
(Revising)The Celestial Gardener: Secrets of the Verdant Realms

(I am currently going through redoing the whole model of the novel. I paced way to fast and with the knowledge i have now and the direction i want verdant to go in i have to restart. Characters will still be that same, the places, the magic. It will just be slower. I realize now, verdant is a place of magic and mystery and you cant rush through it. There is so much i've missed in coming up with verdant and its not fair to you the readers to get this half excused story. Thank you for your patience. TCG while be back in August, new and improved.)The Celestial Gardener: Secrets of the Verdant Realms is a captivating fantasy cultivation novel that immerses readers in a world where cultivation techniques are intertwined with the art of gardening. Set in a vibrant realm where mystical plants possess incredible powers, the story follows a young protagonist who discovers an ancient cultivation technique hidden within the depths of a forgotten garden.

F4eezy · Thành thị
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18 Chs

The Forgotten Garden

In the heart of the ancient realm of Verdant, hidden amidst towering mountains and enchanted forests, lay a forgotten garden—a place of mystery and untamed magic. Legends whispered of its existence, but few dared to seek it out, for its secrets were said to be guarded by powerful enchantments. Verdant was home to some of the strongest Kings in the world. But even kings have Kings, The kings are setup in a ranking where the bottom is kings, next up is superior kings, disaster level kings and catastrophic level kings, in which there are only five of. Kings are a sort of god in verdant who can share there powers with humans only at birth. The human soul is weak when born, so the Kings are only able to make a connection then. But they have no idea of how strong that connection will be nor can they control it. The color of the soul depends on the strength of the connection and the souls will only manifest on the child's sixth birthday. This is known as the day of awakening. This is when noble families and even higher class citizens are able to put their children through a set of task to determine their colors and where the child should go and learn their magic. But our gaze is set upon the small village of Oakridge.

Oakridge, which is nestled at the edge of the verdantian empire, lived a young orphan named Kai whose eyes where as green as emeralds and hair as white and smooth as silk. He was dropped off at an ophanage at a young age, so he never knew a mother or father, but that never hindered Kai, who at the age of eight would begin practicing magic, but after he took the awakening exam he grew so bright so fast that even the orphanage couldn't keep up with his needs, but kai could not stop, he was told he possessed a rare affinity for nature, and would one day be able to communicate with animals and sense the aura and flow of the elements by which all creatures of verdant are connected, big or small. This had been told to him by his teacher from the orphanage Dr. Aizen, he had told Kai, that everyone's soul had a distinct color, one that defines the innate potential of everyone. Kai's, was green, not just any green though, a green that matched all of nature, one that you could see the connection with the king of nature in which was so bright and intricate he could've been a direct heir to the king. But every soul has a color and a connection to a king or queen, whether it be nature, the ocean, the wind, there's a king or queen to all, and the stronger the connection the closer they are to their powers. One does not have to be related to be able to have a strong connection, but there are far and few in between that have a connection as strong as Kai's without being related.

Dr. Aizen began helping Kai with the basics of developing his soul. He told Kai that the secret to connecting with nature, is caring for nature. So kai had started a small green house in hopes to connect, he started off with simple foods like, carrots, potatoes, corn, things that the orphanage could eat. Until the orphanage had to cut back their spending, and kai would be forced to change what he grew to be able to continue botany. But until he found a teacher able to show him how to handle plants other then food. He wouldn't be able to continue with botany anytime soon. So Kai decided to learn of the other magic in the world of verdant, he focused on dominant magic, and the ability to connect with plants and animals was not one of the. The top five dominant magic's are of dark, light, curse, poison, and fire. Thought they may be top five they still have their weakness's and can be stopped. The dominant magics are only ranked on destructive capabilities, but it is up to the user to determine its strength. Kai was determined to make his magic strong, to be able to protect those close to him, to be able to find the secret about his parents.

But on one fateful day about one year after being forced to stop botany, Kai had wandered through the village marketplace, he overheard a conversation that piqued His curiosity. A group of travelers spoke in hushed tones about the forgotten garden—an elusive place said to hold the key to ancient knowledge and unimaginable power. Intrigued by the tales, Kai felt a pull in His heart, as if destiny itself was beckoning him towards the garden's hidden gates.

Driven by an insatiable thirst for discovery, Kai bought a map from the mysterious travelers in hopes they where telling the truth. So he headed home to begin his embarkment to find the forgotten garden. Armed with a worn map he had acquired from the travelers, he ventured deep into the unexplored territories of Verdant, following the winding paths and treacherous trails that led to His unknown destination.

Through dense forests and across perilous ravines, Kai pressed on, guided by an inner compass that seemed attuned to the garden's magic. The air grew heavy with enchantment, and a palpable sense of anticipation filled His every step.

After days of arduous travel, Kai arrived at the outskirts of the forgotten garden. The sight before him was breathtaking—a lush oasis of vibrant flora, shimmering waterfalls, and ethereal creatures. It was a place frozen in time, untouched by the passage of ages.

As he stepped tentatively into the garden, an overwhelming sense of tranquility washed over him. The air was filled with the fragrance of blossoming flowers, and the gentle whisper of the wind carried ancient melodies. It was as if the garden itself recognized his presence—a kindred spirit drawn to its mystical allure.

Within the forgotten garden, Kai found himself surrounded by an array of magical beings. Fairies flitted through the air, their delicate wings sparkling with iridescent hues. Wise old tree spirits shared their ancient wisdom, their gnarled branches reaching out as if eager to impart their knowledge. The garden was a symphony of life, where harmony and balance reigned supreme.

Kai's senses heightened as he delved deeper into the garden's enchantments. He discovered hidden groves, each housing unique wonders and mystical artifacts. He marveled at shimmering crystals that emitted a soft, soothing glow, and stumbled upon sacred pools where the water possessed healing properties. Every corner of the garden held secrets waiting to be unraveled.

But amidst the beauty and serenity, Kai sensed a growing disturbance. Whispers carried on the wind spoke of an impending darkness, a force that threatened to consume the garden and its precious magic. Determined to protect this sacred place, Kai vowed to uncover the truth behind the encroaching shadows.

He sought counsel from the garden's ancient guardians, a counsel of 6 but only 5 chairs where filled, the wise and reclusive elders who held the key to unlocking the garden's true potential. They spoke of an ancient prophecy, a foretelling that spoke of a chosen one who would rise to confront the darkness and restore balance to the realm.

Intrigued and aware of the weight of his destiny, Kai embraced his role as the chosen one. He embarked on a quest to gather the legendary artifacts scattered across the garden, and a mystical fae, who would become a guide for his adventures in this world. This was a task that would test his courage, resilience, and his growing mastery of the natural elements.

Through treacherous trials and formidable challenges, Kai demonstrated his unwavering determination and unwrapped the garden's secrets. Each artifact he retrieved brought him closer to understanding the true nature of the encroaching darkness and the role he would play in its ultimate defeat.

As Kai's journey within the forgotten garden reached its climactic peak, he stood at the precipice of a great revelation. The shadows that threatened to consume the garden revealed themselves as manifestations of a corrupted power—a power that sought to pervert the very essence of Verdant itself.

With newfound allies by his side and armed with the wisdom of the garden's elders, Kai prepared to confront the source of the darkness. His heart ablaze with courage, he braced himself for a battle that would determine not only the fate of the forgotten garden but also his own destiny as the chosen one.

As Kai stood on the cusp of the final confrontation, the air crackled with tension. The corrupted power surged through the garden, twisting its once-vibrant life force into a malevolent energy. The once-peaceful creatures of the garden now bore the marks of corruption, their essence tainted by the darkness that sought to consume them.

With determination burning in his eyes, Kai rallied his allies—the fairies, tree spirits, and other magical beings who had pledged their support. They stood united, their collective strength a testament to the power of unity and hope in the face of darkness.

Guided by the wisdom of the garden's elders, Kai tapped into the depths of his own abilities. He called upon the elements, channeling their raw power to form a protective shield around himself and his comrades. The garden responded to his call, amplifying his connection to nature, empowering him with an ancient energy that surged through his veins.

The battle ensued, a clash of opposing forces. Kai and his allies fought with a fierce determination, wielding their unique gifts and abilities against the corrupted creatures that threatened to engulf them. They moved with synchronicity, each member playing a vital role in the intricate dance of combat.

As the battle raged on, Kai faced his ultimate adversary—a being of darkness and decay, the embodiment of the corrupted power that sought to ravage the garden. It towered over him, its presence a testament to the magnitude of the challenge he faced. But Kai did not falter.

Drawing upon his inner strength and the bond he had formed with the garden, Kai unleashed a torrent of elemental fury. Fire roared from his fingertips, water surged in mighty waves, gusts of wind swept through the battleground, and the earth trembled beneath his feet. He channeled the very essence of Verdant, a force that transcended the corrupted power's influence.

In a dazzling display of light and power, Kai emerged triumphant. The darkness was banished, consumed by the purity of his heart and the strength of his resolve. The garden, once tarnished, began to heal, its vibrancy returning with every passing moment. But alas the fight is not over, the darkness still reigns in the far corners of the garden.

As the last echoes of the battle faded away, the garden's elders emerged from the shadows, their faces filled with pride and gratitude. They commended Kai for his bravery, his unwavering spirit, and his ability to be able to bring balance to the realm.

With this part of the garden returned to its former glory, this part of Kai's journey within its sacred grounds had come to an end. But he knew, his adventure was far from over. Whilst laying on a grassy hill in the center of the garden, Kai imagined what the future might encompass, and with that he closed his eyes.