
Show off.

"Kiss my feet or get blasted fool!" he shouts.

the group behind Reima are all stunned by this sudden turn of events, Ciri because she didn't believe this person was stupid enough to try and actually fight Reima and the other because the Slytherins usually had thicker skin than this.

Reima "How about this? You kiss my feet and I won't hurt you."


Draco "Scarface! It looks like your friend's gone barmy!" he shouts and laughs with the rest of his group. They all knew that Cassius was the top of their private duelling club, no one could beat him especially if he was already prepared to attack.

Harry whispers behind Reima, "You want backup or?"

Reima shakes his head, "Just watch your backs for the other Slytherins." he says quietly before loudly taunting his opponent yet again, "So Cassius Warrington huh? Personally I think Background character suits you better."

Cassius finally loses it and casts "STUPIFY!"

The group behind Reima are all prepared to jump into combat should he fall to the curse but they are all surprised to see the red bolt strike him in the chest.

Draco laughs "He didn't even move! What an idiot!"

The rest of the Slytherins begin jeering at them, none of them noticing that Reima hadn't actually been stunned...

Cassius stands there horrified that his curse had literally no affect, it had hit him point blank in the chest and should have instantly knocked him unconscious... Had he not cast the spell correctly? Did his arch enemy cast a shield beforehand? Regardless, the prove is in-front of him, with Reima still smiling at him.

Reima "Was that a tickling charm? Because it didn't seem to do anything... You're out of practise if you can't even cast a proper tickling charm." he says, causing the other Slytherin to notice that he's still conscious.

Draco looks abit more cautious now that something unexpected has occurred but he doesn't relent in his taunting of Harry, "It seems your friends not all talk Scarface, but it still won't matter! Get him Warrington!" he presses, causing the 7th year to cast a couple more stunning charms that do literally nothing when they collide with Reima's chest.

Cassius "Why isn't it working! What have you done!" he shouts at Reima while continuing to shoot stunners at him, making the hallway flash red as if a strobelight was present.

Reima "It's like a story, the background character is so weak that he can't even damage the protagonist." he says while shrugging.

Cassius grabs his head and screams, "THAT'S IT" before casting a loud "BOMBARDA!" at Reima, knowing full well they could potentially kill him.

Draco pales when he hears the spell Warrington had just cast and can only hold his hands over his ears to block the sound.




Everyone opens their eyes, some expecting to see Reima's blood and internal organs scattered throughout the hall, however they see something completely out of their expectations.

Reima stand there with his hand outstretched, a black mark signifying an explosion had occurred on his palm.

Reima himself had only taken the spell to his hand to prevent it from affecting the people behind him. He laughs causing the Slytherins to get a cold sweat. "Is that all you got? I think it's my turn, don't you think?" he says, taking a big step forward and kicking Warrington in the stomach, creating a loud *CRACK* before he is launched into the group behind him, toppling them over like bowling pins.

Reima lowers his leg as if he hadn't applied any effort at all and glares down at them, "So, anyone want another crack at it? Or shall I just continue?" the question goes unanswered as they all retreat as quickly as they can, as if a demon in human skin had just foretold of their collective deaths. It's funny to watch as a couple try to drag the almost catatonic Warrington along with them as he trails behind.

Draco takes a glance behind him as he runs, wondering how this foreigner was so powerful and whether or not he would reach that level at any point in his lifetime. One thing was for sure however, he wouldn't be challenging scarface and his new friends without collecting information first.

Reima turns and smiles at the group behind him while they all with the exception of Ciri look back at him in awe.

Harry "W-what was that!"

Hermione "That's impossible!! You can't block an explosion curse with your bare hand!"

Snuffles taps her paws together "Squeak!"

Reima "I'm just that awesome... Also, don't you guys have classes to attend to?" he asks causing them all to look about in panic before rushing off to their respective classes, leaving him and Ciri standing in the hallway, with Snuffles in her arms of course.

Ciri "You just have to show off, don't you?" she asks with mirth.

Reima "You'd do the same thing if you had the oppertunity so don't lie." he states, causing her to nod in acquiescence.

Reima "You should get to your classes as well, I know you can skip them but you want to stay in Mcgonagall's good books so she'll watch our Animagi transformations." Ciri nods at this and walks off, waving to him as she does so.

Hope you guys enjoyed the MC showing off, if I missed anything please let me know!

If you like my content then please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it!

Also if any of you like history, weak to strong protags or just douchy protagonists in general you should check out my other project : Modern History. Thanks for reading!

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