
Chapter 24

"Hiro, are you alright? "

This question was asked when she was pulled into a bone crushing hug by her parents. She sighed and let then hug her, enjoying the comfort she felt in their arms. She was exhausted. Her muscles ached as a result of using her booster for over thirty minutes. She had manifested a headache on her journey home and was in desperate need of a nap. So, no. She was not ok. Of course she wasn't going to tell her already worried parents that.

"I'm fine. I rallied my class and we showed those villains who's boss" Shino managed a cheerful smile as she wiggled out of her parent's grip. She started to unbutton her blazer as she made her way up the stairs.

"I'm not that convinced" Nico said as she followed her daughter up the stairs. She knew how Shino can be. She doesn't show much care about anything and seems to take amusement in every situation. She's a very caring person even if she doesn't show it often. She doesn't like when others worry about her, preferring to put on an act as to not worry others. It may work on others but not on Nico. A mother always knows when their child is lying.

Shino stumbled into her room her tie loose on her neck and blazer halfway down her arms. She groaned and face planted into her bed. She felt her blazer being pulled off her and knew it was her mother. She didn't bother saying anything and remained as she was.

"It's not very nice to lie to your parents Shino" The blazer was removed and Nico then busied herself with the black sneakers Shino adorned.

Shino mumbled something into her pillow that made Nico giggle.

"Don't be stubborn" The sneakers were removed and Nico pulled off the band holding Shino's hair in her signature pony tail before nudging her onto her back.

Shino sighed, but rolled onto her back and stared at her smiling mother as she removed the tie around her neck.

"I'll undress myself "

"You'll probably fall asleep while you're at it"

"I need a nap"

"You need a shower as well. It's best you wash off before going to bed. It'll ease the pain in the muscles"

"How? "

Nico's response was a giggle as she worked on Shino's dress shirt. "I am your mother. Plus I was informed of the battle by Emiko. She said something about a creature created for Toshinori's destruction. You'd have to add a boost to your abilities to hold such a thing back"

The shirt was removed leaving Shino in her sports bra and pants.

"You must be proud of these abs of yours" Nico commented as she poked Shino's toned stomach. Shino flinched at the contact and glared at her smiling mother. "I suggest you get in the shower"

Shino grumbled before doing as told. She started to remove her pants on her trek to the bathroom. She had no choice but to do as her mother said. She would probably be electrocuted otherwise.

Once in the bathroom Shino leaned against the wall as she watched her tub slowly fill with warm water. She looked away and opened a nearby cabinet removing three odd devices. She started to remove her scarf, holding her breath in the process. The scarf was removed and one of the devices was placed over her nose. She released her breath in a sigh. Her headphones went next and she flinched in pain when sounds assaulted her. She quickly put the other two devices over her ears and made sure they were secure. She didn't like putting them on. She didn't really need to. Her scarf was made out of water resisting material and her headphones we're water proof. It's just a bother having them on during a bath. She really wished she had control over her senses, but nothing changed over the years.

Shino relaxed once in her tub and sunk chin deep into the water.

"Nothing like a warm bath"

Shino found herself thinking about the league of villains. She had Shigaraki and Kurogiri in her grasp and they escaped.

"Damn Shigaraki and his plot armor"

She sunk deeper until only her eyes were above water. She wondered how her class mates were doing. Almost no one was injured and they did a pretty good job. The class shouldn't be too shaken. The only ones who would feel a way were those who were with her. She hoped Daichi and Momo didn't put fault on themselves. It wasn't theirs. It's not their fault Shigaraki has plot armor.

Maybe she should set up something fun to lift everyone's spirits. She could invite them to her house. She has everything to entertain everyone. She has games, be it arcade or video. She has musical instruments. Anything needed for art. A pool, a pool table as well. A pool outside. A theater and so on and so forth. She has everything.

If only they were all in the same room.

After her bath Shino was dressed in a pair of black knee length pants and a white shirt. Her hair was left loose and her scarf and headphone were back in place. The bath had done her some good. Her muscles weren't aching anymore and some candy would handle her headache. She could sleep later.

She slid down the stairs and wandered into her livingroom where her father was watching an action film. He was sprawled out on the sofa like a child and didn't look like he would move at all.

"Dad" Shino patted his leg and sat over his feet.

"I thought you were going to sleep"

"Change of plans"

"What is it you want daughter of mine? "

"The basement or whatever we have under this house. It's completely empty right? "


"And it's big enough to fit a lot of stuff right? "

"Yeah? Where is this going"

"I plan on turning that space into a fun space for my friends. I want to move some thing down there, would you help me? "

"Sure. Sure. I've got nothing to do anyways " Shiro stood up followed by Shino.

"Don't break anything you two" Nico called as the two went up the stairs.

Nothing would be broken. At least Shino hoped so. She just needed her father's help gathering what she needed and then she would just teleport everything into the "basement "

The basement was huge and Shino loved it. She directed her father as he moved everything around setting it in Shino's desired corner. Shino helped pushed things around as well making corners for each activity.

"The place needs a color change" Shino observed. The walls were all plain white and boring.

"What are you thinking? "

"Some dark colors"

And so they set out to paint the walls. Everything in the room was coated so pain wouldn't damage anything. The place was set in Shino's signature colors red and black. The entire endeavor took thirty minutes.

"It's missing something " Shiro said as he looked around.

"It is? "Shino looked around as well, but could not tell what could be missing. Everything looked great. There was a stage that the two built to put the instruments. A huge TV was attached to the wall for video game purposes. The arcade games were in their own corners as well.

"Yes. This place has a little underground party feel and you are missing crucial thing"

"What could that possibly be"

"A bar"

"A bar? "

"Yes a bar. Every party space needs a bar"

"But I'm not throwing a party"

"It might turn into one"

Shino sighed. Her father had a point. She was inviting her entire class. That meant Kaminari, Kirishima, Mina, Aoyama, Toru, Ochako and Daichi. Those guys are super energetic and things could escalate out of her control.

"Alright. Let's build a bar"

The bar was built and stocked with savory drinks. Non alcoholic of course. Shiro even brought in a ton of alcohol free champagne.

In the end Shino was satisfied with her little fun room for her class and made her way out the basement.

Nico had already made every snack in the world with the help of the always caring Kina. Shino didn't even ask then to make anything.


"Thanks for the snacks mom, Kina"

Shino ran up the stairs to her room. She crashed onto her bed cell in hand. She quickly pulled Izuku, Katsuki, Sora and Momo into a video chat.

They answered immediately each of them dressed casually.

Sora was shirtless as he often is when they video called.

"What's up Shino? You got a good rest? "

"I did, thanks for asking Sora"

"Why did you call all of us? " Momo asked eyebrows raised.

"I want to invite the class over for a little fun time. To cheer them up, ya know"

"A party! " Katsuki exclaimed.

"Is it a party? " Izuku asked

"Could turn into one with the people she's inviting over "Sora said

"Good point"

"Get over here would you. I'll text the rest of the class"

"We'll be there before you know it"

With that conversation over Shino text the rest of the class.

In less that thirty minutes her friends we're at the door. Sora had a broad grin on his face as usual. He casually walked into the house and slung an arm over Shino's shoulder.

"So what does my friend have set up for this occasion? "

"The basement has been completely transformed my friend. Everything a teenager could ever need to entertain themselves is down there" Shino led the group to the basement.

"Video games? "


"Arcade games? "


"Bar games as in pool and foosbal? "


"Music? Instruments? "

"Done and done"

"Anything Kosei could entertain herself with? "

"Taken care of "

"Alright, that's pretty solid" Sora nodded impressed as he walked around the room. His inspection didn't last long for he planted himself in front of the TV ready to play any game that was in his reach. Katsuki did not waste the chance to challenge him and Izuku went along to make sure the situation didn't get out of hand as usual.

"Of course" Shino sighed watching the group. She should have seen that coming. She didn't stand around too long and turned towards Momo a curious eyebrow raised. "You're ok, right? "

"Yes, I am, why do you ask? "

"I don't want you blaming yourself for what happened, ya know? "

Momo smiled and nodded. "I won't. You already told me not to"

Shino grew a huge smile on her face at that. "So you would do anything I told you to? "

"Ah, it depends I suppose " was the reply.

"Ah, how I want to tease you right now" Shino took Momo by the hand and led her up the stairs and out the basement. "You're helping me get the snacks down there"

Nico and Kina really outdone themselves with the snacks. There was enough to last the entire class for days. On Shino's third trip of carrying snacks to the basement the doorbell rang. Kinji being the faithful and devoted butler he is was at the door before a moments notice.

"Young master it seems your classmates have arrived"

"Let them in, I'll be there in a sec"

Shino teleported down to the basement with her snacks and ran back up to the living room to meet her friends. Her father had greeted them there. He was back in the couch watching television.

Shino was happy to see that Shoto actually came. She had to text him privately and annoyed the hell out of him just asking him to come. He stood at the back of the group, no emotions displayed.

"Hey guys"

"Kiddo, this is your house? "Daichi was amazed and could not keep his mouth shut.

"This is a mansion! "Kaminari exclaimed.

"Whoa" was all Kirishima managed.

Uraraka was looking around the house as if it was a golden palace.

"So huge. Is this what it's like to be rich? "

Shino chuckled. "Yeah, welcome to my humble abode"

"This is anything but humble"

"Okok. Just follow me"

The group dutifully followed Shino down into the basement. The sound of Katsuki yelling incoherent words was the first thing to be heard. Shino shook her head as she entered the room getting a look at what pissed the blonde off.

He lost a game.

"Of course" Shino looked away from them as Momo approached. She was happily enjoying a chocolate milkshake she probably got from the cooler by the bar. "Hey, everything under control? "

"Bakugo hasn't blown anything up yet, so I suppose it is" Momo said while she sipped on her straw. "This is delicious "

"What is this place? "Iida asked as he looked around.

"Let's call it the game room for now. It's just a place you can relax and have fun. We have everything here, well except a pool. That's outside if you wanna go for a swim" Shino informed them. "I invited you all here to relax after the whole villain thing. I think we really need it"

"For real? "Daichi asked.

"Yup. You can do whatever you want. There video games as you can see. I also have arcade games. There's a stereo where you can play whatever you want. There's also a karaoke machine. A little stage with instruments if your interested. And just for Kosei, we have a little space where you can create your art"

The small girl had a tiny smile playing at her lips and her face was slightly red.

"Right now, we relax and forget anything ever happened "

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