

Ainsley, who was well-known to at least half of the entire world, was just a special case due to the war that attracted the whole world's attention because it could decide the fate of the whole world. 

After the carpenter guy told a little bit of a story about himself, the plant-tamer girl was the next one to tell her own story. 

"To be honest, I'm a biologist, a researcher at a famous human race's laboratory, and I'm not a pure human being." 

The plant-tamer girl dropped her secret out of the blue, and the rest of the teammates could not help but look at her with big exclamation marks above their heads. 

What did they just hear? This girl is not a pure human?? But she looked human and she never showed her other form! 

The plant-tamer girl nodded at her teammates and casually dropped another bomb. 

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