
The Extra Special Guests.

Just as I had suspected, Maria wasn't back by that evening or by the time guests began arriving for the party. Somehow she had been gone for three days and counting and I was the only one who was concerned.

"Oh she'll be back soon."

"The mines are far away so she might have miscalculated the distance."

"She's probably taken a detour at the orphanage."

Okay that last one was the most sensible to me but if she really wanted to visit the orphanage, she would have come to tell us first.

"Happy birthday your majesties." I nodded with a smile, accepted the wrapped gift, and handed it to Fern, who added it to the pile that was already the same height as both of us.

I saw my father emerging from the crowd and heading towards us. "Freya, Fernando. You're aunt Genevieve is he-"

He was interrupted by the yelps of several people falling to the floor in a line. Out came a tall... eccentrically dressed woman, who had extreme make up on her face. She beamed with excitement once her eyes landed on us.

"Freya! Fernando!" She snapped her huge fan shut, which caused a man close to her to jump a few feet in surprise. Father in turn, moved a safe distance from her.

"My favourite niece and nephew." She crushed us in a big warm hug.

"We're your only niece and nephew aunt Genevieve." Fern laughed.

"It's great to see you again." I said once she let go.

"Indeed it is. The last time we saw you were..." She used her hands to gesture a very unflattering height. "This tall?"

"I'm sure we were a bit more than that aunt Genevieve." I muttered.

"Oh well, it has been a while." She looked ready to say something else but then cast a side glance at my father. "Oh Sergio..."

"What?" He asked gruffly.

"I think Olivia needs some help over there." She nodded towards mother apparently trying to explain something to some guests to no avail.

I heard him grumble something but went to stand at mother's side anyway. Every year aunt Genevieve always found a way to distract the only person who wanted to make sure she didn't do anything to 'liven' the party up. This year was another success.

"So what's it going to be this year? Loose wigs? Magic dancing shoes? Maybe a-"

"I'm afraid there are no tricks up my sleeve this year. But I do have a special gift for you both!"

"Really?!" We both asked.

"Oh yes! I think it's right here..." We watched in complete wonder as a hand disappeared into the folds of her dress. "Let me just... I hope I didn't leave it at ho-Ah! Here it is!"

She pushed a small black box towards us. It had so much accurate silver detailing on the body I didn't even want to imagine who or how it was made without error.

"It's lovely aunt Geny." I said as I carefully tool the box and began examining it even more.

"What's in it?" Fern asked me.

I shrugged and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge.

"Aunt Geny? It's not opening." I adjusted my grip and tried again. Still didn't budge.

She began laughing so hard that a few guests started looking in our direction, not that it bothered her anyway.

"Oh my dear, sweet niece and nephew. Haven't I told you about this kind of thing?"

We both searched our minds for anything that might relate to this black box.

Fern snapped his fingers. "Oh right! It's a midnight box."

"Exactly. Which is why you should keep it till then." She instructed. "Well I'm afraid I have to take my leave now."

"What? So early? But you just got here."

"I know, believe me I wish I could stay longer but I'm afraid I have some urgent business to attend to."

I really wish she would stay longer.

"Alright, but where will I keep it? I can't just hold it in my hands for the rest of the party."

"Touch your gown with it."

"Okay...? But where did you…"

She was gone. Just like that. Leaving me and my brother more wanderlust than previous years.

"Well I suppose to you're going to have to put it in your...dress?" Fern's unsure look mirrored mine.

I didn't have any pockets so I wondered how this would work. The moment the box made contact with the cotton material, it took on the exact pattern of it. It was almost like there wasn't anything there. Just as Fern was about to make a comment, something started to excite a few guest as the whispers became more intense.

"What's that?" I stood on my tiptoes to see who the crowd was parting for. When I was finally able to see the cause of the commotion I gasped.

Standing there in the middle of it all was Maria, Madame Janette, and Mr. Cullen. All wearing amazing attires for the party. After a few greetings here and there, her eyes met mine. I was upset and I intended to show her that, so I crossed my arms across my chest and turned my head away. From a side glance I could see she was trying to move through the crowd, but my parents came to sweep her away for her report.

Meanwhile Mr. Cullen immediately began mingling with various women as he made his way towards us. Ah yes, every woman wants to get with the most eligible and most handsome young bachelor.

He greeted us with a grin that had a few women whip out their fans and sigh, while the men shot jealous glares. Madame Janette rolled her eyes at this and handed us our presents.

"You'd think it was his party." She whispered and we shrugged. Where Mr. Cullen went, the single and soon-to-be divorced women of Xeldia followed, well almost all. Madame Janette couldn't care less about his adventures.

He was dragged further into the by his thirsty fans. She heaved a satisfied sigh and went to go criticise the band playing our party.

I still kept my eyes out for Maria but now it seemed like she wasn't even in the ballroom anymore.

"Freya relax." Fern placed his hand on my shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "You shouldn't feel bad, it's our birthday!"

"I can be sad if I want to."

"I didn't say you can't. I said you shouldn't. It's the one day the world is celebrating us, and I can't enjoy it if you're going to be a wet blanket."

"Fine." He grinned at me and I couldn't stop the little smile it triggered.

"Alright then." He rubbed his hands together looking at the present pile which was now taller than the both of us.

"Fern...? What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." He answered with his eyes still on the pile. "Hey do you think we could-"

"No." I turned to greet the next person who came with a gift.

"But Freya..."

"You know we can't open gifts till after the party. It's common curtsey."

"I hate common curtsey."

I wanted to say he hates everything but decided against it. Just then, the fanfare began playing and people started to gather around the doors.

"I guess the extra special guests have arrived." He tried to peek who they could be. I wasn't all that excited.

When the crowd eventually parted and the fanfare had exhausted their oxygen capacity, we were able to see who the extra special guests were. The first thing that caught my eye was the unusual attires of gold colour.

"It looks so real and- wait. It is gold!" I exclaimed, almost too loudly.

The extra special guests were the royal family of the third kingdom of the Golden Empire.

Oh. Joy.

"Richard!" My father's voice boomed from across the room.


I watched the two kings shake hands and proceed to slap eachother's backs. Mother and king Richard's wife greeted eachother in a more subtle way.

"I finally cleared up my schedule enough to come!"

"Let me introduce my children. Right this way." Father ushered him towards us. "Freya, Fernando, this is King Richard and Queen Halete. They rule over the kingdom of Asïgos.

"Welcome." We chorused and bowed. Just like we practiced.

"Charming little ones you have Sergio. Children!"

A boy and a girl left Queen Halete's side and bowed before my parents. "This is Alexander, my firstborn, and his younger sister, May. Say hello children."

"Hello children." Fern whispered in my ear and I rolled my eyes.

Fern and May exchanged smiles and I could have sworn I saw his ears go pink. I smiled at Alexander but he only kept a bored expression.

Ah, so he's one of those huh?

I decided to maintain my dignity and stopped smiling as well.

"Well now that we've all met, how about I show you around the castle. It is your first time here after all." Father began talking as he lead the royal couple away, leaving the four of us in awkward silence.

"So uh, what now?" Fern dared to break the silence.

"I believe we are supposed to be getting to know eachother." May spoke up. Her voice was really gentle and I almost had to ask her to repeat what she said.

"We already we've been introduced by names so... I guess our ages?"

May smiled at his confusion. "I am eleven and my brother is sixteen."

Said prince's expression only changed to blow away a golden strand from his eyes.

He is definitely one of those.

"Well me and my sister are thirteen today. Thanks for coming by the way."

"It would be rude not to honour an exclusive invitation. Plus I think our parents must be old friends." May gestured towards the four adults talking rapidly in a corner of the room. They stopped when they realised we were looking at them and stared, until mother waved at us quite stiffly.

"What are they talking about?" I wondered aloud. Fern shrugged and continued talking with May.

My thoughts became focused on Maria's strange behaviour once more. Maybe I was being a bit selfish about it all, but then again, she usually gives me no reason to be suspicious by telling me where she's going.

My train of thought was interrupted by someone calling my name. More like yelling it actually.



A chill immediately ran down my spine. Not the kind that you can hardly feel. The kind that makes you want to stop whatever you're doing and run the other direction with the speed of light, and I almost did. If I hadn't reminded myself that I was at a party, in the midst of guests and part of the reason they were all here, I just might have done that.

I watched as Ronald made his way towards our little group holding a bouquet of roses and a few servants tailed behind him with gifts. Which meant Ursula was lurking closeby.

"Happy birthday my beloved Freya." He handed me the bouquet and I tossed it over my shoulder to the pile. I pointed the rest of the servants to it as well.

He took my hand and looked at me with his confident grin, "You might be getting older, but I swear you get more beautiful with every passing minute." And brought my hand closer to his-

"Absolutely NOT!" I drew my hand away before it reached his pouty lips, and just for good measure I wiped it against my gown.

My brother, May and even Alexander's attention was drawn by this exchange between me and Ronald. However he didn't seem the slightest bit fazed by the eyes on us. Him. Instead his grin stretched out more.

"Feisty. I like a strong woman."

I looked to the ceiling and groaned. "Beat it Ronald."

"Does my presence affect you in a certain way?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oh you have no idea..."

"Um excuse me, Ronald?" Fern moved closer to us. Ronald's face instantly morphed into one of disinterest.


"You do realise we are a package deal right?" He pointed at the both of us.

"Ah yes." He snapped his fingers and a servant came forward with a tiny box to hand it to Fern. He stared at the little box in his hands with a blank expression.

"I believe that should suffice."

A little humourless laugh escaped Fern's mouth.

"Alright Ronald, here's the thing." He tossed the gift to his back, missing the pile by twenty feet, and I couldn't tell if it was on purpose or by accident. He naturally can't throw. "I've let you openly flirt with my sister for the past few minutes minutes, and this is what you got to 'appease' me? Didn't you find it weird I never said a thing until now? You think I'd allow you to do this kind of stuff normally?"

"So what? You want a bouquet too?"

Fern smacked his own forehead. "Beat it Ronald. Freya will never marry you and you know it."

"Love has no bounds."

"We're kids Ronald! And you're only eleven!"

"And three quarters! I'm eleven and three quarters!" He added going slightly red in the face.

"Three quarters is nothing to be proud of if it's not a whole one." Fern taunted with a raised finger and Ronald became even more red. He looked like those Pruçan peppers aunt Genevieve brought with her that one time.

I watched the two of them stare each other down until Ronald suddenly drew back. He swiftly brought out a small hankie from his pocket and began dabbing his face.

"You know what? I don't need to listen to you-"

"Oh yes you do." He spat back, but Ronald was in his own little world.

"Love is a powerful thing-"

"Only when reciprocated." I added.

Ronald stared at the both of us in awe before huffing and turning to leave.

"You'll be sorry." He said before disappearing into the crowd. I rolled my eyes at his antiques.

"Well that was...odd." May finally spoke.

"It gets worse every time we see." I groaned. "Ever since we met at the Bronze Cotillion it's been nothing but love letters, flowers, gifts and proposals. Plus there's this whole process of him trying to charm me, Fern eventually steps in, Ronald blows him off, we team up against him. He held his own a bit longer than usual today though."

"Hey you eventually step in to help me with Ursula! It's a fair deal." He pointed out.

"Speaking of Ursula..." I glanced between Alexander and May to see her moving closer. She stopped a little ways from us and gasped dramatically.

"Prince Alexander? What a pleasant surprise!"

"Princess Ursula." He nodded as a a greeting but she wasn't having that. She stretched her hand forward and I could've sworn I saw him roll his eyes a bit before he kissed it and she giggled.

"I had no idea you were attending this party! Believe me if I had I would've met you sooner."

And I'm just going to pretend I had no idea she's been stalking him from the crowd. Yeah.

Their conversation went on with Ursula doing more talking and Alexander mostly nodding. A servant came to tell us that we had to dance with eachother. A message from our parents, and right on cue, the music changed to a well known piece.

"Well in that case, I'm sure you'd be more than happy to dance with me..." She inched her way closer to him and he swiftly took a graceful step back.

"I believe he meant me and princess Freya alone. Now if you'll excuse me." He walked to a vacant space in the ballroom and stared at me, waiting.

"Happy birthday Freya." Ursula's flat tone rang in from one and out the other. Hard to miss.

I turned and offered a tight-lipped smile. "Ursula? What a pleasant surprise. What are you doing here?"

"It is your party, isn't it?" She moved closer for our usual greeting.

"Yes. It is. But I could've sworn it looked like you came for someone else... Or was I mistaken?" I put a finger to my chin coyly.

"If only."

We hugged and shared air kisses.

"Well I have to go now. Can't keep my dance partner waiting."

"Yes. I suppose you can't..." She drawled. I gave her one last smile before going to meet Alexander.

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