
ninety - "code black" - ninety

Just when Anna and Colton landed in California, for their week long vacation together, it seemed as though everyone back in Seattle wanted to talk to Anna all at once. Her phone kept dinging with messages from Maggie, Amelia, Alex, and Meredith. She called Meredith back, once they left the airport and got to the hotel safely, "Meredith, yes. We're fine. I will. Okay. Alright. I promise. Yup. Uh-huh. Bye."

"Geez." Colton situated his suitcase, "Everything okay back there? Your phone keeps going off."

"Amelia's having problems with Betty, Maggie's complaining about Jackson, and Meredith is worrying about her dad." Anna sighed, spreading her arms out and flopping back down on the bed, "It's a mess."

"Well, we don't have to go out right now-"

"No." Anna sat up, reassuring him, "They're only bugging me because I'm not there. Otherwise, I really don't hear from them this much. We can go out, get something to eat."

"It's a date."

Anna looked up at him, unable to stop herself from grinning at his expression, "What?"

"Nothing." He replied too quickly, heading for the door.

Anna thought, looking around, before she stood up and glanced back at the bed. Her face flushed and she shoved him, "What are you, twelve?!"

"Hey, I didn't say anything."

"Don't try to defend yourself. I know what you were thinking."

She felt heat creep up on her face as her eyes landed on the one bed in the room and quickly closed the door. Out in the hall, Colton snickered at her red face. Anna hit him in the shoulder, "Stop."

After spending their first day looking up places they wanted to go, and things they wanted to do, they actually had their whole second day planned out. Second day plans bled into their third day... and now, they were already on the fourth day of their mini-vacation. It was fun, Anna liked spending time with Colton and she even met a few of his family members who lived close by. Turns out, Colton does have a lot of distant family in both Northern and Southern Cali. He was glad to be reacquainted with them.

"We don't have to go." Colton spoke from behind Anna, startling her out of her thoughts.

She turned around, the unfamiliar feeling of sand between her toes and on the bottom of her bare feet making her smile. A gust of wind made her hair fly around wildly as Colton reached out, cupping her jaw, brushing her stray hair back. Anna squinted at him, a smile still on her face, "No. I want to go. I feel... like I need to." She pressed herself closer to him, ignoring everyone else around them, "Thanks for coming here with me, for doing this."

"You don't have to thank me," His voice was low as he leaned his head down and rested his forehead against hers, thumb lightly rubbing across her cheek, staring straight into her eyes, "If you want me to go with you, I'll go." He pressed his lips to hers in a closed mouth kiss.