
"Cunning" snakes.

After the announcement the familiar sound of flapping wings signalled the entrance of the mail owls. Ciri snatches a bundle out of the air with practised ease before opening it up and frowning.

Harry who's still holding his his head in pain glances up and asks, "Skeeter?"

Ciri nods, "Skeeter." she reads the offending title out loud, "Two champions brutally execute Ministry owned Dragons!"


Harry "If anyone believes this shit I'm gonna go mental!"

Hermione's about to refute that anyone would ever believe this when the surrounding people starts pointing at Harry and Ciri while whispering and gossiping.

Reima "You were saying?"

Harry "Forget it, I feel like I would have been better off being a Muggle." he mutters.

Reima nods, "Muggle teens aren't usually forced into life threatening tournaments, nor are they almost killed by an international terrorist twice." he quickly says.

Ciri "Just thank the gods you weren't brought up like Reima was." she adds, confusing him and Hermione. They're about to ask for an explination when two shadows appear behind Luna.

Professor Mcgonagall along with Professor Flitwick approach, the former speaks in her trademark stern but gentle voice, "Miss Lovegood, I hope there is a good reason for you to be present on the Gryffindor table?"

Luna nods, "Reima found me and brought me back to his dorm room."


The two professors immediately eye Reima who sweats slightly, "Don't cause a misunderstanding Luna... I found her naked in a broom cupboard after she had apparently had her clothes stolen and the Ravenclaw painting locked.

Professor Flitwicks eyes narrow at this, "I see... And I wonder why I'm just hearing of this now?" he says, sending a suspicious look at Reima.

Luna "I've been telling you about the Nargles for years Professor Flitwick." she says, causing him to go pale.

Professor Flitwick, "You mean to say... That the Nargles you often spoke of meant bullies?" he asks shocked.

Reima "I'm still wondering how this kept happening without anyone noticing?" he says.

Luna "The Nargles infested the whole of my house, there was no one free of them." she says, causing the short professor to scowl.

Professor Flitwick "I see... I don't suppose I could request for Luna to be cared for by the Gryffindor house for a few days longer while I try to find out what's been occurring in my house?" he asks.

Professor Mcgonagall nods with pursed lips, "I'll be giving her access to a room in the female dorms, she is free to come and go as she pleases." she turns to look at Luna. "Consider Gryffindor as a second family Miss Lovegood."

Luna gives a bright toothy smile at them, "Thank you very much Professor!"

Mcgonagall feels her heart melt slightly at the fact this girl had been viciously bullied from what she had gathered, "You're very welcome Miss Lovegood." she turns the Reima, Ciri, Harry and Hermione. "As you had heard from Dumbledore, the Yule Ball will be hosted on Christmas, I'd recommend all of you to attend the dancing class I'm setting up in preparation for it, I'll not have anyone of Gryffindor make a fool of themselves." she says.

Luna "Can I come too Professor?" she asks quietly.


Mcgonagall "Of course you can dear." she says before turning and briskly walking away with Flitwick in toe.

Reima "Er, what just happened?" he asks confused.

Luna "I'm a Gryffinclaw now!" she says happily before waving her wand and added a crude copy of the Gryffindor badge to her blue robes.

Harry chuckles at this while Hermione tries to stifle her own objections about "Modifying school uniforms"

After breakfast the group make their way to their lessons, Reima's class isn't far from the fourth years and so walks with them, this proves to be the right decision as they're stopped in the hallway by a group of cocky looking Slytherins.

Draco stands with his arms crossed in-front of the group along with someone Reima feels like he knows.

Draco "Look, scarface has found friends that have something in common with him." he jeers, causing the group behind him to laugh.

Harry who's still recovering from his hangover bluntly retorts, "Fuck off Malfoy."

Draco's about to retort, probably something about his father when Reima exclaims. "Oh! It's you, background character! Haven't seen you in a while!" he says, pointing at the 7th year next to Draco.

"I am not called Background character! I am Cassius Warrington! Pure blood elite who you should bow your head to when I walk by!" he shouts.

Reima who's finding a great amount of pleasure just ridiculing this fat fuck plays with his nails as the young adult talks. "Er, did you say something background character?" this has Ciri laughing at this antics while Cassius look as if he's about to explode.

Cassius "That's it! I'll show you what it means to try go above your station!" he shouts, drawing his wand and pointing it at Reima.

Reima shrugs, and leans his staff in his hands playfully. "Yo, don't do something you'll regret... I'm not known to be merciful." he says with a sadistic grin.

Cassius cannot help but feel a cold sweat overtake him as he's glared at by Reima, he feels as if he's being eyed by a Nundo. However, giving into his poor judgement he holds his ground. "Kiss my feet or get blasted fool!" he shouts, more to increase his own confidence than to intimidate his opponent.

The one and only antagonist is back : BACKGROUND CHARACTER!

As always, if I missed anything please let me know!

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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