
Chpter Eleven


Leonard and I sat at the table, enjoying our steak and potatoes. I looked at him, placing my head in my hands. "So, now that I've seen you fighting, how would you like to share the position of ruler, to glance at your future and see what I deal with daily?"

He swallowed his food. "Grace, do you think a colony of vampires would listen to a human? The only reason I held my own was that you held back. If these vampires are heartless monsters, as you claim, tell me why they would listen to my demands instead of making me into a snack."

"Alright then, we'll start small. How well do you do with women who are the gossips, who love to tell rumors because they have nothing better in their time to do but praise the fact that they hold equality but have done nothing to earn that said equality status?" he looked at me.

"That's oddly specific. Could I get an explanation for why you handed me control of mouthy broads? Also, could you explain why you don't deal with these women? I feel you would fare better than I could." He took a drink of his water as I sighed.

"That explains most of the women in my colony of vampires. I hand you the control because I have concluded of either getting help with them or releasing these self-proclaimed equality-professing damsels into the supernatural world. None of them have the instincts to survive the wild, and I value your endurance and tolerance; out of the two of us, they gave you more of it than I was, so I feel you can toughen these flowers up and make them desire to put their money where their mouths are."

"Dang, savage, much." He chuckled a bit. "The question of why you give me this task is still hovering. Why do you need my help? You are the leader. Whip them into shape, limit their freedom, and they only do what you tolerate. Have a tight leash and stand up. Punish them if you have to. If they act like children, treat them like children, you punish a child for misbehaving. I've dealt with gossiping teenage boys; my exes and I had healthy relationships. No one rewards for inappropriate behavior. It's common sense, Grace; the only difference between Christian and these women is that they are the opposite gender. These women are grown women; give them the Graceona charm."

I looked at him. "They are grown women. I can't treat them like children and teenagers."

"If these chicks are over 100 years old, looking twenty, and acting like children, give them the request if that doesn't work. Either you straighten up, or you're gone. It's that simple. These broads aren't children, so I don't have to feel sympathy if you give them what they asked for. You already have enough to deal with." He stopped with a smile. "You claim these broads are self-proclaimed equal to men? Let them prove it. Everyone has a change in views when facing something that develops them. If they live a sheltered life, why would anyone want to mature when everything is handed down to them? Why not allow them to prove their dominance, give them a test, and send them to a reasonable place to learn this? However, not making it easy, but not somewhere too dangerous. Do you have any opposing vampire legion friends you could send them to but make them think they must survive?"

I looked at him, considering his words. "I know of a place. I'm sending them out into the wild if this doesn't work. I've tried everything at this point."

He looked at me. "You've tried everything, yet this didn't come to your mind? You had to gain this from a human's perspective?"

"I wasn't willing to go any further with them. I kept them around because their husbands are noble warriors."

He sighed. "I guess, Grace. You give up too easily. You're not interested if it doesn't have to do with you. The only time I see it matters to you is when it involves me. There are other people besides me to worry about."

"That may be so. I'm a horrible creature. You're barking up the wrong tree." He looked at me.

"Not horrible; you just have a minimal amount of tolerance. You march to a different drum. I knew who you were before I followed you here. You're a leader of others. You aren't entitled to put up with drama. I figure you don't have the time for it either. You've put up with it longer than most people would. You should pat yourself on the back for that feat alone. If it were Blake, he would have hung these women. If he wanted me to disappear just for humiliating him, you are tolerable on that comparison."

I looked at him. "Me tolerable. Only you would think so. I march to a different drum. I can't deny that." Taking a bite of my steak, allowing the conversation to die off. I looked out the window. Though Leonard and I were having a day, I couldn't help but continue my scouting of the rogue vampire, whose presence seemed to disappear, gone as if he were passing through. However, I would not stop trailing him until I knew Leonard's vision was complete. I had very little knowledge about humans with special powers. However, I had encountered a handful, and the one thing I learned from this ability is that they come to pass, yet some had occurred in a different turn of events. Leonard's visions were the only thing I had to go on in knowing his future, and with that alone, that was all I needed to know what this vampire was after, rather it be for taking human life, or whatever the case may be, I had a glimpse into the outcome. The knowledge of Leonard's visions often came to pass, though I didn't like to admit that Leonard may be the victim of his vision. That the innocent young man before me becoming a vampire like my creator had told me many years ago, I see potential in Leonard, another brutal motive warrior, a strong, feared warrior, lying dormant underneath the limitations of human flesh. However, I held back during our friendly spar. I had allowed him to orchestrate the dance, and he didn't disappoint. He might become a great asset besides being just my husband, but so much more.

"Grace, what is so interesting about the outside? What are you thinking?" Leonard's words caused me to look at him with a smile.

"Ask me what I'm not thinking about. That would be easier to answer than the thoughts crammed in my head." He looked at me.

"You're concerned about this rogue vampire you're tracking. Look, Grace, stop worrying. You made me the promise, and I trust you. It would help if you stopped worrying about something that doesn't concern me. Just enjoy this time. My visions have been hit and miss. They aren't facts to place a bet on. I don't." He sighed, looking at the empty plate in front of him.

"Well, that's not very convincing; as you tell me you had me in your corner until the end, I feel you doubt your vision; something you say is a hit and miss, Leonard. You don't need to comfort me. I know you're willing to become one of us. I'm the one that wants to keep you human. I'm not too concerned about your outcome. I'm angry. It boils my blood to know that I have kept you safe to be the one you should have stayed clear from. As I told you, I enjoy your company and don't want to live with the outcome; unlike you, I just can't. You may throw your innocence out the window, not me." Biting the inside of my lower lip, clenching my fist. "You trust me too much. I have come into your life, and now you are close to becoming no different from us. That is my fault, Leonard. I should never have brought you here. I should have dealt with Blake and let you live your life. You would at least be well and safe, not here, not in this battle. I'm nothing but a disease, Leonard. I can't protect the one thing promised me, granting me long-awaited happiness."

Leonard continued to look at me, placing a gentle finger on my lips. "Grace, you're rambling nonsense, chill. You call me well and safe if I were not here. Don't forget homeless. You're not totally at fault for bringing me here. I never refused. You can't take all the blame for this. I have a mind of my own. I could have easily refused, so I am to blame for my position. I'm not innocent in this. I don't have any regrets. Did you think I would be human forever? If they gave me to you for happiness, what did you expect? Humans aren't immortal. We're just borrowing time. If not this, there would have been other things to worry about. Have you considered that this is meant to happen?"

I looked at him with a sigh. "So you think this is fate?"

He looked at me. "If you knew of me coming along 200 years ago, nothing is out the window with me. I would bet that this event was meant to happen. There's nothing that constant worrying is going to fix. You can't change it. If you were told of this meeting ages ago, and our meeting is your happiness, it would be something other than glee and joy for you if you constantly feared something that all humans face. We die eventually. Whoever told you of this meeting probably saw more than they were telling. You know how the cycle of life works with us. We live, and we die are nothing more than memories. So, this is, as you call it, fate. Stop worrying about it. Finish your steak and potatoes, and let this do whatever it needs to."