
Chapter Twelve


It had been nearly a month since the appearance of this rogue vampire, and times of peace were now running their course. I stood in front of the mirror, looking at the dress I had chosen for the upcoming wedding. Edgar, along with my entire colony, seemed eager for this union. I couldn't help but think that their excitement was primarily because they knew Leonard was more likely to keep them from experiencing any harsh punishment. The joke was, however, on them. Though Leonard was more tolerant, he wasn't passive about people taking advantage of their position, including me. Since his arrival, he has been a breath of fresh air for everyone. Liked by almost everyone, Darin included. The two, once they finally met, had formed a close bond, a brotherly bond. Speaking of my ex, he, at the moment, has stolen Leonard from me, taking him to play baseball with the others. I sighed, looking at the short satin dress, crimson, with a long mesh train. I spent weeks preparing this thing, hoping to share it with Leonard, who for once refused anything, stating it wasn't good luck for him to see the attire, looking at the knee-length leather boots. A knock on the door caused me to turn as a young woman who had joined the Bloodline shortly after Leonard had. I looked at her, turning back to the mirror.

"A red dress? Are you sure you don't want a white one? Traditional dresses are white, with pumps." She giggled. "I think you're a little backward girl. It's not too late to get white."

"White is a color for purity, which I am not. This seems fitting. Traditional brides don't have baggage. This one does."

"So you had other men who haven't?" she said, taking her place on the bed, looking at the contents spread onto it.

"Natalia, I've never lain with another man. That has nothing to do with my choice. That is perhaps the only area I am pure in." I said, taking my earrings off, walking to the makeup table, and sitting down.

"So you're a vampire, other than Leonard and me. Who in this town isn't?"

"You two are the only humans we have. How is the apartment?" I said, taking my necklace off.

She smiled. "It's looking amazing. Thanks for letting me renovate it. Everyone is being super nice, helping me carry my furniture. They are being super helpful."

I smiled. "You are the only one who pays in food. If you keep at it, I will have some spoiled men who forgot they were warriors." I looked at her. "No hard feelings. When you can cook like that, you spoil the strongest of us."

She smiled. "Speaking of which, I hope you don't have plans tonight. We're all gathering for a birthday dinner. Word is that someone in this room has a birthday tomorrow."

I looked at her with a sigh, turning back to my mirror and brushing my hair. "I don't celebrate my birthdays. Thanks all the same."

"Too bad Leonard will be there. He had something he wanted to ask you. You can ask him later, but what will I do with everything I've prepared? I spent all night and half the morning on it."

"Leonard wanted to ask me something. Did he say what it was?" I asked, looking at the girl, standing at my feet, and walking back to the mirror.

"No, but I didn't ask. We both thought you would be happy to celebrate your birthday, and we both came up with the idea. Leonard even went out and bought you something, and it's non-refundable. Do you think you could at least take the gift? He went through a lot of hassle to get it for you?"

I sighed. "Very well. I don't have plans for tonight. I suppose I can stop by for a few minutes."

Natalia smiled, standing up, "Great, the party starts at six at my apartment. Later Gracie. You'll have fun, I promise." The girl smiled, waving, skipping from the room as I sighed and finished undressing.

Though the thought of my birthday being celebrated disturbed me greatly, I couldn't hold it against Leonard and Natalia. No one else knows the events that took place on my last birthday. It was something that I spent well over 200 years running away from, trying to forget that birthdays existed, mainly mine. My last birthday was a night of misery. Though I told Leonard my sisters had my nieces and nephews, I had failed to mention that I, too, was pregnant with a baby, a girl who was born stillborn. My life ended that night. Well, a meaningful life. I told Leonard about the end of my relationship with my parents because my father had gambled away my savings, and the stresses of that and my home life had caused me to lose my child and my boyfriend, and we were due to be married in the Fall. However, things happened, and so did many affairs with women. I wasn't just attacked for being some homeless girl. Though the event is ancient history, all those who took part aren't alive to tell the tale. I knew Roland had set up the attack. I've had nothing to do with birthdays or humans for 200 years; Leonard is the only person I have tolerated because he was mine. Perhaps Micheal had foretold of my relationship with a human male to give me closure and help me grow in my forgiveness for how it had all ended. It was a mystery. Micheal was a man of mystery.


With a sigh, I put on the crimson sweater. I looked back in the mirror at Leonard's favorite outfit, the crimson turtle-neck sweater and leather pants. I pulled at the woven neck; the material was something I had to get used to. Despite the heat, it wasn't a problem. The sound of the grand clock chimed loudly as the chatter of those was mere background noise. I looked at the crimson dress draped on the vanity chair. This was a time of peace. However, I always stopped and looked, waiting for a sign, secretly escaping to my battle station hidden in the basement of this palace. The sound of the cork popping from the wine caused me to look, seeing Leonard pouring a glass of red wine into a singular wine glass. He smiled at me, "You've been locked up in here all day. Why don't you settle your nerves and come downstairs? You have a tournament to fight." He handed me the glass, and I took it gladly.

"No, I have a birthday party to attend, one that I'm still trying to figure out who blabbed to two humans that I had a birthday today." I sipped the chilled sensation that danced on my parched tastebuds.

He sat down beside me, looking at the streets. "Nattie told you, huh? Figures she was more excited about it than I was." I looked out the window. "I had planned to give this to you later, but here, Happy Birthday."

I looked at him as he held a vintage key. "Leonard, what is this to?"

"That old forest mansion, the old man, was a tough nut to crack. However, I won it."

"You won it? By doing what?"

"A game of pool, he claimed he was undefeated. I won some extra cash and let him beat me several times. He got cocky and proud, placing a 1 million dollar bet, and his house, I bet the same, and my apartment. I beat the old man in under 5 seconds." He chuckled. "I'm no match against vampire strength, but I hold my own in pool and chess."

I looked at him, shaking my head, laughing, and taking the key. Looking at it, "Ah, interesting. Thank you." I took another sip of wine. "Natalia also said you had a question. What do you want to know?"

"I don't want to know anything. It's something I want."

"Alright, ask me; whatever you want is yours."

He chuckled, "I wouldn't be so quick to say that without knowing what I want."

"Leonard, it's you. The weirdest thing you asked me for is Double Mint Ice cream."

"I have your word that no matter what I ask, it's mine, no matter how baffling?"


"Turn me."

"Anything but that, that's out of the question. It's not up for debate." I stood up and walked to the bar, pouring myself more wine. "Couldn't you settle for some ice cream?"

"No, you said anything I wanted, and this is what I want."

I looked at him. "What about a kitten?"

"I'm allergic to cats. I thought your word was your bond. Graceona."

"I'm not turning you. I'm not ending you."

"Fine, I suppose this sickness will. Thanks, Grace."

He stood up. "You're not sick, Leonard. Are you? You're not faking a deadly illness to become a vampire, right?"

"No, Edgar has been treating me for a while. I'm dying, Grace."

"Your what?"

"I'm dying." He looked at the floor. "I'm going home. Nat needs me to send out invites to your party. I love you, Grace." He walked from the room as I stood frozen in place. I placed my glass on the table, rushing after him.

"What is this illness?"

He looked at me. "It runs in my family. It killed my mom. My brother wrote to me a month ago, telling me."

"So that's why you hid away from everyone."


I looked at him. "Come back to my room. I'm not losing you to this."