
Leonidus Vs. Jax! Survival of the Fittest!

Previously on My Hero Academia: The Overdrive Hero, Alyx Leonidus and the rest of Class 2-A had stumbled upon the fearsome Jax Boyd! A villain that his father & mother took on decades prior, now, Alyx and the others are tasked to face this nightmare themselves!


I landed back down on the ground with Nejire. That attack definitely put the hurt on him! But he somehow managed to get out of the ground without any problem! He stomped towards us and I got in my fighting stance.

"Finally... I've found you! Alyx... I'll make you regret being born by that Father of yours!" He cackled.

This guy... He didn't seem human at all! That was one of Nejire's most powerful attacks and he took it head on! I stared him down as he approached me, I remembered what his name was, it was Jax if I recall. He stood about maybe a couple feet taller than Ikari, about 7'2" or 7'3" maybe? He looked like All Might in his muscle form which made him even more intimidating! I activated Mode Four and used 100% of my Quirk's power, I can't afford to mess around here!

I launched towards him and kicked the base of his neck. I hit his chest with a flurry of punches but it didn't affect him! He grabbed my arm and elbowed me in the face. I kicked off of him and rammed my knee into his jaw which made him stumble backwards!

"𝘉𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘦: 𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 60!" I shouted.

I charged towards him once more and rammed an Overdrive Fist into his stomach. It sent him bouncing off the icy lakebed until he broke right through it.

(I.R.P.: Listen to Slow Roosevelt's "Silverback")

"Alyx, what do we do?" Jiro shouted.

"Leave him to us! Got it? This guy is too dangerous! Nejire, round up the boom squad!" I shouted.

Nejire looked confused at first but realized what I meant after I nodded. I stood my ground as Jax burst out of the lakebed, sending pieces of ice flying everywhere. Jax surrounded himself with a barrier of energy.


Alyx charged towards Jax as his barrier went down. They both clashed forearms which generated a bright flash of light. Alyx ducked a punch and kicked him in the jaw. Jax grabbed Alyx's leg but he retaliated by holding his hands out, golden light shined from his palms.

"𝘔𝘈𝘚𝘌𝘕𝘒𝘖!!" Alyx shouted.

It hit him directly in the face, but Jax still held onto Alyx's leg! Izuku flew in before Jax could do anything else.

"SMAAAASH!!" He roared.

He slammed his foot into Jax's face, knocking him away from Alyx. Smoke rose off of Jax's face and he smiled. Izuku and Alyx rushed him, Jax charged forward ramming both of his fists into their stomachs. He created a ball of dark green energy and blasted the two down to the ground. Bakugo flew into the air after him!

"This is getting annoying; you'll be dead in mere moments!" He shouted.

Katsuki latched onto Jax after propelling himself towards him. He spun around and around, using the explosions to heat the area around him and Jax.

"HOWITZER IMPACT!!" Bakugo yelled.

He drove Jax into the ground with a mighty explosion! The smoke rose and Jax was standing up, holding Bakugo's head in his massive hand! He flung Bakugo to the side and the others watched on in horror! Momo took the initiative and charged forward with her bo staff. The staff impacted against Jax's chest but it snapped in half! Momo gasped out of surprise and Jax grabbed her arm.

"Really? A staff? Pitiful!" He laughed.

Momo spit in his face and smirked, Jax furrowed his brows and growled as the look reminded him of both Darren Leonidus and Alyx. He slammed Yaoyorozu into the ground. Sato, fully sugared up, rammed right into him before he could do anymore harm. Kirishima followed up with a sharp fist to the face which cut open Jax's cheek! He burst away from Sato, only to be driven to the ground by an enraged Leonidus!

"RAAAAH!" He shouted.

He pushed him into the ground, delivering hard shots to Jax's body and face. Jax managed to grab Alyx and headbutt him, sending him flying out into the sky. Tsuyu pulled him back down to the ground as Jax fired off a wave of energy! Through the smoke, Jax walked closer to them, the students and Nejire were stunned! They threw nearly everything they had at him! He only had minor cuts and bruises.

"W-What do we do?" Uraraka asked.

Izuku came up from behind him and cracked Jax on the back of the head with a Manchester Smash at 100%! Jax slammed into the ground, breaking the dirt beneath him! From seemingly out of thin air, Alyx appeared in the air with a fully charged-up Kamehameha!

"HAAA!!" Alyx shouted.

The move impacted against Jax and created a bright blue explosion of energy! Smoke rose from Jax's spot as Alyx panted with his hands still out in front of him. Alyx flew back towards the others and helped Momo up.

"Are you alright, Momo?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah... I'm okay..." She replied.

They turned towards the large amount of smoke and dust that filled the area. A huge explosion was heard, sending the smoke away, revealing Jax! The entire area around him resonated with an intense energy! Plasma had seemingly bulked Jax up! His eyes were seething with anger and hatred as he unleashed the full power of his Quirk! The entirety of Class 2-A watched on in utter terror as Jax revealed his Quirk's maximum potential! The rumbling settled and smoke filled the land once more.

(I.R.P.: Listen to Haji's Kitchen's "Day After Day")

Jax took one step forward and the ground indented below his feet. He cackled as he saw the fear in the eyes of his potential victims. Nejire, Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto, Kirishima, and Alyx all stood at the ready as the others stood still out of horrendous terror.

"So... Which one of you worms wants to die first?" Jax grinned.

Other Pro Heroes soon arrived on the scene, at first, many were hesitant to even try and fight Jax! Annie landed down next to Alyx and stood ready to fight.

"If you're going all out, I guess there's no point in keeping this a secret anymore." Alyx called out.

Alyx charged up to his Quirk's full power and entered Overdrive: Mode Five! Everyone stared in awe at the spectacle of power Alyx was displaying, but was it enough to take Jax down? He merely laughed and sighed at Alyx. They charged towards Jax, striking with everything they had! Jax brushed their attacks off and grabbed Alyx's head. He slammed him into the ground, breaking the dirt, he turned his attention to Izuku. He rammed his fist into Midoriya and chucked him into a few Pro Heroes. Annie flew in and kicked the side of Jax's face. Jax grabbed her leg, pulled Annie towards him, and headbutted her before blasting her back into a hill.

Alyx slowly got back up and chucked a Flash Cannon at him. Jax grabbed it and it detonated in his hand! Shoto quickly shot out a spike of ice at Jax, which managed to impale his forearm. He sent a huge blast attack towards Shoto, Shoto stood there unable to move quick enough to get out of the way, Iida zoomed in and saved him. Alyx appeared behind him with charged up Carving Star Blast!

"Eat this!" Alyx shouted.

He fired the move off and it completely covered Jax! Alyx dropped his arms slowly as Jax was still standing in front of him.

"What's wrong? Are you scared?" Jax smirked.

Jax rammed his knee into Alyx's gut, he uppercut him and sent him back down with an elbow. He slowly turned around as Alyx's Quirk faded.

"That's one down..." He devilishly grinned.

He walked towards Annie and pushed her further into the hill with just one fist. Jax jumped back but was grabbed by Endeavor. He hit him with his elbow which caused Endeavor to stumble back. He let his flames loose but Jax simply walked through it! Momo caught him off guard by launching a barrage of explosive dolls at him! He emerged through the smoke and knocked Yaoyorozu to the side! She rolled over next to Alyx who was still unconscious. Jax rammed his fist into Endeavor's face before returning his attention to Momo.

"Look at this... You're all nothing more than ants underneath my boot... I'm going to enjoy making you suffer!" Jax thundered.

Momo stumbled up to her feet as Jax flew towards her but his punch was halted by...

(I.R.P.: Listen to Drowning Pool's "Reminded")

"Alyx?!" Momo exclaimed.

Steam slowly rose from Alyx's body as his hair turned white. Jax looked stunned and confused. He snapped Jax's wrist as his aura exploded! Alyx looked up as Jax screamed in agony, his eyes were devoid of pupils, they were only filled with unrelenting rage! Jax stumbled backwards and Alyx roared in anger, charging at him with a Supernova Fist that launched him clear into the lakebed. The water rose up, nearly emptying the lake, and Alyx darted in after him. Alyx ran right into Jax, cracking the ground and making Jax loose air. Alyx grabbed him by the neck and chucked him upwards through the remaining ice on the surface. Jax floated in the air before getting hit by a full power Masenko from Alyx! He flew into the air and Alyx burst out of the water after him.

"GRRRRAAGGHH!!!" Alyx screamed.

Alyx was mindlessly lost to his bloodlust as he grabbed Jax's face and slammed it into the ground below! He uprooted a giant oak tree and like a baseball bat, he mashed Jax's face in with it. Jax retaliated by shooting off balls of plasma but they bounced off Alyx! Every step Alyx took felt like he was shaking the entire planet! Jax charged towards him and punched him square in the face! One punch from Alyx put a hole directly through Jax's side! He stumbled backwards as Plasma began to fill the hole.

"W-What... What is this?!" Jax questioned.

Alyx let off a devious smile as his aura intensified! Alyx ran towards him and clubbed Jax's head, breaking the ground beneath them and sending a shockwave of Overdrive throughout the area! Alyx created a volley of Flash Cannons that exploded on contact! Jax pushed through the smoke only to be met by a high caliber explosion from Katsuki! Alyx darted in with a Diamond Buster that was magnified to the fullest.

"HAAAAH!!" Alyx shouted.

It drilled right into Jax, burrowing him through the ground, Alyx sent multiple Flash Cannons after it. Alyx then combined both the Kamehameha and Final Flash super moves into one move!

"FINAL... KAME... HAME... HA!!!" Alyx roared.

He let the attack off and it combined with his Flash Cannons and Diamond Buster! It completely eviscerated Jax, sending him off with a giant explosion! Jax had finally been slain by Alyx and the others!

"Holy shit..." Midnight muttered.

Infinite Mode faded from Alyx as his hair returned to its natural brown color. He fell unconscious once more as he dropped down to the ground.


[Several Hours Later...]

I slowly opened my eyes and saw someone I didn't expect to see.

"Hey, how's it going?" Laura asked.

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3 )

LeoLyonWritingcreators' thoughts