
"The War Hero's Experience" 

Of course, for people without the internet, they would not know about Ainsley's name and only knew about the big war without knowing the protagonists involved. 

But basically, almost all races now already had an internet connection, and even if there were some places with no internet, there were newspapers and such so that the news from the outside world could still be delivered. 

Ainsley knew that her teammates should be curious about the famous war six months ago, so Ainsley started to share her story while the fire in the cave illuminated her face with a soft golden light. 

"Well, at first, I'm not qualified to be involved, but my adopted father was deeply involved with the celestial race's trick, and many of my acquaintances are also involved..." 

Ainsley didn't shy away when talking about her experience because basically, almost all the things she mentioned could be seen on the recorded video a few hours long from various angles. 

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