
flower tattoos

Tác giả: snoosification
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yoongi is a tattoo artist, a new flower shop opens right across his shop. not only the flowers are breath taking....

3 thẻ
Chapter 1ch 1. new flowers

yoongi sipped from his coffee and went from the coffee place back to his shop. it was early and the street was quiet. just a few other shopowners were already there. yoongi greeted the old lady of the little convieniencestore and talked with her for a bit. it took him long to get accepted by the others. he looked wild to them. blonde hair, tattoos everywhere and piercings. but he was still a nice and polite person, so after they got to know him, they stopt with the judgement against him and his tattooshop. yoongi opend the door, turned the sign from close to open and stept in. he looked into his book and saw how many appointments he would gonna have today. he sighed, when he noticed a speciffic name, which his assistent must have wrote in. "damn it... not again.." yoongi sighed annoyed. a customer, who liked to flirt with him a lot, had an appointment with him again. since months he tried to get yoongi into his bed, but yoongi had no plans to have a realationship in the near future. he was satisfied how his life was right now. after the last breakup, he wanted to stay single. it was too brutal to find out, that the one u loved, cheated behind your back for a long time. *tae..* the image of his lost love came into mind and yoongi tried to get it out by shaking his head. he needed a clear mind to do his work and he really didnt want to remember him right now. it was over. it was done. still he felt a sting in his heart when he thought of tae.

the morining was busy for yoongi. he had a lot of appointments and no time to think of his private life. finally he had a short break and stept out of his shop to stretch and enjoy the warmth of the sun. blinking he looked right across the narrow shopping street to the former empty shop. a new owner was moving in. the young man ordered others around and yelled at the two who brought the shopsign on. "left... more to the left... left is there, for ... sake!" yoongi had to chuckel. the young man was, what it looks like, his height, had pinkish hair and in all looked really handsome. even when he was angry or annoyed like now, yoongi found him cute. *what are u thinking, idiot!* yoongi shook his head, turned and walked back into his workplace.

"sugaaaaa! when will u go for a drink with me?" yoongis annoying costumer leaned in close with his questions. yoongi backed away and sighed. "i already told u that i dont have any time, hope" the other looked dissapointed. "oh come on, u surely have some time after work. even u have to relax after a long day?!" yoongi shook his head. "nope. please keep still, or i will make mistakes." hope pouted and turned his head back again. yoongi worked on his back with a new tattoo. "but... u always say no to me. am i that disgusting?" "no u arent, i just have neither the time nor the mood for a drink." "still whining after the idiot? its months now, suga" hope had himself informed about yoongi, so he knew. yoongi was annoyed. "its not because of him, i just dont wanna go, okay? stop pestering me" "one day i will make u go out with me! just wait!" yoongi rolled his eyes. he knew that hope was very persisting.

after yoongi cleaned everything, told his assistant "good night", he stept out of his shop to close the door. as he turned, he saw still lights on in the new shop. curious he walked closer. very nice flowerarrangements greeted him in the windows. the new flowershop looked allready fine. astonished yoongi tried to peek more inside, when the door opend and he flinshed. the young man stretched his body and looked surprised at yoongi. "oh hey! i am jimin, the owner of this shop. nice to meet u" jimins face hit yoongi in the gut. *god, he is beautiful!* "ahm...h-hi.. yoongi, my shop is there" yoongi stuttered a bit. jimin smiled wide and shook his hand. *what a smile..* yoongi imagined himself looking foolish. jimin looked to the tattoo shop and smiled even more. "oh wow! i always wanted one" "than u should come to me. i could squeeze u always in, if u want one" "really?! thank u!" yoongi had to snap out of his thoughts and turned to the window. "fantastic flowers! it looks amazing" jimin giggelt. yoongi felt shivers, he could hear that the whole day. "thank u, wanna come in?" "can i?" jimin noded. yoongi followed the florist into the shop. inside it was still chaos, but yoongi could see how its gonna look like in no time. "wow... i never knew how big this place is" jimin rubbed the hair on his back. "yeah... but i thought i could use the space... than it wont look so crammed. i will put the huge table there, make the arrangements here and ... i dont know now what to do here, but i will figure it out." jimin explained everything. yoongi noded. "the wall colours are great, did u choose them?" jimin smiled. "yes.... wasnt so sure at first... but i think it turned out nice" "really beautiful" yoongi looked around with an open mouth. jimin raised his hand and trailed with a finger over yoongis tattooed hand and underarm. goosepumps immidiatly invated yoongis whole body. "didnt that hurt?" yoongi looked big eyed at him. "huh?... first a bit" "i cant tattoo my hands, which bodypart are u suggesting?" yoongi gulped hard, dirty thoughts raced through his mind. "..ahm....back or on the rips, depends on what u mostly cover with your clothes." "hm.... i should have a look what i should put on... whats in at the moment." "everything... colours are huge now" jimin stood there in his thoughts. yoongi took the chance and scaned the body up and down. he liked what he saw. "what u think?" jimin suddenly got out of his tshirt and showed a surprised yoongi, his bare torso. yoongis eyes almost plopped out. jimin was muscly toned and had a peachy complaction. "...what?!..." "where should i put it?" jimin turned slowly around and back to him. yoongi felt that he was about to drool and put the back of his hand onto his mouth to prevent it. "hm... can i touch u?" "sure" yoongi felt his hands trembling and inhaled a deep breath to calm down. carefully and gentle he touched jimins back, to feel the texture of his skin. yoongis underlip was bit harshly by his teeth, he almost moaned out at the feeling of the others warm nice and smooth body. "here is a good spot,... or here....can u... turn?" now yoongi was faced with jimins front. he couldnt look him into the eyes. he hesitated first, but eventually touched jimins chest. "here.... but not near the nipples, that hurts like a bitch.... ripcage.. hurts too" yoongi sighed. he liked touching him, he liked it too much. that was dangerous! jimins eyes never left yoongis face. he had to smirk. for a tattooist, who saw naked bodyparts every day, this one was too nervous. jimin wondert why and tried an experiment. "can u show me yours?" "mine? what?" "tattoos" "oh... yeah.. why not" yoongi stept back and shoved his sweater off his body. jimin looked wide eyed at him. the whole upper body was covert in various tattoos, mostly angels and demons. astounding he stept close and trailed his hands over the skin. yoongi had to close his eyes and held his breath. he was on the edge of going crazy. "wow that looks great..." yoongi flinshed a bit when jimins hands reached his abs. "can u turn?" slowly yoongi did and felt jimins hands again. finally he hadnt to restrain his expressions, jimin wouldnt see it. everywhere jimin touched him, it felt hot and tingeling. it was ages since somebody else touched him. his body was thirsty and aching to feel somebody. jimin was surprised. he could see yoongis face in the mirrow. he asked himself what happend to this pretty man, that he was enjoying his touches so much. jimin wanted to give him more, he could sense that this person needed this a lot. it made him sad. "u are tensed up, let me help u." he pulled yoongi to a chair and massaged his shoulders. "u...u dont have to do that" "let me do it... ok?" yoongi gave up and enjoyed it. his head hung down and jimins hands were really skilled. yoongi closed his eyes and after some moments he let out some quiet moans. he was so into jimins doing that he didnt realize what he was doing. jimin smirked, he had a plan in his mind. he would do something, he normally wouldnt do with a person he just met. but there was something with yoongi, that made jimin feel safe and really horny. never got him somebody felt this after some minutes knowing each other. that was new and it was exciting! jimin opend with one hand his pants, the other still working on yoongis neck and shoulder. he let it fall down, tossed his shoes away, walked infront of yoongi and sat on the surprised tattoo artists lap. jimin didnt gave him a chance, pressed his lips immidiatly onto yoongis and grabed his hands to pull them onto his skin. "touch me" jimin whispered, still with his lips on yoongis. yoongi looked shocked first but after the whisper, he snaped. like a storm, or a tsunami, he came over jimin. yoongis mouth devoured jimins, who had problems to breath, yoongis hands made jimins skin sore from the touches, the grabing, fingers and nails dug into jimins skin. jimin arched his body into yoongi due to the feeling. it wasnt unpleasant, it was amazing. jimin never felt so wanted or needed. his hips moved on its own until he felt something hard. jimin backed away with his upper body, his underlip between his teeth, hooded eyes, he watched yoongis face how much of an impact it made on him. yoongi had his head leaned back, the eyes closed, the mouth open, reddish cheeks, his hands were on jimins hips and demanded more friction. jimin smirked, licked over yoongis adams apple and lightly bit the neck. yoongi growled and moaned louder. the grip of his hands became stronger. jimin sighed, got out of the hold, stood up and slowly slipt out of his boxers under yoongis starre. now he stood there butt naked and smiled lightly to yoongi. whos tent was prominent. jimin sighed again. "get out of your jeans" fastly yoongi yanked his pants and underwear away. a whine escaped jimin, when he saw the others throbbing cock, he immidiatly sat back onto yoongis lap. "prep me. fast.... i cant wait anymore" he whispered seductivly. yoongi licked on his fingers, never left jimins eyes and after some rubbing on the hole, pressed two of it in. jimins body arched up, he wraped his arms around yoongis neck and enjoyed yoongis tongue and teeth on his neck and shoulder and the fingers gliding in and out of him. "oh....please....faster..." yoongis errection started to hurt big, he wanted to release. he pushed harder and deeper into jimin, found the spot he wanted and amazed watched jimins sex face. "stop your fingers..." jimin panted out, he could feel how wet he became and heaved his hips up. with the assistance of his hand he swallowed yoongis cock and moaned out, by the wide stretching of his hole. for some seconds both stood still, looked into their eyes, yoongi panted "u feel so good" jimin smiled and moved up and down slowly. his body fell forward, hugging yoongi tight and jimins mind got occupied of the feeling he was having. yoongis mouth sucked hard on jimins chest. he needed to go faster and deeper, but jimin wouldnt let him. almost insane from the feelings, yoongi pressed jimin hard onto his body, stood up and let jimin lay onto the huge table. he pulled jimins legs over his shoulders, held hard on the hips and started an animalistic pace. jimins moans and screams echoed through the shop. hopefully nobody outside would hear them and call the police... jimin came but it didnt stop. his dick kept on giving juice with yoongis continuing thrusts. yoongi shoved jimin to the middle of the table, got on it, wraped jimins legs around his waist and thrusted again like a maniac. forehead on forehead he watchend jimin, as he was still in an endless orgasm. finally yoongi came big and collapsed on jimin. after a while yoongi heaved himself up and out of jimin, when he noticed, that his partner had fainted.

jimin woke up and growned. he sat up and saw yoongi sitting on the chair. "what happend?" "u fainted" yoongi smirked lightly. "ha....dont give yourself too much credit" yoongi laught out, stood up and gave jimin his clothes. "i cleaned u." "thanks...." they stayed silent until jimin was dressed again. yoongi sat on his chair again and watched him. "sorry..." "for what?" jimin looked at him with furrowed brows. "its not...me...doing this with a stranger" "me neither" "than why?" "why did u?" yoongi sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. "did i hurt u?" jimin shook his head. "i should get home and unpack. i am still not done and dont know how i am gonna sleep today. the bed is still not build up... shit.. i totaly forgot that.. shit" jimin looked frustrated. yoongi got up, pulled jimin with him to the door. "hey! what.." "u gonna stay at my place tonight. i ll help u tomorrow with the bed" jimin was too surprised to say a thing. he went with yoongi to his appartement, what was just 5 minutes away. yoongi opend his door, threw his keys on the small table, got out of his shoes and went to the small kitchen. jimin followed him. "do u wanna something to eat?" "no thanks, i only need a shower and sleep" yoongi gave him a clean towel and showed him the bathroom. jimin got out of his clothes again and stept into the shower. somehow they felt akward now and he didnt like that. was yoongi regretting it? jimin needed to find out. and he needed to find out why this was bothering him so much. wet and nacked he stept out of the bathroom and walked to the kitchen, where yoongi sat on the table and looked through his mail. jimin stood there, his hands on his hips, dripping water on the floor. "tell me why... i dont want this so...funny between us" yoongi looked up and his eyes got wide. "u...u are wet...nacked" "yeah?" "didnt i gave u a towel?" "thats not really important" "i... i didnt have anyone since months... sorry if i used u... it wasnt my ..." "u didnt use me or force me to anything. i liked it very much. it was amazing" yoongi smiled big. "yes, it was amazing. i really needed to feel... u. thank u for that" "dont say thank u. that sounds wrong." "sorry" "dont apologize. thats even worse." they starred at each other. yoongi stood slowly up and huged him. "okay" jimin trailed little kisses on yoongis neck, his hands under yoongis sweater, their bodys got heated again. "i need to shower first" yoongi whispered. "do it fastly" after yoongi went to the bathroom, jimin looked around yoongis bedroom. he noticed a picture with yoongi and another man. they looked happy. jimin suddenly felt a slight sting of jealously. yoongi came back and saw jimin with the picture in his hands. he rubbed his hair dry with a towel "my ex." jimin turned his head a bit. "u looked happy" "i thought we were, until i found out, that i wasnt the only one in the realtionship. he cheated from day 1" "oh... sorry" yoongi came close and took the picture from jimin away, he looked at it and smiled midely, sighed and put it into a cardboardbox. "its done a long time ago" jimin caressed yoongis face and looked sad. "why are u sad?" jimin shruged his shoulders. "u got hurt" "everybody gets hurt sometimes" jimins lips were the best bandaid for his mind. tae wasnt an issue anymore. yoongi only focused on this beautiful creature right here with him. they kissed gently and slow. yoongi shoved jimin to the bed and let him fall down. he looked at him. "do u know how beautiful u are?" jimin felt emberrassed under yoongis starre. "am i?" yoongi noded. "come to me! let me touch u" jimins arms were raised into the air to yoongi. he took jimins hands and let them pull him down on the desired body. jimins legs were open and let yoongi lay down inbetween. "didnt u say that u are tired?" yoongi smirked. jimin rolled his eyes. "not for u" they kissed more passionate.

yoongis alarm clock went off loudly. with an annoyed grown jimin tapped on the sidetable around to get it silent again. "sorry, i forgot to turn it off yesterday" yoongi mumbelt sleepy. "make it out...." jimin demanded. yoongi rolled onto jimin and smashed onto the clock. "morning" "hmmm..." yoongi smiled and kissed him softly. "come on, we need to build your bed. than i ll help u with the shop." "dont u have to work today?" "its my day off" "and u wanna spend it with me and my stuff?" "why are u surprised? of course" "than i buy u lunch and dinner today" yoongi chuckelt. "whats with the breakfast?" jimin opend his eyes and smirked. "i have some plans with that" "oh yeah?!" "yeah"

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