
Death & Darkness, Pt 3

Watching Freya and the ship recover with blinding speed shook Orsethii a great degree. Though she could easily do the same with her own body, there was something else that completely unnerved her. She certainly didn’t feel the same way the first time the two of them had dueled.

Orsethii couldn’t quite put her finger on the feeling. It was a bit like looking down an impossibly long cliff, and getting overwhelmed by vertigo. There was an inevitability that surrounded Freya. And it wasn’t so much a feeling of being overwhelmed but rather one of oblivion.

It snuck into her the same way that the ship’s oppressive darkness did as well. That feeling eroded her slowly, as though she was surrounded on all sides by something intangible, and it chipped away at her bit by bit by bit.

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