
Chapter 25

Shino was pretty proud of herself. She had gotten her entire class the relax a bit after all. Even Shoto. It tool some convincing and a lot of patience, but Shino managed to pull him into a game of pool and soon he was playing against anyone who challenged him. Shino even caught a small smile on her face. She allowed herself a pat on the back for such an achievement. Katsuki, Sora and Izuku were joined by Daichi, Kaminari and Kirishima making the video game area super loud. A group was cheering for Sora the other for Katsuki, despite themselves. Aoyama was getting his ass kicked in DDR by Mina in one corner.Toru and Uraraka were cheering Mina on. Oddly enough Akio was playing guitar hero with Jiro. He seemed pretty skilled in the game. Tokoyami and Shoji were at the pool table with Shoto. The group seemed very serious about the on going game. Tsu was with Ren in the small art corner. Apparently the artist was teaching Tsu a thing or two about painting.

Currently Shino was behind her bar enjoying a strawberry milkshake. On the other side of it sat Iida and Momo. Iida had joined them at the bar to get a drink and stay away from the raging gamers. He was there for some time scolding Katsuki about his aggressive behavior.

"Things are going pretty great considering my house hasn't gone up in flames yet"

"You are very honorable for thinking of your fellow classmates" Iida said with an admirable look on his face.

Shino waved him off. "I consider everyone in our class my friends and I don't like it when my friends are down in the dumps. Besides I'm class president I have to take good care of my class"

"Very admirable "

"Whatever you say Iida" Shino yawned into her scarf and sighed.

"I think you should take a nap Shino. You're obviously in need of one" Momo advised looking at her friend worriedly.

"I'm fine. I'm the host of this little gathering I have to be present at all times"

Momo gave Shino a look that made her chuckle.

"I won't over do it, I promise. And I never break promises"

"You do when it comes to your own health, which is something I cannot understand about you"

"As I see it Kiddo seems to care more about others than herself" Came the calm voice of Akio who approached the group with Tokoyami and Shoto in toe. "A very admiral feat for an aspiring hero"

"But very reckless " Momo added.

"How does one care for others more than themselves? I find it hard to believe humans can be that selfless" Tokoyami said as he took a seat at the bar and Shino handed him a glass of ice tea.

"That's very cynical" Shino said blankly.

"I agree with Tokoyami. People only care about themselves " Shoto said as he too took place at the bar.

"Well arent you two a match made in heaven" Shino's voice was laced with sarcasm. "There are some humans that do care you know. Eceryone cannot be the same and you cannot expect another to be as cruel the other"

"A hero must always show care for others. That is essential " Iida said and pushed his glaces up his nose.

"But there are so called heroes out there who are only in it for the fame and Money" Shino scoffed. "I know a couple I would like to punch in a very unpleasant area, starting with Endeavor "

At the mention of the number two hero Shoto brought his eyes to Shino curiously.

"Endeavor? "

"Yes Endeavor. That bastard. I met him once. Completely cold and arrogant. The only thing he wants is to be number one and beat All Might. What kind of hero is that? "

"I've never met him in person, but from what I've seen he really act in such a manner" Akio agreed.

"We've somehow delved into a completely different conversation "

The group continued to talk about smilair subjects. Shino was trying to help Shoto and Tokoyami view the world better, but was having a very hard time convincing them. She gave up in them and decided to try some other time. They just refused to except the good in the world.

At some point Shino was at the bar with Momo. Shino was on her third milkshake by then and was still watching her classmates enjoy themselves.

"Are you still refusing to go to sleep? " Momo asked. She was playing with her straw while she had her chin in her palm staring at Shino with raised eyebrow..

"I'll sleep, when everyone leaves" Shino said this in defiance.

"Not anytime soon then"

And Momo was right. It was eight in the night when everyone left the house. They all thanked Shino for the invitation and she promised they would do it again sometime. Even Shoto and Tokoyami seemed grateful for the distraction. Sora stayed back a bit longer. He spent around an hour playing video games until Shino got fed up with him and kicked him out of her house.

The last to leave was Momo. She had stayed behind to help with everything.

Shino was lying upside down on the living room sofa having almost no energy remaining to do anything productive. She was silently watching Momo help her mother in the kitchen. She followed her every movement not once taking her eyes off her.

"Huh. Curves in all the right places"

It was no secret that Momo was mature for her age. Both mentally and physically. Currently Shino was focused on the physical and it wasn't hard to see the appeal. Momo was quite beautiful. Shino always thought so, but she never said it openly. It's not that she's embarrassed or anything, it just never happened.

Shino wasn't one to get embarrassed. She simply didn't care enough to be embarrassed. She's a very honest person who can be very blunt.

"Hiro, don't sleep in the sofa" Shiro came down the stairs from his study. "Don't lie like that either"

"I'm comfortable this way and have a clear view" Shino responded her eyes never looking away from Momo.

"A clear view? "Shiro stood by the sofa and followed his daughters gaze. He looked at Momo and then his daughter. He repeated this for some time before a smile spread across his face. "So you've just been staring at Momo this entire time"


"Why? "

"Because she's beautiful and it's fascinating to watch her "

"As honest as usual I see"

"I don't see any reason to lie"

Just then Momo came out of the kitchen. Shino's eyes were still glued to her and did not waver when Momo glanced at her.

"What? "

Shino only smiled, not saying anything to her friend. Slowly she pulled herself out of the sofa and stretched. She was about ready for a good night's sleep if her thoughts didn't get in the way. Her head was pretty clear this night. She might sleep through the night this time.

"Spend the night? "

"I don't have any cloths on me"

"You do know that you could always make some, right? If you're not in the mood to use your quirk you can always wear some of mine" Shino said as she took Momo by the hand and began to lead her up the stairs. "I already called your parents and told them you would be staying"

Momo only smiled and followed the other up the stairs. Of course Shino would do such a thing before asking her to stay the night. It's not like Momo had a problem with it. She loved spending time with Shino. There was always some interesting things to do and Shino can be an enigma. A very funny, very sweet enigma that just lives to be a tease.

Stepping into her room Shino got Momo a fresh towel and shuffled her towards the bathroom.

"Take a nice warm bath. I'll have some clothes set out for you when you're done"

Momo didn't really have a choice in the matter. Once she was in the bathroom Shino pulled the door closed.

With Momo in the bathroom Shino looked through her wardrobe for something suitable for her friend. There were lots of options. Shino has way to many clothes in her opinion.

After some time Shino retrieved a pair of black shorts and a long red hoodie. She thought they looked great and the image of Momo in them made her beam.

"Perfecto " She nodded to herself as she admired her choice.

In time Momo was out of the shower and dressed in the chosen clothing. Her hair was left loose, which was a sight Shino could only feast on during their sleepovers. Hair down, hair up both we're amazing looks on Momo. But there was a certain appeal to her loose hair.

Momo really liked the chosen clothes. She felt very comfortable in them and the hoodie smelt a lot like chocolate and fruits which was the scent belonging to Shino herself.

Shino sat on her bed nodding to herself as she observed Momo, who was standing in front of the mirror. Momo saw her nodding and turned to face her curious.

"Why are you nodding "

"I have decided that you dressed in my clothes is the gift of gods" Shino said dramatically making Momo blush. "You look amazing in my clothes. It really has an appeal. Maybe because it's my clothing? That makes sense"

"I.. Um. I like wearing your clothes"

Shino hummed and stared a smirk forming on her face. "Do you now"

"Please don't start teasing me Shino" Momo pleaded as she joined the other on her bed.

"But it's so fun. You get so flustered. And when you're really embarrassed you make this adorable sound that makes me so happy to be alive"

"You're being dramatic"

"I am being honest. "

"You're always honest"

"Exactly " Shino said loudly as she tackled Momo unexpectedly. She had her arms around her waist and her head on her breast. She sighed in content.

Meanwhile Momo's face was as red as the shirt she was in. "S-Shino"

Shino hummed in response.

"Y- you're.. "

"I'm comfortable" Shino mumbled not even bothering to move. "Interesting pillows I have here"

Momo's face got brighter and she let out a sound akin to a whimper that made Shino chuckle.

"There it is. The sound you make when you're too embarrassed. It's adorable "

"Please get off"

"Nope. I'm way to comfortable "

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