
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · Kỳ huyễn
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69 Chs

Chapter 23: Night Stalkers

After knowing the danger of their job. His former energy weaken significantly, reduce to reluctant swinging. Slowing his progress by half.

'It's better than dead'

As Pert's explanation, The magic stones functions were quite simple. They're minerals formed of unknown reason, and varied from the lowest grade - red. To yellow, and green. Green being the rarest and highest valued. Pert said that according to his all-knowing father, there's a higher grade above that, but doesn't know what it is.

Anyway, moving to the exploding part of this stones. Once this stones were recklessly damaged, like being accidentally hit by miners tools. The higher the grade and size, the more powerful the explosion will be. In summary, it's like a highly compressed balloons in a form of a metallic crystal.

Of course, it's not that fragile. A red stone of the lowest rank are as tough as a iron. And the higher the grade, the tougher it become. That's also why, regardless of the risk of exploding, this stones are use as materials for coins, which is widely use as currency.

After a while, the two got out of the mine.

The veil of night had already descended upon the world, casting neverending shadow. Above the night sky, a crimson moon radiated with bloodlust light. Turning the dark night more frightening than ever, as if the word was cover in blood and darkness.

When Zyro saw this, his first thought was.

'did I finally lost it?...'

It was supposed to be blue, right? He could swear that it was blue. The vivid azure radiance he saw in that dreadful night of their scape still linger in his mind. And back then, his mind was relatively fine.

Not even waiting for Zyro to inquire, Pert explained.

"Ugh, I'm really tired of this. There are three moons. Zyro, Red, blue and pale white. Most times only one of them appeared, rarely together..."

Zyro simply ignored him and headed towards the trading table to exchange his spoils of labor. He couldn't care less about moons, when his stomach is growling.

After days deprived of food. He could finally get a decent amount of bread. Albeit, it taste like sh*t, it's better than nothing.

Lining up in the short chain of weary slaves, waiting for the trading table that seemingly, similar to a primitive receptionist. Showing the decency of the slaves management system.

Truth be told, Zyro have been expecting being slash by whips and neverending labor as a slave.

Back then, his been wondering why the proper treatment. Slaves are saleable beings after all, like tools to do the buyers beading. Free to use until it's broken. But now, he had his answers.

With the threat of mining magic stones, they're basically digging death. Slaves or not, the value of life remain. Most even kill to keep it. So, if unfair treatment were to surpass the line of decency.

Retaliation might emerge. They'll ganna die anyway, why not die fighting for better life? With the number of slaves being greater than guards. Even if the warriors were to restrained the lowlifes rampage. Lost of workers and profit will assault the owner, leading to bankruptcy. Hence, rebellion were to be avoided at all cost. Even if it means reducing profit by giving slaves some grace.

At the same time, redirecting their attention to working solely for greater spoil. Thus, if they're hungry, a mine slave can only blame their laziness. Instead of questioning the unfair treatment.

However, Zyro was not fooled.

Although the slave decent system look noble. It's nothing but flowery decorations to hide the ugly truth behind.

The trading look fair, but that's all there is to it.

Even without this system, they'll still work to their bone, risking their lives while praying luck's bless. And at the end of the day, still getting a insufficient molded bread to barely keep them living.

The only difference is that, the harder you work, the more you get... And, the less you live.

Sure, they can choose to not undergone arduous labor and laze around and the guard won't bother them. However, not working means hunger.

One of the most painful and slow death.

Thus, they have no choice.

Sometime later, after filling their stomach with fruits of their labor. The two headed back for a late night sleep.

On their way, numerous miners were still working tirelessly in hope to put something on their meager belly's. Some mine-guards were up, chatting or standing with a bored expression.

Seeing the weapon the mine guard held made Zyro confused.

All of them, even when facing the Gricks. Why did he not see even a single sword?

Swords are the most versatile and adaptable close range weapon. Capable of piercing, slashing, thrusting and defending. Why settled for axe, spears and bows?

Zyro leaned to Pert who's walking beside him and whispered.

"Hey brat, why don't they use a sword?"

"Didn't I tell you how much the Northern continent are despised?"

When Zyro was trying his best not to step on Pert. He inquire the kid about the Northern continent, curious of the place that use the human language. To his dismay, all knowledge of North are banned, let alone going there. The Southern Beast continent detest the Northern Swords so much, that even their signature weapon - Swords were banned. Treated as taboo by law that should never be broken.

Hinting how deep their grudge are. But what could make two continents loath each other so much?

It can be traced hundreds of years ago. Saying the people of North had sin that can never be forgiven. Starting a war that claim the life of the ancient rulers. Which is Grick, Argon, Aster and Helios. Eventually naming the race they once ruled.

Zyro didn't really care about history for it was all in the past.

However, the banned of sword bug him.

'This is problematic'

Not only was he trained using variety of guns. His also proficient in melee weapons and among all, he favor swords the most due to it's adaptability in combat. But with the laws forbidding, cutting the hands of those who disobey. Zyro could only settle with substitutes.

Joy bloom within Zyro's heart as he recall the retractable short blade of his. Buried in rubble not that far away.

'Just you wait' Zyro grinned.

"This is my place." Pert cut his thoughts.

Unknowingly, he had followed Pert all the way to his so-called home. Situation in a secluded part of the mine.

Looking at it, he saw a wall with a brown fabric clinging to its flat surface. Curtaining the entrance of his home, only reaching the height of Zyro's chest.

"Nice place you got there" Praised Zyro sincerely. But the lack of enthusiasm made it sound like sarcasm.

"Atleast I have one." Pert rolled his eyes and walk in.

'Back to being homeless again, I guess'

It's funny, after all he went through. Being homeless in earth, surviving Catalyst arrival, becoming a trooper and traversing the vast galaxy. And what, Homeless again.

Zyro walk away.

As slaves of the mine, they have the entire capacious cave all for themselves. They could rest anywhere in the comport of cold, uneven hard stones. They're even allowed to dig their own room like Pert or settle in prepared chambers such as the one Zyro woke up in.

However, he had other plans.

After walking through the tunnels for sometime, eventually reaching a isolated area.

Zyro took a turn before halting. Standing still, illuminated by the strange torches radiance form the sides.

Zyro listlessly yawned, before saying in a calm, and chilling voice.

"You guys ganna come out or what?"