
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · Kỳ huyễn
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69 Chs

Chapter 69: One-sided Drama

After understanding the threat of soul cores from beastial creatures. Zyro expected to have some kind of second consciousness whisper into his mind, urging him to direct his actions towards completing the Blinker unfinished dream. Or a part of his awareness will start disappearing, slowly devoured by the monster soul core that bear it's creator wish.

However, none of such signs had appeared since Zyro got the corrupted soul core.

Which his grateful about, having Aizra damning his mentality is enough already. Adding more weight on his poor mind will absolutely drive him mad.

Still, why did the Blinker parting gift or curse, had not shown symptoms of corrupting his mind?

The only possible answer he could come up with concerned his [Error] attribute. Which is connected to himself, physically, mentally and spiritually.

Soul core were mystical things created by their dead owners, bearing their last will and partial power. So, we can say that it possess some kind of awareness, due to soul cores forms using their masters unfulfilled desires as base.

Normally, when it was broken by someone, what's within will be unleashed to infiltrate the doer soul. However, what if that "someone" soul were exceptionally abnormal, a soul belonging to an otherworldly being? Will it still merge accordingly, or whatever sentience it possess would follow instinctive act of being wary interacting towards extremely odd things.

Apparently, the later was at play. Zyro's soul are treated as alien, therefore, received discrimination from the monster soul core inside him. Making him relatively immune to the twisted mental infection from the dead beast.

'Be my guest, nether my soul nor body need your attention.'

Zyro had always been a peculiar human since birth. He lack sympathy necessary for creating social connections, nor feel the need to form one. He deemed befriending others troublesome, mainly because he seemed to lack the ability to maintain relationships. He don't trust easily or smile frequently, only doing so when manipulating those around him. His a cynical introvert, to say the least. It's not the best character to have, but it keep him alive. In exchange, people tends to avoid him. Eventually getting used to it. So, being avoided in the realm souls did not bother him, as well.

In fact, Zyro was delighted. Not only does he possess resistance from negative effects of absorbing soul cores, there's also the possibility of power that comes along with it to be usable by him. After all, unlike unfulfilled wishes, abilities does not have any kind of sentience. Perhaps, those gifts could be passed on his soul.

The unnatural changes happening on Zyro's body recently which Aizra identified as unnatural growth based evolution. Strongly Imply that some unheard bodily function will soon develop in him.

'So that's how it is, my cells are undergoing abnormal transformation to be suitable for new ability.'

Aizra can't observe every progress of his body evolution. But her analysis suggest it's beneficial, somehow improving his muscle anatomy without harming him. Similar to growing from baby to a kid, but in a faster and internal way.

Just imagining what new capability he will soon receive made his heart beat hasten.

Misunderstanding the dark knight prolonged silence, Depter sigh, wanting to comfort the only person that had manage to visit and bring entertainment to him after all this years of solitude.

"As I said before, it's not your fault. Don't dwell on past regrets, it won't change anything. The only thing you'll achieve is ruining what little time left in your sane life."

'I almost forgot this guy are still worried.' Cut from his reverie by Depter sudden forlorn speech, Zyro listlessly thought.

The Sage was not aware of Zyro's [Error] attribute. And he had no intention of recklessly sharing his secret. However, without a believable excuse to justify his intact sanity despite consuming beastial soul core that's supposed to drive him wild.

He decided to keep the sad play of a dark knight who accidentally consume the pill of madness. As the sealed sage say his goodbye.

After a dramatic pause, Zyro shrouded face silently stare at the gloomy old man. Depter continue, the sadness in his aged voice was genuine.

"Judging by your manner, your quite young, aren't you. Knight, you might have hidden your scars beneath that dirty silks, and masked your dulled emotions. But Infront of a wise man, such as I. Your rough battles against dreadful opponents and cruelty they inflicted on you lay bare. It's not a pleasant life, but you can't help it, I understand. However, with a monster soul core inside you, your time are counted."

The old man's head lowered, gazing at the floor as reminiscent of the past glinted in his eyes.

"Knowledge of soul cores are forbidden due to peoples greed for power and almost none were made by peoples. Unlike monster who have naturally strong desires. I've seen many bold warriors, weak and strong. As they tried defying lessons of the old to not seek power in soul cores. Yet no matter how exceptional they are, the least they could achieve was resisting madness for a long time. But in the, they either die or become feral creatures themselves in people clothing. A graceless end worst than death."

Depter wise, yet somber eyes look at Zyro straight in the eye. As if piercing to view what's covered beneath that metal mask.

He continue. His words was low, hinting the restrained frustration Depter is feeling.

"Your not like them... You deserve better."

His arid lips quivered in shame, as his gaze drifted to the ground.

"I apologize, despite being a great mage. I'm powerless to do a thing about your predicament. All I could offer you is advice on what to do with your remaining time."

Without waiting for Zyro's reply, Depter voice raised volume.

"Live, abandon your dangerous lifestyle full of suffering, blood and death. And strive for a better life while your still breathing with your sanity intact. Bring out your savings and celebrate with your friends until your all drowned in beer and laughter. Taste different delicacies, cheap or expensive, it doesn't matter! And above all, meet young beauties with the intention of forming a family."

In all that, Zyro was feeling neutral at the start of Depter speech before finding it uncomfortable as the mage keep blabbering so seriously with all his heart. Truth be told, this scenario would have been dramatic if Zyro's real mood fitted in like Depter's act.

Unbeknownst to the somber old man, whose heart are probably crumbling. All this time, he was conversing with an indifferent young man that won't die or go mad soon.

However, the old man heartfelt advice severely struck Zyro.

Zyro clicked his tongue internally, realizing how hopeless he is.

There's nothing wrong on Depter advice to him.

'What the heck, bring all my savings out? I don't even have a penny. My only friend, not technically a friend, is a underage kid. Furthermore, I don't have money and where would I even find beer in this damned jungle without dying. Let alone, a young lady and form a fami...'

'Wait, aren't you just telling me to indulge myself in pleasure as if there's no tomorrow in a fancy way... Speaking of meetings beauties.'

Zyro expression darken, face slapping himself in his mind.

'Duck, I forgot I'm still a virgin.'

Which is a huge problem.

First of all, death lurk everywhere in his current daily lifestyle. Second and most importantly, there's no human in this world despite the people's here looking exactly alike. Meaning, he will either die a virgin or mate with an alien. Well, Zyro's the one who crash landed into this planet with a flying saucer. So, his more of an alien... Alien x alien?

I guess everyone is an alien, making them Zyro's ken.

'Uh. Well, that's messed up logic. Was that supposed to make me feel better?'

Shaking his head from unnecessary thoughts. Zyro let out a heavy sigh, cutting Depter's fancy blabbering about how to pursue pleasure in your last days.

"Oh, do you have a question why bigger boob..."

"No" Zyro immediately stopped this straying topic to move on to meaningful matters.

As if his heart are broken, Zyro's gently shook his head. The cybernetic armor had not completely run out of energy, just low. But enough to support voice modification.

His electronic tone were like that of a broken cyborg who just lost everything. Yet refuse to yield.

"I appreciate your kindness, but I have to refuse. For I made a precious promise, that even in my last breath. I'll do anything to complete it, no matter how futile my actions are. I'll gladly sacrificed my remaining life to make progress on fulfilling my oath... That's why I hoped you'll listen to this dying man request."

Said Zyro as he knell on one knee, his dark figure emitting unwavering dedication.

It didn't seem to be a fake act at all, aiming to take advantage of Depter clouded judgment.

Witnessing the dark knight resolute performance, Depter solemnly nodded in response.

"As long as it's within my capability, I'll do my beast to aid you."

Meanwhile, in Zyro's head.

'Wise my ass.'