
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · Kỳ huyễn
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69 Chs

Chapter 33: The young Aster secret

Inside Pert's room. Zyro lay down with his back against that stone floor, tranquilly resting in peace. His not dead though, not yet. It would be a shame if he die at such a young age. Besides, although he had awaken the Alpha's rage. Likewise to others logic. Killing a slave is such a headache. Although, they're lowlifes to be treated as tools without argument. Such flexible servants are not cheap to come by. So, killing one will cause the killer to bear a sizable dept to the owner of the Mine. Cutting a huge chunk in the guard salary.

Besides, the gift of death is like putting your enemy to sleep. The Alpha doesn't have the heart to give that mercy and just break Zyro's arms for prolong suffering.

As a mine-slave obligated to heed the outrageous labor demand daily for scrap of molded breads to continue living their pitiful lives is already hellish enough. Now, with busted arms and not to mention the other factors increasing the difficulty. Zyro cannot find the right term to describe the graveness of his situation.

The already talentless slave was degraded once again. But not so much. Fortunately, the hateful man doesn't properly know how to snap arms. Zyro's bones were augmented by military grade modification. So it doesn't break easily. But it doesn't mean it can't be bended in a unnatural angle and dislocated. Which was exactly the guard had done.

Dislocated bones can be fixed as long as the ligaments holding it weren't severely ripped. Thankfully, Zyro's dominant arm - right. Ligament withstood. His left though wasn't that fortunate. Zyro was able to fix his right arm with Pert's help while enduring bone bending pain. Leaving him an arm to use atleast.

After an unknown amount of time, Zyro wearily opened his eyes. He had just recovered from the gruesome battle and the torment of relocating to his bone, it wasn't a pleasant experience.

His body hurt allover, his aching muscles refuse to move, his mind fogged, his vision blurry, his breathing slow and strained. But his will remain unbroken.

Zyro tried to raise his right arm. As he did, an abrupt sharp pang was felt in his elbow. As if a rock was stock between his bones, causing excruciating agony in every slight movement.

He sighed.

'this is troublesome'

Dozing off for a moment, finding nothing to do. He decided to continue the fantasy anime series his watching through his mental AI optical hallucination... There's nothing he could do anyway, but rest.

In general circumstances, a person in Zyro's state would have burst into tears of depression. However, Zyro had long learn that there's no point of being depressed and crying. It won't change anything. So why bother waste time. Zyro rather spend it to (study)

After a few hours, someone came in through the fabric door.

It was Pert.

"Oh, your awake. I bought you some water and bread. I traded what's left of your magic crystals just as you ask. It's already day, by the way." Said the kid with his usual smile. His left eye was swollen, cause by the Alpha's kick.

Zyro was silent for a moment, before replying in a weak and strained voice containing a mix of gratitude and regret.

"Sorry... and Thanks"

Thanks to the hours of rest, he was able to move his body to lean against the wall. And, although it hurt. His able to use his arm.

The two slowly eat their poor meal - bread and water. In the small stone room, a single little torch serving as light to aid their sight. Sometimes, Pert would tell awkward jokes, past happenings, another slave being blown up, rumors and many more. In effort to raise Zyro's mood that he assumed to be at destress state. Due to how unfocused Zyro's eyes had been since waking up. As if loss in a daydream.

In truth, Zyro was recording his every word in Aizra's database while continuing to watch an anime he've been completely submersed to.

However, when they're done eating. The kid became quiet for an unnatural amount of time, hesitating. In the end, he ask with genuine concern.

"A-are you okay?"

If it's a normal person who've undergone a tragic moment damaging his heart, mind and body. That question was a bit, personal and emotionally demanding to answer.

Zyro paused what his watching and look at Pert worried face for a moment.

"Yeah, I guess."

Hearing his calm words, Pert subconsciously continue.


Was it pity? Or emotional attraction for a stranger he barely knew. Zyro don't know nor understand. Something really is strange about this kid. Still, His concern is understandable. In Zyro's poor state, his life was already over. In fact, from the start of all. Zyro's black hair hinting how severely lacking his racial talent which actually are none is enough to doomed his future. In society, no woman, friend, job etc... will fully accept his inferiority. If look at different perspective, his lucky to be drooped as a slave in the mine where trashed people, rather similar to him dwell. Though, he might not live long considering all the risk. An average mine-slave survive a year.

Now, however. Due to the Alpha's brutality, his already lesser state decrease further. Placing him lower than average in the ranks of mere slaves.

It won't take a genius to predict how long he'll last. 1 month? 2? 3 is considered impossible, that's for sure.

Zyro sighed. Unbothered by the direness of his state of life. He already had a clear plan in mind to follow.

"I can stand and walk can't I? So don't worry, I'll live. Maybe even longer than you kid."

He confidently said, rendering the blonde youth speechless. Before chuckling, finding something, really, really funny in Zyro's words.

"If you say so then. But know that if your words turn out to be lies and die before me... I won't cry for you... I won't."

Zyro's lips curved, revealing a... unsightly smile.

"But I will surely remember that scary smile of yours. How do you even do that?"

He don't know either.

Zyro lightly chuckled. Thinking.

'Watch me... Just wait. I'll kill that mustard and all those who dare block my path. I'll show this world what real power is.'

Silence hang over them for a moment, not knowing what topic to talk about. Finally, Zyro leaned back and ask the question his curiosity had been urging to inquire.

"Say, Pert. Where had you hidden my things?"

When the Alpha searched Pert's small cave. He found nothing despite it's subnormal expanse, where things cannot be easily hidden. Let alone, a sizable sack of items. Yet, the kid manage to shroud his belongings from the alpha guard prying eyes.

If Zyro hadn't knew better. He would have thought Pert had done magic. However, due to him accidentally discovering the hidden compartment containing a seemingly harmless creature behind wooden bars and stone slab. It wasn't hard to figure where Pert put his belongings.

The question is. Why did Pert imprisoned that creature? what is that thing? Why do he have it? Zyro would be lying if he wasn't dying to know the answer all this time. But restrained his overflowing curiosity for the kid privacy sake. Secrets are things we rather not share nor forcefully know for it might offend it's keepers. Zyro doesn't have the heart to harm the kid in any way to quench his meaningless desires. Even more now after witnessing Pert sincere attempt to save him from harm despite the danger and futility of his actions. Ending in more losses. Still, it warm Zyro's heart to see that someone actually care for him.

The kid is probably the only one.

When Zyro said those words. No one spoke a word. He wasn't forcing Pert to answer honestly and reveal the secret his keeping behind the wall. The kid could lie or excuse, and Zyro won't chase the topic anymore. If Pert did, though. The least he could do was keep that revelations to himself. And, if within his capabilities. Perhaps aid the kid in the issue.

After almost a minute of silence. The kid finally opened his mouth.