
*College 1313*

Synopsis: College 1313 follows the trials and tribulations of 18 year olds Xsavier, Omar, and others as they goe through a massive amount of challenging times which sometimes questions their own strengths. The first season takes place senior year in high school and tells you the back story of Omar and Xsavier. With his battle of family, sexuality, and many more Xsavier is in for a fight. With the twist and turns you’ll never know who is the antagonist. Read season 1 for the backstory and introduction into the even more mysterious season 2 and you’ll see why the characters are how they are and how they deal with their trauma.

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Chapter 4 dead beat

Black boots, a woolly goat T, and a golden cross around his neck. Z is not only shocked but disturbed at the sight she's witnessing. Pastor Peter not only is he the pastor of the local church but he's Xsavier's father.

Three giant steps to his son's lifeless body then suddenly he stops. His eyes tells no remorse. The secretary Mrs. Jones slowly walks out behind along with the principal Mr. Gregory. "What is going on here!" Mr. Gregory shouts. "Is he okay, someone call the ambulance!" Mrs. Johnson says as she's breathless from running. Zara and Pastor Peter eyes match as Zara gave him the most Filthiest look a woman could give. "You did this, you b***!" Zara shouts. "Language." Mrs Johnson demands. "Shut the f*** up my cousin is lifeless on the ground." Zara says then she turns back to pastor Peter. She walks up to him and yells at him to get away from Xsavier. Pastor Peter is looking at Zara with dead eyes. Mrs. Jones calls the paramedics as Xsavier's eyes open slightly. Zara crying of relief. "You're alive." Zara says as the paramedics sirens haunt her ears. "You're gonna be okay." Zara says. Xsavier's eyes turn black. He feels hurt but also at peace in the most oddest way when he is awakened by the cry of his mother.

It turns out he's in a hospital bed and she's uncontrollably crying with her head buried in her hands. "Mom?" Xsavier says as her face rises up with tears in her eyes. "Baby! I can't believe you're okay!" His mom says genuinely. She hugs him so tight that he think he'd might die. The doctor comes in. "It looks like my treatment is working!" Doctor Winston says brightly. "It sure is!" his mom says with a big smile on her face. "I'm so happy you alive. I'm so sorry for everything that I said. I really am. And about your father…" his mom vents as she's interrupted.

" sorry to interrupt…" the doctor says as she pulls Xsavier's mom out into the hallway. Xsavier can still hear the conversation. "It's not the right time to talk about this. That might mentally hurt him to know what his father has done." The doctor says as Xsavier's heart drops to the ground. He didn't know it was his father who hurt him. All he saw was a car hitting him and Zara screaming.

"You're absolutely right." Xsavier's mom agrees. His mom enters the room and gave him a hug and a kiss and tells him she'll come back later.

It's five days later It's late at night on the other side of the hospital in room 13 lies Omar. Omar finally awaken from his concussion two days ago he is now watching a random show because he can't go to sleep when he's interrupted by his mom. "Omar!" She shouts but in a whisper as she comes back in the room. "What?" Omar says. "Guess who I just saw!" Omar's mom says. "Who?" Omar questions. "Xsavier, he was on his way to the restroom as a doctor was guiding him. He look like he had a couple scratches on his arm." As she says this Omar's jaw dropped. "I gotta go see him!" Omar insists. "No! Stay right there you're not allowed to go to other people's room." Omar's mom says. " Then why tell me?" Omar questions. "I wanted you to know that you're not alone." His mom tells him the most sweetest way.

Omar's heart rises as he thinks that he's in the same building with the one he truest loves, Xsavier.

It is now 1:08 am as his mom is finally asleep. Omar wakes up, he sneaks off the bed tip toes his way out the room. He goes down the hallway looking back and forth to make sure no one sees him. He looks in a room he sees it's a random old man and he shuts the door. He looks in another room it's a middle age women and he shuts the door. Then he's thinking it's no use so he goes back to his room when he runs into his one and only true love, Xsavier. They both smile as bright as a summer day. Butterflies leap out both of their chests as their soul collides. Their two wholesome lips touch as they hear a sound. They hear boots walk down the hall as Omar's takes Xsavier's hand as they run to the bathroom with each other. As they go to the bathroom the floors are extra cold because they both are barefoot. They go into the one of the stalls and make out. Their lust grows fonder as both of their sexual desire collides. An outburst of satisfaction escapes both of their mouths. Love, love is all they feel when their entanglement is done. Kissing still Xsavier says I love you and… this is better than prom.

The birds are chirping as Omar is woken up by his mothers laughter. "Hehehe." His mom laughs uncontrollably. "Sorry." She says politely as she realize she woke him up, but Omar doesn't care he still happy from last night. "What are u so smiley about?" She asks. "Oh, nothing." He says as he smirks. "Mhm…" she says as she's internally questioning if he's lying or not.

It's 2pm and Xsavier is finally waking up. "Wow, you must have been up all night." Xsavier's mom says as she's coming in his room with a piping hot coffee. "Yeah, my favorite show was on last night." Xsavier Falsely says as he looks down at his phone and sends Omar a beautiful goodmorning text. "You know Roman asks about you. He wanted to know if you were okay and I told him your fine. Do you wanna talk to him?" Xsavier mom asks. Xsavier says he'll talk to him later. He's still on a high from last night he feels very good knowing Omar doesn't hate him. He and Omar text each other beautiful things back and forth for 30 minutes straight when suddenly Xsavier sees a sheriff through the glass window.

Xsavier's heart jumps and leaps out his chest as he has a flash back of Mrs. Jones stating "there's a warrant for his arrest." It's possible that Xsavier could go to jail since he is now 18. Xsavier is fully healed and is scheduled to leave the hospital tomorrow. He's very concern if the medical staff informed that to the police.

Still shaking Xsavier's mom starts to notice also. "Are you okay?" Xsavier's mom asks. "Yeah.." Xsavier says with a nervous shake in his voice. "Are you sure? Honey, you're shaking up a storm!" Xsavier's mom says worriedly. "No, mom I'm fine." Xsavier tries to make his mom and himself believe. Xsavier's mom turns around and see what Xsavier is panicking about. "Omg.." Xsavier's mom says as the sherif comes closer to Xsavier's room.

"Heyy, can I speak with Patrisha." The sheriff demands as he says in a very assertive voice. Xsavier's mother gets up and walks out to the sheriff. Xsavier's can still hear bits and pieces of the conversation. "There's a warrant for your husbands arrest, we've been looking for him do you have any idea where he's been?" The sheriff asks.

"No I have no idea. Um he hasn't been at home since the incident." Patrisha says.

"Okay, this is very serious. Just to let you know if you know you could be charged with…" sherif explains as Patrisha cuts him. "I don't know where he's at I promise. Trust me we had a fight about it and I haven't seen him since." Patrisha says as Xsavier smiles. This brings happiness to Xsavier's ears. She usually just agrees with what Xsavier's dad thinks, but Xsavier's thinks maybe she's telling the truth. He still is internally questioning her though because it's not like her to fight with his dad.

"Okay that's all I needed to know." The sheriff says as he walks away.

Xsavier's mom comes back in the room. "Xsavier, I need to talk to you about something…your father is dead."