
Chapter 14: Don't Let Me Down, Luv




Summary: Tonks interrogates Harry using a custom truth serum.

Harry's jaw tightened. He had previously suspected something was up with Tonks. The pressure of the wand tip at the back of his neck verified that he wasn't imagining things.

"Keep your hands on the bar," Tonks ordered.

Tonks slipped her free hand into his waistcoat inner pocket and confiscated his wand. She leaned in closer and spoke directly in his ear.

"Stupefy this close to your spine can damage you, permanently. Be very cool, and you will be fine. Understood?"

Harry nodded, his whole body tense. His eyes flicked to the dance floor and spotted Jon dancing with Melisse. He was not looking in this direction. In fact, no one was looking in their direction since Tonks took over. Almost as if her behavior made them feel uncomfortable enough that people preferred not to notice. She glanced around and steered him away.

"Let's go. No funny stuff, whoever you are."

Tonks led them towards the doorway at the back of the banquet hall. She ignored the doors leading to the kitchens and bathrooms, and continued along a corridor until they turned right and went up a flight of stone stairs. The torches that aligned the rough hewn walls were flickering with a warm orange light, casting shadows that stretched in front of them as they walked past.

Tonks cast the manacle charm on Harry when they were finally alone in the corridor and his wrists were captured behind his back.

Harry cursed inwardly at his predicament, his mind racing. Would she believe him if he told her the truth? Or would a more believable lie have a better chance of convincing her? After a couple minutes of walking through connecting bridges bordered by medieval balustrades, Tonks opened the door to the chateau hotel.

Keeping the wand pressed between his shoulder blades she steered him down a flight of steps and into a room numbered twenty, presumably her hotel room considering he recognized her travel bag. She dragged the sole chair from the writing desk in front of the queen sized bed.


Harry did so without resistance. Tonks took out a sneakascope, a notepad and a couple vials of potion. She dragged the small writing table across and put these things on it.

"So. Anything you want to tell me?" she asked conversationally.

"What would you like to know?" Harry responded in kind.

"Who are you?"

"Harry Potter."

Tonks glanced at the sneakascope. It was dormant. She frowned.

"Are you under a glamour or polyjuice potion?"


"Have you been befuddled or cursed ?"

"No. Not at all. Tonks, did it occur to you that the charm might be inaccurate?"

"It isn't," she replied confidently. "It confirms my suspicions ever since I met you. No one throws a hovering charm in a fight, or offs a Russian Hit squad without blinking an eye at your age." She looked down at the notepad. The words that were captured were written without a slant, meaning that the interviewee was not exhibiting suspicious behaviour.

"How old are you?" she asked.

"Twelve," Harry said, his occlumency training slammed into place. The sneakascope shifted off axis a fraction by a few degrees then stopped.

"Ah ha!" Tonks declared, triumphant in victory. "I knew it. Spill it!"

Harry stared at her, incredulous. "Spill what? If this is some sort of ...domination game, I will be happy to tell you that it is working."

"Harry, or whoever you are, cut the crap!" she hissed. "You are hiding something. Your abilities far surpass any first year at Hogwarts. Who are you, really?"

"I told you," he smiled. "Harry James Potter. The one and only."

The sneakascope remained motionless. Tonks cursed. She picked up the vial of potion, and watched him intently.

If I am wrong, I could be tried and sentenced to Azkaban for giving a minor a truth serum. But I'm not wrong. Everything inside me tells me this wizard is older, more experienced than me, and not who he says he is.

"Merlin, guide my hand tonight," she whispered under her breath, closing her eyes briefly.

"What is that?" he asked, eyeing the bottle.

"Secrets Unveiled," Tonks replied. "A potion mainly used by jealous wives or girlfriends on their partners. It invokes emotional responses, rather than intellectual responses, which Veritaserum does."

"Whoa!" Harry tensed now, his hands straining at his bonds. "You can't do that to me. Are you crazy?"

"Maybe. It was you who wanted me to make a truth serum for Michael Ellewyn-Sare, remember?" Tonks stared at Harry, gauging his response. Harry frowned.

"He's disappeared, he hasn't been at Flourish since that day. We checked."

"I know. His family went on holiday. Very coincidental, don't you think?" Tonks approached him. Harry drew back a bit. Tonks magicked the desk away with one fluid motion and it went sliding along the floor.

"Tonks," Harry started.

"Nuh-uh, too late now," she cut him off, and flicked her wand at his mouth. It opened. With a shaking hand she dropped eight drops into his mouth.

After a minute had passed, Harry began to feel very emotional, similarly when he told Ginny that he was leaving to go to the hunt for the Horcruxes. He took a deep breath.

"What is your name?" she asked softly.

"Harry, you know that."

"Do you like me?"

"Yes. A lot... why are you doing this to me?"

"I see. I'm so sorry Harry. Do you think I am a bit too old for you?"

"No, of course not. You're just right."

"How so?"

"You are everything I think is wonderful about magic. Amazing. Powerful. Full of life and the most precious thing a wizard could have," Harry said. He closed his eyes, pain clutching his heart. This felt like heartbreak, except twice as bad.

Tonks hesitated, her hand going to her mouth.

I must be strong. I can do this. He is just an imposter. It's not really Harry. It can't be.

"But.. don't you think you are too young for me?" she said softly.

"I'll be nineteen next July. We're the same age," he declared.

"Finally!" Tonks cried. "So why do you ..how ?"

"Time travel," Harry admitted, even though he was fighting it. Under no circumstance could he tell her the entire truth. He said too much as it was. This potion was overpowering him. Enough of the games. She would have to be satisfied with this knowledge for now.

He poured magic into his phoenix bracer and the manacles clicked open. He banished them from behind his back and it shot out sideways and hit the table with a loud clatter. Tonks spun on her heel, aiming her wand at the distraction.

Harry drew his spare Niffler wand from his right boot .

"Kleptopliss!" He plucked his wand deftly with his index and thumb, aiming at her.

Two wands and the vial flew out from her hands with arrow speed. Harry instinctively caught her teak wand with his left. The vial hit his chest and broke on the ground between them at the same time his newly made Hippogriff Feather wand smacked him in his nose. It bounced off of him and fell on the ground. Tonks made a dive for it on the now wet floor and fired a stunner.


A flash of light came forth, but the spell did not shoot out. Tonks tried again twice while Harry was recovering from the hit to his face. Nothing happened.

"It's no good," Harry countered. "Drop it," he threatened, pointing his wand. Tonks scowled at the malfunctioning wand, then tossed it aside. "Get up."

She did, her eyes never leaving his. Harry summoned the discarded wand and put it back in his waistcoat. "So. Are you happy? Satisfied?"

Tonks said nothing, just stared at Harry. He faced her, his wand held loosely at his side. They remained that way for an uncomfortably long period of time, even though it was only half a minute.

"I want back my wand."

"And what if I did give it back to you? What are you going to do now? Even if I let you go. Would you hunt me down, capture me again and lock me up?"

"I.. don't know. Maybe... or maybe not. I can go on a vacation. Migrate. Find a husband. Get away from this."

Harry felt his heart break at those words. This potion was not helping him to remain aloof. It suddenly dawned to him that the potion was also working on her.

"Why run?" Harry asked, curious to hear her response.

"I.. am mental," Tonks stammered. "I feel so weird around you. And Jon. Jealous. And possessive. Its embarrassing. Fuck. Now you've got the tables turned, don't ya," she growled. Harry smiled.

"Secrets unveiled. This is very dangerous stuff. Never heard of it. Where did you get this?"

"I lied before. This is a potion I made myself," she sighed in frustration. "Stop asking me questions, damn you."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No. Well, now everyone suspects I'm a cradle robber. I can't believe this is happening."

"What? Why did you say that?" Harry demanded.

"I just secreted you away to my room." Harry dipped his head cursing at the floor.

Oh Fuck! How are we going to explain this?

There was a jarring blow to his head. His Niffler wand fell from his hand and rolled under the bed. Tonks had kicked him flush across the ear. She immediately tackled him to the bed, already on top of him scrambling for her wand still held in his other hand. They tussled against each other, Tonks stretching over his face trying to reach his hand. Harry's hand let go of her wand and it fell in the gap between the bed head and the mattress.

"Ah!" She dove again from on top of him, jamming her hand painfully in the small space, desperately reaching for it. Harry wrestled behind her, grabbing her body from behind. He grabbed her shoulder and her waist, trying frantically to stop her from reaching the weapon.

At that moment the door opened.

Harry and Tonks froze, her short dress hitched over her waist in the fight, showing an expanse of bare hip and leg. From the doorway, someone would think that they were doing something they definitely should not be doing.

"Pardon the interruption," Jon said calmly. "I was looking for the both of you. I heard the bed rocking against the wall and ... Maybe you should have locked the door."

"Jon!" Tonks screamed. "He isn't who he says he is!" She screamed, muffled a bit by her face flush against the pillows. Harry still kept a firm grip on her from behind.

"Later," Jon dismissed. "MacMillian is here. And he is not alone."

"Crap." Harry let her go and jumped off the bed. He stumbled from the sudden movement and fell down, still damaged from the blow to the head. Tonks yanked down her dress and rolled over. She got up and pulled the bed from the wall, retrieving her wand.

"Expelliarmus," Jon flashed his Dragon Heartstring wand. Tonks wand flew out her hand and Jon snatched it . Tonks cried out in frustration.

"Are you with us, milady?" Jon was kneeling next to Harry who was clearly disoriented. "Can you heal him? Those wizards do not appear to be friendly party goers."

"S'got a mean roundhouse," Harry grimaced, holding his swollen ear.

"Yeah I can," Tonks sighed. "I am so, so sorry I hurt you." Tonks said aloud, then cursed in embarrassment. Jon gave her wand, handle first. "Episkey. Enervatius Minimus. Where is that blasted counter potion." She picked up the vial on the table. She took a sip, and offered Harry the bottle. He nodded gratefully and took some as well.

"Give me a moment to change," Tonks ordered. "This dress is totally drenched."

Jon helped Harry to his feet. He peeped outside down the corridor. Seeing it clear, both boys stepped outside and assumed guard positions on either side of the door, wands drawn and arms crossed in front of their hips.

After a couple minutes, Tonks opened the door. She emerged in the dark red Robes bought at World Wizarding Gear.

"Let's go," she commanded. They made their way back upstairs and opened the door leading towards the bridge connecting the main hall to the chateau. Jon raised his fist and crouched. Tonks and Harry peeped out the doorway. Four men and Michael MacMillan were in the courtyard, wands drawn and in a heated conversation with six wizards.

"They are having a confrontation with the attendants in blue and Monsieur Valmont. Wait. I see Mr. Potage and Alexandria coming out of the hall." Jon cursed. "I don't have my bow. Stupid girl. Why would she get involved?"

Harry crouched and took cover behind the nearest pillar along the bridge. Tonks did the same. "Wish I could hear what they were saying. "

"The body language is more than enough," Tonks added. "They definitely aren't friendly." Mr. Potage came to the front, his hands up in a placating manner. He was trying to reason with them. "Guys dressed like that aren't here for cake and ice cream. What is he doing?"

Harry did not like this situation one bit. From their vantage point high up he could tell that this was not going to go down well.

"Tonks, can you side along us down there?"

"Can't. There seems to be a light barrier here," Tonks replied. "Probably a temporary security field to prevent people popping in and out."

MacMillan gestured and one of his lackeys drew his wand and stunned Mr. Potage, knocking him out cold. Alexandria screamed. Flashes of magic broke out between the two groups.

"Potter, catch me! To arms!" Jon shouted, and vaulted over the railing immediately.

"Wha... " Harry said dumbly, watching Jon's cloak billow behind him like a cape. He drew his Holly and Troll hair wand from his bracer and caught him with a hover charm just before he landed. Jon's feet touched the ground and he cushioned his landing with a shoulder roll. He sprinted towards the battle.

Tonks froze. "He is crazy! I'm backing him up. Don't let me down, luv," she said behind her with an intense look. Their eyes caught for a second, then she jumped over the railing.

Harry was confused if she meant what she said for a fraction of a second before he cast the hovering spell and slowed her descent as well. She landed relatively safe, considering that her attempted tumble only left her momentarily stunned.

Harry leaned over the rail, making sure she was okay. She got to her feet, looking up at him. She waved. Guess she needed to work on her tumbling skills.

She gestured for him to come down the long way around. Harry nodded. If Tonks wasn't sure about catching him from that four storey height it would probably be safer if he ran down. He glanced at the courtyard. The men in blue were getting creamed, falling one by one.

"There's no time!" he shouted. "Go!" he pointed to the fight. Tonks nodded and ran off to back up Jon.

Running down would take way too much time.

"No problem Harry. You can do this..."

Harry took a deep breath then vaulted over the railing, the ground approaching him with a rapid finality. Pouring magic into his bracer and his Troll hair wand, he envisioned Winguardium Lleviosa combined with Arresto momentum.

Magic began to arc from his bracer towards his wand. A circuit of magic began to envelop his arms, a bright glowing band of magical energy.

Tonks stopped in her tracks. A bright light was shining behind her. She turned, looking up at the glowing body falling from the bridge.

"That idiot!" she screamed. "Harry!"

Harry couldn't see his own hands they were glowing so bright. All he knew that he was going to die, again.

One story above ground he slowed dramatically. The bright glow eased, and now his feet dangled below him, hovering in mid air. His cape fluttered in the breeze.


Tonks just stared up at him, frozen. "Well now I've seen everything," she whispered. "Get down here this moment!" she screamed, looking back at Jon who was throwing spells all over the place. Presently he was behind a massive Crystaline shield, protecting Alexandria Potage and her unconscious father. He won't last long! "Jon's gone kamikaze!"

"I'm trying!" Harry shouted, kicking his legs. Did she say kamikaze? That gave him an idea.

If Voldemort could do it, that means it is possible.

"I'm going in!"

Floating high above the ground, he again poured magic into his weapons, envisioning Stupefy, Llumos Maxima, Protego and Depulso in a combination with Winguardium and Arresto Momentum. Once again white, blindingly hot magic swirled around his body and he shot off like a cannon towards the fray.

"No way. You gotta be fucking me," she whispered as he sped across the courtyard like a rocket.

"Protego!" Harry screamed as he shot towards MacMillan and his gang. With a loud crash Harry dive-bombed feet first in front of Jon, and an explosion of white magic flattened the intruders and sent the three outside bar stands flying. Harry's shield took the brunt of his landing, skating forward creating a long gouge within the courtyard.

He finally came to a smoking halt in a two feet deep crevice at the far wall, breathing hard, his robes glowing white with magic. The robed intruders were scattered about, some legs and arms tilted awkwardly in broken configurations. The wall facing him was singed a few shades lighter from the blast.

Jon was braced against his Aegis Crystal Shield, Alexandria Potage gripping the back of his robes tightly. By the time Harry made the long walk from the perimeter walls Tonks had the five wizards including Macmillan, disarmed and manacled to transfigured chains. These chains were magically bolted to the ground. Some were moaning in pain, screaming at their broken legs and arms. The partygoers were congregated on the steps, taking in the incredible scene.

Alexandria was casting various charms on her unmoving father. Harry came over along with Tonks. Harry's black three piece robes were now bleached pure white.

"Nice of you to finally drop in," Jon nodded, offering his fist.

"Anytime," Harry breathed, connecting. He watched his sleeve in wonder. "Well. At least it was only forty galleons," he lamented, watching his ruined robes. Tonks was now crouching next to Alexandria, doing diagnostics with her wand.

"He needs medical attention. Penelope!" she cried out to the crowd. Penelope came forward, picking up her skirts as she ran across from the other injured. "Do you know what curse caused this?"

Penelope ran her wand over him. She looked at Tonks, her eyes hard. "Please call your mother, Alexandria," she said softly.

"No. No," she shook her head. Neville came forward, escorting a shaken and crying Eleanor Potage. Her footsteps were hesitant, until she saw her daughter crying. She ran to meet her, taking her in a firm hug. She buried her daughter's head into her neck.

Madame Payet shook her head sadly at Eleanor's tear streaked face. Eleanor Potage crouched next to her husband, rubbing the side of his pale face. She bent over sobbing. She closed his eyes, and kissed her hand and pressed it to his lips. She grabbed her daughter and both of them cried in each other's arms.

"His heart couldn't take the stunner," Payet told Tonks and the others quietly. Tonks shook her head in remorse. Jon approached the Potages. He bowed formally towards Eleanor.

"He was a good man and defended his daughter with valour. May we carry him inside, as a show of respect?"

"We would...be.." She sobbed. "Thankful."

"Crows, to me." Jon took off his brand new cloak and laid it over Pavel Potage. "Harry, can you?"

Harry nodded, and levitated the body perfectly horizontal. Tonks went in front and drew her wand, holding it close to her body, pointing upwards in front of her face. Jon and Harry did the same shoulder to shoulder behind the body.

Tonks set off with a parade ground solemnity and the Crows Vambrace stepped forward as a unit. The crowd parted on the steps and Tonks led the small procession up the stairs. One by one, people drew their wands as they passed, igniting it with Lumos in a show of support to the Potage Family. Mother and daughter tearfully followed Harry and Jon, Monsieur Valmont and Mademoiselle LeBlanc joining up behind them. Valmont had his hat in his hand, his balding head bowed, his face stern with rage. Jasmine Leblanc, the hostess who introduced guests, was sniffling, her once perfect make up running down her tear stained face.

Tonks instructed Harry to lay the cloaked body down on the stage. The three of them stood in front of the stage, did the guild salute without the chant, and made a small bow towards the fallen man. They dispersed and escorted the Potages to a seat nearby so that they could grieve.

"Monsieur Valmont," Tonks approached him. "Did you contact the Auror offices, or Beauxbatons?"

"My wife is deputy headmistress there, I should have done this sooner."

"Oh, tell her to let the defense teacher bring the polyjuice antidote," Harry added. "Tonks, let's see if you were right about Trayard all along."

Tonks nodded, even though she resolutely avoided looking Harry in the eyes ever since the bedroom fiasco.

Valmont drew his wand and a white patronus shot out of his wand and faded into the early morning of dawn.

"Lord Black," he turned to Jon. "May we speak? We are in need of a favour." He guided the trio away from the grieving Potages.

"How may I help?"

"I must convince Madame and miss Alexandria to leave the family home for a while. It is obvious that our attempts to protect her was not sufficient. Over the past few years rogue elements have been trying to coerce Pavel into agreeing to marriage contracts with Alexandria. Now that they are alone, I fear that they would come again, and this time, it would be much more aggressive. Gangs may even try to extort Mrs. Potage for their own 'protection.' "

"Is it so bad here?" Harry was amazed.

"There is your proof," Valmont shook his head at the weeping women. "As manager of their household affairs, I am deeply troubled by what has happened here."

"Were they blood purity zealots? What did they want?" Tonks asked.

"Yes. The Potage family has been frowned upon in some circles due to their success over generations and not staying true to strictly magical marriages. Mr. Potage's mother was non-magical. Seeing as they only have a daughter, many of the pureblood lines wish to marry her to their sons, taking over the family name. They wanted to 'talk' to Mr. Potage about previous betrothal proposals."

"Hasty bastards," Harry snarled. "This is only her sixteenth birthday!"

"It is customary in France to register formal proposals the night of the Debutante ball. Usually, the girl gets to meet and greet the suitors available to her and form friendships with them. Then, sometime in the future, she chooses one for marriage. If she so desires, of course."

"Sounds medieval," Tonks spat, disgusted. "So basically, she is auctioned off?"

"It is only a custom. It is not necessarily adhered to religiously. Some girls prefer it this way, a grand ball and concrete offers of a dashing prince to sweep them off their feet; just like in a fairy tale. Alexandria is a special case. She is heiress to a well off family and also very popular with both the aristocracy and the regular magical folk. She is much more down to earth than what you have seen portrayed here."

"So what went wrong?" Harry demanded. "Why did they get hostile?"

Valmont hesitated. He turned to Jon. "They wanted to see you, as well. The man in front said you knew him and he just wanted to talk. Under no uncertain terms were they leaving until they did."

Jon's face turned to stone. "MacMillan is still alive. Mistress Tonks, how strict are the rules when it comes to honor Duels?"

"It's.. illegal. And not worth it."

"Let me be the judge of that," Jon spun on his heel and made to leave. Harry grabbed him by his arm.

"No. We have things to do. Remember?"

Jon's wand trembled in his right hand, he gripped it so hard. He stared at Harry, who did not flinch.

"Get the authorities then," he spat, folding his arms. Jasmine cautiously came up to them.

"The Aurors are outside as we speak, my Lord. They wish to speak with you."

Jon raised an eyebrow at her, and Valmont translated. Jasmine walked with them to the front doors. Madame Maxine, alongside Monsieur Allemons and Mrs. Valmont were standing next to two Aurors. The Valmont couple came together and hugged fiercely. The Aurors did not even seem surprised at seeing Tonks, nodding calmly in recognition.

"You three!" Madame Maxine barked. "Again? Should have known. What happened here?"

"These ruffians crashed the party and attacked the birthday girl's father," Mrs. Longbottom responded as she was closest to her. She came down the steps, Neville in tow.

"The Wizard of the Light took them out. He came out the sky like a bolt of lightning," Mr. Rabiot snapped his fingers. "Victoire ecsarante."

"From the Sky? Flawless Victory?" One of the Auror asked, crouching amongst the injured captives. "Wasn't this guy in Estagal?" he pointed his wand.

"Yeah," Harry raced down the steps, pushing his way through the crowd. "Mr. Allemons, you have the counter potion?"

"Oui," he responded. "Auror Bernard, Monsieur Hallow here suspects this one to be in disguise. May I?"

"One moment," Auror Bernard replied, scanning the faces. "Anyone has a camera?"

"I do," Sarah said, coming forth.

"Please take a picture of these faces for us." Sarah did so and the Auror tapped the camera, then the faces of the captives. Five scrolls snapped into existence, and the Aurors made sure that the images were identical. "Excellent. You may administer the potion."

The defense teacher opened MacMillan's mouth using the same spell Tonks used on Harry. The potion was given to him and within seconds his face began to bubble, his body growing wider in size.

"Bingo," Auror Bernard said. "Good catch, Crows. You definitely need to leave a calling card with us."

"Who is he?" Harry asked, watching the young face revert into an older, tougher face.

"Buck Trayard, escapee since four years ago. International bounty registered convict. One moment." He turned and spoke with his comrade. "Lucas, bring the documents please. Check with Paige, she's the admin who had the files on the case."

Auror Lucas nodded and disappeared using a portkey. Harry looked towards Tonks, who stared stonily at Trayard's face. She did not acknowledge Harry in any way.

"Where is Alexandria? And Eleanor?" Madame Maxime asked. Madame Payet told her they were inside. "Poor Alexandria. This must have been horrible for her to experience. I must offer my condolences and offer any assistance necessary. Excuse me."

"Jon," Mr. Valmont called. He walked over to the older man. Valmont guided them away from the crowds and listening ears. "What say you? Would you be able to offer them sanctuary? Even for a short while?"

"Yes. My home is humble, but I would do my best. It is the least I can do, after my involvement in what brought Trayard here in the first place."

"That sale was done under ownership of Alexandria herself," Valmont ensured. "The Blood purity spies would not be able to easily track it down. Only the Goblins, myself and the family know about that tiny deal. You must move quickly. I do not trust all the Aurors. I will secret away the family to your room and give you the family portkey to escape before this place becomes swarming with the press. I hope to convince them of this plan on the way down."

"So be it. I will meet them shortly."

Lucas came back and hashed out the details between Bernard and Tonks.

"International Bounty level B-1 claimant form. Known Escaped Convict recovery, status 'Alive and Well' - thirty thousand galleons for Buck Trayard. MLE Auror bounty for unknown assailants, status 'Severely Injured', two thousand each. This may rise depending on when their identifications are confirmed."

Lucas frowned as he did the arithmetic.

"You guys are going to flatten our Contractor department budget allocation. Next time you do something like this, please do it after October. Our quarterly budget meeting is going to be ghastly with so much expenditure. To Brits, of all people," he grumbled. He handed Tonks the clipboard and Tonks signed her name in duplicate.

By the time Tonks was finished with the Aurors Jon pulled her and Harry aside. He told them of the plan to sneak the Potage women out.

"Let's get our things then. What number are you?" Harry asked.

"Nineteen. Right between the both of your rooms." Jon set his face to neutral, trying to look serious as he scrutinized the both of them. Inside he was dying with laughter. "Not that it is my business, but if you wanted to be subtle, banging down the walls was not a good idea."

"Very funny," Tonks snarled. "Do you really think .."

"it's not my business," Jon grinned and turned on his heel. "Its mum with me."

"'Mum is the word' is the correct term," Harry corrected.

"Apologies, milady. Your secret is safe with me."

"Whatever," Tonks said. "I'm ruined. My social life is over."

"We can fix this," Harry reinforced. "Nobody knows what really happened."

Tonks did not answer, just kept walking, basically ignoring Harry. Harry felt like this cold shoulder from Tonks was not a good thing. Now he felt like his social life was over. They collected their things and brought them into Jon's room. The Potages were not here as yet.

"I am going to get Sarah. Hold on a moment." Tonks stormed out of the room.

"You are one trouble magnet," Jon mused, sitting on the bed and rubbing his hair. "A magnet with the power of the freaking Sun. I thought I attracted bad omens and problems."

"The station put us together for a reason. Looks like you got yourself a psuedo-fiancé," Harry teased, "And her mother as well. I seem to have less worries than you right now."

"Is falling like a comet from the sky a common thing amongst wizards? Overpowering an assault team with one offensive strike doesn't sound normal, even for wizards."

"No," Harry agreed. "It isn't."

"And you managed to do it, from the sky. A blinding ball of light."

"Yeah. These bracers really are something. Imagine when I have my proper phoenix wand made. It's going to be awesome!" Harry remarked as he pulled back his sleeve. "Argh, I can't wait!"

"Our reputation has increased, once again," Jon said as a matter of fact.

"Yeah," Harry replied, feeling morose.

"The people are calling you the Lightning Comet."

"Really?" he shrugged. The more he sat here, the more he felt sad. Tonks was mad at him. Very, very mad.

"If the female friends you made tonight were not smitten with your charms before, they are awestruck with your power now. Which do you prefer?"

Harry didn't say anything, he just sat himself down in the chair next to Jon's writing table.

"Tonks knows I am older. And going by her logic, she knows you are older. I told her time travel. I don't think she would believe me if I told her we were 'reborn'. She was serious. She kicked my ass. Its only because she grabbed the hippogriff wand that her spells didn't work. She might have taken me out."

"Not for one moment do I believe Tonks wishes you permanent injury or ill will. As a matter of fact, I believe quite the opposite."

"We were both under a truth serum. She said she might run away. Get married. Elope."

Jon crossed his arms, surprised.

"She doesn't understand the ... relationship ... or the connection she is having to the both of us. She doesn't like it."

Jon raised his hand for silence. "Someone is coming."

Tonks, Sarah, Eleanor and Alexandria came in the door. The room now felt very crowded.

Alexandra and Eleanor came forward to Jon and Harry. Both of them curtsied in tandem. Alexandria returned to her full height and presented an elaborate banner. On it was a Coat of Arms of two white Abraxans rearing up on either side of a greatshield crossed with two Claymores. The greatshield had an image of a full plate armor engraved with the house mantle. Below this a banner flag with cursive flowing letters read 'EST 1206 'House Potage' Cite de Carcassone'. Underneath the flag were multiple cauldrons forming a mountain, supporting the entire ensemble.

"Noble warriors, House Potage is in your debt. Please, recognize this coat of arms as a token of family Loyalty and Fealty."

Harry rose to accept this hand woven gift, when Jon held his arm back. "Harry, be careful. You offer your vow of protection and support if we do this. Do you understand?"


"It is better if I took this, seeing as I am your man," Jon advised. Harry gave him the floor. Jon nodded.

He stood up in the centre of the room, looking Alexandria in the eye. "Are you sure, Alexandria?"

"Yes, my mother and I have discussed this."

Jon looked at Mrs. Potage.

"And are you sure, Eleanor?"

"Yes, Lord Black."

"I am sworn to the House of Potter. Do you accept this hierarchy?"

The two women looked at Harry, his once black suit now a faded bleached white. They nodded, awestruck. "Very well. I call upon my liege to be witness to this arrangement. Sarah, will you be the independent witness?"

"Um.. sure?"

Jon stood before the two of them, and opened his palms, face up.

Madame Potage folded the coat of arms into a perfect square, and placed it in his right hand. John tilted his chin upward in acknowledgement, and she kneeled on both knees before she let go of the coat of arms. She rose, curtsying once more.

"My Lord," she said solemnly and stepped back. Alexandria hesitantly did the same. She folded her coat of arms and placed it in his left hand. She kneeled, let go of the coat of arms, then rose once more.

"My Lord," she curtsied, dipping her head.

"Good. It is agreed. I accept your offering of fealty. I, Lord Jon Black, of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black will protect your family with all my strength, honour, and earthly resources."

Jon picked up a quill from the desk and signed his name at the bottom of the coat of arms.

"You have said your farewells and are ready to leave?"

"Yes we have. Here is the Portkey," Mrs. Potage offered. Jon activated it and the six of them vanished.

They reappeared on a desolate beach facing north. The Potages were awkwardly sitting on their travel bags. Jon was standing at full height, magic swirling the sand at his feet. Tonks and Sarah were straddled over their overnight suitcases. Harry was in the 'ready' position at the beginning of a sprint. He got to his feet, his arms crackling with electric blue magic.

It's better than a mouth full of sand, anyhow.

"Where are we?" Tonks said, looking at the beautiful sunrise over the water.

"Alexandria? Eleanor?" Harry prompted. They all turned in a circle. There was a short cliff behind them.

"It is a border portkey, only to be used in emergencies. It transports family members to a place closest to the French border of the country we wish to go. Or so his mother told me a long time ago. Pavel did have his secrets."

"Harry, call them in," Jon suggested.

"Good idea. You think they would be smart enough to pick up the cart at your place?"

Jon shrugged. "Tell them to do it."

"You left the gate up?"


"What, we gave them a spare key?"

"Doesn't magic get around these things?"

"Some things just don't work like that."

Sarah, Eleanor and Alexandria heads swiveled back and forth as the two boys bickered. "What are they talking about?" Sarah asked Tonks. Tonks shook her head in resignation.

"You two have no clue what you signed up for. At least they are quite capable of dealing with any trouble. But they are trouble. It is attracted to them like moths to the flame." She shouted at the two of them. "Harry! Just get their sorry arses over here. Let them use Hagrid's!"

"Good idea!" Harry returned, smiling at her. Tonks turned away. Harry tried real hard not to feel hurt.

He closed his eyes. The sea breeze began to dissipate. Tonks and Jon saw this ritual and took to one knee immediately, head bowed. The other three women saw this, confused.

"Shadow wing, One Ear, Rudolph, Star Scream, Banshee, Tornado," Harry recited, raising his palm to the north. The heavy magic overlapped the salty freshness of the beach. The tide stilled, and the sea became as tranquil as a lake. A commanding, overbearing magic pressed Sarah, Alexandria and Eleanor to their knees.

"Harry, you're hurting me!" Sarah protested, struggling to keep herself from being forced face first into the sand.

"To me!" Harry clenched his fist. He opened his eyes and the loud sound of the ocean returned, breeze blowing through their hair and robes. The party got shakily to their feet.

"Sorry. Should've warned yuh, luv." Tonks apologized to Sarah.

In record time, the threstrals struck like six bolts of lightning. They materialized in their graceful kneeling position in a circle around Harry.

"Rise," he commanded. Alexandria and Eleanor stepped back in amazement. "Tonks, they couldn't hitch themselves. Guess that doesn't work." She didn't even reply, or acknowledged that he said a word. Tonks was avoiding even looking at him.

"What are those?" Mrs. Potage asked.

"Very, very fast horses," Harry explained, feeling drained. "Come on everyone, they will take us to Jon's place."

Within minutes the party was streaking high over the ocean at blinding fast speed.

"Bonjour, Jon!" a cheery voice said, knocking.

Jon was currently drooling all over his pillow in his room. He felt more drained from the alcohol than spellcasting and shielding Alexandria and himself from the fight. He rubbed his face.

"Morning," he grumbled towards his door.

"Are you hungry? I made breakfast!" Mrs. Potage announced.

"Coming," he announced. He crawled out of bed, staggering towards the door.

"Oui! I'm sure you would like it!"

He opened the door and made his way to the bathroom, rubbing sleep from his eyes. He opened the bathroom door and almost walked into Alexandria who was in a modest nightgown, brushing her teeth. She spat out toothpaste, startled.

"So Sorry!" she apologized. She watched Jon's shirtless body. She frowned at the severity of some of the faint scar lines over his lean muscles.

"My apologies," he murmured, leaving. "It slipped my mind. Next time I will remember." He pulled the door closed. He returned to his bedroom, and found his cleaned iron man t-shirt.

A minute later a knock came to his door. "Bathroom is free," she said in accented English. Jon grunted acknowledgement and went to use it and wash his face.

By the time he was finished, Eleanor had a hearty breakfast prepared and dished out on the large circular patio table. Jon bade them a low good morning and sat down. There was an awkward silence as Jon surveyed his housemates. Mrs. Potage smiled and Alexandria played with her fork.

"Guess we can still celebrate brunch?" Alexandria tried to break the ice. She attempted a buoyant tone, but it just came out forced.

Jon tipped his chin in agreement, taking the first bite. The two French women waited with baited breath for his approval. He took a few more, feeling hungry and not noticing the stares. He finally looked up at them, startled. After another few awkward seconds of silence; he caught on.

"It's wonderful," he smiled at Mrs. Potage. Alexandria nodded in commendation and began to eat as well. She was without makeup and quite fetching with her hair combed casually down over her shoulders. She was dressed in a muggle t-shirt and skirt.

"Merci boucoup," Eleanor replied softly, her eyes bright and still red from tears. She smiled at Jon with sincerity, even through her acute grief. Jon met her eyes with one of his customary stares. Eleanor searched his, trying to understand the young man who had protected her daughter with his life, even though he had met her only twice.

Alexandria felt a bit embarrassed at such raw emotion in her mother's face and voice, but Jon understood the true meaning of her statement, and the gratitude that resonated in her voice.

"You're welcome, Madame," Jon offered. Eleanor stretched her hand palm down across to his, tears coming down her face. Jon accepted it in both of his.

"Do not be afraid. Harry and I will take care of you."

AN: Thank you for reading. What did you think of the (sorta) revelation?

Until we meet again


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