
✒ Chapter 40 : A home to remember

SUNDAY morning...

Yawning, Khein frowned as he stood steadily in front of Ethan's door. Both his hands were tucked on either sides of his pockets in his thick hoodie.

"What the hell are we doing here?" Khein asked. Standing next to him was Rei, wearing that same obedient smile on his face.

"We're helping Ethan do the general cleaning in his house!" Rei said happily. Khein didn't even notice that the puppy was already holding a pair of broom and dustpan.

"Yeah? And later on you're gonna ask me that we should live together with him too." Khein said. He was becoming more sarcastic than he already was.

"Woah? You think that's a good idea, Kheiny?" Rei asked. Khein snorted and yawned for God knows how many times.

"Piss off, I'm sleepy." Khein said. The rebel guy went directly inside Ethan's house as if it was his own home. He didn't give a damn about cleaning.

'My mother raised me to become a handsome and a fine guy, not a future housekeeper.' Khein thought proudly. He sat on the sofa and later on slid his body in a sleeping position. He was about to close his eyes and resume his sleep when Center shouted out of nowhere.

"Another annoying nitwit" Khein hissed and covered his face with the sofa pillow. He didn't get enough sleep because he stayed up all night playing games. Saturday nights are his blissful nights. He could do whatever he wants without worrying for the next day. Of course, that was before when he never met Rei. The time he met Rei, his schedules suddenly turned upside down. Rei made a huge impact on Khein's daily lifestyle. The rebel guy couldn't even get to picture out whether it was a bad or good impact.

"Should I start cleaning here, Eeth?!" Center yelled. The spoiled brat started cleaning the edges of the sofa using a broomstick where Khein was currently taking a nap .

"What the hell?!" Khein yelled when he felt the tips of the sticks poked his arm. He immediately sat up straight as if an insect landed on him. He threw dagger glares at Center who was currently whistling as if he didn't do anything wrong.

"Are you looking for a fight?!" Khein yelled. He looked like he wanted to punch Center anytime soon.

"Kheiny, what's wrong?" Rei asked as he immediately went to the living room. He was making a breakfast with Ethan in the kitchen when he heard Khein and Center yelling.

"Center?!" Ethan shouted at Center, his arms crossed across his chest. Ethan made a disappointed sigh as he glared at Center.

"I told you to swipe the ground" Ethan said. He repeated the last two phrases as if emphasizing the words, 'the ground'

"Broomstick is for the frontyard" Ethan added. Center chuckled apologetically though Khein surely thought he was not sorry at all.

"I thought I saw a big lazy stone here. I'm just trying to tidy up the mess" Center said innocently. The spoiled brat immediately went out and swiped the frontyard. Ethan made his way back to the kitchen, the sound of the toaster called him. Rei bit his bottom lip and looked at his pissed puppy.

"Are you mad at me for waking you up early?" Rei asked while circling his thumbs in front of Khein.

"Absolutely" Khein said without hesitating. One could never make a person who lacks of sleep be considerate. When a person is sleepy and someone tries to piss them off, they became unforgiving. They would talk harshly to make you leave them alone so they could finally sleep.

"I'm so sorry" Rei said and made his way towards Khein. He sat beside Khein who's now currently leaning on the sofa, his head touching the edge, closed eyes and his lips pursed.

"Hmm yeah just get lost and let me sleep." Khein said. He badly wanted to sleep. Rei just didn't wake him up. He really was not able to sleep from last night until early six in the morning. Once Khein started playing games, he never stops until Sunday shines.

"You want me to accompany you?" Rei asked politely. He could see the dark circles under Khein's eyes. The rebel guy still looked cool though, in Rei's field of vision.

"Get lost. Who needs a watcher when you're sleeping?" Khein said with a tired voice. He shove Rei's face away and hit his head with the pillow. He didn't even care whether Rei was still beside him or the puppy got pissed and left him alone. He was too tired to even think properly.

"With times like this that I became so attracted to you, Kheiny." Rei said and trapped Khein in between his arms.

"Yeah?" Khein mumbled with closed eyes. His Adam's apple became more visible as he turned his head to his side. Rei stared at the defenseless Khein under him.

"Stop making a no-fight face in front of me, Kheiny" Rei said while staring at Khein's face. His stares travelled Khein's lips down to the rebel guy's neck. He wanted to mark him again. But he knew that Khein would be mad again so he didn't dare to.

"Just get lost already. I can't sleep when I'm being watched." Khein mumbled and covered his face with the pillow. He was frowning and hissing from time to time.

'Can't anyone just leave me alone when I want to sleep?!' Khein shouted in his mind. He wanted to say harsh words to Rei so the puppy would finally piss off but at the same time he was worried. Worried that Rei might really get pissed off and ignore him the whole day. Khein heard Rei sighed as the taller guy decided to stand. Khein felt the creaking sound of the sofa as Rei's weight left a trace.

"Fine~. Just call me if you want anything." Rei said. Three steps farther, Rei pouted when he saw how tired Khein looked. He felt guilty for bringing Khein with him early in the morning despite knowing the fact that his puppy hates waking up early.


Rei's heart thumped loudly as he heard his name. Khein only calls him when the rebel guy is being intimate or sorry. Rei turned his head to see Khein's hiding face under the pillow. He wanted to remove that pillow so he could see clearly his puppy's face. Slowly showing his face, Khein scoffed and motioned his finger towards Rei to come near him.

"What is it?" Rei said while giving Khein a gentle smile. Khein averted his eyes and sighed.

"Let me sleep on your lap" Khein said casually. Rei's eyes widened with shock. Khein was asking for his lap. Khein was asking for his lap. Khein was totally asking for his lap. Khein scooted over and placed the pillow on top of Rei's lap. He then hit the pillow with his head and closed his eyes. Rei remained frozen, unable to think what to do. He wanted to yank the sleepy guy and push him down, strip him all the way and attack him. Rei sighed and played with Khein's hair to distract himself from his beastly thoughts.

"Stop that, it tickles" Khein mumbled and captured Rei's left hand. He placed Rei's hand on his neck while closing his eyes.

"Stop moving or I'll toss you away." Khein mumbled and planted a soft kiss on the back of Rei's hand. Rei felt for the first time that he was not affected by time. He felt everything stopped for a moment when Khein kissed his hand.

"Calm down, my friend. Calm down." Rei whispered repeatedly as if he was casting a spell or sealing a certain curse. He felt his pants tightened and he knew that he must control himself. Good thing there was a pillow between Khein's head and his lap.


Meanwhile at Ethan's front yard...

"Seriously, where should I start cleaning? In the middle or from the sides?" Center asked himself. He haven't started anything yet. He was worried about Ethan scolding him again for being dumb. He who never once in his life have held a broom was told to clean someone else's front yard was a complete disaster.

"What do I do?" Center asked himself hopelessly. Ethan was halfway done with the food as peeked through the kitchen. He saw the struggling huge puppy in front of the house and chuckled.

"Seriously, I've been surrounded by useless spoiled idiots."