

Awoke to the sounds of the ocean water flowing, she rubbed her eyes and stretched. The boat was sort of stable and at the end, she was deeply staring upwards towards the little white dots high up in the sky. The dark yet fascinating changing shade of blue with bright yellowish white stars glowing. It almost painted a picture, or if you connected the dots, you could make a picture. It was almost like a globe, no trees around just the sky and the ocean. She smiled faintly upon looking at the divine scenery. "Pre-tt, prett-y, pretty!" she stuttered. The light that glowed at her face made her so beautiful. Her smile and her eyes reflecting the dots on the sky were astonishing, but he never noticed her.

He, on the other end of the boat, was picking his fingers, almost seemed like he was thinking when this would end. His sharp hair and strong body gave his shadow an intimidating presence. He was handsome, his cute dimples and vague jawline made his smile look like the best you could ever see. His eyes always gave a deep stare,focused as if he concentrated on something to get the atoms rearranged. His eyebrows were sharp and his eyes were dreamy, very. As if when you looked into them, you would fall into his lips.

"Look!", she said pointing up towards the sky almost chuckling lightly. She was rather focused on the view but when she heard no response, she looked at his direction. She noticed his head down, deeply focused on his movements of his fingers, tapping, picking and pulling one another. He let out a sigh and respondly firmly "No, thanks.". It sounded almost as if he was pissed or that he would jump into the ocean and drown on purpose just to get away from her. All of a sudden, in a millisecond, her smile turned blue. She looked at him hesitantly. He was picking his fingers, still focused just like how he was before. She was about to ask him something until she stopped herself. Confused, tears almost started to fall, she looked down at the ocean out the boat.

Bright, colourful, vibrant,vivid and sparkling colours of jellyfish attracted her sight. They were flowing with their tentacles elegantly up and down, left and right. The sight made her smile appear again. The fascinating creatures were moving randomly and their colours conjoining with the ocean made the whole surface of the ocean look as if you were walking on a wet floor with opalescent parts. She observed and somewhat looked at the jellyfish with curiosity. The jellyfish were dancing in the water as they took in the admiration and attention. Some were huge and subtly luminous, some were boxed shaped and some were like princesses skating along a glass room, all of them moved slowly enough to get a capture of their graceful yet refined movements.

"What are you doing?", a voice spoke out. He looked at her with a bewildered expression. He finally stopped picking his fingers and rubbed his hair in her direction and his eyes pinned down at the magnificent creatures. She looked at him and gave him an innocent smile. Awkward and embarrassed, she smiled at him for a moment. He went back to picking his fingers.

"Pretty, aren't they?", she convinced with a low voice followed by a faint smile.

"What are?"

"Jellyfish, sky, colours, lights, stars!"

"Ehm, sure," he said, still picking his fingers. He looked at them as if he was thinking about something, his eyes and eyebrows changing positions made her curious, she tried to talk to him but she was afraid of annoying him or disturbing him. She let out a sigh and went to the other end of the boat to take her sketchbook.

Her steps on the wood led to him seeing her move further away. He looked at her direction and at her for a while. Unaware, she took out her sketchbook and went through all of what she drew long ago. The light reflected on her clear skin and her sophisticated eyes, he noticed her beauty. He approached her with his smirk.

"What is that?" he began. She kept quiet, merely upset. She flipped through the pages of the book and looked at all the amazing things she drew. Her art was always complicated but they always had a meaning. He looked at the art and smirked at her while trying to grab a hold of the book. He touched the surface of the paper of all sketches and paintings, slowly grazing down and admiring all of the imagination and weird-ness from her creative head jotted down on a blank piece of paper.

"I've never seen ink used to make something so amazing", he said awkwardly moving further away from her. He yawned and she looked at him, at that very moment all she thought to herself was what she did wrong. What happened? Why? She always convinced herself not to care about things or the fact that nothing actually mattered. She mainly got this idea of life from him. Nihilism he said many times. "It doesn't affect me, nothing matters, everything's pointless," he told her once long ago. Whatever he said to her, was always printed in her mind. Observant, sensitive and possessive, those words were made to describe her.

The jellyfish were having their own time, flowing around. Funny how everything is not complicated for them she thought to herself. Jellyfish does not have a heart, no blood, no bones, no brain and they are just made of water and they live in water. She wondered,

"Do they have feelings?"

"Who and what?" he replied aggressively

"Jellyfish", she whispered.

"Does it matter? Even if they did have feelings, I'm sure they would not make it complicated."

"What do you mean?"

"No, thanks."

"What do you mean by no thanks?"

"No, thanks.", he replied with a chuckle. She lost her mind again. She was mad and all she felt like doing at that very moment was cry and run.

"This is not a joke, why don't you talk to me?", she said, tears dropping down her eyes. He began picking his nails and replied almost with an angry tone;

"Shut up, shhhh".

Angry and devastated, she went to the other side of the boat. She kneed down and began stopping herself from crying. She looked at the line between the sky and ocean. She wondered why they were not connected. The rays of the stars were reflecting on the ocean water, the breeze and the sound of fresh air all appealed breath-taking to her, she focused on them. The silence, the scenery and the fact that time was moving slowly. Very slowly. Slowly enough to capture wonders just by looking at the sky and water. Suddenly, it came to her. Suddenly, her smile was gone. As if she remembered something wrong. She turned back to him:

"Are you mad?"

"No, shh."

"Don't shush me! I want to know!"

"Know what", he questioned,annoyed. She stopped and paused for a very long moment. She wanted to know everything, but it's not like he would answer. It's not like he cares. At least, to her.

"Nothing, nevermind, I don't know.", she replied hesitantly. He rubbed his hair and set off to sleep. She still stared at him, expecting him to look at her and comfort her. Nothing happened. She went to the end of the ship and looked at nature again.

Nothing really calmed her, it was as if she wanted things to happen at that moment at that time. Stubborn, she is. She alternated between him and the scenery.

He on the other end of the ship was about to doze off to sleep.

"How things were.", she whispered.