , something divine we could say I expected? but a forest , well , I'm not complaining, it really makes me think that I'm not far from home, if I walk a few meters, maybe I'll meet my city again? but, what if I'm really completely in another different place that I don't know, what am I going to do』

I looked around and stared more closely at everything, yes, I no longer had the impression of being in a place I know, I can even say that this forest where I am has a peculiar shape, I don't know. I feel just by stepping on it that I am in another world, which was to be expected since what would be the joke of all this. I would go on to fearlessly explore the place to see if I was right, again I was between or whether to be happy or whether to be nervous and worried.

『Ahhh.... Wasn't someone supposed to wait for me and explain to me everything that had to be explained? hahaha explain to me what was explainable ( ̄ω ̄)』

From what I was walking calmly so as not to panic, at that moment something is heard among the bushes with a faint movement. The normal between my doubts of whether to be happy or to panic, I would surely take the second option, but wouldn't behaving like I mostly was before, that would be a waste this time? I'm alone right now, I have no one to feel safe with, if only there was someone I would, but... I have to prove that all those years of effort were worth it, besides when I got excited and acted in that silly way, it always gave her satisfaction.

『 HA, 1 of 2 , Either it's an animal that's just there to make me feel the typical scare, or it's a person who got lost and is looking for someone('へ'). I say it's 2, it must be a person who is lost or looking for someone lost, can you imagine me being the lost one...although I literally am now, so...I kind of regretted it already』.

I really took my time to just realize that I'm not cut out for this. No no no no!!!! You have to start changing your mentality, you were always told that you're the protagonist of your own story, but...what if I'm not up to my own standards either? Can that even happen? Among so many doubts I already at once made my decision, I don't care what's in those bushes, I'm going to see what's there.

『 Well, I'm going to approach...slowly,to see what it is』-I stealthily walk in fear at the same time that it's not something dangerous.

Already seeing it well, I saw a humanoid being lying with a basket ,as I say, in the shape of a pink hedgehog that was moving a little, apparently this fainted. The first thing that came to my mind was that....

『 (How does her body proportion work...it's too unbalanced so to speak, I don't know if it's small, or if it's big, or the same size as me...Ahhh!!!! This is going to complicate things a lot!!!!)』

I took a small branch I came across and as if it was a strange being, although it was, I would start pecking at it to find out if you're not dangerous, and yes I know, I'm being an asshole right now, but I'd rather make sure before jumping to quick conclusions.

『*tch*(-,-)None of my alternatives were right, but it's not like I failed either』-『( ̄‥ ̄) Since, we could say he's an animal ,and we could also say he's a human, look at him, it's like he's the in between of my alternatives, I know it's too obvious who he is, but it's better to make sure, yeah make sure, that's what my mom taught me』

『What happened...』-The being who had found me said a few words-.

『Well? I don't know, you tell me( ̄⊿ ̄)』

Quickly realizing that it was starting to wake up, the branch I was pecking it with I threw it extremely fast so that it wouldn't realize that I was doubting it, but it seems I threw it extremely hard because of the nerves I was trying to hide.

『I already remember,I had climbed this tree to pick apples』-『At that a great wind blew, as I had my hands busy ,one with the basket and the other with the apple ,I couldn't hold on to something , and I think I fell on my head , I am somewhat dizzy('エ`;)』

At that moment I look carefully and fixedly at the being. And to think that before looking at the eyes was also difficult for me, I always looked to the side or looked at another part of his face like mouth or nose, yes I have grown too much, not in size but in many things. I don't know why I feel that if the other one would be here she would make a reference to an obscene joke....

『What, is something wrong...is there something wrong with me?(*'台`*)』-The being became nervous-.

『(It really has too big eyes, and that's something that still makes me think about, really how is the anatomy of these beings...that's a little scary to me, although now that it stood up, it's almost or equal to my size)』-『CLEAR !!!!!I remember, you're Amy, right? 』

『How do you know my name?(^^ゞ』-The pink hedgehog didn't feel normal-.

『I only watch anime, that's why I didn't recognize you at first impression (.ヘ°)But I did come to remember me, hmmm,hmmm ಠ_ರೃ But how weird?.... normally they take you to a fantasy world, an isekai genre world ,but why this world, it's not an anime world.... well, it had its anime, butoooo....(・・) You know what I mean? it's not normal』

I was scratching my head because of the existential doubt that I'm going through, I wanted the typical story where they give me a broken power and quickly I already have the life won, with a harem here of different types and have epic battles where the song comes out in the background and capture the moment as unforgettable. I see that they are not going to leave it easy, that said that being of light too, but a harem, am I made for something like that? Personally I would like to stay with only one person for the rest of my life, having people who appreciate me is tertiary.

『Nosé what are you talking about, are you crazy or something? (・∩・)』-Her face of her reflected great contempt...huh? did she read the above or what?-

『No, the crazy one is always the one who sits at the back of the class by the window, which position I sat...huh? Ah! Han Solo always sat there now that I remember too (-∀-) I'm not crazy, let's just leave it at that I'm different from last time』.

『Ajaaaa? And how did you get here? (◑○◑) For a human it would be complicated to get to this island, especially a child like you』-Amy started with her doubts-.

『What the heck?!! Is this an island?』-My impression was enormous-(◯Δ◯∥∥)

I ran around screaming and shouting in an uproar. From how calm I was, or rather how calm I acted, when I heard what Amy said, I was so alarmed that my legs ran by themselves, here I couldn't resist, nerves and fear won me over.


At this moment I stopped, my face only reflected that I made a bad decision, no...not even that, the decision I made is not to cross the gate but I was forced to do so, now that I know my current situation, I wanted to go back minutes ago to never have left home.


Pam!!!! I was going to scream at the top of my lungs but before I could finish my sentence I was knocked out by someone, I fell to the ground completely asleep momentarily taking away the fear I felt. Behind me appeared the person who had caused the blow.

『This guy is really noisy, his screams had already made me fed up ఠ_ఠ』.

Someone else had appeared, it seems that all my commotion from earlier led her here, sorry for yelling but in my defense, wouldn't you also not panic after knowing that you're going to be without internet for I don't know how long?

『There was no need to knock him out, now it will take hours when he wakes up (^^;)』-Amy ran to the scene-.

『Hours? more like seconds』.

That being that seemed to be Amy's friend was also an albino hedgehog apparently, and to make it easier, it seems to have metal parts on most of its body. For when she hit me with her hand, I could feel as if I had been hit with metal. I would put his hand on my head to wake me up at once, he electrocuted me using enough force, and to think that this used to be considered a remedy, I hope he doesn't think of it that way.

『Ouchhh, I woke up,I'm awake (;Ⅲ□Ⅲ;)』-I wriggled like a worm-Lately they're waking me up in rude ways』('・_・`).

『See, I wake up already, electricity is the best method *smiles*』-The one who shocked me didn't feel sorry for her action, she even rather agreed with me-.

A voice is heard approaching our position, but for some reason it seemed to be annoyed with something, it came rubbing its head and with a branch in hand. 

『Amy wouldn't cross her mind, and you would consider it a useless action, the only one who made me hit this branch on the head is ....』

Another one had appeared, she had a cat-like appearance and her clothing was mostly purple, but what scared me the most when I saw her was that she seemed to handle fire perfectly. I didn't want to be alarmed and again act nervous, remember....you have to change...you have to start changing...a new you.....

At that moment I also looked at these 2 new beings in detail and fixedly.

『CLEARRRRR』-Again, I was surprised and pointed at the 2- 『You, the kitten are Blaze , and you the albino who gave me the shock are you.... uhm...who are you?』-( ̄□ ̄)-.

『kitten ?...Don't you think this kid is getting too confident already?...』

Blaze was wanting to ram himself into fire where seeing his reaction, I was trying to calm down and relax that nothing would happen to me. To my luck Amy intervened to control her friend. 

I stared more intently at the albino I couldn't recognize, as I never would have before, I was undressing her with my eyes I could tell, she looked like a stalker.

『CLEARRR』-I was surprised again- 『This has been difficult, I must admit it, but I remember, you are Zeta, I saw you in fanarts that people made on the Internet, but where you had more prominence is in a little game, a little game that...I don't know, I always wanted to play it but my friend told me not to, what are you doing in the game Zeta?』( ̄ω ̄)

『In a game? Do we really look like we came out of a game to you?』-Zeta entered in doubt after my last words-『I don't know what you think kid nor him either how you got here, but everything you are seeing, is real』.

It made clear to me something that I already had more than done, but it reassures me more that someone else confirms it to me. Everything recent then is real, that means....

『I won't be able to watch anime anymore?』 (;﹏;)

『Seriously where did this kid come from?』 -Blaze looks like she's the one who's going to put up with me the least.

I fell down on the floor because of what was going on. Where the 3 friends seem to deduce about the unexplainable boy that just showed up, and they all seem to come to the same conclusion.

『This guy is mysterious. He knows a lot, he knew about our names before we told him *looks at the guy's eyes*』-Zeta put interest in the guy-.

『Plus he also said weird things like we were from a game or anime』-Amy added to the conversation-.

While the young man could not accept the reality of no longer being able to continue watching anime or have access to the internet, literally as he said before, his life seems to have ended here. The 3 friends started to look at the boy as just by looking at him he seems to know nothing about anything, either out of pity or pity, they decided in the end to help him.

『He must be 12 or 13 years old as far as I can see, he's just a kid who doesn't know what he's going through, well, it's not that we're bad either, since we found him, we should help him, is that okay with everyone?』

Zeta proposed to help the child where Amy responded with joy, where Blaze also agreed that they should help the little boy. With the final decision ready, they were going to tell the boy who seems to be babbling by himself, but before they could tell him the good news, the ground under our feet started to shake, as if it was about to break.

『Eh? the earth is shaking, in the islands there are earthquakes?』-I asked innocently and childishly-?

Zeta was the first to react and with speed she went to pick me up to take me in her arms and managed to dodge with a big jump, the other girls jumped back with a jump as well.

『What's wrong? Don't tell me that's real too』-I spoke while I was in Zeta's arms.

At that moment, the earth was heard to be destroyed, from the ground where we were, from there, a creature came out.... a kind of big carnivorous plant, with its branches full of thorns and vines.... I'll summarize it simpler like this, the first thing that came to my mind was that it was the carnivorous plant of mario, but bigger. (ー ー;)

『Eh!!!! Is that real too? But it looks like out of a game!!! It's more!!! It's taken from a game!!!! I shouldn't be in this world to begin with!』-I cried from her arms-ΣΣ(゚Д゚;).

『What are you saying?』-Zeta looked at me in confusion.

『I already tried to explain it before, I don't want to repeat it!』-Instead of calming down more I felt that I should get upset-∑(ΦдΦlll

『Shut up please kid, is this really so unreal to you? game? anime? a dream maybe? you're not sleeping kid, we're going to show you together that this is all extremely real』-Blaze was excited about defeating the carnivorous plant.

Amy pulls out her hammer from her pocket, don't ask me how she kept it there, I don't know the answer either, she started attacking the monster in the head knocking it back. 

『Okay, here I come, you back up and get to safety, we'll take care of it. *sign up*』

Zeta left me on the ground where she would join the battle against the carnivorous plant, I really had no reason to explain this, really all this is real? I know it is, but .... I watched the battle and it only made me tremble that this is what a real fight looked like. I ran and stood behind a tree witnessing the battle.

『This is no longer a simple discharge』-Zeta threw himself at the monster.

A ball of electricity formed in his palm and was sent into the plant.

The plant was writhing from the electricity, it moved like a snake, only screaming in pain, but it was not going to let itself be defeated, it began to embed its vines into the ground, clearing the electricity it had in its body.

『It's a plant, I'm the best one to defeat it. *sign*』-Blaze said in front of the creature.

『AMY! GET AROUND.』-Zeta warns her friend-.

Blaze launches a wave of fire from his hands , suffocating and burning the plant. It looked like a sea of flames in the middle of the forest, everything in it was burning. The plant ended up charred, its skin turned black, ashes came out all over its body.

『Hm, that's it, good job girls (You see now kid, don't forget what you just saw)』-She congratulated her classmates- d(-__☆).

Blaze was pleased with this and perhaps what she was most looking forward to was seeing the child's acceptance. She was going to rejoin her teammates, everyone was sure they were done with the monster, but for some reason, whether it was fear and insecurity, I didn't leave my safe place. Just as they were about to call me to come with them, it seems that the monster had a second life.

The vines grabbed Blaze very fast who was unprotected and confident, she couldn't even react.

『But?....?how?....』-She wondered, she was confused and nervous-?

The vines that caught her all over her body, their thorns started to penetrate her whole body, she resisted the pain, she was holding herself from screaming.

『(Fuck...damn plant don't make me look bad...)』-Blaze was enduring the pain while glaring at the monster with hatred-.

『¡¡BLAZE!!!!!!』-Zeta ran desperately to save her friend-.

『Stop.... I haven't lost yet, you'll get hurt if you get close』-Blaze was spitting blood, the cat was determined.

She forced her hands free, her hands were engulfed in flames, she managed to free her limbs, she placed her hands on the end of the vine and began to burn the whole body of the creature. A loud scream was heard as she screamed loudly and quickly her flames began to burn the whole plant, and she was also engulfed by the embracing fire.

『Let's see if you can resist!!!』 -Blaze was challenging the monster with hatred-.

The plant still had strength left that squeezed Blaze tighter, its blood gushing out in the middle of that fiery inferno.

『Don't make me look bad anymore!!!! Just die already!!!!』-Blaze wanted to end this for good-.

Amy couldn't take it anymore and jumped in to help it, she gave a big jump being in the air, she was going to fall on the monster's head. She hit the monster with her hammer, fast and precise blows, she wouldn't give you a millisecond to rest, with a final blow, she knocked the monster down.

At that Zeta transforms her hand into a cutting weapon, a kind of blade, breaking the top of the vine that had trapped Blaze.

『Are you okay?.....』-Zeta asks Blaze who was in her arms-.

『I'm all pierced,blood is coming out of my body do you think this is okay?』-With a smile she replies to her friend-.

『I'll take care of it now』-Zeta left her friend lying on a tree.

『Yes...defeat that monster, don't let it make fun of us anymore』-Her face was of disappointment from Blaze, she apparently wanted to finish the monster- 『Yes...I'll take care of it now』-Zeta left her friend lying on a tree.

Zeta with a great speed cut all the vines of the plant , Amy kept hitting its head until it was all crushed. Her movements were like something out of anime, perfect and unparalleled.

『AMY, get out of the way!』-Zeta makes a sign with her hand-

He took a big leap and with his weapon split his head in half of the monster, sprouting a kind of green blood, splashing and dripping the place of his death. The battle ended, the huge monster was not who was still lying on the floor, quickly Zeta and Amy went to help Blaze walk, being his support in both arms, I also approached.

I looked at Blaze who was badly injured, my face said it again, I could no longer act as if it was someone else, at that moment I was overcome with fear as I clearly saw a totally damaged person. I felt helpless and it only reminded me of that elementary school stage.

『I'm sorry...I'm sorry. *sniff* I couldn't help with anything, I'm sorry』-I was apologizing for not doing anything, even if it's someone simple, in any situation you can be of use-.

『Not that you couldn't have helped either』-Blaze answers me bitterly- 『If it makes you feel better....you helped by not putting me in the battle』-『I hope it's clear to you what just happened, what you saw and are seeing, it's completely real』.

Her words were a reality check a million times over, that finally made me realize that yes, this is real, the pain she is feeling and enduring is real, Amy and Zeta's concern for her friend is also real, all this fear and nervousness in me is also real. But you have to see the good things too, I'm done, this part is over, you won't mind if I follow you? if this place is that dangerous, I want someone to come and protect me...? I see I haven't changed anything....

But.... suddenly.... those seconds of peace and tranquility that everything had already passed, were going to turn into despair.

The vines grabbed all the girls quickly, when I turned to see, as the plant's limbs and its head were regenerating, it was coming back together. The only thing that came to my mind was, does it have a third life?

The plant trapped the whole body of the girls, it was hugging them tightly while its thorns pierced their bodies, the screams of pain I could hear, you could see how blood came out of the vines that had them tied, Blaze fainted from the loss of blood. Although he would still hesitate to burn the plant if it meant hurting his companions. I never thought I had seen such a cruel moment in my life, my face, my face... I had put on the most horrified face to witness something so horrifying.

『Noooooo....*whispers* Nooooooo, this can't end like this, it can't end like this. This is real....this is very real...it's not a dream or anything...those screams...that pain...it's all real.... *sniff* I'm going to save them....(I'm scared) I'm going to save them.... (I'm crying)』-I was really trying to put myself in a role I had never taken before- 『I'M GOING TO SAVE THEM!!!』

The little boy screamed at the top of his lungs, where for an instant there was a small flash of light at that moment. The carnivorous plant that had intentions of ending the lives of the 3 companions, was quickly interrupted. A flash of light broke the vines that had trapped Blaze.

『What?...』Both Zeta and Amy were speechless....-

Mili seconds later Amy and Zeta's vines that had them trapped snapped, again a flash of light could be seen.

Zeta and Amy didn't think about it anymore and went to put Blaze to a safe place , at that.

『I...I....I....I.. (this is real) I..I..I....I...(very real)』-I was hitting and destroying the plant at an incredible speed-.

The creature no longer had a shape, its body was pierced and with tears gushing blood, already weakened, I stood in front of it, anger and rage welled up in me, my eyes were tearing out, my body began to transform, a purple light gushed out of my whole body that covered me. I gathered a sphere of red energy with my hands, it was the same size as the monster.


I threw the power with all my strength and powerful screams, the sphere enveloped the plant, it screamed in pain, its vines, its whole body began to disappear, the power disintegrated it completely, and then the sphere disappeared leaving a big hole in the ground. The light detached from me and they saw what I had become. I returned to my base form due to wear and tear and emotion.

I fell to the ground, before fainting I felt happy, happy to have saved the others.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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