

Three years ago my husband planned a romantic getaway for our 27th wedding anniversary.  What happened on this getaway forever changed my mind about my husband and his love for me.

Our anniversary is in late July and this getaway was for early August in 2001. My husband chose for us to go to a cabin high up in the mountains for a three-day celebration.  We were both looking forward to renewing our physical relationship after over six months of not having full intercourse.

A long-standing heart condition had required my husband to have a corrective heart procedure and it took several weeks to get his blood-thinning medication adjusted to where he could once again have a firm and lasting erection.  But with that resolved we determined to reignite our love life over this mid-week getaway.

The cabin was wonderful.  It overlooked a mountain meadow with a long view over a valley.  He had carefully selected it so that the deck faced the west, as I love sunsets.  We arrived in the early afternoon and sat down on the deck to discuss plans for the time we were to be there.

We planned to make love that first evening on the deck at sunset.  After a light dinner I went into the bathroom to take a shower.  It was here that I took a good look in the mirror and felt a little unprepared for a time of making love outdoors in the sunset.

Over the last several months both my husband and I had been under increased stress due to his heart situation and a schedule that was busier than normal. During this time I had gained about twenty pounds and as I looked in the mirror old stretch marks seemed to have been revived.  It seemed they were glaringly obvious.  And while I am not overly focused on being a "pretty" woman the marks did seem unattractive and unwelcome to me.

As we stepped out onto the deck my husband and I were dressed only in shirts.  His was just short enough for me to enjoy seeing him and mine was unbuttoned to reveal my breasts.  The sun was starting to set and flowers just below us were beautiful.  I was feeling a little un-beautiful and told my husband about my thoughts.

He turned to face me as we stood on the deck and told me an amazing story.  He said that the reason I had stretch marks were because of the four children I had carried and birthed.  Our children, one in her early twenty's and three in the teen years are a great blessing to us.  They are faithful and godly children and we enjoy them very much.

He said that he liked my stretch marks because they were a symbol of my womanhood and motherhood, and therefore were marks of beauty to him.  In his own way, he told how that societies where women value physical beauty or financial security above family values leads to cultural decline.  Germany and France are two countries, he pointed out, that fit such a profile.  As Christians we want our values to be guided by scripture and historical awareness and having children was important to that vision.

What made his remarks more meaningful was that I had focused on rearing our children instead of continuing to teach in a private school when our first child was born. Then he went even further.  He said that he liked my beautiful breasts and that he liked caressing them because I had nursed each of our children and that the bond of love between me and the children had been strong because of it.  He said that seeing me topless brought more than a sexual attraction, but first brought an appreciation that my breasts were part of a bigger picture of caring for our children and then for his enjoyment.  Breasts he said were not just objects of sexual desire but a beautiful expression of my womanhood.

As he told his story he unbuttoned my shirt and began to gently caress my stomach in circular motions that made be feel wanted and accepted.  He slowly moved his hands to my breasts, as he commented about why they were beautiful to him.  He looked me in the eyes very intensely as he told me why his appreciation for my beauty was deeper because of my commitment to having a family.

I stood at the rail of the deck with a growing sense of fulfillment and contentment with myself and with my husband.  Then he asked me to sit down while he told me more.  By this time I was no longer focused on myself but on his words and the setting sun that framed his body while he sat in front of me.

Then he reminded me of the joy of giving birth to each of our children.  He had attended La Leche League classes with our first child and then was with me through every delivery.  He often said he wished he had taken pictures of each birth.  He recalled that seeing each child's head "crown" in the birth canal was very special to him.  Each of our children had been born naturally and my husband had coached me through each one, even helping me pace my breathing during labor.

He said as I had endured the physical stress of pregnancy and then the pain of labor and delivery it was now his joy to return that with a hundred times more pleasure.  He took his time to recount details of each child's birth as he gently massaged my legs starting with my toes and moving up to my inner thighs.  He spread my legs and lightly placed his hand over my vagina and held it there for several minutes.

He said that what gave him the most fulfilling pleasure was to know that I was completely satisfied and feeling an intensity of pleasure beyond the intensity of the stress of childbirth.  He slowly began to stimulate me.  By this time, my mind was completely focused on the love of my husband and the awareness of his thoughts about making love with me.  And my body was experiencing the greatest intensity of sexual pleasure, causing me to literally scream with uncontrolled release, which only served to further heighten my pleasure.

The sunset was like a warm glow on both of us as my husband continued to pleasure me even after the sun had disappeared and dusk settled around us.  That evening I experienced several orgasms, first very intense ones that caused my entire body to quiver to light ones that would fade and then rise again.  We ended with a long embrace.

My husband brought out a cup of hot chocolate and a light blanket as the mountain air had turned cool.  We sat and talked about our lives and God's calling on our life for a long time.  Bedtime was quick and silent, and I dreamed of what my husband had told me.

The next morning my husband took me out on to the deck before breakfast, this time we were both unclothed.  As I looked at the valley below thinking about the night before, he wrapped his arms around me and fondled my breasts.  I could feel him getting an erection.  I bent over so he could enter me from behind, as this was always easier on him than getting on top of me.

Now it was his turn to have an orgasm.  Slowly at first and then with increasingly powerful thrusts he made love to me.   It was his turn to scream and he did.  So loudly that I was sure that anyone in the valley below would hear him.  I was so happy that he could finally fully enjoy me after such a long wait.

We spent the next two full days without ever getting fully dressed.  We walked in the meadow just in front of the cabin; we made love there too.  Each time we make love now I am reminded that my husband is thinking of me in a way that gives me respect and causes me to appreciate that I am very beautiful in his eyes.  Needless to say he gets to see more of me naked and not ashamed.  I am his woman and he is my man.


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