
The painting

Jenny's POV

We reached home dropping Y/n and Jungkook at home.

As we got in, Taehyung pulled me and our eyes met.

"Jen, I'm sorry, I couldn't spend time with you. You know, I'm a bit protective of my sister." He said.

I cupped his cheeks and said,

"I know. And it's ok. Cause family first and then everything second."

He hugged me tight.

Y/n you're really great actually. You're a mind reader. But I know you won't go on a date with him if I say it did happen. I'm sorry Y/n, but I've gotta lie in this.

I smiled and hugged him tight.


Y/n's POV

*next day

I was bored sitting in the same room, same bed, same position and in my own thoughts.

"Here, drink this." He offered me banana milkshake.

"Thanks." I said and started sipping.

"Why not we do a painting together now?" I asked.

"Really? You're hurt and you need rest now. So...." before he finished, I cut his sentence.

"Don't. Please, I'm bored. I've got nothing to do. See, my leg is only hurt but my hands are good. I can sit and paint."

"Never gonna listen to what I say." I nodded and he went to get all the things.

"Wow! You use a lot of them." I said seeing at the box he got with a lot of painting tools and kits in it.

"Yeah. Some of them I got it as a gift, some were bought, and some were given by my art teacher."

"That's actually amazing."

"So let's get started." I nodded and he gave me a canvas and took one for himself.

"Do whatever you want. It's up to you. At the end we'll see." He said and I agreed.

I started off with a light background. I took a pencil a drew a portrait of a person.

I darkened it with black paint and gave other colours to it.

*half an hour later

It took a lot more time than I expected.

"Are you done?" He asked.

"Yeah. I guess. You?"

"Me too. Just one last thing."

I gave a bit more brightness to the background.

"Done!" We said together.

"First, what did you do?" I asked.

"Ok. So I did a portrait."

"Same here."

I turned mine and showed. I did a portrait of Jungkook.

His eyes were wide open.

"I-I---" he turned his canvas and I was shocked.

The portrait was me. I painted him and he painted me. This was a coincidence.

"Any reason?" I asked.

"Nope. Anything for you?"


"You know what, I didnt think this would happen."

"Me too. It's such a coincidence of drawing the person, sitting opposite to you."

"That means, we not only have the same tastes but the same minds too." He said.

We looked at each other.

"You know, let's just leave this topic here. No more further questions."

"Right." He said and kept the paintings to dry.

*knock knock

"I'll go see." He said and left. It was the members.

"Y/n, you feeling good?" Jimin oppa asked.

"Ne oppa. I'm really happy to see you guys."

"Did you eat your tablets?" Tae oppa asked.

"Yes oppa. I did everything." I said and he patted my head.

They all sat surrounding me.

"I'm bored." I said.

"That's why we're here. To entertain you." Jin oppa said. A smile grew on my face.

"Shall we start?" Hoseok oppa asked. I nodded happily.

"So, audience, please seat yourselves." Jin oppa said.

I, Jungkook, Tae oppa, Jenny Unnie and Myra Unnie sat down. I sat next to Tae oppa and Jungkook.

"First we have, Namjoon and Hoseok!!" Jin oppa said.

They stood in the front and Jin oppa played some music and they started dancing.

It was so amazing. Namjoon oppa was actually really good. And hoseok oppa as usual was really great. Their duo was really good. But it ended soon.

"That was great." I said.

"Thanks." They said.

"Next up, we have Jungkook."

He was shocked.

"I-I?" He asked.

"Yes. You said you had something to do."

"Hyung." He whispered which I heard.

"It's ok. Go." I said.

He went and stood there. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh.

"~No limit in the sky that I won't fly for ya,~" he sang.

"~No amount of tears in my eyes that I won't cry for ya, oh no,

With every breath that I take, I want you to share that air with me,

There's no promise that I won't keep,

I'll climb a mountain there's none too steep. ~

~When it comes to you,

Here's no crime,

Let's take both of our souls and intertwine.

When it comes to you, don't be blind,

Watch me speak from my heart when it comes to you

Comes to you.~

~when it comes to you~"

It was really amazing. He sat down.

"That was really sweet and amazing." I said.

"Thanks." He said feeling shy.

"Next up, Jimin!"

"I have something for you." He said and gave a small box.

I opened it and saw a pendant. It looked beautiful.

"Oppa, this is beautiful. But it looks too costly. There was no need to buy this now."

"You've gone through a lot. I wanted to do something for you, but I couldn't in this place. So, I got this."

"Thanks oppa. It's so beautiful."

"Next up, me and Yoongi."

"I wanna do it alone. So hyung, you go first."

I felt a bit sleepy so I rested my head on Jungkook. But I kept looking.

"Yah!! You said you'll do with me. Now what are you saying." Jin oppa whined.

"I planned on doing something else." He said.

"Ok. I'll do." He said and started dancing. He only moved his hands and legs. I couldn't control and burst out laughing like shit.

"Now we have Yoongi."

"Wait for a minute." He said and got a keyboard from out.

"This for you." He said and started playing a tune.

It was mesmerising. Hearing that wonderful music, I fell asleep.


Third person POV

Y/n slept on Jungkook. Jungkook also felt sleepy and slept.

The song was over and they all looked at y/n.

"Let's go. She's sleeping." Taehyung whispered.

They slowly moved off the room. Taehyung caressed y/n's head, put the bed sheet over them and looked at them.

"You guys look great together." He said to himself and took a picture of them sleeping.

"I hope you guys get together soon." He smiled at them and left closing the door a little.

"You guys head home. I'll stay here." Taehyung said.

"I'll stay with you." Jin said.

He nodded and the others left.

They both sat on the couch.

"So, Tae, what do you think about y/n and Jungkook?"

"Like, in what way?"

"They are close enough and you know both of them very well. What do you think of them getting together?"

"I think it'd be great. Jungkook and y/n make a great couple. They both are made for each other."

"Did you talk about it to her?"

"Ani hyung. It's her personal life. Let her decide who she wants to be with. After all it's her, who's gonna live with him. I don't wanna talk about it now. When she's ready she can."

"You're a great brother. She's really lucky to have you as her brother."

Taehyung smiled and rested his head back.

*an hour later

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and looked down. He saw y/n sleeping on him. He smiled.

'I wish this becomes real one day.' He said to himself.

He slowly put her down and refreshed himself and went out. He saw Jin and Taehyung.

"Hyung." He called. They both looked at him.

"Ohh.. You woke up." Taehyung said.

"Ne." He said rubbing his eyes.

"Kook, do you like y/n?" Jin asked.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung. Taehyung shook his head saying he didn't tell anything and for him to not tell anything.

"A-ani. Hyung she's my friend." He said and sat.

"I just asked. Anyways, I have some work. I'll take a leave." He said and left.

"Oh my god! What did hyung ask?" Jungkook sat down and asked.

"Whether you like y/n or not."

Jungkook stared at him. Taehyung couldn't control and burst out laughing looking at jungkook.

"Sorry, but I couldn't control (laugh) sorry." He said and tried controlling his laughter.

"See, don't let others know it by saying. Let them find out." Tae said.

He nodded.

Let them find. But I don't know what y/n feels about me. Does she like me too? Am I the only one who likes her? Does she too have feelings for me like I do for her?

I'll find out soon. And I've got an idea.

To be continued...

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