
Chapter 3 : My name is M

It was a base that was located somewhere in the forest, only by its dimensions one can get the idea that it was too huge, it seems that they did all the journey to get here and finally be able to recover each one of the wounds they had. This is their center of operations, the place where perhaps those new friends of the young man live, and also perhaps where that boy spends a certain amount of time living together. It had all kinds of facilities, but the area where they were now was the infirmary, waiting for everyone to finally wake up to discover more mysteries that awaits that young man.


『I hope he wakes up soon. ●︿●If it hadn't been for him, we would have been dead already.

『You don't think so if Zeta? If she wanted to, she would have used you-know-what to stop that monster 』

『And then why didn't you use it Blaze? 』

『Well, it was to give it more drama 』

Zeta and Blaze were having a conversation in the infirmary, the one who didn't suffer so much damage seems to be Zeta since she was the first one to stand up, while her friend was still in bed bandaged because of the wounds she had. I don't know what they are talking about, but I think Blaze is hiding the fact that he got overconfident and that it was negligent of him not to use his full power. The conversation seems to have made me wake up as I was starting to pant in the bed where I was lying.

『Boy?.... come on, wake up 〔'∇`〕 Wake up boy, open your eyes』-The white hedgehog tries to cheer me up-.

『Ahhh...Turn off the news...I don't want to listen to that little music....eh?...and my mom?』- 『Uhmm...ah canijo, I woke up and I'm still here...!!!! what happened? and the others?where are they?what happened with the mons----? (◯Δ◯∥)』

Even with what happened recently the first thing I tried to do was to try to think that maybe there is a possibility that it was all a dream, but seeing that in my forehead and just looking at my surroundings, I realized that everything that happened is real, and more upset I reacted for the others, you could really notice my fear because I still had in mind how they were suffering.

『Calm down, the others are fine, look, they are by your side』-Zeta showed concern, with her gaze she pointed to her companions-

Blaze and Amy were lying on each bed with bandages on their bodies and already treated, I could especially see that the only one who was awake was Blaze and his look even though the worst was over, he still still had it as if he had an enemy in front of him. He was staring at me where I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable and tried to escape with my gaze, but quickly a wake up call made me pay attention to him.

『Hey kid! I hope this didn't get on your nerves, from your reaction it's obvious you don't know what happened either but somehow you made it, you saved us I don't know how but, every good deed should be rewarded, thank you』

Blaze seemed to have a look that wouldn't leave you alone when he already clocked you, maybe that made him look away and not directly his eyes, although it's also because it's disturbing, I must lose my fear of people having huge eyes. I did not know what to say at that time that I just remained silent, usually when I am spoken to by a stranger, it is always others who act on my behalf, and as if the custom is still respected, Zeta would answer for me.

『You see, Blaze or whatever you called him, kitty does know when someone does things right *smiles*』

『Don't call me kitty! ah!!! it hurts...if only I had used that right now you wouldn't be making fun of me...』

『That's why I'm telling you, why didn't you use it? besides no one is making fun of you, I just find the word funny, haha kitten *laugh*』

『You stop it!!!』

The exchange of words between these 2 was too much that of close friends, it seems that telling her the word I came up with to the first ones, seems to bother her a lot, even at times I saw her blushing because of the nickname I intentionally gave her. But boy is she strong, even badly hurt I feel like she can get out of bed and take it out not only on her friend, but also on me.

『Well, good for you, that makes me more calm, although I'm still scared because I need to process everything I'm going through but...(ahhh...I must change quickly or I won't be able to deal with this)』.

Underneath all that sheet that covered me, I could tell that I was still nervous and sweating all over my body, I am in the process of accepting the reality that now I will have to live. That's why I made the decision not to do it at first, I doubt very much that I can adapt well to a situation like this, although that's strange, since I always had the thought that I can do it.

『Wait, you must be in bed, too』

『You're telling me? I'm not as bad as them, my robotic parts were damaged more than my body itself』-Zeta was calm and everyday-

『So...you're an android?』-With doubt, those words came out of my mouth.

『Yes, look』-Amusingly Zeta answered-』.

The albino, with her left hand grabbed her right arm, it sounded like metal parts moving, as if it was something fanciful, she pulled her arm out with a stretch, which being my first time witnessing something like that, my reaction if genuine and not nervous at all.

『Incredible』༼⁰o⁰ ༽.

Zeta would go on to make movements with his hand holding it, and even asked me if I want to get to take it, which I didn't expect but accepted anyway as long as I had such an experience, as I already had the robotic arm in my hands, it really felt hard but at the same time soft, it was too weird, maybe because of my curiosity of still being a kid, I went on to look at it from all sides, maybe I didn't peck it but I didn't lose the desire, but what I did do when I saw the hand, is to put my palm too and make a grip, I took my hand with the robotic arm, it felt real and warm for some reason, until out of nowhere the grip became stronger as the hand squeezed me with a little more force, when that happened I quickly acted nervous.

『Even though I'm not attached to my body, I can feel what happens to my limbs, you looked calm and all but you're brave to hold hands with a girl *smiles*』.

『Well, I've already had my hand held several times, there were always people who would forcefully take me to do things together, at first I didn't like the idea, but in the end I kind of ended up liking it, eh...can I hold your hand a little more? it's helping me to calm down and process everything』

『*smile* It's okay, if you want I can also act as your mom and pet your head』

『Don't tell me you're going to start coddling him Zeta』.

Blaze interrupted the conversation of these 2, he was trying to rest but seeing where the conversation was going, it seemed to strike him as odd that this was coming from his friend, he hadn't seen that side of Zeta before. Between all the exchange of words they were having and little was paying attention, the only thing that stood out was Zeta saying.

『He's alone, it seems he suffered a terrible fate, besides we already agreed that he was going to live here, so raising him as he should for me is fine』.

That left me more puzzled, it seems that they made the decision that I'm going to stay here under the care of all of them, that takes away one less risk and the fear of where I was going to stay to live, always since I was little even if I do nothing, the other people did things for me and even more, I see that I'm still giving pity which is the first thing I would like to change.

『And...what happened with the monster?』- I asked without further ado so that I could change the conversation-

『Uhmm? you don't remember』-Zeta looked at me confused-

『Uhmm.... no. What happened?』 -I did a little memory recalling but I didn't remember-.

『You saved us, it happened recently』 -Zeta without hesitation, without thinking said that.

『Did I save them?....then yes I was able to save them , what I remember is that I was saying I would save them while walking to the monster *confused*』 -I was telling them my story.

『Yes, after that you cut the vines that had us tied up, you were really fast, I couldn't notice, after freeing Amy and Zeta, they took my body to go to a safe place, I still remember, when I tried to open my eyes, the only thing I saw was how you changed momentarily and gathered a great amount of power that ended with that monster, that moment became unthinkable to me』. -Blaze was telling me her version of events from her lying down on her be-

『I changed momentarily...(is it because of that being of light?)』-Head down-『I don't see myself capable of doing that in real life, in my dreams yes, but in that moment of extreme danger...I am more of a person who takes other measures...the most I would have done is to run scared to see if this weak body can do something to it, just look at me, do you think this can save someone?』

『I really don't think so』 

『I don't think so either』. 

Both Blaze and Zeta responded without hesitation and without lingering on their words, hearing the obvious and on top of that a criticism was what hit me the hardest, but it was what I was looking for, I am not strong at all, if I had been able to face my fears, my whole primary would have been different.

『But that's what really happened, so take off that scary kid face and be proud of your act, you saved us』.

Blaze started talking directly to me, this time he didn't try to lift his body, just lying down told me everything, just hearing his voice congratulating me for what I did, receiving that positive criticism towards me, really made me happy. I only responded with an attempt at a smile that I still have to perfect.

『Sure, this is real, thanks Blaze』

『Less you already learned my name, although you already knew it from the beginning』.

『Yes, I also agree with Blaze, also seeing you for that moment, seeing that you had a power beyond what was seen, with it you saved our lives, and you can save many more lives child』. -Zeta added to the conversation giving her version.

『Really? .... don't get my hopes up』-I started to cheer up when she said that-

『Yes, and just like my partner said, we could all witness it, at that moment you were changing your shape boy』-Zeta with curiosity and interest commented- 

『Shape? What? as in shape? was I mutating or something like that?...wasn't it me who rescued them』- What he said I didn't believe-.

『At the beginning yes, but you could notice how you were releasing purple energy from your body and at the end you changed to another much more powerful form, the good thing is that I have a good memory, I captured the moment and I can remember it perfectly, advantages of being an android *smiles*』.

Zeta took advantage of the fact that he had his arm out, and from the amputated part he pointed to his forehead to show a hologram to all of us present. We could see his perspective and how everything he said was true, it was a light that destroyed the vines quickly, and when they were escaping looking back, we could see that it was me, it was really me, I was crying and trembling with fear, where at times we could see that I changed my shape and right there Zeta stopped the recording.

『You changed to a kind of big purple cat, uhm.... with clothes...let's say from an extinct culture』-Zeta documented with the help of the hologram-『I got it! like the god anubis of that culture you looked like』(∩╹□╹∩).

I could see it clearly myself, and whether it was because of my knowledge from having watched a lot of anime, and also the fact that I was seeing it reminded me of the same silhouette that that being of light had. Quickly my mind hit the right target.

『Of course, I've already solved the question, I know what form it passed into』.

I said it with total certainty that even I was afraid if I was wrong, from what I was lying on the bed I would leave Zeta's hand and walk towards the hologram to be more sure, the more I checked there was no doubt, that silhouette, the tail that seems to flutter, the big ears he had, and especially that blue clothing he wore, as if it were a coincidence my favorite color was also blue.

『If you already got it don't make it long, tell us what you transformed into』.

Blaze was impatient to know the answer to the doubt of who was this guy they had here, nervous for some reason, afraid of being wrong even though I felt I was 100% sure, I turned to look worried but determined at the others. And trembling my mouth but firm I said....

『I am a God of Destruction...』

At that same instant the hologram disappeared only showing a boy that despite confirming it, in the way he said it and his worried face, anyone would say he was lying. The silence was noticeable, neither of the 2, neither Zeta nor Blaze said anything to me.

『More specifically, the being we saw in the hologram and the one who saved them, is a God of Destruction from Universe 7, Bills is his name』

I tried this time to sound more convincing but it didn't help, since I couldn't believe what was really happening. So that means that the being of light that I saw at the beginning was the same God of Destruction Bills and right now you can say that I became a successor of him.

『I was expecting something else, but like what God of Destruction kid? I told you not to get your head blown up』-Blaze was the first to disbelieve my words.

『Nothing went to my head, I'm not someone who lies either, in school I always had such a title for always telling the truth, what we have seen in the hologram is true, that was a God of Destruction』.

『It's not true, you're just making up the story, we don't know who you are, we don't know where you came from, you seem to know a lot without looking like it, you play weak when in reality you possess great strength, are you just making fun of us...that fearful and worried attitude too I'm not good at sympathizing with it...you act like you've suffered in the past and that makes you afraid...this is all new I don't understand』

『Calm down Blaze, he's just a kid who doesn't know anything』.

『So let him act like one, a simple and ordinary child he appears to be, but it's quite the opposite, if indeed what you say is true, then transform back into it, switch to your God Form right now and I'll believe you』.

From the beginning Blaze has been suspicious of the young man and now with this latest discovery he is even more suspicious of the boy. The latter didn't know what to tell him and just kept quiet, since everything he said is true, and even right now he would say it.

『I don't know how to do it...』

『Do it』

『I don't know how to do it...』

『I told you to do it』.

At that moment when I was refusing how to do it, I felt that something had risen, Blaze even being the one who was most badly hurt, got up from her bed and would happen to walk slowly towards me, at this I quickly got into a fear that something bad might happen to me, where again the cat kept repeating to me to do it.

『Do it and let's have a battle, only then will I know if everything you say is true』.

『I don't know how to do it and I don't know how to fight...I wouldn't like to fight you either...ah...your bandages are falling off...you should....』

『Do it!!!!』

The more I walked, the more the bandages with blood were falling to the ground, I really felt like running but I just could not or it was not what I should do, even with everything that was happening I felt that nothing was going to happen to me, I was in my right position, I do not know how to do it, Blaze was still approaching ignoring all the damage he suffered. I turned to look at Zeta to see if she would stop her friend, but I see that she just didn't, seeing that I was looking at her with fear, she just said.

『It's not going to do anything to you, besides I'm also curious to know who you are 』

Making an apologetic gesture, Zeta understood and knew her friend well that she wasn't going to do anything to me, but the more she was about to get closer, the more she really wanted to back away but she didn't, at that moment when she was already inches away from me, I closed my eyes in fear until another voice interrupted the scene.

『They're already awake』

It was a childish voice that reminded me of elementary school, when I turned to see I noticed it was Cream, the little rabbit, who because of her innocence appeared at the right time to stop this, I could not say anything since I still had Blaze already close to me, and with her sharp look she happened to look me in the eyes and tell me.

『Don't you dare to avoid my gaze at this point』.


But quickly from the cat in front of me, everything became dark out of nowhere, when I least imagined, who was defending me from the cat was looking like another one who I could recognize, with an erotic form so to speak, by means of her wings she separated me and Blaze, the last thing I remember with her is that I didn't expect her to be the one who saved me.

『Don't scare and intimidate our guest Blaze, do you know how long I've waited for a man to appear among us?』

With a flirtatious voice and in a sensual way from head to toe, Rouge the Succubus had also appeared, quickly I didn't feel comfortable to be among her that I quickly stepped aside in order to be completely free, I stood looking at her through the confusion where the succubus also did, and unexpectedly she gave me a wink in the eye, which scared me more and as if by instinct, I took refuge to who else brought me confidence.

『Hey, who is this kid?』

I went to hide on Cream's back like anyone who has confidence in himself. While leaving in the middle as those 2 girls started to stare at each other as if a fight was about to start, Blaze demanded her not to interrupt her business with the young man, but Rouge only replied that she won't let anything happen to her new guest. Which made Blaze angry.

『!!! He's just a kid!!! Have some decency!!!...------』

Quickly Blaze was so angry, Rouge quickly wrapped her huge wings around her, and as if something forbidden was happening, I could only hear sounds that only let my imagination run away with me. We all stood silently watching the scene until as if the curtain opened, Blaze was in Rouge's arms totally surrendered.

『I hope you've learned your lesson kitty *smiles*』

『Don't call me that...if only I wasn't badly hurt....』

Blaze ended up falling asleep and surrendered at last, where Rouge as a good friend laid her back on the bed saying that as a good girl she should sleep until she was fully recovered. Finally this was over, at least momentarily, the affair with Blaze. But it seems that the questions to me were not over, since Cream asked again who I was.

Quickly we made them enter in context of what was going to happen, and even showed them the hologram with the video of how was the battle with the monster, Cream was impressed and I think she was the only one with whom I felt comfortable, she looks innocent and huggable, you do not know how much I want to hug her and tell her many things, but if I do it now people will think I'm weird, although they are my tastes but....

『(I must change but already...)』

『With that a God of Destruction, if that's how he has a tail, imagine how he has an iron』.

Quickly Rouge said something that I didn't expect, and just hearing that made me go on alert and again protect myself behind Cream, I could tell she was a Succubus, for some reason I feel that my chastity is in danger, I could tell she was going to go after me to analyze me much better, but quickly Zeta put her arm to make a stop.

『I know you're joking but you're scaring the guy, no trying or lewd jokes with him, understood?』

『Eh? You ask me not to have fun with the only toy we have? that's really mean of you Zeta, but well, it being a forbidden fruit makes it more interesting, don't worry kid, when you lose your fear you can come and ask me whatever you want *smiles*』.

I didn't say anything nor did I have to answer anything, already with this there is no doubt in my mind that I reject any kind of action related to the forbidden, besides...that just makes me remember how I let off steam that time...I still hope no one noticed what I did that night...yes entering puberty does make you change some things.

『(Ahh....I must change now!!....)』

『Incredible, thank you so much for saving my family, I really appreciate it so much weird kid』.

From how nervous I was, Cream went on to thank me for helping her friends, to hear her innocent thank you and that she really meant it, this just made me feel better and again attempt a silly smile. Truly on the outside I was calm, but on the inside I was....

『(Ah...how I would like to hug her and tell her a lot of things...but no...people must not know that I'm a lolicon...)』

At that I was with a silly smile, I felt a presence on my back, and when I turned around it was Rouge who with a simple touch of her finger on my back, made me squirm with nerves and get offensive with her. Hearing her laugh just hints that she's having fun.

『Hey Rouge!!! I told you no!!!』

『I like your reactions, teasing a kid isn't bad at all *smiles*』-『Hey kid, and by the way, you've already pulled it...----------』

In a provocative manner without any carelessness, and even almost making the symbol and movement with his hands, I really understood and wanted to avoid it, I don't want to be reminded of it, and as if Zeta really wanted to protect me, he quickly grabbed his arm from the bed and with speed moved to again carry me in his arms and escape the infirmary together. Cream let out a comment that they left, while Rouge only said.

『Well, there'll be another chance』.

She took me through all the places so that we could escape from her friend who seemed to have me on file. So much so that when I least imagined it we would now be in the training area, but looking around there were many areas where we passed. He let me loose where the first thing I did was thank him for helping me, 

『*laughs* Seems like it will be more fun the days now that you will be here boy』-『And by the way, it tires and makes us suspicious of you when you know everything about us while we know nothing about you, relax, I think you are the type of person who feels nervous when there are many people, now there are only the 2 of us, for starters, I would like to know what your name is boy』

We were in the middle of the training area, where Zeta was more calm, confident and transmitting confidence, she really wanted to stop suspecting me as well. All this would not have happened if I had said it from the beginning now that I say it, but at this point ... since I was in the portal, since I was in the forest, the fight with the monster and what happened in the infirmary, I was very much of my past self, the self of my world and that was not ... Since this happened I had the mentality to change, no. . This is a second life, another opportunity to be able to do what in my dreams I was capable of doing, with another personality very different from what I really am, to become the person that everyone was helping me to become, to be the best version of myself.

Zeta was waiting for me to say my name, my face was one of nerves and confusion, I was really struggling to say it....

『My name is ....』-The word wasn't coming out of my mouth-.

『Your name is?』-She was also curious when she saw that I was hesitating-

Ya, I must say it...this is a new life...the opportunity that everyone would like to have, you can not miss this, you do not like people criticizing you, then you have to do what you have to do, start from 0 to forge yourself with everything you have learned since you were little and before all that happens to you, you can not throw away all that effort of years and all your close ones. From how nervous I was and my hands shaking, from one moment to the next I calmed down and simply said....

『My name is M』

Proudly, with total calm and above all determined that this will be my new name and my new life. I was saying this with full confidence to Zeta who's reaction seems to be positive to my luck.

『With that M 』-She was curious at first-『Hahaha. What a weird name you have, I doubt that's your real name but I won't dig too much either so as not to make you uncomfortable』-『It's nice to meet you M *smiles*』(⌒▽⌒).

His positive attitude made me become more confident, that quickly as if the change became noticeable, that from the attempted smile I had before, right now I had a more self-confident smile. This was noticed by Zeta who was also happy with this fact, where she would quickly touch on the next topic to talk about.

『Okay M, then we have to start』.

『Start what?』

『Begin with your training』

As if the training area came to life, or at least it felt that way, quickly Zeta wanted to find out all my secrets especially to see if I can use that God Form I showed at the beginning again. I know I said I was going to have a change from now on, but that doesn't take away from the fact that the surprises will be different.


-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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