
Chapter 15: Hogwarts Redux

Author's note: For simplicity, Gryffindor officially won the Quidditch Cup in Harry's first year. It makes things easier for me. Now, on to the story...




Summary: Harry returns to Hogwarts, only to find out that things are not as different as he expected.

Bright and early Monday morning Harry showed up at Jon's place to pick him up on the way to work, except this time Mrs. Potage greeted Harry when he made his ridiculous crow call outside.

"Bonjour Mr. Potter!" she called amiably from the next bedroom window. "I'll open for you!"

A few seconds later Jon poked his head out his window, his bed hair strewn all over his face. "Coming."

Mrs. Potage opened for him and they went upstairs. Harry was subjected to a choice of French coffee or regular British tea. Harry politely accepted the coffee seeing as Mrs. Potage was so eager to please. "Breakfast would be ready in a short while, if you want."

"Merci," Harry responded, enjoying the coffee, feeling a bit awkward having Alexandria's mother feed him.

Small talk ensued as Harry helped her prepare breakfast.

"Jon would need to replenish his cooler box," she advised. "Probably bring in a proper wizards' pantry as well. I could probably head into Liverpool or even Birmingham if Diagon-"

"You are not to leave unattended until some sort of security is in place, Madame Potage," Jon interrupted, dressed in his apprentice robes. Mrs. Potage opened her mouth to protest, but simply nodded and went back to cooking.

"That is probably for the best," she muttered in resignation. "Until things back home quiet down. I await Monsieur Valmont's owl for when the service is to be held."

"We shall discuss that later when we return," Jon agreed. "Please use extreme caution if you need to leave the house, especially as Harry has informed me that many wizards flock to Diagon during this week for school supplies. No one is to know that the both of you are here."

"And what about Alexandria?" she mother asked.

"What about me, maman?" Alexandria enquired, coming out of their shared room. She was wearing a loose fitting pajamas pants and a muggle sweater.

"Your OWLs, dear. We must register you to attend Hogwarts if we are to remain away from home until your majority."

"Hm. That long?" she asked, watching Jon's high quality robes out the side of her eye.

"That can be arranged. I think Professor Dumbledore will meet Jon and Master Ollivander this week to register him," Harry pitched in.

"Ollivander?" Alexandria exclaimed. "As in the master wandsmith?" she said excitedly.

"Yes," Jon said simply.

"He's highly respected by the northern students who come into London to get their wands," she took out hers. "Mine is from Gregorvitch's. It's good, but for some reason I think it could be a bit better," she complained.

"Let me see," Jon asked. She handed her wand over. Jon inspected it. He dug in his backpack and took out his texts. "White Poplar," he confirmed. Jon took out his wand and raised his mask briefly as he poured magic into the fusion ability. A bright magical link connected the wands. The initial sparks immediately turned colour. "Feedback is ice blue, most probably Unicorn hair." He checked through his texts and Harry took her wand for a cursory inspection. Jon found the page and quoted aloud:

'Unicorn hair cores produce the most consistent magic, least subject to fluctuations and blockages, most difficult to turn to the dark and the most faithful of wands. However, they do not make the most powerful of wands and are prone to melancholy if mishandled.' Jon looked at the Potages and rubbed his chin, thinking.

"Mrs. Potage, how was this wand selected for Alexandria?" he asked.

"Gregorvitch's branch in Marseille has a standard order form. We filled out her basic information, height and weight at ten years and sent a vial with a few drops of tears. Also she added a list of likes and dislikes and deepest fears."

Harry and Jon looked at each other, eyebrows raised. "She didn't get to test out others?"

"No, hers worked quite well when it arrived," her mother confirmed.

"Levitate this book," Jon asked her, closing his heavy textbook. She did and it floated up smooth and slow, bobbing a bit at eye level. "Higher," he encouraged. The higher it went, the more it bobbed and waivered. Jon shook his head.

"I think hers is a bit of a mismatch. Harry will demonstrate, come," he ordered the three of them. They all went down to the forge where the massive Abraxan cart still sat parked by the heavy doors.

"His current wand is specialized in two classes of magic, winguardiam and Lumos but it also has a hidden ability. Miss Alexandria, try to levitate this," Jon hit his palm solidly on the gigantic cart. The cart's footprint was taking up almost the entire floor space.

"Can't. That's impossible!" she claimed, shaking her head.

"No wizard could lift that," her mother agreed.

Jon raised his eyebrow at Harry. Harry shrugged and drew his troll hair wand. With a simple swish and flick he sent the cart up, stopping it inches away from the ceiling. It remained rock steady. The two women stepped back, shocked.

"Rotate clockwise," he ordered. Harry twisted his wand, and the cart slowly pivoted. "Good." Harry set it down without further ado.

"Your wand needs some customization Miss Alexandria, and probably a better 'main stem' choice of wood. The handle and the core is fine. I can fix it if you want. Maybe a Holly or Birch stem might suit you better," Jon remarked.

"You can? How.. how did you know?" her mother asked.

"We're Ollivander's apprentices," Harry informed her. Alexandria and her mother smiled at their joke. The two boys grinned. The French women's faces turned incredulous.

"Non!" Alexandria breathed.

"Oh yeah." Harry countered.

"It is strictly a family-owned legacy. Similar to my husband's family business!"

The two boys grinned again.

"Well, if the knowledge must be handed on to non-family members, guess you two deserve it," Alexandria stated. She looked at Jon with intrigue, then dipped her eyes and watched the floor.

"May I ask you something, Jon?"


"Why do they call you Le Chevalier Immortel?"

"What does that mean?" Jon asked.

"The Immortal Knight," her mother translated. Harry and Jon shared a look.

"I think that story came about a couple weeks ago when I was at Estagal. Survived a fireball spell."

"Non," Alexandria's repeated as her jaw dropped. "Melisse told me a lone wizard took out the Russian hit squad! He was Burned alive, but unscathed! Was it ...you?"

"Yes," Jon admitted.

"I'll have to send her an owl! She never mentioned that you were the one, not a single word! The whole night and she didn't say anything!"

"Probably didn't want any competition," Harry sniggered softly under his breath. Jon heard him and hit him playfully. Eleanor studied the massive cart, and Harry's relatively small frame and his boyish face.

"No wonder Monsieur Valmont sent us to you two. Two wizards who have cheated death. 'Les Champions Immortels' he claimed. You are knights. The way you two fought... " her mother began, then immediately halted. "When we came into your room I knew Edgar made the right choice. I felt the vast reservoir of your magic the moment we stepped in. I would not have let Alexandria swear to you otherwise."

"You can sense our magic?" Harry said, immediately on alert.

"Yes, my maiden last name, the Sare family, some of us have this skill."

Jon stared at Eleanor Potage. He called Raven, his owl, and wrote a letter. "I will ask Mistress Tonks to escort you two to make your errands. Please charm your appearances to mask your identities. Remember, experienced trackers will not be fooled. Tonks would help you, just in case you need protection, once she is in agreement, of course. Otherwise we will take a day off and see to it."

The mention of Tonks name left Harry feeling down. He still didn't know what he could do or say to fix the awkward situation Secrets Unveiled created.

"Ladies, we better get going. We will be late. Thank you for breakfast, Madame Potage," Harry smiled. He hit Jon's arm with the back of his hand. "Grab a sandwich and let's go."

"I'll pack it for you and bring it down," Eleanor said, going back up the stairs.

"Have a good day, mes chevaliers immortels," Alexandria teased, giving Jon and Harry hugs. "Right now I have words with my so-called 'best friend'!" Her mother came back down with a wrapped package in a brown bag. Alexandria waved and went back upstairs. Her mother waited a moment for the sound of her steps to fade away. She pulled in the door to the stairs.

"I hope mademoiselle Tonks will come. We need to restock your supplies and get her prepared for Hogwarts. Is Mr. Dumbledore a strict taskmaster? Would he allow her in?" she whispered.

"Tell him that you are under my solemn vow of protection. He will not refuse you."

Mrs. Potage blinked at the young boy confidently speaking to her like a grown man. She bent her knee and briefly touched her skirts, dipping her head in slight curtsy.

"Yes, Lord Black. Have a good day," she offered him the brown bag and closed the door behind them when they left.

"Jon," Harry said as they walked up Diagon Alley. "The way you speak sometimes, adults can't figure you out. You got this soldier thing going on. It unbalances them."

Jon shrugged.

"So. Something I wanted to ask you but ..."

"Ask. Don't hesitate."

"How many men have you killed?"

"If I remember correctly, sixty three. Thirteen in single combat, one on one. One by execution at the headsman block. The rest are accredited in our combat logs as 'final mortal injury' either in battle skirmishes or by arrows. Two Lords of Winter. And one woman," he added, his face turning hard at the last.

"Fuck. That's ... insane." No wonder he seems, so, aloof to fighting.

"Yes. The Wall and north of it was not a place for the weak. The Northern Wildlings were ruthless, and savage to a point. The brothers had no choice but to adapt."

I had no choice. Jon added silently.

Harry continued on in silence, frowning as they walked along.

'A trained combatant,' was Tonks' previous description of Jon. That is definitely the Understatement of the fucking year. Jon is the real deal.

"I need your help, Harry of House Hollow. I want to create a wand using a Diablo claw as the core and the threstral wing bone as the stem and handle. I believe it will arm me in a manner I prefer."

"You want to build a wand specific to cutting and piercing attacks."

They arrived at Ollivanders five minutes before eight. Both of them automatically went to the back and retrieved the wet rags, scrubbing brushes, buckets and cleaning solutions to start their morning routine.

"Not quite," he drew his dragon heartstring wand, inspecting it. "I want to create a weapon that can be transfigured into a sword, when I need it. This phoenix bracer has an uncanny response to my shield spell." Jon began scrubbing the low bricks curbside to remove grime. "You should have seen it, no matter what those wizards cast, blocked! The looks on their faces!"

"I could imagine." Harry stopped wiping the glass, watching Jon. Jon stopped as well, sensing a question was coming. "I have never seen a block like that. Nothing could get through you say?"

"Yeah, absolutely," Jon nodded with a grin. Harry and Jon just stared at each other, Harry thinking of ways his shield spell may be used to combat Voldemort's cursed horcruxes- Jon, thinking that his luck that night wasn't going to last long. The unfamiliarity of the spell was all that kept him alive against trained wizards.

"But it was not going to last. They were maneuvering to flank me, and if you did not defeat them, or by chance I miraculously created a .. I don't know... a full circle of impenetrable defense; I would have been taken out. Alexandria would now have been captured, probably raped and then forcibly married off somewhere." Jon's expression soured at the thought.

"Bloody hell. How could you say that?"

"Seemed the most probable outcome if I failed."

"Are you always this pleasant?"

"I knew I couldn't defeat armed wizards prepared for magical battle," Jon said seriously. "Your timing, and bravery, was astounding," he commended.

Harry vigorously continued cleaning the glass, embarrassed at the compliment. Jon continued his work, enjoying making Harry squirm.

"It appears this white wizard can be a badass motherfucker when it truly matters," Jon declared with a smirk. Harry just scoffed, doubling his effort to make sure he got out the spot he was trying to remove since Saturday.

The Red Hogwarts express had just arrived. The station was teeming with excited students carrying cases, trunks and pet cages at platform 9 3/4. Jon, Harry and Alexandria were waiting on the Weasley family, who were perpetually last minute arrivals. Sure enough, at ten minutes before departure Arthur, Molly and the rest of the gang came through the barrier with all the hustle and bustle of a large family in a hurry.

"There they are," Harry announced. Jon and Alexandria turned. After the Weasleys came through, the Grangers followed, Hermione already silently fuming as she stared at the back of Ron's head. Harry knew she was pissed at having to wait.

Harry waved and the entire crew came over.

"There he is!" Molly Weasley exclaimed. "We met before, you remember dear?" she pinched his cheek. Harry smiled awkwardly, allowing himself to be inspected and manhandled by the doting woman. "You look much healthier! I hope that awful woman has been treating you better!"

"Erm... I manage," Harry said in explanation. "Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, these are my friends, Jon, and Alexandria. They would be transferring in."

Molly's eyebrows raised in question, but pushed away her questions as she smiled warmly and stretched her hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Ron's mother. And the twins. You know Percy. He's your prefect. But have you met my daughter, Ginny? Come dear, yes come! Don't be a mouse!"

Harry didn't expect to feel so, indifferent to seeing his first love. He thought he would have felt some sort of heartache at seeing her again, but all he felt was now was an emptiness above his stomach where happiness and excitement on seeing Tonks every other day should have been.

Tonks made sure to avoid Harry whole week when she was helping the Potage women with their errands. She only came to pick them up after both Jon and Harry left for work at Ollivanders. She made sure and dropped them back before they returned and only visited Jon when Harry had left after hanging out a few times this past week.

Harry and Jon's success at creating prototype Threstral bone wands with the diablo claw did not substitute for Harry's broken heart. Jon said she was doing well when Harry asked, but did not extend further conversation or details. Saturday after work, Harry directly asked if she did say anything about him, Jon shook his head and said that she did not. He advised that Harry should write to her directly. Harry believed that Tonks would destroy any letter he sent.

Plus, what could he really say? If she tried so hard and succeeded in avoiding him, what could he possibly put in a letter that would make her feel differently?

Saturday to Saturday, an entire week, not a single meeting, not a single message or word about him. The last thing of note she said to him was just before she jumped off the connecting bridge, trusting him with her life.

Don't let me down, luv.

"Pleased to meet you," Alexandria said cheerily, trying to fill the awkward void of the two boys just staring at the little redhead girl. The two girls shook hands. Alexandria continued shaking hands all around as the Weasley boys introduced themselves. Hermione came up last, briefly shaking her hand and then focusing all her attention on Harry. Harry appeared to be lost in his own world.

"Harry?" she said, coming close and touching his arm.

"Uh yeah?" Harry turned to face her.

"Are you ok? Ginny, come meet Harry," she encouraged the younger girl. Harry greeted her with a smile and shook her hand. When they touched, nothing happened, no spark , no reconnection of good memories, no feelings of unfulfilled destiny came forward. Harry didn't know if he expected something to happen, but as it was in this moment in time, there was nothing.

"Ginny, this is Jon," Harry introduced. Harry immediately noticed that Jon also had a faraway expression.

"Hi, Jon. Nice to meet you. They told me about you," she nodded to her brothers and extended her hand. There was a couple seconds of silence as Jon just stared, examining her features as if it were a puzzle meant to be put together at a single look.

"Ginny...yes," Jon stammered, dumbstruck. He shook her hand in a late reflex, before she had a chance to drop it. "A pleasure," he composed himself, smiling. Chatter and various conversations started up as ore friendly faces and well wishers came forward to greet the twins, Harry and Jon. Everyone at the mission to Hogwarts stopped by, excepting Katie.

Harry looked around. He stepped to the twins. "Where is Katie?"

"She's still at Hogwarts. Her arm still has a bit of hex in it and from what she told us, writing and spell casting is still troublesome for her. Three weeks later and Pompfrey still hasn't cracked it yet." George explained.

"Whatever happened in that library was bloody murder," Fred said in a low voice. "She thinks it was a dark magic curse that didn't pan out how it was supposed to. Pompfrey told her that Ridgewall recovered, but Katie notices he has a bad reaction to even seeing a teacup, or the smell of tea. He freaks out and begins muttering until a calming drought is issued. She asked about you. She said you didn't write and Dumbledore said he could not give out your address for her to write you," he explained.

"Only you could do that, he said. She didn't want to send any letters through us," George wagged his eyebrows.

"Smart girl." Fred acknowledged.

"We shouldn't even be telling you this," George put up his fist.

"But, you know how it is, we're bros, aren't we?" Fred completed the sentence, offering his fist.

"You need to ask?" Harry connected with both of his simultaneously and the three of them did an elaborate multiple-hit hand movement 'Gryffindor-quidditch-team-only' handshake routine which ended with an intricate finger flourish.

Ron came over instantly eyeing the three of them with a touch of envy. "Can I see that again?"

"No," the twins answered, turning and taking their stuff on the train. Ron looked devastated.

"I'll show it to you inside," Harry promised, giving Ron a normal bounce as they boarded.

Ron leaned in. "That girl is top drawer, mate," he whispered, glancing at Alexandria.

"Uh huh," Harry whispered. "Don't," he warned. "Trust me. She is a whole other kettle of fish."


"Bat in the crease, mate. She's...accounted for."

"Accounted?" Ron whispered. "What does that mean? You..or Jon?"

Harry hesitated. It was too hard to explain.

"No, neither...but... But she's accounted for. Right now, that is. Hard to explain. Forget it."

"Okay, then."

Ron and Harry led the way on the train. Harry instinctively went to the one they settled in since the third year. When he opened it they caught Michael Ellewyn-Sare and Penelope Clearwater suddenly breaking apart from kissing.

"Whoa!" Ron said, backing out. "Sorry!"

"You," Harry challenged. He was about to reach for his wand but his older, wiser self decided to play this differently. Rushing in here was not the way to do this. They needed proof and a confession. "... Are in our cubicle."

"What?" Michael folded his arms looking at the second year. "This is my cubicle, dimwit. How can a second year even 'have' a cubicle? Get lost, Potter. And shut the door gently." He turned his attention back to Penelope.

Harry just stared, itching to let his rage explode with some well placed curses. He stood there, arms akimbo, just watching them. Penelope stiffened at his aggressive posture. Ellewyn-Sare turned around again, confusion on his face. "What? You deaf? Or just so full of your own egotistical shit that you can't take a hint? Scram!"

"Five to six," Harry said suddenly, remembering the tiny message this snake sent to Malfoy senior. "Five to six," he repeated darkly, his eyes boring into Michael's. Harry felt so angry he believed if he only pointed his left index finger the bracer would automatically blast his stupid brains all over Penelope's cheating ass.

"What? Is that your bedtime? Get lost!" Michael got up and slammed the door shut in his face. Hermione and Ron just stared at Harry. Harry was now currently staring at the door to the cubicle not even three inches from his nose.

"What was that?" Hermione demanded. "Now we have a cubicle? And why are you so angry? What's going on?"

"Nothing," Harry replied and turned. "Let's find somewhere else." Harry had to keep reminding himself that they did not have six years of Hogwarts train rides... ahem five, (since this year he and Ron used the flying car), as history.

He had to remember he was doing things afresh. He didn't even experience his second year ride.

"This one is free," Ginny said opening one two doors down. "If you want," she added, embarrassed when Harry looked directly at her.

"Cool, yeah this is fine." The six of them packed their stuff in the luggage compartments and sat down in the cubicle, three boys on one side, three girls on the other.

Harry was sitting opposite Alexandria, Jon opposite Hermione, and Ron and Ginny were first in at the window seats. Ginny and Ron leaned out and spotted their parents, calling them and waving goodbyes. They kept waving as the train began to move, then eventually left behind the platforms as it sped along the tracks.

Alexandria took out her retooled Holly wand, examining it. Jon had presented it to her Thursday at the workshop with her mother when they visited. They met Master Ollivander and Alexandria was impressed the way he treated the boys almost as colleagues, comrades even, instead of apprentices. The wand did feel more receptive and her spells came out quicker, and more defined. The white handle and the brown stem really was a stark contrast to the all white she was accustomed to.

"That's interesting," Hermione stated. "Two different types of wood?" she raised her eyebrow.

"Oui," she smiled prettily at Jon. "Thanks to him." Ron, Ginny and Hermione's eyebrows shot up. For some reason, they all stared at Harry, as if they knew he had the answers. "Works much better now. Merci boucoup," she told Jon.

"It was my pleasure, milady," he answered smoothly, dipping his head once in acknowledgment.

"What did you do Jon?" Hermione asked kindly.

"I rebuilt her wand using Holly and used the proper threading technique instead of a magically bored core socket. It is much more fine tuned and measured now."

"What a perfect gift," Alexandria said softly, twirling it between her fingers expertly. "If I had this wand...Maybe...papa..." She went silent and her eyes grew damp.

"It was an unprovoked attack," Harry consoled her. "It wasn't your fault," he added softly. He noticed Ron and the others staring, confusion all over their faces. He needed a distraction to take their attention off of her. "Jon and I are wandsmith apprentices."

Their lost expressions did not budge.

"Jon built over her wand for her," he explained. Hermione frowned now, while the two redheads still were befuddled.

"We apprentice at Ollivanders over the summer. We may continue one weekend a month once Dumbledore signs this permission form." Harry tapped his backpack. The three of them responded in a chorus of 'Ahhs' in understanding.

"Wicked," Ron comprehended finally. "That's quite an honour," he added, impressed.

"Yes, we are extremely grateful," Jon said simply.

"That's why you changed your wand, Harry. Did you build it yourself too?" Hermione asked.

"No, the one you saw was one of Ollivanders'. We still haven't reached general 'all purpose' builds as yet. Still need to get through the various training steps and wand projects before we build a school worthy, all-purpose wand from scratch."

"Practice, and more practice on your technique is a strict necessity," Jon quoted Ollivander in a deep, elderly voice. Conversation built around the wand-lore and what they learned, but both boys instinctively understood that their French adventures and the actual weapons they had created were secret and not to be divulged as small talk on the train.

The crew whiled away the hours with various activities and topics of conversation throughout the ride. Neville popped in, said hi, then left again saying he would be back.

"He always loses his toad," Ron complained. "Probably hunting it down again," he sighed. Within ten minutes Neville came back pulling along Shea Carrow.

"Hey guys, remember Shea?" He introduced her to Ron, Hermione and Ginny.

'Slytherin' Hermione thought, but did not let it come through in her voice.

"Aren't you going into fifth year?" Hermione asked pleasantly. Shea nodded, smiling.

"Yeah, I am. You guys going into fifth as well?" she asked Alexandria, and Jon.

"Oui," Alexandria replied. Jon smiled but shook his head. She turned her attention to Alexandria.

"I'm so sorry about what happened last week," Shea said sincerely. Shea sat, squeezing between Alexandria and Hermione, patting Alexandria's knee. "How are you holding up?"

"I don't know. I'm just... trying to, day by day," Alexandria admitted. The loss of her father was still a shock to her every time she replayed the scene over and over in her head. She was grateful that Jon's apartment only had two bedrooms because she didn't know what she would have done if she could not sleep next to her mother. It was her only real comfort these days.

"Stay strong, honey."

Hermione was in the awkward position of sitting next to a Slytherin who was consoling a girl who she barely knew. She was surprised Shea didn't flinch where their knees or elbows touched.

"I will," Alexandria responded. "Thank you Shea."

"No problem. See you around, Jon, Harry. Kiddos," She left the compartment. She popped back in her head. "Oh... and Neville, thanks."

"Cool... no problem," he said. Neville sat down next to Jon.

"It hasn't reached here yet, but my Gran got the paper with news of Carcassonne. Due to the sheer awesomeness of what actually happened, they toned it down, she said. They didn't want their readers to think it was too unreal to ...well... have been real. Kind of cheapens it, to be honest. That thing both of you did, that shield and the light comet... bloody wicked!"

Ron, Ginny and Hermione just stared at Neville.

"Light comet?" Ron asked, bewildered.

"Isn't Carcassonne in France," Hermione asked Neville, but was watching Harry.

"Um...Yes?" Neville responded, seeing the looks Hermione, Ginny and Ron were giving Harry. Harry signaled a neck cut to silence any talk of France. "Oh shoot, I think Trevor has gotten away, again. See ya later guys." Neville made a strategic retreat.

"You were in France?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, we were," Harry replied. Hermione waited for him to continue. Harry leaned back and went back to his book. She huffed in annoyance.

"That's nice. May I ask why?"

"They were invited to my birthday party," Alexandria explained, facing Hermione. "Is there something wrong with that?" she challenged.

"No! No I was just a bit surprised, that's all. Harry's family didn't sound the type to allow that sort of thing."

"I've shown them the error in their ways," Harry shrugged. Hermione frowned.

"You didn't even write," Ron complained.

"Sorry, I thought it would be easier to fill you in when we were in school," he deflected. Harry could see the wheels turning in Hermione's brain. Knowing how she thought, she was going to ask Neville about the French paper and order it herself, probably through the Arithmancy Guild network. Harry would have to find him first and cut that out.

No way he could allow this to leak this early, to Hermione of all people. She would go absolutely bonk-

"Harry and I had to intervene when Alexandria's father was attacked at the end of her birthday celebrations. A gang stormed the grounds, rather... more like an attack squadron. Fortunately, I was able to stall them long enough for Harry to come to our rescue. He dealt with them and immediately avenged the loss of her father," Jon deadpanned. "Fantastic bit of teamwork." He grinned. This time it was Jon who offered his fist to Harry, not breaking eye contact with a gob-smacked Hermione. Harry's jaw dropped a few centimeters.

Harry groaned inwardly as he rubbed his eyes with his left hand and tentatively bounced Jon's fist with his other. At least Jon would not be sorted into Slytherin. Subtlety was definitely not his strong suit.

Harry took a deep breath as he braced for the onslaught.

After a harrowing last half an hour of the train ride, they finally reached Hogsmeade and Harry could not wait to get some fresh air. He genuinely believed after suffering and opening his heart under Secrets Unveiled and that grueling Hermione questionnaire that he would be able to withstand any Hogwarts or Auror inquisition. At least he was getting extremely good at dodging questions.

Albus beyond the veil should be proud.

When the gang arrived at the threstral carriages, Harry was pleasantly surprised to see Katie Bell waiting there. When she spotted Harry, Jon and the Weasley gang, she rushed over.

"Hey!" she greeted everyone. "You won't believe how much I've missed you guys. My parents came for a few days, but I have been bored out of my skull. Oliver is here somewhere, and so is Angelina." She addressed the whole gang but she never took her eyes off of Harry. "Harry!" she came forward and hugged him fiercely. "You got taller?" she scrutinized his face and height while still holding his arms. She aligned herself side by side, and her shoulder was almost even with his. She gave him a chummy one-armed side hug. "Blimey, you did!"

Harry shrugged and grinned. "Maybe, or you just shrunk," Harry said, not knowing how to respond. Katie laid her eyes on the beautiful dark haired girl in their midst, perplexed. She retrieved her arm around his waist.

"Mistress Katie, this is Alexandria Potage, a friend of mine," Jon came forward, introducing them. "This is Katherine Bell, star chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch team." The two girls shook hands.

"Hmph. Only Ollie and Potter are the stars here. Everyone else is just production crew," Katie scoffed. "Including this skank, I mean, brilliant teammate over here," she said loudly so Alicia Spinnet could hear her clearly as she approached. She grinned at the short, light brown-skinned girl. Alicia approached, raising one eyebrow in challenge.

"Look who's talking. You dropped Spencer like that," Alicia snapped her fingers, "In hope of getting some lightning rod- oh Hi Harry, did not see you there!" She lied, clapping Harry on the shoulder, all the while grinning at Katie. Katie's smile vanished from her face, her glare promising future vengeance. Alicia gamely hugged Katie in faux greeting. "I own you now," she declared evilly in Katie's ear (even as they hugged), a smile turning up the corners of her mouth.

Katie just glared at her friend as they let go, giving her a scowl and a grudging nod because no immediate comeback came to mind.

Well played, Ally. Well played.

"Sup, Potter." Oliver sauntered over, with Angelina following. Oliver's trunk was levitating behind him while poor Angelina needed to focus her Winguardium Lleviosa to carry hers. "Lads. Ladies," he greeted the group. Harry and Oliver Wood greeted each other and the mind numbing combination of fist bumps handshake routine was repeated. Ron positively oozed envy.

"Gryffindor's Red Lions," he acknowledged his teammates. "For life!" Oliver declared as he hit his fist to his heart twice. "The elite chosen from the best house there is." He accepted the same complex handshake combination from Alicia, Katie and the twins. After this was done he crossed his arms, pausing for effect as he eyed his team. Jon noticed that they straightened a tiny bit, as if under parade ground inspection. "I want the Double championship. It has never happened since ...like ever." He flicked his wand and popped open his trunk. In it, a golden trophy gleamed under the station lights. He took it out with one hand. "Behold, the Quidditch Cup. Trusted to the captain of the winning team for the summer hols, but, alas, must be returned during the opening feast. It is only a trinket. What is important is that we are recorded in the history books, breaking records. Youngest Seeker. Fastest Catch. The title is ours now, and it will be ours, again; same time next year. This is the strongest team I have had the honour to play with. The tryouts will be only for reserves. You, my good friends, are Hogwarts' Reigning Champions. Conduct yourselves as such and we shall bear the mantle with pride. And when we are on the pitch ... no mercy!"

Jon, who was furthest away from Oliver nodded gravely in approval of this rousing speech. He folded his arms against his chest.

"No mercy!" the team agreed in unison.

"Well, now that's done," Oliver announced, clearing his throat and returning to his normal persona. "Let's go get some grub." He turned and walked away, hands in his pockets.

As soon as the first years were finished sorting Headmaster Dumbledore stood up.

"Please welcome two transfer students, Mr. Jon Black and Miss Alexandria Potage, who will now be sorted into their respective houses. Come forward, Mr. Black," Albus Dumbledore announced. Jon took the stool, and placed the hat on his head. He waited patiently for a few seconds.


Jon returned the hat to the stool, and without further ado simply took his seat at the Gryffindor bench. There was a round of applause at the table. Alexandria was far more nervous as she walked up the length of the Great Hall and sat on the stool. The Sorting Hat was placed on her head. The hat was prompt once more.


The Gryffindors cheered again.

"Very well," Dumbledore announced. "Dinner shall now be served. Please tuck in."

As Harry ate, he spotted Marcus Flint talking with Draco Malfoy. Malfoy looked a bit haggard, or maybe his hair was not up to the usual impeccable condition. Draco did look across to Alexandria a couple times, but then spotted Harry watching him and went back to his meal.

When dinner was finished and pudding was being served, Albus Dumbledore stood up once again.

"Joining the staff for the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts will be Professor Lockhart, who, some of you may know, has written a few of your theory texts," he clapped politely, and the staff table reluctantly joined in with a paltry attempt. Some of the female students put some vigor into their clapping, but it died quickly when they realized the student body on a whole was not impressed.

Lockhart practically jumped to his feet, flashing a smile.

"Thank you thank you, one and all! As you should already know, I was hand-picked out of numerous worthy candidates for this honorable post. I must give my sincere thanks and gratitude to headmaster Dumbledore for his infinite wisdom by selecting I, Gilderoy Lockhart, world renowned author of must have modern classics such as 'The Vampyre and I', 'Gnolls, Bowls, and Foals,' 'Gadding with Trolls' and 'Magicke Most Magnificent', to call a few. Please feel free to get your copies of 'The Standard Book Of Spells, Lockart Gold Edition' autographed by yours truly, during my office hours, or if you wish, anytime I am near. If you have not gotten your copy as yet, please mail order through-"

"Thank you, Professor Lockhart," Albus interrupted. "But I am sure that these young and vibrant witches and wizards need to savor their dessert treat and are quite tired from their long journey." This was met by rapturous applause. Dumbledore raised a hand in humble recognition, thankful for the response but also showing it was not necessary. The clapping faded away. "Thank you, but for now, eat up!"

When they were finished and were heading up to the Gyrffindor tower, Harry pulled Jon aside.

"Jon, I need you to owl Tonks, and tell her-"

"I told you that you should -"

"This is important," Harry insisted. "Tell her to purchase a set of onyx gloves and double check that there is a diary book in the onyx box we left in the vault. Tell her to wear the dueling armor, and leave no part of skin exposed. "

"Will do."

They walked on.

"And remind her; don't touch it! Use a stick or something if she wants. You got all that?"

"I will let you proof read it before I send it out, Harry of House Hollow."


They walked some more. Harry was mulling over what message he could send with Jon's owl to get her back on speaking terms. He refocused on Katie's attackers once again.

"And tell her, that the first Hogsmeade visit we should do something about Ellewyn-Sare," he whispered.


By the final corridor, Harry stopped Jon again. "What about the clan house? What news?"

"Tonks will have to go and see for herself. I have been in contact with two sellers but we forgot to follow up, didn't we? With all that was happening with Alexandria, it slipped my mind."

"Speaking about her...so...?"

"I...don't know. Her presence is growing on me. But fate is a nasty beast."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember I told you about a woman I killed?" He said in a very low whisper.

Harry frowned. "I remember."

"She was a wildling woman I captured on the northern side of the wall. Then her people eventually tracked her down and captured me. I was her captive, if you want to call it that.. for almost a year. She was tiny but her presence was not. My first and only true love."

"Alexandria reminds you of her?"

"No. Ron's sister reminds me of her. Ginny."

"Aw. That's sweet," Harry chimed. "Wait... what? Didn't you just say you killed this woman?"

"Yes ..." Jon hesitated. "From my arrow. It's uncanny, the resemblance. She is what I imagined Ygritte would look like at that young age."

"That sounds like a story you will definitely need to tell me another time. Ginny is shy now, but as she gets older, she can handle herself," Harry explained as they walked through the portrait. Alexandria was talking with Percy. Seeing Percy made him think of Penelope, and thinking of Penelope made him want to curse that seventh year Ravenclaw, Michael Ellewyn-Sare, into oblivion. Jon and Harry made their way past them and up the stairs to their rooms.

He watched Alexandria chatting animatedly with the prefect for a few moments. Percy was clueless. He doesn't even know his girl was snoggin' another boy on the train ride here. Wait. Maybe Percy wasn't dating Penelope as yet. Maybe that started after Michael left Hogwarts. But why would Michael suddenly be interested in Penelope? Harry, be it by chance or sinister magic, realized that Penelope Payet and Michael MacMillan had the same first names.

Coincidence... or nah?

Penelope was a half-blood ...wasn't Sarah, Tonks best friend; her older sister? He probably should mail Sarah and get some information out from her. Harry began to change into pyjamas.

What was Flint and Draco muttering about? Harry decided to put himself in Lucius Malfoy's shoes. If it were him and he wanted the Chamber of Secrets opened, he would find another way to manipulate a student, since the Diary plan did not work out. Could it be that Lucius and Michael were working together again?

Maybe, Lucius Malfoy sourced another Horcrux and was using his lackey to plant it inside the school for an unlucky student to come across it, starting the cycle all over again.

He was tired, and trying to think of plots within plots from simply observing Marcus Flint and Draco talking wasn't worth this amount of headache.

It was probably nothing, was his last thought as he fell into bed, exhausted.

The next morning he woke up and looked out the window. Hagrid seemed to be cleaning up one of his livestock pens. There were feathers scattered about his feet. Harry's blood ran cold.

"Jon!" he shook him hurriedly. "Wake up. Something might be wrong. Let's go check Hagrid and retrieve Ghost as well. Meet me downstairs as soon as you can. I will be in the common room."

Ten minutes later, Jon was reunited with Ghost, who was not moving as fast as he used to, and walked with a slight hobble. Jon's face lit up with happiness as he fed the wolf some pieces of meat. Ghost licked his fingertips after each piece was fed to him.

"Hagrid, what happened here?" Harry asked quietly, his blood running ice cold in his veins. No... this can't be happening.

"I dunno lad. But somebody must have killed all my chickens. Why would anyone do such a thing?"

An: thank you for reading. Please leave your thoughts and critique in the box below. You like it or nah? Review!

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