[2 Hours Prior...]
"I've called this meeting being that it's come to my attention that Alyx Leonidus has been absent multiple times and, from my resources at hand, has been doing poorly on his training exercises. Darren, Marie, I wanted to make sure that the two of you were present so that way you knew what was going on. Might I say, it's a pleasure to see you, Mr. Leonidus!" Nezu announced.
Darren nodded and smiled at him, allowing the other members to continue. Shota Aizawa slouched back in his chair before sighing.
"If we hadn't funded hundreds of thousands of yen into testing and researching his Quirk like I suggested, he wouldn't be missing classes neither doing poorly in class training exercises." Aizawa retorted.
"Wait... You what?!" Darren shouted.
He slammed his hands onto the table and furiously ignited Gear Five, papers went flying everywhere as scowled at Principle Nezu and the other members.
"You're telling me my son's practically mental collapse was caused because you assholes wanted to conduct tests on his Quirk?! When was this, after I died? I bet it was! You fuckers didn't want him telling me, because you knew... You knew I'd be knocking down your goddamn door! How dare you, I put my trust in you to keep my child safe as best as you could, and you take full advantage of it in order to experiment on his Quirk." Darren roared.
"D-Darren, please, settle-" Midnight tried to calm him down.
He turned his head directly towards her, "Settle down? You want me to fucking settle down after you've done God knows what to my son? He's probably sitting in his dorm room, trying to piece together what's left of his mind right now, and all you can do is try and apologize? Sorry isn't going to fucking cut it, not anymore, not until I know that Alyx is 100% okay. You don't even know the half of why I'm so upset right now, do you? It's because if he even tries to activate his Overdrive Quirk, he's going to die."
Everyone's eyes widened as Darren revealed a shocking revelation!
"W-What...? He can die?" All Might restated.
"Overdrive is nothing but positive energy, something with a good amount of negative energy can get obliterated by it. He's been sitting there alone for the past two weeks now... How could you let this get this bad..." Darren continued.
Tears of anger fell down his face, "My son could die at any moment, yet we're just sitting here, in a goddamn meeting about him. You could've prevented this if you just listened to Aizawa, but you let that fascination get the best of you, an absolutely fucking stupid thing to do. He should be smiling and hanging out with his friends, not staring blankly at the ceiling, wondering why his life is nothing but bad luck. I thought you were supposed to be heroes..."
The room became silent as the mood darkened. Aizawa crossed his arms and looked towards Principal Nezu as Darren sat down, Marie put her arms around him to comfort him.
"So, to hopefully fix your newfound mess up, I've called in some help." Aizawa told them.
He looked over at the door and gestured for someone to come in. Three people walked into the room, two of them held smiles while the other... Not so much.
"Hey, long time no see, Eraser Head! That was quite the commotion in here!" Mirio laughed.
"I've brought them here to see if they can't help out. They're well aware of the situation at hand, so-" Shota tried to explain.
Nejire leaned forward to look at Darren and Marie, "Woah, are you two his parents? He looks so much like the both of you! Wait no, maybe like you, Mom! Huh... Actually maybe I was right the first time!"
"Alright, enough already. Anyways, they'll try and help Alyx out. I'll be sure to do my part as well, I suggest you all do the same." Mr. Aizawa continued.
"I hope you guys can help him, ever since she told us that she was wanting to break off from him, it's almost as if he's disconnected from reality all together." Marie remarked.
Amajiki looked away from them, "Break off from him... Who did?"
"It'd be best if we told the truth, so I'll tell you, I believe it should be obvious though. But his former love Momo Yaoyorozu did. I'm unsure why, but she couldn't tell him the exact reason to her breaking off the relationship with him. Although I don't have the full story as to why she did it, so I can't act hatefully towards her." Marie explained.
"Well, that doesn't sound good at all! Eraser Head, parents, we'll be right on the case!" Mirio beamed.
[Present Time...]
"Hey, sorry that I'm late, Alyx." Momo gently smiled.
"Oh... It's fine." I responded.
We sat there in silence, I looked to the side, I wasn't sure what to say to her. I didn't even know what to say to her.
"Listen... I... I know you've been wanting the truth about everything, and I'm wanting to tell you. I was scared that you wouldn't come back or maybe you'd even do something to yourself when you were with those two. I didn't think you were coming back after everything you said at the stadium. And after what I'm about to disclose... It's the real reason why I couldn't be with you anymore." Momo spoke up.
I looked at her, the real reason? Was she keeping this from me the whole damn time?
"I-I... I was the one who was behind the tests they did on you, I organized and put them in place because they knew that I was the one that knew you the best. I did that because I didn't feel as if I deserved your love anymore. I was going to tell you about it among other things, but I wasn't sure how you'd react, so I was nervous about it. I'm sorry that I didn't confront you about it, I truly am!" Momo confessed.
I felt the last hair of life I had fade away from me. There was nothing that I could say, nothing that I wanted to say. I could feel my heartbeat, but even that had a sense of lifelessness.
"A-Alyx...?" Momo muttered.
I blankly stared at her before slowly standing up from my chair. I pushed it in before standing there.
"I'm leaving." I spoke quietly.
I started walking away from her, at this rate, I wanted to nothing to do with anything or anyone anymore. I didn't hear footsteps rushing towards me from behind, as I turned down a random street towards U.A., I saw some sort of robbery going on. The Pros can handle something like that. What's a useless shell like me going to do? I looked to my right side to my Nichirin Blade, I unsheathed it and looked at it as it shined in the sunlight.
I got down onto one knee as I held the blade to the side of my neck. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. I took my right hand then started to push the sword into my neck. Before it could connect, I felt something hold my sword back from me. I opened my eyes to see a red and black glove holding the hilt of my sword.
"Young Leonidus, what are you doing?" Kasai asked.
"Geez, that was a close one, buddy! I thought we lost you there!" Mirio smiled.
I stared blankly at him, why did he save me? I saw Nejire fly down towards us, Mirio nodded at her as they stood next to Kasai. I looked down at the ground as I limply held my sword in my hand.
"Hey, hey, where have you been? We were looking all over for you, Leoni-!" Nejire questioned.
I didn't answer her, I just walked over and hugged her. I felt tears fall down my face as I rested my chin on her shoulder.
"I wanna go home." I quietly cried.
The rest of the way to the dorms was quiet, Nejire used her Quirk to transport me there. We stayed floating above the dorms until Mirio and Amajiki arrived at U.A. Once they had, we landed down, Mirio caught me as Nejire's Quirk disappeared from around me.
"Gotcha! I'm not gonna let you fall!" He grinned.
We walked into the dorms, I felt everyone's eyes look towards us. They rushed over as quick as possible.
"W-What happened? Is Alyx alright?" Deku asked.
"I'll tell all of you guys that in a bit, could you tell me where his room is at?" Mirio answered.
"It's on the 5th floor, it's the room to the right of mine!" Sato informed him.
Mirio nodded and we went upstairs to my room. He opened the door, put me on my bed then knelt down next to me. He pat my head before smiling at me.
"We'll fix this, I promise!" Mirio reassured me.
I stared at my closet without making a sound neither an expression. He got up and left my room. As I laid there, I could think of nothing anymore. I was just so tired mentally that it felt like nothing could be positive anymore. I heard footsteps outside of my door, my door flew open, I saw Kaminari rush in out of the corner of my eye. He threw his arms around me and sobbed into my shoulder.
"T-T-This isn't right... IT'S NOT FUCKING RIGHT!" He bawled.
My eyes never left what was in front of me, but I slowly put my arm around him, his crying slowly stopped afterwards.
"Why... Why could you save me... But I couldn't save you? They knew it wasn't right, but they continued it anyway!" Kaminari sniffled.
I listened to him ramble for about five more minutes before he left my room. I wonder if Mirio and the others were still here? I put my blanket over me and turned to face my wall. Sleep wasn't on my mind anymore, so I stared blankly at my wall, much like how I was at everything else. Everyone that was present at the time came in and talked to me. Was I supposed to be taking all of this in, the hugs, their words, it felt like nothing to me. The light in my room began to flicker before going out completely, leaving me in the dark. Everything was silent, but I could've sworn I heard people talking outside. Even so, it's no longer of my concern. I closed my eyes and fell asleep, maybe if I sleep, I can forget about my existence for a while.
[The Next Morning...]
I don't even know what day it is anymore. They all felt the same, so was there any point of keeping track. I looked over at my phone that I forgot was dead. I guess there really wasn't a reason to keep it charged anymore. I heard someone stop in front of my door right as I turned to face my wall again. My door knob slightly turned but stopped. Whoever it was, they let go of the knob gently, but I heard no footsteps walk away from my door. I did happen to hear quiet crying on the other side. I sat there for a bit, I was probably hearing things, I haven't decently slept in quite some time. Plus, they would've left by now. I sat in my room for about an hour or so before I heard my door open.
"Hey, Alyx." Mr. Aizawa announced.
I didn't move at all, I continued to stare at the wall. I heard him walk towards me and he sat down on the edge of my bed.
"You can talk to me, whatever you have on your mind, just say it." He told me.
I slightly adjusted my blanket, "I can't do this anymore."
"What do you mean by that?" He asked.
"I was never a person in anyone's eyes, I was just my Quirk and only my Quirk. Coming here was a mistake. Everything I've done... Was a mistake. Kasai should've let me die yesterday, I would actually be happy if I died." I deadpanned.
"Alyx, listen to me, you can't put yourself out like this. You have to keep your head up, kid." Mr. Aizawa advised.
"Keep... Keep my head up? How can I keep my head up when I've gotten nothing now? Everything's been burned to ashes, what do I have left? I can't fucking keep this up, Aizawa, I just can't. No matter how hard I try, I keep getting bad things piled on top of me, one by one. Who can I even turn to anymore?" I wondered.
"You can turn to us, Alyx." I heard my Father's voice.
I sat up and saw my Mother and Father in the doorway. I slowly took the blanket off of me as I finally felt an expression form on my face. From behind them, came Kariya, Liz and Annie. I got up from my bed and slowly made my way towards them.
"W-What... What are you doing here?" I questioned.
"We came to let you know that we love you, sweetheart." My Mother answered.
"Yeah! Aly, we love you lots. Could you not be sad, that's an ouchie I can't fix with my Quirk." Liz added.
"But most importantly, we... I came to give you this." My Father told me.
He moved his arms out to the front of him. He was holding a long, rectangular briefcase in his hands, I was confused. Why did he bring this to me?
"It's your time, my son." My Father gently smiled.
He unlatched the briefcase and slowly opened it, revealing the contents inside. I let out a shaky gasp as tears filled my eyes.
"This cape... It was given to me by my Father and now, I bestow it to you, Alyx. From here on out, you are the new Overdrive Hero." My Father continued.
I fell to my knees and started crying, "T-Thank you... Thank you so much, Father!"
He knelt down and hugged me. I rested my head in his shoulder as I cried into it.
"You're the Overdrive Hero now, my son. Wear it with pride, but most importantly, wear it as if it was yours to begin with. Remember its meaning and it'll carry you farther than your wildest dreams, my boy." He spoke softly.
I felt the arms of everyone else wrap around me. I felt Kariya place his chin on my shoulder as he looked up.
"You want in on this hug too, Eraser Head?" Kariya chuckled.
I heard him sigh, "Alright, fine."
I heard him kneel down onto the floor and he joined in on the hug. I finally calmed down, although this was rather nice, I still wasn't feeling anything. At least I'm a little bit better, right? I think at least...
"Okay, can I go back to bed now?" I muttered.
"That depends, were you actually sleeping or wallowing around in your own sadness and despair?" Annie questioned.
"...Yes." I answered.
[10 Minutes Later...]
After everyone left, I couldn't stop staring at my Father's cape. Was I really deserving of this thing? I set the briefcase down onto my desk and went to turn on my T.V.
"We've got a startling situation occurring in downtown Musutafu, reports are saying that several U.A. High students have been ambushed by the infamous villains Mongrel and Iceman. We've got Sakura live on the scene, Sakura, can you describe what's going on?" A Reporter announced.
"Yes, we've got large amounts of ice, not to mention various howls of war out here! If you zoom in the camera, it looks as if U.A. High students and heroes in training Creati and Red Riot are being assaulted by the two! O-Oh my... Red Riot's been sent flying out of the area! Let's get closer!" She informed.
Yaoyorozu put up a shield but got blasted with ice from Geten. At this rate, she was suffering from almost severe frostbite, her body trembled due to the cold she experienced.
"Now that we've froze those other dogs of the state out of here, we can start off easy and work our way up!" Geten cackled.
Momo started to freeze in place, her muscles began to lock up, she struggled to stand up on her own two feet. Geten laughed some more before firing off a beam of ice at her. Suddenly, from the enclosed ice structure, a figure swooped in, a cape blocked the ice blast and deflected it to the right.
"W-What?! Who in the...?" Geten shouted.
Yaoyorozu looked up and saw her silent, sullen, stone faced savior. Her eyes managed to widen with delight as the cape wrapped around her.
"A-Al... Lyx..." She weakly smiled.
"No... You were dead... They said you were fucking dead!" Geten raged.
Yaoyorozu noticed a different look in Alyx's still desolate eyes, it was a look of a man with nothing to lose, but also a man with something to protect. He slowly stood straight up, still holding Momo in his arms, Alyx glanced down at her. He observed the wounds she had on her, Leonidus' eyes slowly moved up to Geten and Mongrel. A look of hatred resonated on his still blank face.
Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!
Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero
Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)