
Las Camp Part 1

After I laughed for a bit stroking my own ego in the process, I tell Yuda the directions to follow till we reach reverse mountain.

While we went on our way we decided to check out the ship, it wasn't the size of a battle ship but roughly half the size of one,

(for reference that one 1000 sunny is a 10th the size of a battleship so the Flame Yuda is 5x bigger than the 1000 sunny)

So at max capacity it could hold up too 500 man crew, so the ship is pretty empty at the moment but we can recruit people into joining as deck hands and the like at Las Camp, luckily Yuda can do a majority of the navigation work for us in the mean time.

Behind the deck is the captains cabin made to an extra large degree, and after we checked around it we realized that it was sound proof that nothing from inside could be heard but stuff from outside can barely be heard but only closer to the door otherwise it's silent everywhere else.

I just grin at realizing why the girls designed this room so large and sound proofed it as well.

Going below deck we had a kitchen/lounge area to kick back and relax, the docs office that will be Theodores room obviously, an armory that houses all of the weapons and ammunition that are crew will need, there wasn't much now of course since were so short staffed so will have to go buy some when we get there as well, I'll leave that to Owen since he's also the quartermaster.

There was also a study that could be used for meetings or a small library for the time being as well as a spa that I'm guessing is for me to run to help make the girls look and feel pretty since I'm a part time masseuse after all.

And to top it all off there were roughly 10 bedrooms for the important people of the crew, like for Owen for example would get one of these rooms for himself, going further down is the barracks take up half of this section used for housing a majority of the crew here, there were also 10 more rooms for main crew members down here set right below the ones above and the last bit was the maintenance room on the paddle wheel and ships rudder where the maintenance crew will be at most of the time and our shipwrights work area should we get one.

And the very bottom of the ship is the cargo hold that holds all the goods and extra food for us on our travels on the seas.

"Those girls really give you the best of things, how there okay with a scumbag like you I'll never know…" Own says while sighing.

"Well first off I know I'm a scumbag, that's a fact that I'm fine with people saying I am though I'd prefer Casanova but none the less I love having a lot of women. I never really had a family after all, with what happened to my parents…. I don't want to die alone is all but I can't put all that burden into one woman to bare such a large family, the thought of them dying from childbirth scares me so I have to have more women to make that a non-issue. Plus if I was a true scumbag I wouldn't care what any of the girls said and did whatever I wanted and after I was done with them throw them off to the side so I could move onto the next, no once I get there ok and I cross that line unless they want to break it off we're staying together for life, I'm a scumbag but I keep my promises and always try to make my women happy okay?" I say giving off that whole speech.

"Alright, alright your not the greatest guy in the world but your definitely not the worst and deeply care about your women I got it, I'm just saying that people will see you like that after all."

"Let them, so long as I can keep my women happy and that they all get along that's all that matters to me."

"Speaking of women captain are you going to help me summon my lover Florence to your crew at some point correct?"

Here's a bit of Theo's backstory for you so you understand what he's talking about, during Theo's time a massive plague hit the country he and his lover Florence lived in and them being doctors they had to help save the sick from death if they could, but there was no known cure so all they could do was ease their pain before they would ultimately die, this frustrated Theo so he went on trying to find the cure to no avail until he finally found it one day. But he couldn't find anyone willing to test the untested drug on themselves for there was a stigma with doctors that they equaled death itself so no one trusted him. But his lover Florence believed in him and went through as the test subject, but it went horribly wrong and turned her into an undead, too this day he still try's to undo the damage he has done to the one he loves.

"I can summon specific people sure but it's insanely expensive man, plus with us all needing to increase our strength as well, making it so we can't focus on just the Jewel Parades, but will have passive income coming in, in a few years time thanks to my friend Gilds plan on making a massive entertainment ship that will be taking in the money in no time."

*sigh* "well I guess I'll have to wait then, but in the mean time I'm gonna go set up my clinic in our little doctors office." He says as he's about to head down.

"Oh wait and Theo, about that thing that happened a few years back and I used you mask as a cover, yeah I'm gonna half to order you to only wear that when your in your office, or when your doing your duty's as a doctor, I can't have the higher ups in the marines questioning why I have a bird masked man on my ship…. Even though it isn't illegal to wear bird masks or anything."

"Alright captain when we're off ship and I'm not working I'll have my mask off alright?" He says and proceeds to take off his mask fo the first time for both of us to see, and to say he's handsome is an understatement it's at the level of being unreasonably handsome the only fault on his perfect sculpted face with steel grey eyes was the long scar going from the top of the left side of his head above the left eye down diagonal to the bottom right side of his chin, if he wasn't deeply in love with Florence I'd feel slightly threatened about him being here.

"Oh and if you wondering about the scar…. It's from Florence not long after she turn and attacked me with a sharp razor cutter that cut clean through my old mask and causing me to get this new one." He says as he traces the line of his old scar.

I just put my hand on his shoulder, "don't worry Theo soon will get your love back I promise." I say reassuringly

"Thanks captain, well if you need me I'll be down in my office."

"Same with me kid I'm gonna go check out and rearrange the armory a bit" Owen went down belowdeck following after Theo.

I just shake my head and turn back to the wheel as we head further out to sea.



About a week later, Reverse Mountain.

During our week long trek we were finally able to reach the west blue, there were a few bumps here and there like some random as pirate wanted to attack us as we were going up reverse mountain, I let Owen show off his skill and with a wave of his blade he was able to slice the ship in half, I can do that too but I need to be on their deck, it just goes to show that I still have to work even harder if I want to get to his level, and he hasn't even done one of his evolutions yet that just shows how scary the old man can be if he's not even at his max potential yet.

But besides that nothing really happened as it was smooth sailing all the way here.

After reaching the end of reverse mountain and going into the west blue we could see the island of Las Camp in the distance.

"Well gentlemen it appears that we've….. arrived?" I say as I focus on something huge that was approaching Las Camp at this very moment from the opposite direction from us.

"….. Thriller Bark? What the hell is Moria doing here?"

"Who's he brat?"

"One of the other warlords of the sea just like me, but him being here is either a bad thing or a good thing he has a wild card personality after all."

"Doesn't he use his abilities to mess with the dead and make zombies?"

"Yes, why you ask?"

"... I already don't like him if he does that to any and all of his victims."

"Well lucky you that he's known for being lazy and dumb some of the time, but don't let that fool you if he gets serious he's a huge threat."

They both nod as we slowly get closer to the docks of Las Camp.

When we arrive we find it as a ghost town with all of the residents scared off to hide from the infamous Geko Moria and his Mammoth of a ship that basically destroyed all other vessels to take up almost all the space on the docks leaving only just enough room for us to dock our ship.

Upon departure from our ship we were soon surrounded by undead, barring our passage and motioning us to leave.

So I'm response I pulled out my blade and lit it on fire and pointed at the zombie swarm.

This made them panic and scared after all undead fear flames, "Take me to Moria, I have some business on this island and he's getting in the way of that." They look at each other, honestly they don't want to but flames will kill them, maybe not for good with morias ability and all that but they don't enjoy the feeling of being set on fire so they led the way to Moria, who was currently shouting at a building for someone to come out.

"Perona are you up?! Lazy girl your daddy is here to see you so get down here!"

"Moria? I didn't know you had a kid?"

"Who- oh if it isn't Firebrand! What are you doing out here far away from home? Do your wives know your out here?" He says as he shakes my hand, he still thinks Crocodile was the one who attacked him at the meeting so he doesn't have a bad impression of me but a slightly positive one even if we only work with each other on occasion.

"Yes they know I'm out here, hell I finally started my own crew separated from the Kuja now, but I'm out here to recruit more people into my crew but you being here has kinda scared off any potential crew mates, your here to see your daughter?"

"That's right I'm here to see my daughter, well my adoptive daughter since I never had kids of my own, and to find me a doctor to add to my crew." He says with a cheeky grin.

"But I'm guessing she's a heavy sleeper or something like that?"

"Yeah nothing I do wakes her up, I'd go up the stairs to her apartment personally but as you can see, *smacks belly* I'm too round to climb up without getting stuck, plus I even got her a present and everything from my trip around the seas." He says as he shows the present box that he has for her.

"Do you want me to help get her down here?"

"You wanna help me?" Surprised that he was even willing to help out.

"Why not? Not like I have anything better to do, plus I can't recruit anyone while your still here after all, by the way is there anything she likes that would get her up quickly?"

"Well she likes cute things oh and candy she loves that as well." He says listing off the things Perona likes.

"Cute things and candy huh?" I say as I look around and see a toy store not to far away.

So I go over there but see that they locked up shop because of Moria and his gang of undead, "Darn I guess I'll have to go look elsewhere, *Busts down front door* oh wait I'm a pirate why do I care about whether there open or not I'll just a take what I want." I say as I waltz in and take a giant stuffed bunny and some lollipops before I start to head back to Moria.

"Don't worry I got this." I say as I head up the stairs to her apartment…. *why do I feel like this situation feels very wrong for some reason?* but shaking that thought out of my head I go to the apartment I assume is hers and knock on the door.

"Special stuff animal and candy delivery for a Ms. Perona!!!" I shout loudly hopefully she hears me.

Not long later I hear shuffling around in her room. "One minute!!! I'm not decent!!"

*she didn't need to say that, I get the feeling she's the naive sort of girl that likes cute things and only cute things*

Soon after all the noises stop I hear the sound of multiple locks being undone before it finally opens to reveal a relatively short girl 4'6" with unusually big, round eyes, with long pink hair kept in pigtails with some black and white hair pins wearing a red and black crown on her head that's almost to big for her head with a cross on top of it, she was wearing a long sleeve shirt with heart motifs on the front of it, with a skirt that had hearts on it as well with black and white striped stockings and big red boots.

Perona (13) "I'll take my delivery now thank you very much!" She says smiling at the toys and candy she getting.

I just shake my head and smile at the kid as I hand her the toys and candy. *I can tell she's going to be a beauty when she gets older, but I can't really see anything but a little sister who just got toys from her big bro to me*

But it's a bit different when she gets a better look at me since she was starting to go through puberty now, so she was starting to really notice guys now. *….. this guy is really handsome….. but where have I seen him before...* before it finally hits her.

"AHHHH your one of the 8 warlords of the sea! Firebrand Vargas! Ohh this is sooooo coooool can I get your autograph?" She says as she frantically looks for some pen and paper.

"Sure kid I'll give it to you later, but your pops is waiting for you down stairs." I say pointing to the stairs.

"Dads here?"

"PERONA!!! Are you coming down or what?!" Moria was shouting from the street below.

"Yay dads back!" She says as she begins to walk quickly down the stairs off to see Moria.

"I get the feeling things are gonna get interesting with these guys around." I say as I chuckle to myself as I head down stairs.


"So there's not just Gecko Moria on this Island but also the youngest Warlord in the Seas Firebrand Vargas as well?" Asked the leader of the Las Camp underground intelligence agency."

"That's correct sir." Said the subordinate relaying the info to him while another female intelligence officer was documenting all the info that had been given.

"Real question is why?" (Leader)

"From what I was able to overhear from the conversation between the two warlords Gecko Moria is her to see his adoptive daughter and give her a gift of some kind, and it seems Firebrand has officially made a crew of his own and is looking for members from what we can tell he only has 2 members a blue haired man with a large scar across his face, presumably the ships doctor based upon all the medical tools he's carrying on hand and a old man who from the aura he gives off is on par with Firebrand himself so he might be Firebrands Vice captain or his sword master because he carry's a weapon similar to Firebrands blade." (Intel operative)

"Hmmm keep me posted on what there doing and see if we can get in contact with Firebrand and be of assistance, after all getting in good graces with one of the 8 warlords of the sea isn't a terrible idea."

*So he's looking for crew mates to join his pirate crew huh? I heard that all those that work under a Warlord are protected from the Marines…. No, no don't think about that everyone just betrays me in the end it's better if I just stay here and do my paperwork in peace…* she thinks these thoughts sadly to herself as she continues her work.


In an underground cafe somewhere in Las Camp sat a woman drinking some coffee while listening in on other people's conversations.

"I heard that another warlord just showed up not long ago and I heard he's looking for a crew to join him."

"Really? Ain't being a pirate dangerous and you get hunted by the marines right?"

"No the warlords work for the marines, they don't get hunted down so long as they help hunt other pirates for them."

"Huh, maybe when that scary clown leaves I might go see if I can go join his crew."

"Me too I always wanted to go out on adventures but I never got the chance too." They then begin to talk about other things while the pretty woman with her hair kept down under a cap with shades over her eyes began to grin.

*looks like my chance for adventure has finally arrived.* she thinks these thoughts while pulling out a bounty poster from her breasts that has the face of Firebrand Vargas on it.

*And it seems your my meal ticket* she says as she licks her lips and plants a kiss on the wanted poster.


As I'm walking down the stairs I suddenly get the chills as I feel like a predator was looking at me like a juicy steak, I look around but I see nothing.

"Hmmmm, I hope that was just my imagination." I say as I shake my head and walk all the way back down to the street below.

I had to split this chapter in two because if I kept going it would be almost 6000 words long so I’m splitting it here and will begin to work on the next part shortly after, but I’m really proud of this so far so let’s keep it going.

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