
Act #1

Coanda Effect

You feel strong 

You feel cold

You feel fiery 

your flow follow the path of my body

Making in evidence the coanda effect

As you become strong

And your flow get more curved

My spirit is lift up

As curvature translates into lift

My flesh being placed under my spirit

Start feeling pressed

Yielding itself to the rules of curved flow

Looking down 

I noticed  5 streamlines

Sticking on my body

One in the center with two particles moving

Named faithfulness and long-suffering

One on each of my side

Being paths for four particles 

Named joy, peace

Kindness and Goodness

Another streamline behind my body

Making a way for two particles

Called Gentleness and Self-Control

The last one in a 360 degree motion

Being the way of the particle called love

You manifested as a flow

But you are not just a flow

You are a spirit

You are the holy spirit.

Mounzenze Nkodia