Multiples scraps that I've been trying to write; ignore this. Every Book here don't have a cohesive story, I'm just trying to develop my instinct to write instinctively.
[ Chapter XVII: "Left 4 Dead." ]
[ Volume I: "Game Entertainment System." ]
[ Player Two: "Miles Morales." (Marvel) ]
[ Welcome to U.T.O.P.I.A ]
"HO-HOLY SHIT!" Miles Morales, the kid raised and from Brooklyn, and is one of the many future Spider-Man out their aside from Peter Parker, and Gwen Stacy.
The same kid is free falling off some sort of an rainbow dropper-like place. As some sort of digitalized voice rings inside his head, and an floating text inside an box on his face, that he could see moving alongside him as he falls.
Miles Morales, like the previous Player; Edward "Ned" Leeds, is more on vocal through his transportation in the UTOPIA Dimension. Of course he's not really their, he's consciousness is, he's body is left behind on Earth, protected by another Virus "God" bought.
As Miles falls the galaxy-like dropper he's falling on is slowly nearing it's end. As he panics, with his four limbs, both hands and feets up in the air like an human-parachute trying to slow down he's fall. As Miles thinks of an way to get out of this predicament.
Miles wasn't able to come up with something, an solution that can save his lives. Thankfully unbeknownst to him that fall, isn't actually damaging, and wouldn't hurt him as he opens his eyes in an panic.
Seemingly out of breath, and confuse at where he's in, "Wha-t, what?" he looks around and sees an dimly lit room, with it's only source of light being the sun; through the window covered curtains, with one window having it's curtain tied up.
Which caused the light from the sun to beam at Feli--- Miles face, "W-waht's...?" causing him to look at the window, with him still feeling wobbly legged and dizzy from the free fall he unintentionally had. "Happening."
As he tires to stand up, using the wooden table beside him as support. Everything was confusing for Miles, as he tries to recall about everything that has happened leading to him getting here.
Still feeling the non-existent breeze from the fall he had through space. As he feels his cold palms, and sweaty forehead, drenched at this point as he looks at his surrondings.
With him finally able to stand up as he sees in his peripheral vision guns, lot of em' at the table. Pistols, M4A1, AK47, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, and Med Kits, lot of Med Kits and some sort of pills with Ammos to the side.
Causing Miles, which is still dazed a little to be more confused, "G-guns?" he hold one of them, the Pistol; the none heavy type of one, and felt it's heaviness even though it's not that heavy.
As something pops up, same texts that Miles saw earlier when he was free falling. With this one being readable to Miles as he isn't falling as of now, and because he's slowly starting to gain his brain to function.
[ P220 Pistol: ]
[ WEAPON TYPE: Sidearm. ]
[ WEAPON TIER: Sidearm. ]
[ MAGAZINE SIZE: 15 (30 if dual-wielded). ]
[ AMMUNITION: Infinite. ]
[ RATE OF FIRE: 300 (600) / Minute. ]
[ DAMAGE PER SECOND: 175 (350). ]
Miles glances at the text that suddenly popped up in front of him, as he tries to read it. "Weapon type, tier, size, ammunition, damage..." glancing at each texts usually understanding what it means, but not fully.
With Milestone ultimately taking two of this type of Pistols, still not understanding what's going on, and incase for safety. If an game is giving you guns, you'll know shit's bout' to get stupid, and because he was teleported here with one tap of his fingers, he don't want to die so better safe than sorry.
He tries to stuff each P220 Pistols at each side of his pockets, with both of the Pistols slowly being digitalized as he does so until it completely dissappear.
With the texts earlier being replaced by an Inventory Slot kind of floating picture, "Oh, nice." with Miles kinda getting an weird kick out of all of this, being able to confirm that he's inside an game and all.
[ ... ]
[ P220 Pistol (dual-wielded). ]
[ ... ]
[ ... ]
[ ... ]
With 4 more slots being empty, and Miles quickly realizing that it's available slots for items of some kind of type. Like main guns, heal, pills, and more pills or something-something along those lines.
As Miles test out his theory, grabbing one of the many Med Kit's in the table and throwing it at the Inventory. With the said red cross Med Kit, disappearing, and digitalizing turning into an picture inside the Inventory.
[ ... ]
[ P220 Pistol (dual-wielded). ]
[ Med Kit. ]
[ ... ]
[ ... ]
"Wait, this is definitely an game." Miles thought to himself as he pinches himself, feeling pain, and his nails bite into his skin for a little bit. "Or is it?" as he second guesses himself.
But ultimately deciding to think about that later as he fills his Inventory with guns and pills. M4A1, Pills, and another Pill which he just threw at the Inventory slot which just phased through it.
Confusing Miles because there's still an available slot, as he looks at the clearly empty slot in the Inventory, and then at the Pills rolling on the table. "This for something else."
"Or is it for ammo?" He thinks to himself as he grab one random magazine, an ammo for an AK47 and throwing it at the Inventory as it phases through it too. "Does it have to be same type...?"
As Miles looks at another magazine, this one probably being M4A1 ammo type as he throws it carefully at the Inventory, hopefully thinking to himself as to not break ammo. But it phases through the Inventory again, like the other two.
Internally talking to himself as he tries to figure out what's happening, "This isn't what the ads said, that billboard lied." as Miles remembers one of the many billboards he passed when he was about to go at uncle Aaron's place.
Miles was about to test out his other theories, like if he can hold other guns while he's Inventory is currently holding up the same type of gun, but he wasn't able too.
As an knock in the door caused him to look behind him, "No one's home." he thinks before voicing it out loud, instinctively.
"N-no one's at home. Come back later..." As Miles voice trails off, and loses it's energy overtime. As the knocking stops, causing a sight of relief to wash over Miles.
But seconds later the knocking happened again, this time with more hands, and more intensely. Causing Miles to back away a little bit, as he tries to grab one of the guns at the table.
But for some reason, some kind of barrier or something stopped him. As he looks at his Inventory and grabbing the M4A1 inside that, which materialized as he pulls it.
The heaviness of the gun finally sinking in as he holds it using both of his hands, as the knocking, which turned into grumbling and ramming at this point made Miles scared for his life.
He felt like his in some kind of Horror Movie.. Or Horror Game in this case. Which isn't that far off from reality as another text pops up in front of him, this one being bigger, and existing alongside Mile's Inventory.
[ Player Two: "Quest." ]
[ Name: "Left 4 Dead." ]
[ Objective: "Reach the exit of this building, and Survive in any means necessarily." ]