
How we push ourselves to hell

Hi so in my introduction i must tell i am not so good at writing and yes thats makes me an engineer.Many of you guys must have been thinking whats the difference between writing and engineer and now here i will describe you that if you ever heard of the word 'Scope' and 'success' and that to in terms of engineering then i must clarify your doubts that this is absolutely bullshit and pointless basically anyone who have studied engineering ask them they wont tell you to study engineering because they know the type of tsunami and earthquake that they have passes during engineering and dont want to let others pass through that disaster and as i said earlier engineers need to complete 6 minimum(varies on stream and semesters) tough books that have no use in your career in 4 to 5 months and hardly i know anyone that they pass the exams by studying those books,so basically what i am trying to say is engineers convert the macro books into micro books and copy from them during exam so they just know to follow not to do any from their own.In one sentence Engineering makes your life from pointless to completely pointless and yeah thats the truth

So now as my life is currently on a position of completely pointless i was surfing on internet and i gone through this app where it was written i can earn by writing and my first job was to make 1000 fans and now i must say i am Bengali and so now i must tell'what are bengalis':Bengalis are that typical creatures who see a meme,laugh on that meme but dont give a haha react on that mem i.e we never want that we should grow up and so i laughed a louder whenever i heard of that i have to make 1000 fans because we are the bengalis and its in our gene not to support each other

and i want to discuss something about today's time and that is my topic "HOW WE PUSH OURSELVES INTO HELL"!!!!!!

so turn your volume up and wait for the next part

Thank you🌹🌹🌹