
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · Kỳ huyễn
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69 Chs

Chapter 38: Shocking Cold

He stayed resting without moving few minutes to recover. The battle against the eyeless hound lasted for 10 minutes or more, but it took everything out of Zyro to claim victory. After getting enough respite, Zyro pull his retractable silver blade out of the repulsive beast maw with some effort. He didn't know much about bearers of the first Mark, except the basic knowledge everyone knew of. Alpha's have tough body's. However, not formidable enough to be immune against flying projectiles and slashing weapons.

Zyro mischievously look at the hairless hound unsightly corpse. Already imagining variety of dishes he could make with it's meat. This species of creature are known by guards due to their occasional attack. According to them, it meat wasn't that bad. Zyro had never been a picky eater, in fact. He'll eat almost anything edible with utter gratitude. As someone whose born homeless, living the streets as a child. And currently a slave. What do you expect?

Just the thought of eating so much meat made his sick of bread stomach growl in hunger.

However, food can wait later. Standing up with shaky legs, Zyro's attention return to his hidden armor parts. The wilderness are undoubtedly a dangerous place, Zyro almost die in mere hours upon stepping on the woods feral expanse in the jaw of one of its many beast. What Zyro needed the most is protection and means to fight back preying predators.

But not only for monstrosities, against this word people too. However, thanks to the Gricks hell-bent searching, the fallen knight cyber suit appearance became widely known to the Foggy Ring's citizens. If Zyro was seen wearing his cybernetic armor. His in for another round of chase that he didn't think he'll be lucky enough to survive again.

'Problems, problems. All of it had solutions if you think long enough.'

He thought, stripping all his clothes off. Feeling the chilling gale of the night bitting his naked body. If anyone were to see him right now, two will come in mind. "Pervert" or "Weirdo". Uncomfortable by his current state, Zyro skillfully equip his armor parts by parts as he take them from the dark hole. Soon, his foot to waist was covered in onyx steel, so as his two arms and chest. However, when he reach for the other pieces.

Zyro frowned. And carefully scan the hiding spot with his hands. To his dismay... The remaining pieces really are missing.

An ominous feeling suddenly dawned in his sinking heart.

The trees leafs gently flutter, cold breeze whispered in the silence of night. Zyro sat there with a grave expression, he look around. Only to see serene standing trees and rubble's lit by moonlight, dark, silent and peaceful. After a minute of tense silence, Zyro heaved a sigh of relief.

There's no prying eyes within the woods, starry sky or mountain side. Differ to his expectations. The Gricks have surely searched near the starship crash site for any clues the fallen knight - Zyro had left behind. What if they found clues leading to where his hidden armor are. But waited for it's owner to retrieve it as trap. That's the first conclusion Zyro's mind came up with after discovering some of the armor pieces was lost. However, if that's really what happened, they why the Grick hadn't arrived yet to catch him?

Meaning, it was a false assumption. Still, the question remained, where is it?

Zyro regained his composure, and think clearly. Maybe it was still there, the space between the large rock was quite big after all. Perhaps the past earthquake had move it deeper inside?

Crouching down, Zyro tried to reach within as far as he could. Indeed, there was declining surface inside that might have swallowed the remaining parts. He took a rock and trow it to test its depts. The rock resounded muffled echoes as it bounced multiple times before becoming silent.

Zyro cursed. The small chasm was abnormally deep, and judging by the sound, there's seem to be a capacious space below.

Apprehensively looking at the the mouth of darkness between two boulder. Wide enough to swallow him whole, Zyro shook his head.

His not going in there.

There exist many eerie creatures in this world. So the probability of a gastly horror dwelling underground is high. Furthermore, the dark opening hold to much unknown things that may cost his life. He wasn't going to risk it for messy armor fragments.

Fortunately, the abdomen piece is the only part that had fallen. Zyro had recovered most of the armor, shrouding the entirety of his body except his fat devoid abs and side of it. Which wasn't that significant compared to the three important suit parts. One is the arm guards with retractable blade and air gun. Second is the upper back section that store sensitive operating boards of cyber suit internal functions. And portable air tank that supply him oxygen if needed and the air gun in his left forearm. The third, is the helmet. The toughest and most useful part. However, looking at it's battered condition after withstanding the prince punches, he wasn't sure if it's still functional.

The helmet was mate black in color, possessing asthenic, mechanical beauty with a wide V scarlet visor for eyes. However, it's once glossy surface was full of sunken marks, scratches, bulks and variety of stains. The clear, bulletproof glass visor severely cracked beyond repair.

Not like Zyro is stupid enough to wear the fallen knight face for everyone to see. He had other plans. Detaching the helmet lower section - a metallic halve mask covering nose and mouth. Running to the jaw, ending to the ear with an hightech ear pad. It was a significant gadget possessing many utility features, such as voice modification, speaker, air filter, advance hearing and also connected to the air tank so he can breathe underwater or oxygen absence areas.

Putting it on his face, Zyro begone dressing his armored body with the previous, tattered garments. Soon, his previous, ragged appearance is back. Wearing old fashioned boots, crudely made pants and long sleeve with gloves. Except that an old scarf, now wrapped around his neck. A piece of brown fabric hang atop his nose, tied in the back of his head. Hiding halve of his face. While a hood loomed above his head. Now, he really look lime desert scavenger. However, if he take off that veiling disguise. His true nature, a futuristic assassin clad in slender dark steel will be revealed.

The cybernetic light armor was made specializing stealth, so It's metal plating was exceptionally thin. Enough to not be notice under Zyro's ragged and a bit loss clothing. After all, he weaved his clothes with this plan in mind, focused on concealing his armor. Although, in modern society, his current untidy looks will attract many attention. However, in this undeveloped world, such fashion was viewed normal. Considering his slave status, too.

No one would suspected him being the famed villain in dark metallic suit that was accused of killing the prince. While he enjoy the armor protection, and gears. The downside though, is that the suit was still dead, out of energy. Hence, the features is limited to the retractable blade and he had to bear it's weight. But as long as he didn't run, or perform actions that will greedily consume his stamina. He'll be fine. Although, his puny endurance was lessen again, Zyro prefer this than having no protection.

With one step of the plan done. Zyro drag the slayed hound corpse away, Strip the some of the beast meat and hid them for later. Before continuing his venture into the woods towards the lake.

At the process, like before. Zyro stealthy made his way through maze like wilderness. Occasionally, Zyro would cought glimpses of eerie, midnight dwellers hunting for prey. Fortunately, differ the the eyeless hound, those monstrosities doesn't possess extremely potent tracking senses to notice him. Zyro didn't dare analyze those creatures visages, afraid of being cought. Furthermore, most of them were in their nest or asleep elsewhere. So Zyro's travel wasn't as problematic all the way to the lake.

Meticulously making sure the surroundings is safe, he carefully made his way out of the woods, into the clearing around the serene lake, it's clear tranquil waters reflecting the moons above.

However, his attention was cought by the sight of the enormous wall of fog, as if all the clouds had fallen. This is the nearest Zyro had seen the monumental ancient barrier that said to have stand there for thousands of years and was older than Grick - the known creator of Gricks. Or any other existing kingdom at present. No one knew how the circling cyclopean fog got there nor where it had come from. For all that tried venturing into the fog never return.

Lifting his head high to see the top, Zyro can't help but shivered at the view. And to think the gargantuan towering wall before him was merely a small section of the whole thing. Compared to it, the serene lake look like a tiny puddle.

Zyro shook his head and reclaimed focused. His goal here is to scout the drown starship state for further planning, or. If able, retrieve some supplies inside.

With extreme caution, he walk towards the water. Looking at it's clear surface, he saw his own reflection. He almost winced at the first glimpse of it. Zyro was surprised by how ghostly he look with a hood veiling his eyes, and ragged scarf masking his face lower halve.

He shrugged, and kneel down, took off his glove and gantlet, wanting to test the waters with his bare hands. It's better to be careful than dead after all. However, as soon as his fingers touch the chilling waters.

Zyro's eyes widened as he suppress his urge to scream in pain.