
Reincarnation Paradise Vol 16 Chapter 35: : Amazing Efficiency

In a private house in Bowa Village, this is a somewhat dilapidated private house. The lower part of the house is piled with rocks and the upper part is made of wood, which can be described as warm in summer and cool in winter.

The humble home can be described by four walls, a black-and-yellow wooden table, two wooden stools with broken legs, and a bed that has been severely moth-eaten. It seems to collapse at any time.

A cheeky middle-aged man was sleeping on this bed that would collapse at any time. He seemed to be working all day, and there was still some moist dirt on the **** in the corner.

A smell of sweat permeated the room, matching the middle-aged man's loud purring noise, how could it be regarded as a bachelor farmer who worked hard all day.

If Su Xiao didn't get accurate information, even if the farmer passed by him, he would not associate the other party with the murder of the little princess.

Today, there are only two possibilities. One is that Erduo is lying, and the other is that the peasant is so good at disguising himself.

"Ah ~"

The dormant farmer scratched his face, let's just turn around and continue to sleep, not to mention how sweet it was.

According to the information provided by Irdo, the main messenger Ruper has no fighting power. He is not a low-ranking member of the Necromancer, but his abilities are not very suitable for combat. His strength lies in IQ and layout ability.

If this farmer is really Rupert, then his layout ability is terrible. He is not in the capital of the king, but he is disturbed by the royal family. If the old king is too resilient in the banquet hall, his The plan has been successful.

Su Xiao gently opened the wooden window.

Squeak ~

A subtle, almost negligible voice appeared, and the farmer in the room suddenly opened his eyes and reached out under the pillow.

Boom! Stones and sawdust splattered, and Su Xiao rushed directly into the walls of the house, appearing immediately in front of the farmer's bed.


Su Xiao hit a punch on the peasant's abdomen, and it made a crisp sound. A hole appeared in the wooden bed under the peasant, and something in his hand flew out. It was a green metal ball.

Su Xiao grabbed the metal ball, and the high temperature came in the palm of his hand. He raised his foot and kicked on a wooden board floating in the air, and the fast wooden board shot upward.

The wooden board broke through the roof and hit a half-meter hole. Su Xiao threw the metal ball in his hand upwards. The metal ball flew out of the house from there and immediately disappeared into the night sky. This was to prevent Xiao The metal ball collided, this thing should be some kind of weapon.

Su Xiao punched the farmer's jaw, and the farmer was stunned.


A loud noise came over the village of Bois, and a fireball 300 meters in diameter appeared. The residents in the village were awakened, and some even screamed.

The flames fell from the air and gradually emptied in midair without causing a fire.

Needless to say, this farmer is the master messenger behind the scenes, Necroman Rupper, otherwise why would a farmer have such a radical response?

[Hint: The hunter has successfully captured the main messenger Rupert behind the scenes. After handing over Rupper to the old king, he will complete the hidden side mission, the secret of the royal family, and activate subsequent missions. ]

Su Xiao lifted Rupper, and after leaving the house, he took Bobowang out of the village of Bowa and went straight to the direction of Wangdu.

Along the way, Su Xiao checked the tools or organs carried by Rupper. He had to say that this guy was a ruthless man. He carried explosives at all times. He also had three poisonous needles on his body, and a poison was implanted under his wrist. bag.

Rupper is likely to hide other suicide methods. This guy is ready to die at any time to prevent the disclosure of Necro's secrets.

To prevent Rupert from committing suicide immediately after waking up, Su Xiao took out a metal syringe from the storage space, which was a pink solution.

This thing was brought by Su Xiao from the hunter's world. It is a venom secreted by a tentacle-like plant in the withering mountain, a paralytic toxoid that will not cause death, but it is extremely paralysing. Authentication is an item that Su Xiao spends paradise coins to bring out of the hunter world.

Being injected with it, Rupper couldn't even blink his eyes, let alone commit suicide.

Half an hour later, Su Xiao returned to the capital and came to the main entrance of the palace.

The royal palace at night is an absolutely restricted area. No one except the few royal families can enter or leave. Fortunately, Su Xiao is not in the ranks, and he also has the golden lion pendant of the old king.

After entering the palace smoothly, Su Xiao was taken by the two guards to the door of the Kingdom Hall, and the old king and several princes and princesses were inside it.

There are only five princes and princesses who are eligible to recount the old king. They are the great prince with amazing financial resources, the three princes with high affinity with the army, the seven princes representing the holy warriors, the second princess who takes black and white, and extreme style Six princesses.

In addition to the six princesses, several other princes or princesses Su Xiao have seen. The six princesses are wearing a black gauze skirt, aged about 20 years old. In fact, she is 27 years old. This is a beautiful woman with a beautiful smile, a femme fatale. It is said that she has a hobby for collecting the eyes of the strong.

"Father, what's the good news for Iron Hand to see you so late?"

The big prince sat with the old king recently, and the smile on his face was still so mild.


The old king did not expect any good news from Su Xiao. Things happened around 10 o'clock in the day. The whole thing was carefully arranged at a glance. It was impossible to find the eyebrows so quickly.

"Perhaps the Iron Hand came to ask the Father for help? I learned a little about the daytime, most likely by the Necromancers."

The voice of Princess Six is ​​very clear. When her eyes look at which prince or princess, the other person will look at her differently, because in the eyes of other princes or princesses, Princess Six is ​​a crazy dog. No matter how beautiful she is, she cannot hide it. Her crazy dog-like character.


The door of the Kingdom Hall was pushed open, and the great prince, the three princes, and others were startled. They also thought that the assassin had arrived, and the old king rubbed his forehead lightly. The old lion was used to it.

"Iron hand, haven't rested so late?"

Because of the presence of 'foreigners', the old king is not the usual tone. If there were only Su Xiao and the old king, the first sentence of the old king is likely to be 'Iron hand, come forward' or 'how things are done' , Obviously much more random now.


Su Xiao's answer surprised a few princes and princesses. This answer was too casual. They looked at the old king. The old king's expression did not change. Perhaps this is the daily attitude of the two.

At this moment, the prince, the three princes, the seventh prince, the second princess, and the sixth princess were all very hot. At the same time, they learned that the old king did not trust four people, but two people, iron hands and the kingdom. Legion Hurstlett, if they can get the support of the Iron Hand ...

"Behind the scenes."

Su Xiao threw Rupper in his hands to the ground, and Rupper was still a farmer at the moment.

"this is..."

The old king frowned. He felt that it was unlikely that the human behind the scenes had been instructed, but he thought that this human might be disguised by the dead.

"He's Rupper, the Necromancer."


The old king rose slowly from the throne.

"Father, be careful ..."

The great prince stood up, and the old king waved.

"The ambassador is Necroman Ruper, and his known helpers are three Necromancers, Dunk Nick, Sagar, and Erdo.

The little princess died in the hands of the Karen Army Commander yesterday. The queen drank drugs in order to delay me. All this was to attract my attention and lead me away. An assassination was performed in the banquet hall, but the assassination failed. "

Su Xiao briefly described the whole thing. Some old intelligence kings must have known before that the whole thing is now connected.

Hearing Su Xiao 's words, the mouth of the younger seven princes was opened and closed. He was surprised by Su Xiao 's efficiency. Such a major event took less than 12 hours. Since a series of people have been taken out, including Dun Big man like Nick Nick.

"What about Dunk Nick?"

Of course the old king knew who Dunk Nick was. This was the name that kept him up at night.

"Slayed ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ the other two?"

"Slaughter together, the body will be delivered to the palace tomorrow morning."


The old king sat back on the throne, and he exhaled a long breath.

Several princes and princesses stared at each other. Today they finally understand why the Iron Hand has some privileges that seem to be Huang, and the efficiency is too frightening at the moment.

They do n't know that this is the Iron Hand. Although the position is not high, there is no military power, financial power, and no officials can be managed, and the risk is very high, and it will offend many people, but the Iron Hand is the most trusted person of the old lion. During the struggle for rights, once these princes or princesses did something too extraordinary, such as using alienation and other means to reject aliens, the iron hand was their nightmare.

"One more thing, Rowan Harvey, Treasurer of the Kingdom, has treason."

Su Xiao gave an explosive news, and there was nothing in the Chamber.