
Good Night, World: Leaving Alyx Leonidus! Enter Mabel Leonidus!

(I.R.P.: Listen to Boy Hero's cover of "Update" from My Hero Academia)

Today was the big day! We were finally graduating from U.A. High! It was kind of odd though, we weren't wearing any caps and gowns, we were supposed to wear our hero costumes. We all stood in wait as Mr. Aizawa delivered a speech to all of our parents and relatives. I think a few Pro Heroes were there as well!

"And... Here's your newest graduating class at U.A. High." He announced.

I looked at everyone and smiled, "Alright, showtime, everyone!"

We all walked up onto the stage to a mixture of claps, cheers, and hollers. We all stood and smiled at those in attendance. I looked down and saw my parents, siblings, but was shocked to see who else was there! Chiyoko, Great Grandpa and Grandma, Uncle Zenitsu, Aunt Nezuko, Uncle Inosuke and Aunt Aoi were there as well! But what really took the cake was that Sheyenne, Karson and Joshua were sitting behind my parents. I took the stand as I was Vice Representative of our class.

"Thank you everyone! This sure has been quite the ride, hasn't it? I know I can say that it's been one hell of a three years here. Although I've had more downs than ups, I can say that it definitely has taught me a lot, it's also helped me grow. If it hadn't been for my classmates, the staff here at U.A., I probably wouldn't have gotten far. We'll most definitely be heroes that you all can be proud of, heroes that you all can rely on. Before I end my quick little speech, I'd like to call up Class Rep Momo Yaoyorozu to the stage." I greeted.

As Momo walked up to the stage, everyone clapped for her, I looked at her and smiled. A huge feeling of nervousness hit my stomach, I made sure to have that ring in my hand that entire time. She stood in front of the stand and I moved to the front as well.

"Well, it's been an amazing three years because of you, Momo. I really can't- Woah, is Kirishima alright?" I started.

Kirishima got my signal to fake an injury, Momo looked behind her towards the others, the distraction worked! I got down on one knee and everyone started cheering. Momo looked at the crowd confused until she looked back at me. She put her hands over her mouth as tears of joy formed around her eyes.

"It's been some hell but... Will you... Marry me?" I asked.

She quickly shook her head yes, I slipped the ring onto her finger and stood up. I smiled warmly at her, she wrapped her arms around me and we kissed. I finally did it! I couldn't wait to see what these next few years brings us!

[Several Hours Later...]

The party after the ceremony was fun as hell! A few of us were plastered, so I was already preparing to heal hangover headaches once I wake up tomorrow. We took hundreds of pictures, even if it didn't make sense, we took pictures of that too! Thankfully we didn't have to wear our hero costumes to this. A rather buzzed Momo came over and sat on my lap as I was sitting on one of the couches in the room.

"Whatcha doing over here by yourself? ~" She grinned.

"Mentally preparing for all of the healing I'm about to do tomorrow." I answered.

"Yoooou just need to not worry about that! Focus on me instead." Momo cooed.

She started to slide her dress down, I quickly pulled it back up, "N-Not here, Momo!"

"I am a gift from God, I neeed to be seen in all of my glory!" She argued.

"That you are but like, my eyes only, if you get what I'm saying." I chuckled.

Momo sat up with her arms still around me. She looked as if she was staring into space.

"Bathroom. Now." Momo quickly spoke.

She got up and took my hand, we hurried into one of the bathrooms. In all honesty, never in my entire life, have I ever thought I'd be making out with someone in a bathroom stall. I guess I can say that I've experienced pretty much everything at this point. Theeeen came the rattling of the stall walls, in both senses of the word. We were in there for quite some time. Afterwards, we went back to the party as if nothing had happened.

"Shit bitch! I've got huge boobies!" I heard Kaminari yell.

[16 Years Later...]


"Ah, no fair! Why does Mabel get to go?" Ashi whined.

"It's because she's older than you, Ashi, you're too young to head to U.A." Mom replied.

I leaned back on the couch and smiled, "Yeah, you've got another 10 years to go! Besides, U.A. is for big people, remember?"

"OOOHHH MY GOOODD!!" I heard Dad shout.

Mom got up from the couch, "Why did you- ALYX SIENNA LEONIDUS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

I rushed in to see what was going on, Dad somehow set fire to the pan he was making dinner with! He quickly put a force shield over it to extinguish the flames.

"There goes dinner..." I sighed.

"Oh, it's fixable! I mean, I think so, it's not that badly burnt!" Dad smiled.

"Mabel, would you please be a sweetheart and get the house phone please? It seems as if we'll be ordering from somewhere instead." Mom politely asked.

I nodded at her, "Yep! I'll be right back, just make sure Dad doesn't burn anything, alright?"

I went into the living room to grab the phone, I looked out of the window and saw people marveling at our house. You know, sometimes it's kind of a pain to have people be creeps right in front of your house. Then again, I guess that's the perks of being the daughter of the #1 and #5 Pro Heroes in Japan. I lowered one of the blinds as I returned to Mom and Dad with the phone.

"Here's the phone, I'm sure you already know what I want if we're getting it from Mr. Kageyama's place." I told them.

"Thank you, darling." Mom smiled.

I nodded at her and went up to my room. I sat on my bed looking at my phone, I heard someone tap on my window.

"Ishimoto?" I muttered.

He was floating in front of my window, I opened it up and let him inside.

"W-What are you doing here?" I wondered.

"Oh, I was just checking in since I was in the neighborhood! Or well, my Mom wanted me to." He responded.

"Mrs. Midoriya? How is she doing?" I asked.

"She's doing great! Of course, her and Dad have a looooot of paperwork to fill out. I didn't realize that leading a team of Pro Heroes took a lot of paperwork! The Symbols of Peace are doing quite the job around here, so at least Mom and Dad don't have to worry about the crime rate rising anytime soon." Ishimoto replied.

"That's good, my Mom and Dad have quite a bit of stuff to do as well." I smiled.

Ishimoto sat down on my bed next to me, "Yeah... But there's something that's been scaring me for the longest time."

"Hm? What's wrong?" I fretted.

"W-Well... I overheard my Dad talking to my Mom about something coming. He said that there was a 'darkness on the horizon again'. I also heard him say that his One For All Quirk was acting up again. I'm not sure what he meant but I've been worrying about it ever since he said it." He explained.

That sounds rather cryptic to be honest. Maybe I should talk to Dad about it, he should have some sort of answer, I think?

"Hmm, let's talk with my Dad about it! He might be able to tell us something." I suggested.

"W-Wait, why don't we just... I dunno... Not do that? Wouldn't it be awkward?" Ishimoto stuttered.

I grabbed his hand, "Nonsense! Come on, let's go!"

We left my room to head downstairs, My Dad was sitting in his chair watching the news. He looked up and blinked a couple times.

"O-Oh, Ishimoto, a pleasure to see you! How'd you get in?" He wondered.

"I let him in, Dad. Anyways, we need to ask you something, Deku mentioned something about there being a 'darkness on the horizon' and his One For All acting up again. Got any ideas as to what that means?" I asked him.

He sat there and thought for a bit, "Hmm... I'm not entirely sure. I'm certain that it does have some sort of meaning, perhaps he's talking about some sort of villain?"

"Yeah, I guess that does make sense. Being the whole darkness and whatnot. Thank you, Leonidus, that at least makes me feel a little better about this whole situation." Ishimoto smiled.

[Several Hours Later...]


As Mabel and Ashi went to bed, I stayed up with Momo in our living room. That question Izuku's kid and Mabel asked me, I couldn't tell them the truth, I wasn't going to let them get tangled up in all of this. I heard a knock on our door, I opened it and let Izuku and Ochako inside. Momo rounded the corner of the living room and stood next to me.

"Oh, Izuku, Ochako, is there something wrong?" Momo asked.

"It's about Shigaraki, Nana Shimura told me he was planning something, but she's unsure what." Izuku answered.

"I figured as much, Ishimoto and Mabel told me about something you said. I didn't want to believe it at first, but now that you've told me, I guess I've got no choice but to accept it. We can't let our kids get brought into this." I responded.

Momo looked at me, "Wait, Shigaraki? He's been in Tartarus for the last decade now! How would he be planning on escaping when he's locked up and monitored 24/7?"

"He's fooled all of us, remember when we saved him? That was just a ruse, he never meant what he said to us. Being that he still has All For One, he doesn't plan on being detained for long, we've let him bloom this entire time." Izuku explained.

"Goddamn it... I knew there was something wrong when it was that easy. He's been getting stronger while sitting in that cell. We'll need to keep an eye on U.A. once it starts up soon. Bakugo and I will patrol the U.S.J. once the time for that comes. I'm sure that Eri will be needing to nurse quite a bit this year." I remarked.

Uraraka nodded at me, "Alright, that sounds like a good idea. We should be alright for now though."

"One more thing before we go, I'd like to ask you something, both of you." Izuku added.

"Hm? What is it?" Momo wondered.

"I'm looking for a successor, I've been thinking about our son, Ishimoto. But I don't want to make it out to seem like I'm picking favorites. So, my question is this, would you two allow Mabel to be the tenth holder of One For All?" He asked.

I wasn't sure what to say to that. I'm not sure if that was a decision that I could make for her. Mabel having more than two Quirks... I'm sure she'd be able to handle it but how would she feel about it?

"Izuku, that's most definitely an amazing offer, but I'm unsure. I'd rather you talk to Mabel about it, I'm alright with it. How about you, darling?" Momo answered.

"I'm all for it, as long as we make sure to teach her how to use it, alright?" I agreed.

Izuku nodded, we said our goodbyes to them as they left our home. I could tell that Momo had the same look in her eye as I did.

"Good grief... This is gonna be one hell of a year, isn't it?" I sighed.

[The Next Day...]


I was out flying around Musutafu, this place was as beautiful as ever during the day! I landed down on a rooftop that was in front of U.A. The building was on a massive hill, which made it look a little intimidating. Behind me, I heard some rather hearty laughing and someone landing behind me.

"Ah, Mabel! There you are!" Deku beamed.

"D-Deku? You were looking for me?" I questioned.

"That I was, I have a question for you, Mabel Leonidus. It's a rather important one as well. This power of mine, I wasn't born with it, it was bestowed to me by All Might himself. As a matter of fact, I was one of the rare few that were born Quirkless!" Deku told me.

"Really? You were Quirkless? Wow... That must've been rough!" I marveled.

"It was rough at first, but it got better after some time. Now, my question to you is this, would you... Mabel Leonidus... Be the tenth holder of One For All?" He asked.

"Y-You... You want me to carry on One For All...? I-I don't know what to say. This is the greatest honor I've ever been bestowed, why not Ishimoto or Naoki?" I faltered.

"Well, I'm certain my son would say the same thing. Kacchan's son would most definitely be eager to take up the mantle. But I think something this precious should be given to someone else that I know will make the most of it." Deku smiled.

I thought about it for a bit, me being the tenth holder of One For All, that truly would be an honor. Would I be able to do it? I guess I won't know until I give it a shot!

"Alright, I accept! I'd be honored to be the tenth holder!" I grinned.

"Good! Now, please, eat this!" Deku beamed.

He pulled a piece of his hair out of his head. I blinked a couple of times as I stared at him visibly confused.

"Eh? Wait, you're joking, right?" I questioned.

"No! Why would I be joking about this?" He chuckled.

"W-Why do I have to eat a piece of your hair? Isn't there something else that I could do?" I fretted.

He shook his head at me, "Nope! This is the only way I can transfer it to you!"

I took the strand of dark green hair from him. I inspected it thoroughly, I took a deep breath in, then I ate the piece of hair. I swallowed it and shivered out of disgust.

"T-That... Was absolutely the weirdest and most disgusting thing I've ever done in my entire life." I complained.

"Oh, trust me, I was thinking the same thing when All Might gave me it as well. It definitely was an interesting experience." He remarked.

I looked down at my hands, "Sooo... When exactly am I supposed to feel different?"

"In a couple of hours, it doesn't happen right away. I got it transferred to me a few hours before the Entrance Exam at U.A. You've got a week to prepare for it, from what your Father has told me about your training, you can only output 10% of One For All. Anything higher than that will break pretty much all of your bones. And I know a loooot about breaking bones." Deku explained.

"Only 10%? I guess that's reasonable. I shouldn't exactly expect to be at 100% yet." I responded.

He nodded, then turned his attention to the street, "Well, I must go! Farewell, Mabel! Good luck!"

Deku took off into the air, this was gonna be rather interesting indeed! One For All... The Quirk itself was a mystery to me, how different was it to my Overdrive? Would it also help out my Creation Quirk? There were so many things that I'd need to test out!

Thank you all so much for reading! This was extremely fun to write! I enjoyed hearing your feedback and I enjoyed your support! Of course, I encourage all of you to continue to support by voting, leaving reviews and comments. Although this story is over, there's always something that can be added or tweaked.

I can't thank all of you enough for reading this story! I'm going to be moving onto an original Isekai story called "Torin & The Four Goddesses" alongside "My Hero Academia: The Overdrie Hero 2!". The schedule will be different for these stories, I have yet to establish one due to my work schedule. BUUUT... Never fear! I will be publishing chapters for these stories as best as I can! Thank you all once again, I love all of you, and I can't wait to share more stories with you!

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