
✒ Chapter 35 : Sweeter than ice cream

RIGHT after class, Khein made his way towards his favorite skating park. He brought a pair of wheels in his locker so he could use it in the afternoon. Swaying his backpack on the ground, his phone suddenly rang.

"What is it, dumbass?" Khein answered Rei on the phone.

'Kheiny, I'm going to have a practice with Ethan at the music room right now.' Rei said on the other line. The psycho guy was acting like an obedient boyfriend towards Khein.

"So what?" Khein answered while skating.

'You're not coming to watch me?' Rei asked on the other line. The puppy sounded lonely but Khein never gave a damn.

'It's not like I can always be with him and ignore the things that I love to do all the time!' Khein shouted in his mind.

"I'm skating right now, kid. I'm far away from school and what am I going to do while you practice? I hate waiting because I'll get bored and you can have fun with the President. Stop being nosy, idiot." Khein said like his mom possesed him. He heard Rei sighed on the other line.

'You always do what you want.' Rei said with a lonely voice on the other line.

"It's none of your business." Khein reminded Rei as if it was obvious.

'It is.' Rei replied seriously. For a moment, Khein got distructed with the sudden change of Rei's voice.

'You really won't come to see me?"'

"No" Khein answered confidently. The call suddenly ended which made Khein burst out of anger.

'How dare you hang up the phone?!' Khein's brain shouted.

"Is he mad now? He can't be mad over something so childish right?" Khein asked himself while skating. Khein sat on the bench and grabbed a smoke. There were two kids in front of him. The little girl was crying as she sat beside Khein. The little boy ran towards the ice cream store.

"Hey, little girl. If you're going to make a noise, do it somewhere else." Khein said with an annoyed face. He hated noises and he was not fond of kids as far as he remembered.

"Here! I brought you ice cream! Please don't get mad at me anymore." the little boy came back with an ice cream and gave it to the girl.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Khein asked the girl with a teasing smile.

"No he's not, but he is going to be my groom someday." the little girl answered as she stopped crying. Khein saw the little boy blushed while he was wiping the little girl's tears with his small hands.

"Woah." Khein gulped and decided to throw his cigar.

"Why were you crying then?" Khein asked with a smile.

"Because he was playing with another girl." the girl answered. Khein chuckled at how cute the little couple was.

"Really? That's why you cried?" Khein asked while smiling. He was having fun talking with the kids.

"I was just helping her because her volleyball rolled towards the dog. I was not playing with her." the boy explained firmly. Khein watched the two making up. Khein thought that the boy was like Rei.

"I always give her ice cream everytime she gets mad at me. Sweets make her happy." the boy said with a smile.

"Big brother, do you have a bride too?" the little girl asked Khein. Khein suddenly remembered Rei's puppy face.

"Not yet" Khein answered with an awkward chuckled. How could he have a bride when Rei in a groom suit suddenly flashed through his mind?

"You should give her an ice cream too. I'm sure she won't be mad at you anymore whenever you have a quarrel." the boy said.

"You think so?" Khein asked like a kid. The boy nodded and immediately pulled the girl's hand. The two left Khein with an awkward face.

"Should I give him an ice cream?" Khein asked himself as he remembered Rei's mad voice on the phone earlier.


"What the hell am I doing?" Khein asked himself as he was bringing a regular size ice cream cup.


CENTER watched Ethan playing the guitar while Rei with the  drums. Ethan was playing the electric guitar professionally.

'They look like they're really having fun' Center thought as he watched Ethan and Rei looking at each other all the time with smiles on their faces.

'Is it really fine that I am here? I don't think Ethan wants me to be here.' Center thought with a gloomy face. Center went out of the music room to buy some snacks and take a break.

The two stopped practicing and rested for a while.

"Ethan, I thought you don't want to play music anymore? Is it because of your father?" Rei asked with worried eyes. Ethan nodded. He told Rei about what happened between him and his father.

"So you wanted to join that audition because your father wanted you to join the band?" Rei asked. Ethan nodded with a guilty face.

"My father wanted to see me play music in front of the crowd together with a band. It was his greatest dream but he never had the chance to make it happen. I wanted to do it for him and for myself. If I won't do it. I'll forever regret about not doing the thing my father wanted to do even once in his lifetime. That way I will feel at east." Ethan explained as he bowed his head. Rei knew that the president was still hurting because of his father's death. For Rei as Ethan's friend, all he could do was to comfort his friend. Rei patted Ethan's head.

"There there, you will make it on the band. Don't worry, I'm' here to win with you. Don't be sad, Ethan." Rei said happily.

As the prince was trying to comfort the president, Khein was standing right at the door. He was gripping the cup tightly as if he wanted to crush the poor thing.

"I thought you were not in the mood when you called me. Looks like I was wrong. Have a great day" Khein said as he glared at Rei. The rebel guy walked away as fast as he could as Rei immediately followed him. Ethan was left with a chuckle as he noticed how Khein had hardy fallen inlove with the prince.

"Those two, Tsk! Tsk!" Ethan said with a chuckle.

"Kheiny! Wait! Hey!" Rei shouted while running. Khein went to his locker to get his wheels again. He immediately grabbed his bag before Rei could catch him up.


Khein's eyes widened as Rei was caging him in between his arms.

"Look at me, Khein." Rei ordered as he looked down on Khein. Khein tried his best not meet Rei's gaze and bowed his head. Whenever Rei calls him 'Khein', he knows that someone shit's gonna happen.

"I said look at me." Rei ordered more possesively. Khein gasped as Rei leaned closer towards his stiffened body. Khein felt something cold in his stomach. Rei also felt the coldness penetrated towards his uniform.

"You're crushing the ice cream." Khein said akwardly as he realized he was holding the ice cream in front of him.

"I don't need it. I know something's sweeter than it. And it's right in front of me." Rei said while staring at Khein intensely.

"Back off" Khein said while trying to calm himself down.

"Kiss me first and I'll let you go." Rei declared which made Khein throbbed.
