
001 - What Makes it Hard to Go Home ?

Rei suddenly woke up in Granblue Fantasy and had the appearance and powers of Lucillus. But he met Djeeta and Vyrn, who helped him adapt to the world there. They then met Lyria, Katalina, and many other people. They all embarked on an adventure towards Estaulica, the legendary home of the Astrals, where anyone who finds it can have their wishes granted. But their adventure was not as easy as they thought, and many dangerous events threatened their lives. However, in the end, they successfully reached Estalucia, and several years had passed. This time, Rei, who could now control the power of Lucilius, wanted to create a portal to his world so he could bring his fiancées there. But he realized that it would not be as easy as he had thought. First World : DxD Second World : Nasuverse [This is gonna be Dimensional Travel because Rei gonna try to find his way to his own world] [Hey there This fanfic is just a side story that I created so maybe i can increase my writing skills, I'm not sure how frequently I'll update this fanfic because I work on it when I have the time. btw I use AI to correct my grammar, so I apologize if you find any strange text. Please let me know so I can fix it. Thank you!]

IamReallySalad · Tranh châm biếm
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63 Chs

7.5 - Grayfia PoV

Heya me again.... Writing this chapter is like really hard because when you write Character that you doesn't know the source material that much, is really harder than i thought... So some event probably gonna be different or you can just think of this chapter as "Random Bullshit Go".

Btw don't forget to give me your feedback on this chapter.

Thank you ~

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

Grayfia Lucifuge

She is the second child of Lord Lucifuge and Lady Lucifuge.

When she was born, her father was slightly disappointed because she was born as a girl instead of a boy.

But Grayfia still grew up normally and she possessed immense demonic power, although not as great as her older sister Lithia Lucifuge.

In her childhood, Grayfia was very close to her sister and mother, but her father was rarely at home as he was always busy with his affairs.

However, everything changed when her mother suddenly passed away leaving her little brother Euclid Lucifuge.

Since then, she and her sister began to meet frequently with their strict father.

Under her father's teaching, both her and her sister's personalities started to change into being very strict and serious with a calm, dignified, and refined personality, with perfect etiquette.

As descendants of Lucifuge, they were expected to behave in such a manner.

The Lucifuge Clan is highly respected among other Devil clans because of their close relationship with the Lucifer Clan, giving them the highest political authority and prestige, even surpassing the 72 pillars of the Six Houses of Lucifer.

Grayfia and her older sister Lithia continued to train every day until their demonic powers increased drastically.

But Grayfia never once defeated her older sister during their training sessions.

Grayfia's personality compared to her older sister's is slightly different.

While Grayfia is always serious when she is in public but she can act normal and relaxing at home when she's doesn't need to act like that, but then her older sister Lithia is not like that at all.

Since being raised by their father, Lithia has become serious and strict wherever she is and she rarely smiles.

Grayfia does not know what their father did to make Lithia like that, so every time she meets her sister, she always tries to cheer her up.

But Grayfia always fails to cheer up her sister until one day her hobby as a maid was discovered by Lithia.

Since then, every day Lithia always teases Grayfia and always trying to make her to wear maid clothes all the time.

Grayfia feels overwhelmed every day with her sister's antics, but at least her older sister could be little cheerful again.

In addition to her sister, she also often plays with their younger brother, Euclid Lucifuge.

But because Euclid was born as a boy, their father always takes him everywhere he goes.

Now Euclid has become a fanatic fan of Lucifer, always asking Grayfia or Lithia to read him books about Lucifer.

But one day, when Lithia returned home, Grayfia could see that her sister's face was very happy for some reason.

When Grayfia asked her sister what happened, Lithia always tried to change the subject.

Grayfia also often saw her sister secretly leaving the house as if to meet someone.

Her sister did this for 40 years until the event now known as the Devil Civil War occurred.

The Devil Civil War happened due to the conflict between the descendants of the Satan Clans who wanted to claim the thrones of the Original Satans and declare war on Heaven and the Fallen Angels, restarting the Great War.

Another group called the Anti-Satan Faction opposed them, believing that another war could lead the Devil race to extinction.

As followers of Lucifer, the Lucifuge had to help the Satan factions fight against the Anti-Satan Faction.

The war continued for a long time until Grayfia had to lead her troops to defeat Serafall Sitri and her forces.

Serafall Sitri and her forces almost killed Damaidosu Zereikel Asmodeus before Grayfia and her troops appeared to rescue him.

Grayfia had no choice but to fight against her former close friend, Serafall Sitri.

They fought fiercely for 10 days nonstop.

On the 10th day, Grayfia stood in front of the wounded and exhausted Serafall, but she too in the same condition as her former friend.

"Hehe... Grayfia-chan... you are indeed really strong, we have been fighting for so long but neither of us has the advantage" Serafall said while panting to Grayfia.

Grayfia upon hearing this just remained silent because her only task was to defeat the devil in front of her.

Grayfia began to prepare her magic again and unleashed the remaining demonic energy she had.

Seeing this, Serafall became serious again and prepared her own demonic energy to use her ice magic.

But when she was about to use her magic, suddenly time started to slow down.

Grayfia could see that Serafall in front of her began to move slowly and eventually stopped altogether.

She too couldn't even move her body properly, but unlike Serafall, she was still conscious and could see her surroundings.

Everything became silent, with no sound of devil fighting or magic being cast.

Then suddenly a magic circle appeared beneath her feet. Grayfia, seeing this, panicked because she didn't recognize this magic circle at all.

Unfortunately, Grayfia was completely unable to move or escape from the magic circle, and eventually the magic circle began to emit a dazzling light that made Grayfia close her eyes.

And then Grayfia completely disappear from that place but the world still stopping without anyone that can move.

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

When Grayfia regained consciousness, she saw that she was in a dark place.

She couldn't see anything in that place and immediately increased her guard.

She wondered if this because of unfamiliar magic or the power of a sacred gear.

But suddenly a source of light shone from inside her clothes, allowing Grayfia to see her body.

But even with the light that coming from her chest, she still couldn't see where she was, except this time she could check her own body.

But then she was shocked to see her current appearance – she was wearing different clothes than before, and all her wounds had already disappeared.

She even could sense that the demonic power inside her body had increased several times over.

She had no idea what was happening, why her wounds had suddenly healed, and why she was wearing different clothes.

But Grayfia was more curious about the light shining from inside her clothes, and she finally tried to find it.

After retrieving something from inside her clothes, Grayfia discovered that she was wearing a silver crystal necklace that emitting this light.

Seeing this made Grayfia even more confused as she couldn't remember when she even wearing this necklace.

without her realizing it tears began to trickle down her cheeks. She then tried to wipe away her tears, wondering why her tears suddenly came out like this, especially since she rarely cried except when her mother's passing.

*thump* *thump*

Grayfia's heart began to beat rapidly, and she felt a sharp pain in her chest.

She had no idea why she was feeling this, but she knew what she was experiencing.

This feeling was the same as when she said goodbye to her mother.

Feelings of parting with someone she held dear.

But Grayfia couldn't remember who that person was or why she was feeling this way.

The only clues she had were the different clothes she now wore and the necklace she was wearing.

She felt that the necklace was a really precious item to her and that she had to wear it at all times.

Suddenly, the necklace began to glow brighter, causing Grayfia to close her eyes due to the brightness.

But she could feel the warmth and comfort from the light... as if she had felt it before.

The light grew stronger, and eventually Grayfia disappeared from that dark place.

After Grayfia regained her consciousness again, she saw that she had returned to the place where she was fighting Serafall Sitri.

But this time Grayfia was completely uninjured, and her demonic energy was stronger than before.

"Grayfia-chan? Why did you suddenly change your clothes? And your wounds!? Are they all healed?" Serafall looked confused seeing Grayfia in different attire.

From her position, Serafall could see that Grayfia wanted to use magic to do something, but she didn't expect that the magic she used was to change her clothes.

She was also puzzled by how Grayfia's wounds could heal so quickly, but in the end, she thought maybe Grayfia used Phenex tears secretly to heal her wounds.

Seeing Grayfia, who she thought had used Phenex tears, Serafall finally decided to use her own Phenex tears. After drinking it, all her wounds instantly healed.

They both then resumed their battle, but this time Grayfia was able to quickly defeat Serafall with ease.

Every time Serafall used her ice magic, Grayfia easily punched through the ice magic, shattering it instantly.

After a while, Serafall was lying battered and bruised on the ground, with Grayfia standing in front of her.

"*Cough* *Cough* Grayfia-chan... I never expected that all this time you were holding back your power when fighting me," Serafall spoke, coughing up blood.

But Grayfia just stared at her hands and tried to feel the immense demonic power within her.

"No...I never held back when fighting you," Grayfia muttered upon hearing her friend's words.

Wait a minute... friend? Wasn't Serafall her former friend? Why was she now calling Serafall her friend?

Since she joined the Satan faction, she had severed ties with her friends because they were part of the Anti-Satan faction that wanted to stop the Satan faction.

And in order to carry out her duties, she always referred to them as former friends...

Grayfia then shook her head, trying to clear her mind of these thoughts.

"Grayfia-chan, you know that if we let the Satan faction start a war again, our race could be wiped out right!?" Serafall tried to convince Grayfia.

Hearing this, Grayfia also knew that if the Great War happened again, the devil race could face extinction because their numbers were fewer than the Fallen Angels and Angels. Especially during the Great War, more devils died compared to other races.

But as a Lucifuge, she had to follow the orders of Lucifer's descendants because that was her duty.

"Are you sure that's what you want?"

Suddenly, Grayfia heard a male voice that made her turn her head, but she didn't see anyone beside her.

"Grayfia-chan? Are you okay?" Serafall asked Grayfia because of her strange behavior.

Grayfia tried not to pay attention to it and finally approached Serafall, planning to kill her.

Standing near the helpless Serafall, Grayfia began to gather demonic power in her hands to finish it all.

Serafall, upon seeing this, could only smile and close her eyes. "If I die, please take care of my family, Grayfia-chan... I joined the Anti-Satan faction of my own choice and not because of them, So please don't let my family died because of my own choice."

Hearing this, Grayfia's body began to tremble. She really didn't know what she should do.

As a Lucifuge, she only needed to obey the orders of Lucifer's descendants, but she didn't want to kill her close friend.

"Don't cry, Grayfia-chan... everyone has their own purpose. I won't hate you if you the one that kill me. Besides, you are just carrying out your duty," Serafall trying to calm her down after she saw that Grayfia is crying while trembling.

Grayfia then gritted her teeth and tried to kill Serafall directly by aiming her magic at Serafall's vital point.

But suddenly, Grayfia was attacked by a very familiar magic that threw her away from Serafall.

"Serafall!" Sirzechs, who had just arrived with his troops, checked on the condition of his friend.

"Ah, Sirzechs-chan, you're very late. Grayfia-chan almost made a decision she would regret," Serafall felt relieved when she saw her two close friends arrive.

"Don't worry, Serafall, just leave Grayfia-chan to me," a voice of woman with long silver hair and with silver eyes was heard.

"Well then, I'll entrust Grayfia-chan to you, Lithia-chan," Serafall then fainted after saying that.

"Just leave my younger sister to me."

Lithia then turned to her younger sister, who was trying to stand up after receiving her attack.

"Onee-chan..." Grayfia called out to her sister.

"Grayfia... why don't you just stop all this, Grayfia? You can join us and save our race," Lithia tried to convince her younger sister to join them.

Since the war began, Lithia had disappeared from the Lucifuge household, and soon they found out that she had betrayed the Lucifuge to join Sirzechs Gremory and the Anti-Satan faction.

Upon hearing the news, both Grayfia and Euclid felt hurt, with Euclid even refusing to leave his room at all.

Seeing her elder sister and Sirzechs here, Grayfia knew that she couldn't possibly beat them both, even though with her demonic power increased. Perhaps if she had to fight one of them, but facing them both would be impossible to win.

Seeing that she's doesn't have other choices Grayfia chose to retreat first by giving a signal to her remaining troops.

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

After that, 500 years had passed.

The Anti-Satan faction successfully stopped the Satan faction from starting the Great War again, but as the result after that war the devil race was on the brink of extinction.

Nearly all of the Six Houses of Lucifer were destroyed in the conflict.

The surviving members of the Satan clans who were driven to the outskirts of the Underworld later became known as the Old Satan Faction.

Thanks to their efforts during the war, Sirzechs Gremory, Serafall Sitri, Ajuka Astaroth, and Falbium Glasya-Labolas became the new Four Great Satans.

Unfortunately, the Lucifuge clan was also included among the clans that were destroyed. Grayfia and Lithia also lost their father and their younger brother.

But unlike Lithia, who was able to stay at the Gremory household, as it seemed the person her elder sister had secretly met before was Sirzechs Gremory.

After the war Grayfia was wandering aimlessly in the Underworld. She had been doing this since the end of the war because she had no place to call home.

But aside from aimlessly wandering in the Underworld, Grayfia was also searching for clues to find someone who frequently appeared in her dreams.

But she had a hard time finding this person because every time he appeared in her dreams, she could never see his face clearly as it always appeared blurry.

She was convinced that this person was the one who had given her the necklace she wore.

The only clue she knew was that this person referred himself as "Rei."

The name sounded like a human name, but she was certain that this person was not human at all.

But after years of wandering in the Underworld, Grayfia had not found any clues.

Until one day, her sister Lithia managed to find her. Lithia then offered Grayfia to stay at the Gremory mansion.

In the end Grayfia accepted Lithia's offer to stay at the Gremory mansion and chose to work as a maid there.

During her time there, she found out that her sister Lithia had married Sirzechs Lucifer some time ago,

Then, several hundred years later, Lithia and Sirzechs were blessed with a son named Milicas Gremory.

But Grayfia still refuses to give up on finding out who the person appearing in her dreams is.

Even now, as she is at the peace conference to accompany her sister's husband, she actually wants to ask Michael-sama or Azazel-sama about the person in her dreams because the more often she sees that dream, the more the blurry that covering the man's disappears.

Grayfia now can see that the person has wings like an archangel, but sometimes he has wings like a fallen angel, which make her confused.

Then she hears from Sirzechs-sama that there is someone from another world who can change from a fallen angel to an angel.

Hearing this gives Grayfia hope to meet that man because maybe he is the one who frequently appears in her dreams.

But she cannot find the man at all, even Rias-sama that want to find him too cannot find him at all.

That is until today, Grayfia can see the man appearing in the midst of the attack by the Khaos Brigade. But when Grayfia sees the man's face and tries to compare it to the man in her dreams, suddenly her head starts to hurting badly.

The pain even makes her, an Ultimate-Class Devil, feel pain that make her clutches her head.

It's as if something is holding back her memories from coming out, and it all causes her to feel severe headaches.


Don't forget to give me your feedback on this chapter.

Thank you~

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