
14 Crowns of Humanity : Path of the Witch

*Female Lead* “I am an Acolyte of Mune. I pledged to give sanctuary and protection to all good souls from the great evils of this world. I will not fall so easily.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A foreign world, few memories, a lone witch. One day, Aki found herself transmigrated into a world vastly different to her own. A world called Tsar'jar where transmigrators, reincarnators, and even monsters are known as "Otherworlders" appear like clockwork every 300 years in an event known as the Storm of Arrival. To combat the dangers, radicals called the Old Guard blame all otherworlders and seek to hunt every one of them down in hopes of stopping the Storms and preventing the consequences of something known as the "Grand Narrative" born from a select few otherworlders. Called so because every Narrative has the final result be a complete reshaping of Tsar'jar, most directly by culling the population either on purpose or as collateral damage. At least, that is all it was meant to be. Nearly a year after the Storm that brings Aki to Tsar'jar, a second Storm occurs and shakes the very foundations of the world. In this strange world of magic, monsters, and an oddly game-like interface more dangerous than even the natives know, follow Aki to see how she survives danger, grows stronger, and becomes a hero known the world over. ++

Cyndronix · Kỳ huyễn
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66 Chs

(4) Necromancers of New Pinacca

Aki wakes up in an unfamiliar room. Thick, warm blankets cover her.

The sound of a crackling fire comes from her left. Even a sweet, homely scent floats in the air.

"What happened?"

"She's awake! Someone get the physician!" An energetic voice shouts.

"Phoebe?" Aki says weakly.

"That's me! Yes!" The girlish ball of energy rushes to her side. Everything looks fuzzy, but Aki can see Phoebe's smiling silhouette kneeling before her. "How's the bed? Is it soft enough? Need me to fluff your pillow?"


Aki's response is cut short by the sudden entry of multiple people wearing robes and other assorted valuables denoting high status. Among them, she notices Verityu Estril standing beside a taller, well-built man with neatly trimmed facial hair.

"Lady Acolyte, how do you fair?" He asks nervously. His nose twitches, not unlike the rodent he looks like. "Fear not; we are safe within the walls of my cousin's manor within the city. No Dead shall reach us easily."

White-clothed people wearing masks surround her and pass glowing objects over her while another grabs at her face and carefully inspects her.

Aki tries to protest, but the masked people are either too strong or she is too weak. After a minute of their rather invasive inspection, one of the people, a revalin by the looks of their outfit and mask, addresses the lion-like man.

"My lord Viscount, there seems to be no significant damage." The masked doctor starts. "She seems to merely be exhausted. That display of power the other day must have cost much yet yielded no adverse reactions."

"So it would seem." the Viscount nods. "Thank you. Please excuse us, Doctor. I'd like to speak with this Acolyte."

The masked doctors nod and make their way out. Meanwhile, Phoebe is preoccupied with hugging and gushing over Aki.

"What a mess you are." says someone from the other side of the room.

Squirming free from Phoebe's grasp, Aki is surprised to see the rest of her party sitting in chairs and staring at her.

Of course, the speaker was the dark adventurer.

The Viscount clears his throat to draw attention back to himself.

"My apologies for the belated introduction, Lady Acolyte." He offers a slight bow. "You were otherwise indisposed after using such incredible power two days ago."

"Two days!" Aki questions. "Have I really been out that long?"

"Perhaps I should have led with my name.'' The Viscount shakes his head. He clears his throat again and holds a hand to his chest. "My name is Viscount Decimas Estril. I heard from my cousin you protected he and his companions from spectres on the way here."

"Uh… yeah."

"This itself would have warranted a reward, but you also protected my city from the largest threat of living Dead we've ever faced. We would have surely fallen without you." Viscount Estril bows again. "I am glad we did not lose you. However, I'm afraid I carry the burden to ask for your aid once again."

"How often have the Dead been attacking the city?" Aki asks, eyes darting between the cousins and the adventurers. "I've never heard of a horde that big nor of any necromancer being able to control so many."

At the word necromancer, the adventurers twitch. Of course that draws their attention. They somehow knew something about this from the moment they laid eyes on the battle. Surely they can't be responsible for the attack.

"I was of a similar opinion," Viscount Estril sighs. He pinches the bridge of his nose, looking quite frustrated. "So I secured any necromancers we knew of. If nothing else than to show my people that I'm doing something to aid them."

"You have necromancers? Here?" The dark-haired woman interjects. Her interest clearly piqued. "And you're sure they weren't responsible for that horde?"

"It isn't illegal in this country," answers Verityu. He chuckles nervously. "It's heavily regulated, but we believe in the freedom of magic and the benefits that necromancy could yield to societies."

"Just so. However, Lady Acolyte. To answer your query, the Dead first attacked two days ago. The same day of your arrival." The Viscount begins, his voice graven and strained. "It was just past midnight that we were alerted of the attack. It was odd how the attack began. So brazen and direct, striking at the main gate with brutish armoured skeletons and spell slingers. We were of the opinion they were another wandering group of Storm-risen undead. Dangerous, but nothing our walls and soldiers couldn't handle."

Aki sits up, her vision completely clear and her body better recovered. Only the weight of a clinging Phoebe kept her against the pillows. "Routine. Something happened. What was it?"

"Our magic defences did nothing. Any direct attacks bounced harmlessly off their bodies. I commanded the troops to aim for the unarmoured ones, and the results were the same. Magic wasn't working." He sighs deeply and lowers his head in shame. Verityu pats his cousin's back in an attempt to cheer him up.

"I commanded a city alarm to be raised, and yet, when we did, we learned this small group of magic-repelling Dead weren't random. They were a distraction. Whatever controlled them had also managed to raise the Dead within the noble's catacombs in the North and the freeman's catacombs in the trade district on the other side of the canal."

"That's why the city looked like it was on fire," Phoebe adds quietly. She hugs Aki's arm tightly and frowns. "Whatever spell you cast was strong enough that even the Dead in the city felt it and ran."

"Cousin, can that really be the work of necromancers?" Verityu asks timidly. His false pride seems to have entirely deflated after hearing that story. "Truly?"

"Unless the lady Acolyte has another answer, I can think of no other possibility." Viscount Estril looks at Aki with hopeful eyes.

"What would Shur say? The bestiary and guidebook she left me mentioned this stuff. What was it again?" Aki glances down at Phoebe. She and the other party members had mentioned NPCs and events. As if everything were simply some game.

"I guess it's possible you were just super unlucky and fell into the path of the Storm's… narrative, but I don't think that's it. With enough time, making mana converge for a single spell is doable. By picking up any strong wills, grudges, and old curses, it might be possible for one really jaded necromancer to raise that many Dead. As long as they're kept under super simple commands, controlling that many shouldn't be a problem for a powerful caster."

"I see…"

Viscount Estril looks particularly downtrodden now.

The adventurers have mixed expressions. Phoebe looks worried but also excited. Caor ruffles his hair and tries to - unsuccessfully - hide his excitement. The woman and the dark adventurer remain passive but alert.

"Have the Dead attacked again since I've been out?"

"Every night. Not 'til sunrise, though. More like a few waves here and there. Makes it hard to get a good nap in." The dark-haired woman answers.

She flexes her muscled arm and grins. "Name's Mirra, by the way. I've been your bodyguard while you were busy being Sleeping Beauty. The dark and brooding guy is Dent, the blond is Caor, and Phoebe is next to ya. We're the Silver Sword party! Top of the class play-uh adventurers."

"Sleeping what?" Blurred images and painful noise assault Aki's mind as earthly memories try to pry their war forward. "Nice to meet you… my name's Aki."

Pain splits down her head. So many things to think about. Her original purpose for coming to the city would have to wait. She had to refocus herself. "Viscount Estril, can you take me to the necromancers you brought in?"

"Of course. Will you adventurers join us?"

Caor gets interrupted by Phoebe loudly yelling an affirmation and pulling Aki out of bed. She shoos everyone so Aki can get quickly dressed into her usual clothes.

Minutes later, the cousins, Aki, and the adventurers are marching down the halls of what is apparently the Viscount's manor overlooking the city. The midday sun shines brilliantly on the snowy landscape and glittering city. Even the water in the distance glitters like a jewel.

It may have been quite a splendid view if not for the rising smoke from old fires and destroyed buildings.

They arrive at a detached manor wing flanked by heavily armed guards.

"It's mostly for show. Make the commoners believe everything is perfectly under control." Viscount Estril says after noticing how on edge everyone suddenly becomes. "Though I can't say a small part of me isn't wondering if they are responsible."

Two armoured guards swing the main doors open, and a third guides them through the wing into another room where a young boy and an older couple sit staring at the fireplace. Thick cuffs are around each of their wrists, but aside from that, they seem to have full freedom to move about the luxurious wing.

Aki eyes the cuffs warily and unconsciously rubs her wrists beneath her cloak. "Mana shackles."

"I recognise those two from the quest. They had so much fanart after it was released, but I don't remember them having a kid." whispers one of the adventurers in an unknown language. Caor, based on the tone.

Somehow, despite its unfamiliarity, Aki perfectly understands what they said.

"They're probably the hidden event NPC. Can't think of anything else they could be." whispers back Mirra in the same language.

"Who are they?" the boy asks with an air of arrogance. "Gonna try and torture us for an answer we don't have? Or did you bring that little girl so I can relate to someone?"

"Winter, please. That's the lord of the territory. The city." The woman grabs the boy and pulls him close to herself. "We apologise, my lord. He means no offence."

"I do act-"

The man clasps a hand over the boy's mouth and bows his head in apology.

Aki raises a brow at the attitude. The kid doesn't look a day over eight and is acting like a jaded man many years his own senior. Pouting and tears were expected but this threw her completely off guard. Then again, ages in Tsarjar are a wild card since lifespans range from as little as 60 years to at least 1000.

She frowns.

Regression? Her own body seemingly regressed ten years to her teenage self. Unlike the adventurers behind her who seemed disconnected from reality, this sassy child could be under the same circumstances.

A wave of mana passes all around her. The Analysis skill. Of course, they'd use it to scan the necromancers. The couple doesn't seem to realise their status is being read. On the contrary, the boy notices and does the same thing back.

She blocks him from reading her, but the adventurers behind her seem unable to since they react in silent surprise.

"Right, well, now that the odd staring contest is over, shall we get to what we're here for?" Verityu steps between everyone. "Hello, my name is Verityu Estril, Viscount Estril's cousin. Clearly. These are adventurers from the West, and this is an Acolyte of Mune here to ask some questions. Perhaps clear suspicions? Answer us honestly and properly, and arrangements can be made to accommodate you better, isn't that right, cousin?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself. I have an entire city to think about." Viscount Estril scolds but doesn't exactly discredit him. He sighs. "I will endeavour to ensure no blame falls on you, even by association, if you are not responsible. That is the most I can promise at this moment."

"As long as me and my family aren't hurt." The little boy says.

"Winter, please." The man says. He looks up at the Viscount and the others before focusing on Aki. More specifically, at Aki's green cloak and brooch. "An Acolyte of Mune? No, we aren't responsible for what happened, I swear. My wife and I. My son - We're researchers! Uh, uh…"

"Necrobotanists," the wife fills in for him. She steps defensively in front of her husband and son. "We're studying the effects of Terra magic combined with necromancy. It's all for the good of the land. We would never knowingly or willingly do something so horrible."

Aki pulls back, surprised. She'd been told there were those who feared and hated Acolytes just as those who deeply respected them. But to fear her to this extent? They didn't even note her age and size as many others had.

"Shur… you never mentioned it could be like this."

"I'm not here to blame you, I promise." Aki waves her hands in front of her for emphasis. "I just, I mean, we have some questions and were hoping you could shed some light on everything. So why don't we start with names?"

Aki and the adventurers politely introduce themselves to the shackled family. She treads carefully, choosing to introduce herself as a witch. Not that it mattered since they're already aware of her Acolyte status, but perhaps they'd be more willing to speak with her if she did.

Her reasoning was a shot in the dark but trying couldn't hurt. At the very least, getting everyone to sit together and speak equally as opposed to a prisoner and interrogator would be a boon.

"Our family name is Digger. My name is Nidor, and my wife is Vadi. Our son is Winter." The man begins. Now that everyone is seated, he and his wife appear less agitated, but he still constantly shoots concerned glances at Aki. "My lord Viscount. Witch Acolyte. Or should I call you an Acolyte witch? We shall answer to the best of our ability. Just know we have nothing to do with the attack. I swear on my life."

"Dad, let me." Winter pipes up. Vadi attempts to pull him back, but the child is too slippery and hops onto the table. "Listen, I'm just a kid, but even I can tell whoever is responsible must be really strong. Not only that, but they've definitely got some kinda grudge if they went to all the trouble of summoning so many Dead. It's definitely a necromancer. Just not us."

Aki grits her teeth. Unless she's in the presence of a boy genius capable of Analysis with the knowledge of a mage beyond his years, this is definitely an Otherworlder. Is she the only one worried about the Old Guard?

Behind her, the adventurers exchange whispered comments affirming that Winter is a unique NPC since they'd never heard of him.

The boy, meanwhile, appears conflicted.

"Is there perhaps any way to be certain of this, young man?" Viscount Estril asks.

"Not without going to the source of the magic. From here, all we can do is detect if they are or aren't controlled by another necromancer." Winter looks back at his dad and taps his shoulder. "If you'll let us, Dad and I can go with you to wherever the Dead came from. Since we're both necromancers, we can definitely do something about it."

Both his parents hurriedly deny his idea, claiming how dangerous and reckless of an idea it is. Aki and the others watch quietly, no one willing to interrupt a familial discussion despite the urgency of time.

"The idea isn't bad," Viscount Estril says thoughtfully. His authority may have been the only thing that could have interrupted without creating an awkward feeling. "Your father, I can understand, but I cannot ask that of your parents. I am not a father, but I am an uncle. The possible dangers are numerous, and to expect a family to allow their child into something so dangerous is more than a little unreasonable, even for my status."

Winter starts. He looks as though he's about to say something about Aki but thinks better of it. Instead, he hops off the table and puts his hands down with all the intensity a small boy could possibly muster.

"Necrobotany was my idea. I figured out how to reduce the cost of mana for necromancy and helped my parents break through with their research." He looks back at them sadly. "I'm sorry, but if you won't accept my sincerity here, then I ask to cash in that favour."

"Winter?" Vadi questions.

Everyone looks between the Viscount and the boy with confused expressions.

"I was under the impression you wished to keep our acquaintanceship secret," Viscount Estril said gently. "Though if this is what you wish, then, Digger family. I must ask you to allow me to adopt Winter as a ward to the City for the good of all."

They immediately begin to protest. Mana surges from their bodies, but the shackles quickly absorb it. Deflating their reactions faster than one could blink.

"Mom, Dad. We have to do this, or else the home you worked so hard to build for us won't exist anymore. I promise I won't fail you."

"You could never fail us." Vadi hugs him. Small tears begin to form at the edge of her eyes as she pulls him close. "No matter how strange you talk or how crazy your ideas can be, we're your parents."

Nidor hugs them both and pats Winter's head. "I believe you, son."

A moment later the family is looking at everyone with resolute expressions.

"Lord Viscount, please trust that we want to stop the city from being destroyed and will put all we can into helping in whatever way we can. I swear I'll do everything I can." Winter says. His cheeks puff, and his dark eyes glitter.

A serious statement made cute by the baby-like features he has.

Viscount Estril smiles gently and nods.

"Then if you two, Mr Winter, Mr Nidor, shall help us, the people of New Pinacca will be forever grateful."

He waves an offhand toward Aki and the adventurers. "It's still early in the morning. Those here and my soldiers will split into two groups so we may divide and conquer. Should all go well, night shall not reach us before the task is complete. No Dead within our walls shall rise."

Short chapter just for a little break.

~ Cyndra

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