
Chapter 11 "Unexpected Visit"

Yummy~ I really enjoy the food a lot.. The Saturday's out with Oppa Kyungsoo was the best..until morning comes and it's another day, time and another boring Day at home~

I open the curtains on my Window, and see the whole noisy city, that makes me feel a little bit comfortable, my stomach hurts a little dew to my period~

Suddenly my phone rang, and it was from my Friend~

<[On the Phone]>

Yahhh sis, I haven't been hearing anything from you since the concert happens, you didn't even share anything from me~


Ahhh I'm not in a Good mood today sis, I can't talk much~

<[On the Phone]>

Seem's like your having a period today, should I hang up now sis, and make sure to get some rest..I'll visit you if I have time~


Yes, yes I'll hang up now~

{Call Ended}

I sat down on the couch, and feeling very lazy to move around..I almost fell asleep when the doorbell rangs~

Did sis actually arrive, how come she didn't just open the door" I frustratedly said while opening the door~

Ehhh ZTao what are you doing here?!" I ask

Tsssk why?? can't I visit you here, also I'm not alone I brought company with me" Tao said

Kris Oppa your here too~" I said

Yes, Are we welcome here, should we come in now" Kris said

I nodded and let them come in, Both of them sat down on the couch~

Uhm should I get you something?" I ask them while trying to move normally~

Nope we're fine, anyway it looks like you love the view up here" Kris said while looking at the window

I went towards them and sat down on the couch, feeling in pain....

Y/N Are you okay?" Tao ask worryingly

Yes yes I'm fine, I'm just having a period today, my stomach's aching" I said while embracing in pain

Hmmm wait here, I'll get you something, I'll be back in a minute, Hyung take care of Y/N for a while" Tao hurriedly said and left the hotel~

Should I pour you some cup of warm water" Kris said while looking at the kitchen

Mmmh go ahead~ I said while embracing my stomach

It's weird Because I didn't expected for their sudden Visit here, I'm a little happy though..I thought I'll be facing my period on my own again, but instead I had two persons that can take care of me..I'm Happy~

Here drink this, it will help your stomach pain feel a little bit better" Kris said

Mmmh Thank you Oppa" I said while started drinking it slowly

{A minutes Later}

The door bang, and Tao runs towards us, and brought something~

Here put this on your stomach, it will make you feel better" Tao said exhaustingly

Hmm What is this? This is my first time seeing this" I ask him

It's hot compress, or hot packs just put it on your stomach and you won't feel pain anymore" Tao said smilingly, so I put it on my stomach and felt a little better

I never expected, that Tao knew about this, I'm happy that you've grown well.. Nextime don't ever ask me to shower with you again, okay" Kris complain Tao

Hyung, stop it..it's a little embarrassed infront of Y/N" Tao embarrassingly said

Hahahah dont worry about me Tao, I already knew about it, I mean who didn't knew about it... beside every EXO-L knows it" I said smilingly

Every EXO-L??" Tao ask problematic

Yes, but I don't know, if they still remember it hhahah" I said smilingly

This time, I didn't feel any pain anymore thanks to Tao's hotpacks that he brought, and while having Kris here, Tao behave well~

Tao suddenly stands up and open the television..and we all started watching movies...

While watching a movie, Kris Wu received a phone call, he stood up to answer it, then a few minutes later he then sat down smilingly..

Uhm Oppa Who is it?" I ask him

You'll see, I also ask him to brought some snacks" Kris said smilingly

Who's coming?" I asked myself, I mean it can't be Xiumin, Daddy Chen and Suho they don't know my address, Chanyeol and Lay don't know my address too only Baekhyun and D.O knows about it..so who's coming?

I ask myself until I heard someone knocking on the Door~
