
(old) my demon God system

the demon God that's what the world named me, yeah I know it's a cringe name but what can I do I mean I didn't even do anything bad except for maybe killing one or two corrupted kings, defying the holy lands, and making fun of some gods but alas I am just a mere human and a human has his limits so I died to my worst possible enemy but at least I didn't die a virgin that would have been shameful and at the last moments of my death I thought that was it I go poof but rather than going poof I reincarnated in some other world here the martial arts and magic are the norm and the world has developed due to something called science now that I am back time to do what I do best and that is to have fun and cause chaos ------------------------------------------------------------------------ the cover ist mine if it's yours just let me know and I will take it down and I am a newbie writer so bear with me also if you want to motivate me pls follow me on insta insta - that_clumsy_guy

that_clumsy_guy · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
10 Chs

prologue - The man known as the demon God

Somewhere in a deep forest, it was quiet and only the sound of the raining droplets on the lush green trees was heard

normally the forest would be bustling with activity from all the animals but right now it was eerily quiet,

Suddenly there was a sound of swords clashing, if a person looked at the origin of the sound he would find two figures fighting and their surroundings were covered in blood,

"Don't you think it's high time we end this"

The person who spoke looked like a Young man in his twenties he had long brown hair that was untied and was reaching his waist

level With sharp black eyes, a sharp nose, and smooth milky white skin,

"Patience was never one of your strong suits was it, sun god, this is the last time we will be fighting like this don't you think we should enjoy this"

This time the second figure spoke who was a man who also seemed to be in his twenties and had long hair but this man had silky Black hair and purple eyes,

"Oh please Patience my as*! you are the last person I want to hear a lecture about Patience from, did you forget how you massacred an entire kingdom just because their king was 5 minutes late in a banquet demon god"

The man known as sun-god spoke and gripped his red katana like sword tightly and got in a stance pointing his sword against the demon god and his palm on the head of the hilt,

"Come on the guy deserved it he had a slave-trading network, do you know how many people suffered because of him, well I guess you and your sun temple want to "punish" people accordingly *humph* whatever let's Just finish this I am tired of this"

The man known as demon god scoffed and pointed his black sword towards the sun God,

"This may be the first time we are agreeing on something"

with that said both of them dashed at each other and their sword clashed the sound of the metal hitting against each other was produced


With that, both of them put some distance between each other,

"Sun style fifth form, piercing sunlight!!"

The sun-god screamed and thrust his katana forward and then from the katana a piercing

Slash of fire moved straight forward,

"Demon style seventh form, demonic Slash!!"

The demon god said and did a horizontal swing, from his sword a black Energy emitted and the black Slash hit the red Slash and their surroundings got blown away,

Then the demon god got close to the sun god and did a horizontal swing, the sun god protected himself from the Slash with his sword and the demon god moved a few steps back, the sun god thrust his sword forward and this time the demon god dodged but his cheek was cut a little and blood started to flow out,

"come on is that all you got!! Let's finish this demon god with one last attack!"

The sun god screamed,

"*Hah* fine with me I will take your head as a trophy like what I did with the last sun god!!"

This time it was the demon god who screamed then they got in their stance and started emitting energy waves that destroyed their surroundings,


the sun god screamed and lunged forward with his sword,


The demon god also yelled and rushed forward when their swords met the surroundings formed into a huge crater, but all battles must come to an end no matter how legendary and where there is a winner there will always be a loser,

When the dust cleared the sun god was seen with his sword through demon god and from his mouth blood was coming out then the demon god fell backward and lied down,

"Any last words old man"

The sun god asked with indifference,

"Who are you calling old you brat"

The demon god's voice sounded hoarse,

"Oh please you have lived for thousands of years if you are not old then everyone is young and that includes 100-year-old bald grandpas "

The sun god retorted,

"Fine fine I get it I am old but don't worry someday someone will come and take my place and defeat you"

"As if, only you could ha-"

"Hey! I am trying to die in peace here give your elder some respect"

"So you admit that yo-"

"Hush! Come on don't you know good kids don't disturb their elders"

"But I am no-"

" Ah! Don't you know it's bad manners to disturb your elders what did your mother teach you, geez kids these days "

"But you ar-"

"Bye bye~~"


just like that a legendary battle which would be recorded in the history books of kirum

Ended but nobody knew the journey the demon god is about to descend into.


Hey guys author here I am trying my best to write a story and this is my first time writing a novel so please go easy on me and thank you for reading the demon god system prologue and please read the next chapters.