
Chapter 37 A Bad Idea

Blue's POV

Nicholas is becoming the man I've been wanting him to be. He's really unconsciously sweet. He unknowingly cares. He's not heartless at all. He knows his place and he respects me, that's at least what I observed. After our argument, we talked casually the next day. And now, we're good. I'm in the hospital while he said he went somewhere so he couldn't pick me up.

If I didn't see Laura entering Doctor Trevor's office, I'd be suspicious that he's with her. But seeing Laura around calms me down.

I lifted my face and stared at the dark sky. It has been raining all day. Luckily, I brought my umbrella. I was able to go home peacefully.

I smiled at the security guard of the building as I entered. My lips parted after I saw a familiar woman in the lobby. She's begging the staff of the condominium unit to let her in. I don't know what has gotten into her but I'm certain she wants to see Nicholas. Besides, this building was owned by him and he's living in the penthouse.