
Chapter Five


I sat across from Leonard, who ate a plate of waffles, scrambled eggs, and bacon. I leaned back into my seat, listening to the birds chirping and the sounds of the other souls in the restaurant. It all felt nice; the chatter was something that often I would find annoying, the laughter of some loud man who seemed more excited to be here than I was, however, right now sitting with Leonard. I felt for once that the loud laughter of the man his laughter wouldn't be the only sound of a jolly good time. The man sitting across from me was the only thing stopping me from wailing out in a howl of laughter. What visions could he have seen to ask me to not take part in something that he would have benefited from, the lone tear that lingered in his eye? What could he have seen? I couldn't bring myself to ask him what had him so weary in the hotel room, causing him to shed a tear for me. He seemed happy, content even.

I enjoyed seeing him smile. Those dictators stole something from me, chasing him away for something I know to be true he had nothing to do with. Still, I couldn't reveal to the man who had lost his freedom that he was sitting with a murderer, protecting someone he feared just last night. I had my reasons for the attack on the queen's grandson. It was he or Leonard. I refused to lose the man that was promised to me to the noose. That boy had to go. Resorting to murder to one for something that common sense should have told him was wrong. Blake's embarrassment at the feast celebrating the queen's 90th birthday was the boy's ignorance.

"So, Grace. I've been thinking." Leonard's words caused me to look at him as I placed my arms on the table. "You thought we should head into marriage. That's not something I'm ready for. Well, not until I know someone, at least. I'm willing to give you a chance, you know, to see each other, date, and be your boyfriend. Start slowly so we can't look down the road later and have regrets. Are you willing to agree to that?"

"Yes, I would love that. Thank you, Leonard. You've made me happy. But what changed your mind? You seemed against the idea yesterday. What changed?"

"I wasn't against the thoughts of dating you, Graceona. Your jealousy shocked me."

"Better late than never, I suppose." I leaned into my seat, looking out the window.

"You've been looking out the window since the two of us got here. What are you looking at?" I looked at him as he was looking out the window.

"The streets, this is my first time seeing them during the day, always being caught up indoors. This feels like a breath of fresh air. I thought this place was something at night, but this scenery during the day."

"Can you walk in the sunlight? You're a vampire; aren't you supposed to avoid it?"

"Don't worry, we don't sparkle; only newly formed vampires find the sun's ray's damaging; the older the vampire, the more resistant to the sun they are. I go out in it a lot. Older vampires can eat human food. I just don't eat sweets."

He looked at me with a sigh. "You let me eat all that food, and you watched. You had to have been hungry."

"Not really, it was all sweets. The smell was something I was glad to be away from. You would have offended me if I spent that money on you so you could eat, and you didn't eat. It's hard to lie when your stomach is growling. Well, the lie is easy, but the proof wouldn't be there." Looking at him, I chuckled. "I guess it's something we all experience. I'm drawn to these modern dishes because they look so tasty. Even if I was into desserts and the server was giving you the eye, I couldn't imagine myself having much fun. Yes, I was envious, and I apologize for you seeing that side of me. I've always been looking out for you, even in Infernias; you were always nice to me, scared, but courteous; you did your best to conceal the fact that you found me strange."

He looked at me. "Strange? Grace, I never thought you were strange. You were with the royal family, my family, and I feared you. Everyone in the realm knew you didn't take crap from people. I respected you, and I was fearful of what your motive was when you stopped me in the streets and started talking about the weather. It just got to the point I got used to it. I found you strange because you were an important figure, probably as popular as the royals, and you were talking to me."

"Did you expect me to have this? I'm better than you attitude? Is this assumption coming from the title that I held in my job? Or is Leonard Shepherd just the assuming one? Refrain from assuming things any further. Be honest, but don't assume there is more to a person than meets the eye."

"I'm not assuming that was everyone's opinion of you. You never tried to prove anyone wrong. You talked to those you enjoyed, leaving everyone else wondering."

"Wondering?" I looked at him, trying to maintain the cool that rapidly slipped from my grasp with each revelation I was being handed. Being judged by those I had sworn to protect, forcing a smile, biting the inside of my lip.

He looked at me. "It's a long list of everyone's assumptions, so you want to go somewhere else. I don't want to talk about this anymore. It's clearly upsetting you. Do you want to go to the park? A movie? Something other than talking about my experience with a town I've not been to for three years. People change. Just try to calm down."

I looked at him, taking in a deep breath with an exhale. "Very well, I suppose I overreacted. Sorry for that."

"No, don't apologize. It would hurt my feelings if people made assumptions about me. You're right; there aren't very many harmless assumptions, and I'm sorry for judging you before I knew you. I should have been happier that you wanted to talk. You probably had to hear enough garbage from the royals. I shouldn't have been so quick to assume. I'm sorry. I'll do better. Try not to assume things I don't know and do research, not listen to everyone else's gossip."

"It looks like the people of Infernias have too much time on their hands. However, I can't go to the park. I need to return home."

"Home? You mean back to Infernias. You said you were staying for a week."

"Not Infernias, Leonard. This is my home. Pick any vacant apartment you want, and it's yours. I paid your debt. You don't owe the rent. You showered me with enough kindness; having you here is a blessing. I'll send Darin to deliver your money. I need to get back to my people. Later, I will see you."

"Money? What money?"

"The money I've given you, the prize money I gained for last week's event. Trust me, I won't miss it. Don't give it back. Buy what you need with it and get settled in. Get some sleep as well. I won't be around until after midnight."

"You can't hang out for another hour. Can't your people wait?"

"I'd love to stay with you, not for just one hour, but forever, but I need to protect you with this town. I've been noticing some activity surrounding the area. It's hard to pinpoint what these vampires want. Stay indoors at night, and don't open your doors to anyone. I have keys to all the doors in the city. Now, you need to hurry and get indoors before nightfall. Try not to stay outside too long."

"Could you at least show me where the apartments are?" He looked at me.

"Yes, get in the car." I walked over to the car, getting in as he got into it. The two of us rode towards District Seven.