
Death & Darkness, Pt 2

The southern end of the wraparound screen split into two small portions and slid to the side. That allowed the Orsethii and her bodyguards into Thanatos’ bridge unimpeded. They walked in with authority as though they were inside their own ship.

Trailing behind them were Azrael and Raijin, who glanced around at the massive bridge surrounding them. They were somewhat in awe over it - they had never seen a bridge quite that large and imposing.

More than that, the room was also incredibly dark, and was just as gloomy and shadowy as the rest of the ship itself. In fact, the only thing that actually lit the bridge was the wraparound screen itself.

On it were live feeds of every ship in Orsethii’s fleet. No doubt massive guns were pointed in their direction as well.

In the very middle of the bridge was Freya, as always. Sitting stoically next to her was Amarok, whose wagging tail brushed the floor more and more the closer Raijin and Azrael approached.

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