
182 Days

after 182 days, Heather excitedly waited for her fiance, Kudos Vibar. An Astronomer and Planetary Scientist, who get a chance to explore the space.

bendable_beauty · Khoa huyễn
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One — One step close

"At this point of my life, I can feel that I'm one step close at my dreams" the girl murmurs while having her lunch at SM's rooftop.

The lady next to her burst out laughing after hearing what the girl just said, "Heather, you're just graduating, how'd you say that you are one step close?"

Heather rolled her eyes on disbelief, "gosh Maia! you're my best friend. you're the one who's supposed to cheer and boost my self up."

"Girl, your dreams are way too impossible than me, having a sugar daddy" Maia sarcastically said.

She sighs with disappointment, "you're right, it's impossible having a specific type of husband. I just can't help myself asking for the one who has a high IQ, smarter than me, the one who's more ahead to me"

"your rate having an idle husband is literally way too high, than you, having that specific type of husband" Maia said.

Heather pouted her lips as they started to pack their things, "so bitter" she exclaimed.

After the scenario on the SM's rooftop, Heather can't stop thinking about her conversation with Maia.

She's doing her school activities when she got distracted on what Maia just said to her "your rate having an idle husband is literally way too high, than you, having a scientist one" she sighs out of annoyance "gosh! I can't focus because of Maia"




Time has quickly passed and Heather graduated with a Latin Honor at her course BSMedTech or known as Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology

A familiar voice from behind can be hear at Heather's back, a reason to trigger her curiosity "congrats Heather!"

She smiles knowing who the owner of the voice is, "K-Kudos?" she turns her back, to check it if it's the guy she was expecting.

He forcedly turns her back then he immediately hugs her, "Heather, I've missed you"

Heather was right, as expected, it's Kudos who congratulate her, "oh gosh! it's been years, Kudos"

Kudos nods his head, agreeing on what Heather just said.




Back on their mid-school, Kudos and Heather are known as the best couple of the year. Though they're not a real couple, they've been winning the title of 'best couple award' each year because of their chemistry.

Who thought that everyone can win the best couple of the year even though there's no spark between the two individual.




After the Graduation Ceremony, Kudos and Heather spend their time together.

To get to know each other again, i guess?

"How's you life?" Heather asked Kudos.

The guy smiled at her before answering her question, "I'm okay, i guess? I'm about to take an exam, for me, to be a licensed Planetary Scientist"

Is it Kudos that's aligned to be Heather's future? God, I wish it is.

Heather's eye sparkled when she realized what Kudos said. Does it mean that Heather likes Kudos? or it is Kudos who likes her? Hmm, Will see.

"A planetary scientist?" She looks up on him "is it the scientist who studies planet or space?"