
What To Do "If Too Small"

Forget the staged shrieks of porn actresses being mercilessly battered by beer-bottle cocks.

In porn, what the women are screaming for is money, not the dude who's ramming them for your viewing pleasure.

She's far more interested in the size of her paycheck than the size of that cock.

Most porn actresses I've met are – surprise, surprise! – ACTING.

What turns a woman on is not what men imagine. And certainly not what you see on most porn screens.

Ask a real woman if she likes that shit.

The desire to be ravished and ravaged is not about being abused, but being WELL-USED. She wants you to fully enjoy every inch of her body. Do that, and you can send her into shivers of ecstasy before you even enter her.

Guys with dicks the size of your little finger can drive a woman wild, and guys with huge, chemically hardened dicks can leave that same woman cold.

Is your cock really too small? Or has your fear just grown too big?

I've yet to meet a man who believes it when a woman tells him size doesn't matter. Feel free to indulge your little self-sabotaging story of sexual inadequacy. I know better.

I've worked with hundreds of couples, and thousands of solo clients. Only 3 women have ever said that size was a sexual deal-breaker.

Is your woman one of them?

May be. But I doubt it.

Here's the raw truth:

Guys who are worried about size and performance are missing an essential point.

What a woman wants is to FEEL YOU: your heart, your mind, your tears, your laughter. Your gratitude. Your excitement. Your joy. The trembling in your fingertips when you brush against her thighs. The sigh of contentment when she takes you in her mouth.

If you're focused on the size of your dick, you're not focusing on HER. (Or your actual dick, either, for that matter. You're not present in your body. You're in your fucking HEAD.)

There's nothing wrong with your dick. The problem here is your selfish devotion to this lame old story.

Every brain cell, every nerve ending, every emotion devoted to that story is a brain cell, a nerve ending and an emotion NOT available to her.

THAT'S the weird, unsatisfied vibe you're getting from her.

She's not concerned about the size of your dick.

She's lamenting the size of your attention.

Drop your story. Tell her you're sorry you were distracted. Look into her eyes.

Focus ALL your attention on what's happening live, in real-time, with your bodies.

Make love to her with your WHOLE body – not just your small, perfectly-sized cock.

However much of yourself you can bring to that moment, she'll let in.

She'll open to let ALL of you in: into her heart, her body, her life.

That other guy's 10″ cock?

Stand it up next to your WHOLE BODY at full attention.

Now who's too small?


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