
Chapter 5 What!! It's Reality"

{A minute later}

Refreshing, as I finish taking a bath, I went to the kitchen with just using my Bathrobe and prepare an easy breakfast..I pour a milk on my cup and make a toast bread and fry some yummy eggs and Bacon~

As everything was prepared, I was supposed to eat my breakfast when the doorbell rangs~

Huh what does sis want? It is still early and I'm having my breakfast" I said

So I stood up and went to the door and open it!..then closed it directly and run towards my bedroom~

Oh My God~ it wasn't a dream.. it's reality..but..but

(looks at my body, realized that I'm still wearing a Bathrobe)

Did he just saw it! What am I going to do?" I problematic said


📌Yan kase hnd pa sumusuot ng damit pagkatapos maligo~


<[Doors Knocking]>

Come on, open the door!" The man shouted

So I hurriedly used my clothes..when I'm already finished, I went out of my room and open the door, to let him come in~

{The Man rush inside and place something on the table}

Hmm what did you bring? I ask him

Ehhh, you said you wanted to eat fruits, so I brought some" he said Smilingly

Ohhh apples thank you, now I can eat my breakfast cheerfully~ I said

Don't mention it, nehh Y/N after you eat breakfast, I like to take you somewhere..and since your not ready yet..I'll go watch some movies for a while" he said

Ahhh okay..Yahhh Baekhyun!! (Char) did you saw what am I wearing earlier? I curiously ask him

Yeahh, as a man..I can't lie to you since your my friend, well you were wearing a Bathrobe, anyway why come up with this conversation..try eating your breakfast there silly princess~ he said smilingly

Alright alright, I'll eat now~ I said


📌Ayiieee kinilig yan


{While Eating}

I wonder, why did I thought it was a dream, what just happened lastnight??" I ask myself


I might say, that I got hurt a little..but it get cured directly because being Baekhyun's friend isn't that bad..I mean I can always be there for him, whenever, wherever he needs~

Y/N try eating samgyupsal, it's delicious" he said smilingly

Also I'll come tomorrow morning at your place and bring you some fruits" he continued

That sounds great, but make sure to bring some Apple's its my favorite Oppa" I said smilingly

Okay, I'll remember that" he said while eating meat

After eating dinner, he directly take me home and stop infront of the hotel I lived..but before I said Goodnight both of us exchange Phone number, in case something happens I will try reaching him out~

<[Back to the Incident]>

So that's what happen, it's a little scary though, but having Baekhyun as my Best friend is such a miracle, anyway I should finish my breakfast..he said he'll take me somewhere~
