
Training technique

Okay, today is my 6 birthday since I come to this world, and is finally time to start my ki training, maybe I start some physical training when I complete 8 years, to start with I need to feel the ki, and I already do that before, even with this body I can feel this easily, next step and the motive of why you need to wait 6 years to start the cultivation is making the ki flow in my body, the canals need to be large enough to do that, basically you simply make the ki flows in all of your body and be absorbed by my body, this part is where the training technique enter too, each technique have a different path where ki passes, this is the hardest part in the beginning.

Because of this technique who gods give me, I spend 2 months until I finally can make this flow right,

after some time I notice this technique needs around the same time as the basic techniques who I used before, so with no exp I should get to level 2 in 2 years if I am correct, let's see how much I improve because of the level 1 technique.

[ Luke ]

race: human of earth

age: 6 years

stage of ki: none

[ Principal attributes ]

Strength: 3,8 (2,8 + 1)

Velocity: 4,8 (3,8 + 1)

Resistance: 4 (3+1)

[ Secondary attributes ]

intelligence: 8

Mana: 0,080

Ki: 3,6

Holy energy: 0

[ ki training technique ]

Level: 1 (to level 2 you need 800 exp )

Increase strength in: 1

Increase velocity in: 1

Increase resistance in: 1

Okay now I should focus on advancing my ki level, if I am right with 6 points of ki I should be in stage 1, with my technique now it is gonna take maybe 3 months to me reach this level if I am correct this is gonna make me have the same attributes as one adult even when I am with this kid body, if I train enough I should get the stage 2 of ki in the same time as my training technique turns level 2, after all, the way to improve the level of my technique besides killing is training and that makes me have more points in ki too.

In these 2 years, all I do was painting, training, and learning something with some classes in the orphanage, these classes are from basic language, just to know how to write, read and talk properly,

I made quite a fame with my paintings and I still make them with my style but I change a little my style now in my paints I put more 1 or 2 colors and don't just black and white, like yellow, red, green and etc, since then they started to sell more and for a better price, lets say that is an exclusive technique and my paints start to sell to some nobles who like arts, now my fame is so huge that even some peoples of the capital start to seek me for some of my paints and the artist academy offers me a chance to be a student in the same class as some nobles, with my own assistants and stuff.

I gonna go to the academy soon but I am already feeling a little sad about going without Anna, she is like a new mother to me, she fed me, help me in some difficult moments and I was in her side for 8 years already, but I wanna go to the academy too, my life in the orphanage is getting boring, I wanna see this new world and see how strong I can be, maybe I should so some paintings about her to don't make me miss her too much and send some letters too.

In this year I make some progress too and I discover something important about the exp who I get to kill monsters, in an experiment I kill 3 goblins in the forest to see how much exp they give, and oh boy they give almost nothing a goblin is the same as 0,2exp and to get in the level 3 of the technique I need 2000exp how the fuck I gonna have this much, just if I live one year hunting monsters I can evolve just by the exp, and if is just cultivating I should spend 3 years to make into the level 3 and stage 3, this god just scammed me, I feel a little of anger for him again, wherever I am strong now, at least I should have the same strength as some important guards in the city, and for a kid this is already good enough probably when I have 16 I should have the same force as a commander of 200 mans.

Another important thing is when I advance to the second stage of ki my status screen change and now hide some useless attributes to me like mana or holy energy, but if I want they appear, and now we have some new attributes

[ Luke ]

Race: human of earth

Age: 8 years

Stage of ki: second stage ( gives +3 )

[ Principal attributes ]

Strength: 8,2 (3,6+ 3+ 2)

Velocity: 9 (4+3+ 2)

Resistance: 8,2 (3,6+3+2)

[ Secondary attributes ]

Precision:9,5 (6,5+3)

Concentration:10 (7+3)

Intelligence: 8

Ki: 7,4

[ ki training technique ]

Level 2 (to level 3 you need 2000 exp )

Increase strength, velocity, and resistance in 2

This +3 is from my stage 2 of ki and the +2 is from my training technique, one of the new attributes is concentration, I have already an anomaly concentration this I have from the beginning even in my previous life, and now is improved by my cultivation of ki, the other is precision, I guess I already have a good precision for a normal human and improved that attribute more by painting, a good surprise.

When I go to the capital I should hunt a little to help my technique to improve, I should stay good in the forest with these attributes if I don't enter too deep there of course.