
She's Not One of Us.

"Mother you can't do this!"

"It's highness to you!"

The exchange between mother and son was intense and was probably causing mild shakes in the earth down below, not that it mattered to anyone in the room except the young soldier. All heavenly beings stood in silence in the Queen's courtroom.

He cradled a very small girl child in his arms, she looked even smaller against his ravaged armour as he and his troops had just conquered the battalion of warriors of Ryiah, the witch.

What was supposed to be a celebration turned into a heated argument between the two on what to do with the child found in the ruins of Ryiah's fortress.

The soldier thought it would be fitting to raise the child here amongst heavenly beings and good forces, as his heart simply would not allow him to leave her there. The queen remained adamant on leaving the 'beast' where it was found.

"I will not allow that thing to live in this castle! She belongs wherever you found her."

"But she's only a child mother! She is an innocent little girl born into the wrong world. If we could just-"

"Stop. Right. There." A slight tremor rocked through the castle and made a few entities shake and lean sideways. The queen's steel gaze hardened even more on her son and he could feel power reverberate throughout his very body, but he maintained his stance and held the girl even closer to him.

A little blue-haired girl watched from somewhere in the crowd, clutching onto someone's boots. She hid because she didn't know who she should side, and her opinion would most likely matter a lot in later judgment.

All of a sudden, the tremors stopped, the queen's angry face changed into that of indifference. She slowly got up from her throne and walked towards the duo.

"You call it innocent?"

"Her, and yes she is." He shot back.

She sighed and shook her head. "Why are you so foolish? Ryiah created that monstrosity. Which means it's every bit just like her." She made an irritated face at the sleeping girl in his arms. "Every bit just as spoiled..."


"Every bit just as disgusting..."


"Every bit just as evil..."


"I am only speaking the truth Aidan!"

Queen Ahanna walked back to her throne and sat. "She could be just as evil as her creator. Imagine the harm she would bring with her. I am only trying to protect my kind."

He looked to the floor.

For the first time since their stare-down, Aidan showed a sign of tiredness. The young princess watched his chest rise and fall. Her gaze shifted to the small girl in his arms. She looked quite frail and smaller than her, and she wondered what exactly he saw in this girl to make him bring her home to take care of.

Nobody dared to make a sound as they waited for what would happen next.

"We won't know..."

"What was that?" Ahanna prompted, and everyone visibly leaned forward a little to hear what he had mumbled.

He looked up, the rays from outside hitting his perfect golden hair and pale blue eyes.

"I said, we won't know if we never give her a chance."

To say the queen was unamused would be hitting the nail right on the head. She stared at her son and could only blame herself for his splendid sense of selflessness. It was both admirable and foolish. She looked deep into his soul and realised that this was something he wanted to his very core. She could only hope it wouldn't be the cause of his downfall.

"I will have no hand in whatever becomes of her. She won't be allowed on my castle grounds... That is my only rule."

A considerable amount of beings in the room were shocked, some were against it, some were glad and some were just not surprised.

A grin nearly split Aidan's face in half as soon as he realised what his mother meant. "Thank you! Thank you so much... I-"

"Don't. Thank me. I don't want to begin to imagine the consequences of my decision." She looked away, unable to meet his ecstatic grin in fear she would become too lenient with her words. "If either one of you or both goes against my wish, I won't hesitate to send that child to where her mother lays. Leave."

"Yes my queen." He bowed and almost fell over in excitement. "Thank you. You have no idea what you've done."

"Exactly what I'm afraid of. You can leave now." She turned to address the crowd. "This meeting is over. You may all return to your respective domains."

They either vanished, flew, simply walked. By whatever means, all who remained were the queen, Aidan and the young princess in the courtroom.

The soldier still stood there grinning like an idiot at his mother and she eyed him suspiciously.

"Come one step closer and it will be you who's visiting Ryiah's grave." She pointed her sceptre at him with warning, and he chuckled, raising one arm in submission.

"Alright alright. I won't take a step closer..." Before anyone could think, he was beside her on the higher throne platform and had given her a kiss on the cheek. She gasped and swung her sceptre at him, but he was already right back where he previously stood.

In exasperation, Ahanna slumped her shoulders and sighed. Now they were playing as if nothing had transpired a few minutes ago. She already knew she would say yes to his request, but she needed to draw it out for two sole purposes.

1. To make sure this was indeed something he wanted.

2. To let the evidence of her impartiality stand strong and true, even to her own family.

"I wish you would really think things over before you did them."

"I do mother. And I knew you wouldn't let her die." He bowed again and turned to leave.

"I meant what I said Aidan." She spoke with such honest emotion that he stopped right before the door. "One foot on my castle grounds and I will put an end to her."

He didn't say anything in response to her but only held out a hand. "Come on little sister."

She scurried towards him and placed her hand in his while full on staring at the girl in his arms. She noticed that the girl practically slept in her own long dark hair and subconsciously reached for her own short blue hair.

She looked to see her mother's weary expression before the doors shut on their own.

"Do you think she's angry?" She asked Aidan. He shrugged and answered, "She'll be fine. Look on the bright side, you have a new friend to play with." He looked to the sleeping girl.

She pouted at this, slightly jealous. He reached down to kiss her on her forehead and they both walked on into the world known as Lothaun.

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