
Las Camp Part 2

"Dad!" Perona said as she jumped into Morias arms giving him a big hug.

"Ahh sweet heart it's good to see you, how have you been?"

"Dad it's so boring here won't you take me with you on your ship for adventures?"

"I dunno Perona being a pirate is a dangerous job, plus your still 13, tell you what I have a present for you so why don't you open it first and will talk about it after you open this." He says as he hands Perona his gift for her.

*Well now I'll at least get to find out what's inside* I think to myself as I watch them enjoying themselves

Soon Perona tears into the box to find… a very odd looking fruit.

"Dad what is this thing? And why does it look so strange?" It was a fruit but it's look was as if a pale orange was filled with holes but the holes formed naturally so it's insides were still enclosed by it's outer skin even in the holes.

"It's a devil fruit of course! Specifically the Hollow Hollow fruit, I dunno what it does exactly but I just new that it would be a perfect fruit just for you." He says as he encourages her to eat it.

After a brief moment of hesitation she finally decided to take a bite, she was barely able to hold it in and swallow before she was hacking and coughing on the ground from the disgusting taste of it all.

"You alright?" I ask as I go and pat her back, not noticing the dangerous glint in Morias eye, but before he could say anything Perona collapsed and was knocked out cold.

"PERONA!" Moria says as he pushes me away from her and begins to shake her and tap her face trying to wake her up to no avail.

"Theo! Come check the girl! And before you ask he's my ship doctor he might find out what's wrong." I say as Theo comes over and nods to Moria who nods back and steps away while the doctor does his thing.

"…" Theo does a bunch of checks in rapid succession before he just stops and with a furrowed brow just shakes his head.

"What? D-don't tell me d-did the devil fruit… k-kill her?" He says fearfully, even though he doesn't mind now if people die in his crew because he can just revive them he knows that who they once were will be gone for good and to his adoptive daughter he doesn't want to see her die because of him.

"….. Yes and No, she's in some kind of state of Sudo death, her body is alive but it's as if her soul was separated from her body…" he says very confused about this whole situation, it was confusing me and Moria, that is I saw a transparent looking hand coming out of the ground behind Moria, I moved him out of the way to get a better look, and it kinda looked like Peronas hand, so I went to grab it.

Only it went through the my hand when I tried to pull it up out the ground it just passed through my hand, and for some reason I felt a bit depressed for no real reason but I was easily shook it off and put some haki into my hands.

With haki I was able to grab her and pull her up but….

"AIEEEEEEEEEEE DON'T LOOK AT ME YOU PERVERTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screams out in her transparent but naked form.

But in her fear she released her power at max output and unleashed a barrage of ghosts in all directions, hitting me, Moria, Theo and Owen before she stopped and calmed down.

When she came back to her senses and realized that they weren't looking anymore she was able to imagine her clothes and had them put on before she went to see the 4 of us all curled up on the ground, "Ummmm…."

"I miss my wives…."

"I miss my old crew…." (Moria)

"Florence..." (Theo)

"Martha...." (Owen)

We all say as we sit playing with the dirt all extremely depressed missing the people we love.

System: noticing hosts unusual state of unnatural depression, beginning to stimulate the hosts frontal cortex and amygdala to stimulate happiness to get him out of his unnatural depressive state.

Soon a jolt a electricity hits my brain that washes away all the sad thoughts for happy ones.

This wakes me up and gets me out of my rut quickly while realizing the damage she did as she made Moria so depressed that he actually retracted his shadows from his zombies killing them all in the process, as there bodies were turning to dust without souls in them.

So I soon stood up, stretched my back and sighed, before proceeding to turn to the 3 sad saps and them slapped them all across the face real hard to wake them up, the pain making them break there bouts of depression.

"Huh? Wha? What happened?" Moria begins to look around while holding his head not realizing what happened to him same could be said for Theo and Owen.

"Seems whatever her power is it makes ghosts that make people depressed when they touch you, same can be said for her spirit form to a certain extent." I explain what I believe her abilities are to a certain extent.

"Uuuuuu I'm sorry papa!" She says while trying to hug Moria before she passes right through him and he instantly gets depressed again forcing me once again to slap him awake.

"You should try getting back in your body before you try hugging him, okay?"

"Uuuu ok…." She says sadly at making her dad depressed again before she merges back with her body again and waking up with a deep breath.

Then she try's again and hugs him to make him feel better, "I'm sorry that I did that papa…" she says as she starts to cry a bit into his clothes.

"It's okay sweetheart I know you didn't mean it…" he says as he sighs a bit looking at the ashes of all his zombie crew that have all disappeared.

"Well this has been interesting in all meeting both you and Perona here on Las Camp but it's time I go do the thing we were here for." I say as I pull out one of my wanted posters that I hold onto and sign it and hand it off to Perona, "Here's my autograph, you know that power trained up would be devastating against any of her enemies, I'd be able to help with that, but she's your kid so I best leave it to her father to train their own kids." I say as I start to head deeper into Las Camp.

"Well I…." Moria wanted to say something about how he would do just that but he realized that even if he's here adoptive father he'd just leave it up to her to train her abilities as he's known to be very lazy, but she's lazy as well and enjoys sleeping all the time, and the thought of getting hit by that attack and losing more of his crew again from getting depressed would make his heart bleed in pain.

"You really can train her?" Moria asks as he's genuinely thinking of pawning off this now current problem child to someone else.

"Daddy?" She was genuinely surprised and shocked that he'd even suggest that someone take her away to train her.

"….. are you seriously thinking of making me her mentor?" I ask skeptically, I just said that I'm passing I wasn't even serious of taking her off his hands when I said that.

"Well…. You see…. I'm a pretty lazy guy and I don't think I'd ever actually train her so…."

"DADDY!!! How could you just do this to me?!? You know I like to do nothing but eat sweets, play with cute things and sleep that's it! There's no way in hell I'd go off with him to train…." *even if he is a hottie…*

"You like sleeping all the time? Well that's perfect because we can train you while you sleep."

"What?! How?" (Perona)

"Now that's a trade secret that you'd need to sign a contract to learn the truth about, but tell you what I'm gonna be here a couple days probably while I scrounge up a crew for my ship, why don't you two think it over in the mean time before we depart the island." I say to them to give them time while I go off and do my thing.

They look at each other and nod to me that they'll think about it, but in the mean time Moria is off to see if he can find himself a doctor to join his crew, supposedly the famous Dr. Hogback lives in Las Camp as well so Moria was gonna go find him.

"Famous doctor huh? Do you mind if I met this famous doctor and see if he's as good as the stories about him are like?" Theo said to me asking my permission to follow Moria for the time being.

"I don't mind just try to not get in Moria's way Alright?"

"As you command, captain." He says as he gives a formal bow before following after Moria and Perona.

"I'm gonna see if there's a place around here that has a lot of guys that want to join our crew, good luck on your 'search' brat." He says with a grin as he walks away.

I just shake my head and look at my compass, "Now show me where my new crew mates are." I say as I watch the compass start spinning around as it try's to locate my new crew.


Underground intelligence HQ of Las Camp, Leaders office.

"Boss the 2 warlords have split up, Firebrands blue haired scar face friend that goes by the name Theo from what we over heard is currently following Gecko Moria who is accompanied by his adoptive daughter Perona to find and recruit Dr. Hogback, the older gentleman by the name of Owen has gone off to find new crew members for their ship and it seems Firebrand is off to find main crew mates for his ship as well, and another interesting thing that we over heard from Firebrand that he has a way of strengthening people while they sleep… whether that's true or not remains to be determined, but we believe that it's highly likely to be true with him at his young age and him having such great strength as well as his wives having such high potential as well." The agent says relaying the info to his boss.

"Good work, your dismissed." The agent then salutes and leaves before the Leader starts to head off for the door, "I need to go make a call, someone will pay us good money for this info, you stay and finish up this report then your dismissed for the day." The boss says as he heads out to make a call.

*sigh* the female officer goes and does just that.

But not even 5 minutes later she hears the sound of a fight breaking out down here in the intelligence agency with people running around frantically trying to go and stop the intruder.

But no one could stop the intruder as they approach the bosses office, the boss rushed back in and closed the door. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST SITTING THERE BUR-" before he could finish telling her to burn all the evidence of the intelligence they have been gathering the front door is kicked down crushing the boss underneath with the intruder standing on the fallen door with the boss pinned underneath.

"Well, well, well I didn't expect there to be an intelligence branch here in a place that isn't a kingdom, and it seems you assholes are keeping tabs on me if you want to burn the evidence since I've arrived here." I say as I pulled the boss up and slammed my fist into his gut.

"Now who did you tell my info too?"

"…. If I tell you they'll kill me…"

"And you think I won't if you don't tell me right now?" I say as I lift him by the neck and start burning his neck with my hand.

"Talk or I melt the flesh off your skull." I say as I slowly start to increase the heat.

"AHHHH I'LL TALK, I'LL TALK! DON'T KILL ME!!!!" He says in absolute fear.

"Who. Is. It?"

"... The Joker….."

my eyes begin to twitch because I know who that is exactly, enraged I smash him straight through a wall before I tried to calm myself down before heading over to the girl who was just sitting there watching it all with no hint of sympathy for her boss.

"May I see my file on all the info you guys have gathered about me while I have been here on Las Camp and anything else you know about me as well." I say extending my hand to her.

She doesn't hesitate to hand over the file about me to me and I begin to peruse it seeing everything they gathered, including how I can train people in there sleep, though they believe it to be true it could possibly be a lie as well and even that I'm looking for members and what everyone in my current crew is doing right now, after reading all of that I decided to burn all the info on everyone in my crew.

"I didn't come here because I wanted to destroy my information you know?" I say while looking at this relatively young but beautiful woman.

"Then what did you come here for exactly?"

"To look for you, and based on what this compass says, your my next crew mate that I'm looking for."

"A compass?"

"Not just any compass, a compass that points you to your most desired thing at the moment, I need a crew and it points to you, which means even without this we would have met at some point in the near future anyway but this compass speeds up the process."

"Even the one piece?" She says slightly more intrigued by this strange compass.

"That's the only thing it can't locate is the one piece, but anything else in the world can be found with this."

"Including the polygylphs?"

"Especially the polygylphs, but why would you be interested in those? No one can even read those anymore and the only people who could were all killed off by the government because they were trying to learn what they shouldn't, oh wait that's supposed to be kept a secret, but then again in your line of work you probably already know about that, isn't that right? Nico Robin, 'The Devil Child of O'Hara'?" I say as I reveal who she truly is, which I found surprising when I saw her since I saw her on the front cover of the manga that god was reading at the time, he actually told me about the ones that were the original main characters in the series before he reincarnated me into this world.

She got a bit nervous when I identified her true identity.

"Oh don't worry I don't care who you are what so ever, I'm here to make you an offer to travel the world without hiding in fear of the marines to find the truth that you want to find about everything of this world's past. So you want to come along with me and join my crew?"

And she thought about it, for quite awhile actually, leaving her to her thoughts for about 15 minutes while I perused the other files that they had here, even one about this woman that can change her body into spikes, *if I find this woman I'll think about bringing her on my crew.* I think those thoughts until Robin finally responded.

"Alright I'll join your crew so I can finally see the world, and finish my moms dream about finding the truth of the past."

I just smile as I shake her hand, "Welcome to the Firebrand Pirates Mrs. Nico Robin."

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