
The video

Jungkook's POV

We were talking and and heard y/n call us.

"Jungkook." She called.

I and hyung got up and went to her room.

"I want to wash my face." She said in a sleepy voice.

"Ok." I said and helped her get up and helped her wash her face. V hyung gave a towel. I washed it for her.

I brought her back and made her sit on the bed.

"Oppa, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"Why shouldn't I?" He asked.

"Oppa, what will Unnie do alone? Go be with her. Jungkook will take care of me." She said.

"I asked hyung to stay. You might need help." I said.

"Ok. Now go oppa. Don't make Unnie sad." He nodded and left.


Y/n's POV

Jungkook sat by me.

"You wanted save oppa from getting screwed by me?" I asked.

"W-what?" He asked. I looked at him and he looked away.

"I know. Don't hide it."

"How? How do you know everything?" He asked.

"Tae oppa is a very protective about me. He would've chosen to stay as he's really worried. But you changed it to saying you asked him to stay."

"Ok, yeah." He said rubbing his neck.

"Let that go. I wanna walk."

"What? You're not joking right?"

"I'm serious. I want to walk. My body's aching like hell. I can't sit like this all the time. Let's go to the hospital." I said cause then only he'll accept to take me somewhere.

"Ok." He said and helped me to the hospital.

We got to the hospital and he helped me to go up to the doctors room.

"Ms.Kim, you can go now." The nurse called us.

We went and the doctor said there was some progress.

He changed the bandage in my head and told that it'll take at least a month to cure my leg.

"Is there anything I can do to not feel bored?" I asked.

"You can go for small distance walks. You can do anything at your home except works like cooking, cleaning, etc. Take rest and you'll be well soon." We bowed and left.

I stretched my arms out and sat back in the car.

"Stop here! No stop there!" I said. But he drove directly to the house.

"Yahhhh, why didn't you stop?" I asked.

"I know. If I stopped you would've gotten down and played."

I hit his arm.

"I hate you!" I said and went in.

"Ok. I have some work. I'll be back soon." He said.

"And now you're gonna leave me alone."

"I'll come back soon and I'll get you ice cream."

"Really?! Ok." I didn't know why acted like a kid. Maybe these injuries made me feel like that? Anyways I get to eat ice cream.


Jungkook's POV

I promised to buy her an ice cream and if I don't, I know she'll kill me. Tae hyung has told me everything about her. Sometimes I feel like I'm her boyfriend but then I realise I'm not.

I drove to the campus. I reached soon and walked to my class.

On my way, I heard people gossip about me and y/n. I didn't care about it. I reached the class.

"Cheryl!" I called her as I came in.

"I want to talk to you. Come out!" I said in an angry tone.

She came out slowly looking down.

"Do you even have sense? How do you think you could even do this to your friend?" The whole corridor looked at us but I didn't care about it.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to."

"You didn't mean to? Do you know how much she still trusts you that you will change and come back? But you broke it by first hurting me and now if she gets to know she'll never ever."

"You know what, do whatever you want. I will protect her."

"Let this be the last and final time. If something like this happens again, I won't be a human. She's not alone. I'm there for her." I said and walked away.

I got in the car and drove back to home but didn't forget to get ice cream. Luckily I bought it.


Y/n's POV

I was waiting for Jungkook to come when I got a notification. It had a message saying,

"Boyfriend stands up for his girlfriend. Hats off!"

I opened and saw a video. It was Jung kook and Cheryl.

I increased the volume and listened to it.

*after the video

Tears flowed in my eyes.

First, I couldn't believe it was cheryl, the one who I thought was my friend did this.

Second, Jungkook stood up for me. The things he said made me cry more.

His last line,

"She's not alone. I'm there for her."

I was really touched.

Except Tae oppa no one else had ever said that to me. He's really special to me.

I had mixed emotions.

*knock knock

I wiped my tears and opened the door. It was jungkook. He got ice cream.

We sat down and he offered me and took one for himself.

"You look mood off? Everything ok?" He asked.

"Y-yeah. Im-I'm fine." I said and continued eating my ice cream.

I finished it fast and got up. But he held my hand and said he'll do it.

I sat back and he put them and came back.

I hugged his hand and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"For what?"

"For protecting me and standing up for me and being there for me." I said.

I paused and continued,

"I know."


"The thing that happened in campus now. You talked with Cheryl. It was sent in the group."

"I-I'm sorry you had to find it out. I didn't want to hurt you by saying it was her."

"It's ok."


"Yes. You said you're there for me, that is more than enough. I'm lucky to have you."

But I felt a bit more different. My heart wanted him like crazy. I smiled at myself.

Is this, what they call, love? I think I like him.

I fell asleep on him.

*few weeks later

I was getting well. There was a lot of progress in my leg that the doctor advised to wear a bandage for another week or two.

But still Jungkook didn't let me do anything.

"I would like to execute the bet tomorrow." I said.

"First get well." He said.

"If you want I'll beg on my knees but don't say no. I'm getting well."

"Under the permission of Tae hyung."

"Ok. I'll ask him." I said and went to my room.

I called oppa and begged him if I can go. Finally he said yes.

I sat there and was in my own thoughts.

Since that day I saw the video, we both became more close. I always felt different with him. I started falling for him. I never saw Cheryl again. I just wanted to see her once and ask her what made her do this.

"What did hyung say?" He asked as he came in.

"He said I can go." I said smiling.

"Then let's go." I got ready and went down. He was sitting ready.

"Shall we go?" I asked.

We got in the car and left off.

"Where do you wanna go?" He asked.

"You won. So you decide." I said and looked out.

Soon the car stopped somewhere.

"Where are we?"

"Get down. I'll tell." He said and as I got down he held my hand and took me.

We came to a place. A nice view of the river and a restaurant opposite to it.

"Let's go." He said and I walked with him.

He took me to the top view of the restaurant.

"It's so beautiful." I said and sat down.

The waiter came and before I could say anything, he whispered something to him and he went back.

I looked at him and then looked at the view.

The waiter came back.

"Madam, this is for you." He served and left.

"Japchae! And kimchi fried rice! My favourites. How do you know?" I asked.

"Hyung used to tell."

"You know everything about me but I don't know anything about you. How? Tell me something about you that I don't. Probably, there are a lot of things that I don't know."

"Tell me what sport you like."

"I like all. Something in specific, then..... basketball, or badminton."

"I love basketball. Yoongi oppa taught me to play. And I've won over him a lot of times."

"My favourite colour is black."

"I know that. Tell something new."

He said somethings about him and I listened to him while eating.

We finished eating and he took me to the next spot.

We went to the beach. It was so cool and refreshing. We sat down and I looked at the people around.

Some were families, some were couples. There were a lot of kids playing.

"Unnie, can you open this for me?" A small girl asked me.

"Sure." I said and opened it for her.

"Thank you!" She said.

"Unnie, what happened to your leg?" She asked.

"I hurt myself."

"Unnie, my sister said that if someone puts some pressure on that hurt leg, it'll go."

"Thanks for the help." I said and patted her cheek.

"Unnie, oppa, you both look cute together. Are you both together?" She said.

"We're actually....." before I could say anything, Jungkook cut me.

"We're together." I looked at him.

"Do you want a small girl's heart to break if she hears what she said wasn't true?" He whispered.

I shook my head saying no.

"Tia, here you are!" I heard a familiar voice.

I looked up and saw who I didn't see for a long time but wanted to talk things out.

I stood up in shock and looked at her. She looked at me. Jungkook stood up and looked at me.

To be continued.....

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