
100th life of the Game changer

This is the 100th novel, the 100th story, and my 100th life. With this everything end, with this, I am relieved from my duty, all I have to do is to save this damn forsaken world that even the four mighty Heroes failed to save. Sounds easy enough, but I also going to create an empire and become the most revered person in that world, just for fun **** This is a story I have worked on for some time, it integrates the idea of Transmigration and reborn into a novel as an extra, a few other elements. I am trying to make it something unique(at least I am trying to do) The MC is cunning, strong, and overpowered (in the sense he is resourceful) Give it a try and if you like the story give me a like, and follow, and don't forget to review and share your mind

CRimson5 · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

Chapter 14

As the sun timidly emerged from its slumber, stretching its golden fingers to caress the velvety expanse of the Deep Forest, a lush rainforest shared by the realms of Razartiya and the kingdom of Yerla, I found myself traversing its enchanting depths alongside Python.

"Am I Heavy, Rython?" I questioned, feeling the weariness seep into my bones like molten lead.

The repercussions of becoming the Holy Knight rendered me capable of movement but at a significantly reduced pace. So I Crafted a makeshift chair, and secured it to Rython's back, transforming it into a supportive backpack on which I could comfortably rest, our backs pressed against each other.

"You're as light as the delicate petals of a white Lily, my liege," he responded in his resonant metallic voice, as he carved a path through the verdant labyrinth, his sword dancing with the ancient trees, hewing away obstacles in our wake.

A chuckle escaped my lips, carried on a gentle breeze that waltzed through the emerald canopy above. "Am I to take offence or find solace to such feminine description, Rython?"

"Nay, my lord, no insult resides within my humble utterance," he swiftly amended, the timbre of his voice reverberating with loyalty.

A tender smile graced my countenance. bringing an end to our fleeting repartee. We ventured forth, traversing steep inclines and babbling streams, Rython traversing them with an effortless grace as I surrendered myself to rest, reclining against his stalwart form.

Closing my eyes, I attempted to meditate, seeking to clear my mind and gain control over the mana within my body. The mana I possessed was scarce, allowing me only a few minutes of circulation before it ran out. I focused on creating a mana circulation channel within myself, channelling and harnessing the energy. It was a delicate and crucial practice.

Yet amidst my inner sojourn, a tremor, faint but undeniable, echoed through the knightly vessel at my side.

"Is there something lingering on your mind, Rython?" I gently probed, curiosity kindling in my heart.

"..." Silence, pregnant with unspoken worries, hung heavy in the air, like a whispered secret carried by the wind. Then he denied "It is nothing, my lord"

"No, your mind stirs restlessly," I asserted, my voice a gentle caress, carrying the weight of a silent understanding. "I can perceive it, even if my eyes are closed"

Rython hesitated for a moment, his metallic form moving through the jungle "My apologies, my liege. It is a weighty matter, something I wanted to ask since I saw your swordsmanship "

An intrigued arc of my eyebrow danced upon my visage, a silent invitation for him to reveal his innermost thoughts. "Pray tell me?"

He exhaled, his breath a solemn gust, carrying the weight of his unspoken words. "Who are you, truly?" His voice was an echo of both reverence and curiosity.

As Rython's question hung in the air, I allowed a soft smile to grace my lips, savouring the moment of anticipation. As he traversed through the forest with me in his back. I leaned on his back and opened my eyes looking at the clear blue sky.

"Who I am huh? You can say I am a traveller," I whispered my voice, a mere whisper that floated on the breeze.

My answer brought a renewed silence, a momentary pause in our journey through the verdant wilderness. The ambience of nature continued to envelop us as if lending its undivided attention to our exchange. Rython's keen gaze fixed ahead while mine on the sky, the metallic visage reflecting the dappled light filtering through the dense canopy. "Does that answer your question"

Rython remained quiet for a moment, seemingly contemplating my response. The rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds became the backdrop to our exchange. Eventually, he spoke, his voice carrying "No, but it just gave me more questions, my lord" he replied, making me smile.

It was then that my eyes caught on to the distant chirping of birds, their melodies filling the air. My smile faltered slightly as I shifted my gaze towards that part of the jungle, where a sense of intrigue tugged at my senses. In the distance, a shadow appeared and disappeared behind the veil of tree lines, playing hide-and-seek with our perception.

"Rython," I called out to my loyal Knight, a note of caution lacing my voice. "Did you kill any paladin back there,? "

I asked this question because only the paladins were aware of our existence. However, after our last encounter, they should have abandoned their pursuit. We had proven ourselves superior, shattering their morale. I doubted they would make a reckless suicide charge to bring us down. Unlike many corrupted, extremist, and zealous churches in different worlds, the Church of Adria in this world is what I classify as 'moderate', a faction with common sense if you will. Despite their own flaws, both the Church and the Goddess genuinely sought to save this world.

The Church stood out as one of the few factions that took action when the demons invaded the doorstep of this world. That's why I didn't want to further provoke them; I only aimed to intimidate them.

"No, my Lord," Rython responded, his voice calm and composed. "A few of them lost a limb or two which can be healed using divine magic, but there were no fatalities or permanent damages."

So it is not the church, they are not reckless enough for that,

"Then we have an unexpected visitor, it seems," I muttered. He nodded, a tacit understanding passing between us, and brought his steps to a halt. With a graceful movement, I dismounted from my seat, my boots sinking slightly into the rich earth beneath. The anticipation hung in the air, as we both turned our attention towards the enigmatic figures lurking in the distance.

As I continued to stare at their elusive presence, my voice carried a mix of curiosity and intrigue. "Our friends seem to be rather Shy," I murmured, the words barely escaping my lips, blending with the symphony of nature around us. "Help them a little,"

The blade in Rython's hand blazed with a dark aura, its ominous radiance dancing with the shadows, with a heavy swing he shot out an arc of black energy that neatly cut down the trees in front of us.

Several shadows leapt into the sky, their silhouettes darting gracefully to evade the oncoming arc torrent of destruction. As the dust settled, I finally had a clearer view of the figures that had been lurking in the distance. To my surprise, all of them were female, their lithe and powerful figures hinting at their remarkable strengths. Their numbers were significant, a force standing before us. Notably, they were distinguishable from paladins due to their attire - each one cloaked in long brown robes, concealing their identities

Curiosity mingled with caution as I cautiously addressed the mysterious figures. "Who might you be?" I asked,

Just as the tension intensified, a sudden movement caught my attention from the corner of my eye. An enemy warrior, swift and skilled, lunged at me with a swift sword strike aimed at my throat. Thankfully, Rython acted swiftly, matching her attack with his own, skillfully parrying her blow. Yet, to our astonishment, his swing wasn't enough to completely divert the enemy's blade, revealing her exceptional proficiency in combat and strength behind her arms.

Before Rython could launch another strike, the figure gracefully retreated, evading his reach.

"My Lord," Rython's concerned voice reached my ears, reflecting the gravity of the situation.

A subtle restlessness overcame me, a feeling that had been rare since arriving in this world. "I know, buddy," I muttered, acknowledging the threat. "I know."

My focus remained on the one who attacked me, as she seemed to be the strongest individual in the group, possibly the leader. "Can't we talk about this?" I asked aloud, attempting to de-escalate the situation. However, my words were met with cold silence, indicating that they were adamant about engaging in combat. I drew closer to Rython, whispering, "On my command."

Rython nodded and readied himself, raising his sword, mirroring the enemies' defensive stance, resembling a standoff between wary adversaries.

With a mental command, I switched on Enigmatic Charm, and it worked. The figures before who were about to do a dash all flinched feeling the violent aura of despair, few of them fell to their Knees.

"Now!" I gave the signal.

In an instant, several shadowy soldiers burst forth from their shadows, their metal-clad forms brandishing deadly weapons at the unprepared opponents. Caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the shadow soldiers and hampered by the lingering effects of the Enigmatic Charm, the enemies were slow to react.

Swords and shields pierced through their ranks, and the ambush was partially successful. However, the battle was far from over, and the outcome remained uncertain.

To my dismay, the enemies proved to be more dangerous than I initially anticipated. They quickly regrouped, regained their composure, retaliated, displaying their prowess in combat, and showcased superior individual fighting skills compared to the Metal knights.

But what really surprised me was right now these figures seemed to have gotten out from the effects of Enigmatic charm. This revelation puzzled me deeply, as I knew that they were not immune to its effects. I had witnessed its impact on them just a minute ago, and yet now, its influence seemed diminished, barely affecting their movements.

I scanned the battlefield, although there were more enemy figures here than when we started, we still had numerical superiority, but it was very little of help.

"What am I missing? What am I missing? What am I missing? "

Suddenly my eyes caught onto it. The leader of the mysterious group, the one who had attempted to strike me earlier, she was proving herself to be terrifying in combat since she was cutting down Metal soldiers, left and right Her movements were fluid and precise,

"Rython," I bellowed.

The colossal metal knight acknowledged my call, lunging into the maelstrom. His blade, imbued with ominous dark energy, cleaved through the enemy ranks upon impact, sowing destruction in its wake.

Rython's assault was unrelenting. He pressed forward, decimating any who dared to oppose him. His colossal frame moved with a swiftness defying his size, a relentless juggernaut amid the chaos. With a shift of his stance, he redirected his attention to the battle's heart.

Soon he was confronted by the leader. A single sword from her dual-wielded arsenal was hurled towards the undead knight, a deadly missile poised to meet its target. Rython's reaction was swift, his metallic reflexes matching his colossal form. With a masterful flick of his blade, the incoming projectile was swatted off course, spiralling into the air.

The leader was undeterred, displaying remarkable agility. She vaulted into the air, snatching the sword mid-flight. In a fluid motion, she descended with ferocious intensity. Rython's colossal sword swept in a majestic arc, meeting the impending strike with unyielding force.

The collision erupted in a thunderous "BAAM," the sound reverberating through the battleground

In the wake of the earth-shaking collision, a shockwave rippled outward, causing the very air to tremble. The force of the impact sent fragments of earth and debris hurtling in all directions, like shrapnel from a detonated explosion. The ground itself seemed to groan under the weight of the clash as if nature itself were acknowledging the titanic struggle unfolding before it.

With a sudden surge of power, the leader's muscles tensed, and she pushed forward, attempting to break Rython's guard. The undead knight responded in kind, his towering form a bulwark of unyielding defense. The clash of their swords sent sparks cascading like a meteor shower, each strike echoing with a chorus of clashing metal.

Amid this high-stakes confrontation, I recognized the opportune moment to intervene. "Kneel," I murmured, channelling the focus of an enigmatic charm towards her. In an instant, the leader faltered, her concentration wavering as if caught in a temporal rift. Just for a moment

But That fraction of a moment was all Rython needed.

The undead knight's right hand broke free from his sword's grip. Swift as a striking serpent, he delivered a potent punch to her underbelly, a thunderous blow. Before she could recover, a swift and precise kick followed,

The leader recoiled from the sheer force of Rython's strikes, the impact of his assault sending her stumbling several paces backwards. Disoriented and winded, she struggled to regain her footing, the power of the punch having taken her by surprise.

In an instant, a palpable shift coursed through the ranks of the adversaries surrounding me. Under the relentless pressure of my Enigmatic charm's oppressive aura, their steps faltered, as if burdened by an unseen weight. It was a fleeting moment, a brief tremor in their resolve before they swiftly regained their lost composure.

With an agile pivot, I redirected my gaze towards the mysterious figure who had managed to rise from the ground, a knowing smile curving my lips. "So, this is the game we're playing,".

I am back

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